Lost & Found

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Lost & Found Page 15

by Ashley John

  “Well that's a plan then,” Oliver jumped up and clapped his hands together, “shall we go up?”

  Charlie glanced over his shoulder at the apartment. The thought of spending another second in the place made his skin itch.

  “Actually, do you mind if we go on that walk? I need some fresh air?”

  “Ah yes. Fresh air. The rarest of things.”

  “Shut up,” Charlie muttered as he pulled the heavy door shut, before locking it with the old brass key.

  “Where are we going?” Oliver asked, stepping out onto the sidewalk.

  Charlie couldn't help but notice his toned and hairless calves in the tight blue shorts. He looked in either direction and realized he had no idea where he was going to go. He thought about heading down to the beach, but that felt a little too much like going to work.

  “What's there to do in this town?” Charlie asked, as they started to wander aimlessly down the street, passing friendly looking locals and lost looking tourists who seemed to take pictures of everything.

  “Well, you can watch the sea come in and go out, or – well, that's about it really,” Oliver laughed, kicking a can down the otherwise spotless path.

  Just as he was about to suggest they go to the beach after all, Claudia bounced down the street towards them in a tank top that left little to the imagination. She didn't have her little minions behind her today, but that only made her more threatening.

  “Oliver!” she cried as she ran over to him, tossing her abnormally long hair over her shoulder.

  “Hey Claudia,” Oliver said as Claudia pressed her large breasts against him in a tight hug.

  She glanced at Charlie but didn't bother asking for an introduction. She probably didn't even remember meeting him the first time around.

  “I'm so bummed you canceled on me when we were meant to hang out,” she said, pouting her lips.

  “Sorry about that,” Oliver said awkwardly, “something came up.”

  “Well we'll have to do it again soon,” she smiled, pulling her cellphone from her tight denim shorts to text one of her brain dead friends.

  “Actually Claudia, I'm kinda seeing someone,” Oliver said.

  Charlie's eyes shot wide open and he turned wide mouthed to Oliver.

  “Oh? Who is she?” she said, looking up from her phone.

  Oliver didn't say anything as Charlie waited for his response. He was as eager as Claudia to hear what he had to say.

  “Actually, it's a guy, and he's right next to me,” Oliver said calmly.

  She raised both of her perfectly drawn in eyebrows and looked Charlie up and down from his creased hooded jacket to his worn out shoes. As her eyes lingered on his pale face for a moment, she looked halfway between amused and offended.

  “I heard you swung both ways,” she giggled, “never thought it was true though. You certainly know your way around a woman.”

  “It was nice seeing you,” Oliver smiled politely and grabbed Charlie's hand and pulled him around Claudia.

  She gave Charlie another amused look before telling Oliver she'd see him around, it wasn't until they were halfway down the street that Charlie noticed Oliver was still clutching his hand. It felt so natural and nice, but the second he saw someone looking at them with confusion, he yanked it away and put it into his pocket.

  “No one's looking,” Oliver laughed.

  Charlie thought back to Alaska. He'd held Melissa's hand in public many times and they'd even sit around kissing in front of people.

  “I just feel weird about it,” Charlie mumbled, “what if my mom sees.”

  “So?” Oliver laughed again, “She's not going to care.”

  Charlie knew he was right, but it was still hard to think about telling her. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to find out your child was a totally different person than who you thought they were.

  “Poppy asked me something the other day,” Charlie started, “she asked if we were boyfriends.”

  “Are we?” Oliver asked, with a smirk on his face.

  “I don't know,” Charlie sighed, “it feels weird to say it.”

  “You said you were mine. Isn't that the same thing?”

  Charlie thought for a second and realized he was more concerned about the label, rather than what it actually meant.

  “I guess it's the same.”

  “So we're boyfriends then?” Oliver asked.

  “I guess so,” Charlie said, rubbing the sweat from his forehead.

  Oliver darted in and kissed Charlie on the cheek. Standing in shock, it took Charlie a moment to glance up and down the street to see if everybody saw, but people either didn't care or they didn't notice.

  “Sorry,” Oliver mumbled giddily, “I couldn't help myself.”

  “Do it again,” Charlie said.

  “Do what again?” Oliver looked puzzled.

  “Kiss me again,” Charlie said, “properly this time.”

  When their lips met, time seemed to stand still as they locked sweetly and passionately together. Charlie could still taste the minty toothpaste on Oliver's breath and when he smiled through the touching of their lips, Charlie smiled back. When they pulled away, he rested his forehead against Oliver's, he could feel the eyes of everyone in the street watching the very public display of affection, but he found himself not caring. As they stared at each other smiling shyly, Charlie could feel the tingling on his lips as his chest tightened.

  I just kissed my boyfriend in public.

  Raising his hand slowly, Oliver rubbed his tight muscled arm and raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly to the side.

  “Do you fancy going for a walk?” Oliver asked.

  “Lead the way,” Charlie beamed, sliding his fingers tenderly into his new boyfriend's hand.

  I have a boyfriend. A fucking boyfriend.


  “When you asked me if I fancied a walk, I didn't think you meant we'd be going trekking,” Charlie called from behind.

  “It's fun!” Oliver cried as he jumped over a fallen tree log, “Be at one with nature!”

  “This is fun? I have twigs in places that I never thought could get twigs,” Charlie moaned, “where are we going anyway?”

  Oliver knew exactly where they were going. It was a place he'd only visited a few times on walks he'd taken, but it was a place of true beauty and serenity.

  “There's a waterfall up ahead,” Oliver called as he pushed through the hanging tree branches, “it's stunning.”

  “Do you work for Surf Bay's tourist board?” Charlie cried, “You seem to have the hook up on the 'stunning' places”

  “I'm just an explorer,” Oliver laughed.

  “Okay Dora.”

  “Oi,” Oliver glanced over his shoulder, “I'm so much cuter than Dora.”

  “I don't know,” Charlie cried, “I think you'd look cute in a pink shirt with a backpack.”

  The sun shone brightly through the overgrown tree tops, casting bright beams of light around the forest. Insects and flies buzzed around their heads, darting from each beam of light effortlessly managing to avoid making contact with the two teenagers invading their habitat.

  “What's wrong with going for a nice stroll down the beach?” Charlie cried.

  “Because we see the beach every day! How often do you get to do this?”

  “I can honestly say this is the first time,” Charlie sighed.

  Oliver knew they were only a few steps away from what he wanted to show Charlie.

  When he sees it, he'll shut up.

  He climbed over another fallen tree and ran down the sloping bank as the sound of rushing water filled his ears. Stopping on the ledge, he stared out at the great expanse of glittering clear water in front of him. The forest was set at the bottom of the large white cliff that overlooked Surf Bay, and water cascaded down the side of it from a spring. The noise of the water hitting the calm water below echoed throughout the forest, sending goosebumps running up and down Oliver's arms.

Charlie sighed.

  “Told you.”

  “What is this place?” Charlie gasped.

  “Heaven,” Oliver cried as he pulled his socks and shoes off.

  Charlie laughed nervously and backed off as Oliver stripped down to nothing but his tight, pink briefs.

  “Why are you getting naked?” Charlie mumbled as Oliver tugged at the waistband and pealed them down his smooth legs.

  “Did you think I'd bring you somewhere like this and not take a dip?” Oliver cried, before taking a large stride back and running off the ledge and into the cool water below.

  The water hit his skin, and the heat melted away. It was so clear, he could see a small school of fish swimming through his kicking feet.

  “You're crazy!” Charlie cried, “I'm not coming in there!”

  “Stop being so boring all of your life!” Oliver laughed, splashing his hands heavily on the surface of the water, “get your fucking clothes off.”

  “This is pure peer pressure!” Charlie sighed as he kicked his tattered shoes off.

  “And the rest,” Oliver winked, watching carefully.

  Oliver quickly wiped the water from his eyes and watched as Charlie awkwardly pulled his socks off with one hand. He then watched as Charlie undid the buttons on his jeans and kick them off. The hooded jacket came off and the t-shirt followed, leaving him standing on the bank in nothing more than a pair of white y-fronts.

  “The view here really is beautiful,” Oliver teased, splashing water in Charlie's direction, “now take off your pants.”

  “What if someone comes,” Charlie said, looking around the dense forest.

  “Hardly anybody knows about this place you pussy. C'mon, get your cock out!”

  Charlie's hand disappeared down his front and with his free hand he yanked off the y-fronts, kicking them onto his pile of clothes.

  “It's freezing!” Charlie cried as he dipped a toe in the water.

  “Jump!” Oliver cried.

  “Give me a second,” Charlie snapped, dipping his toe in again as he cupped his cock with his hand.

  Oliver didn't think it was a good idea to tell Charlie that he didn't need to bother hiding his modesty. I've seen it, and it's been in my mouth.

  “Just jump!” Oliver shouted, splashing water again.

  “Hold on,” Charlie screamed hysterically through gritted teeth, dipping the front of his foot into the water.

  As if in slow motion, Charlie rocked forwards and a look of pure terror spread across his face as he threw his hands into the air as his body turned and headed towards the water. His hands tried to grab onto the air to stop the fall, but he landed down next to Oliver with a satisfying splash.

  “Oh my god, I wish I had a camera!” Oliver cried, not able to hold back the laughter as Charlie burst through the water’s surface, gasping for air.

  “That was your fault!” Charlie cried, splashing Oliver with water.

  “How so?” Oliver splashed water back.

  “You rushed me!”

  “I've seen 70 year olds get into the water quicker than you. And anyway, you can't blame me it was gravity's fault.”

  Charlie pouted his lips and glared at Oliver out of the corner of his eyes which only made him laugh even more.

  “Isn't it nice though?” Oliver sighed gently as he lay on his back and kicked his legs.

  “I guess,” Charlie admitted reluctantly, joining Oliver on his back, but kicking his legs less gracefully.

  “You're going to scare all the fish away.”

  “Fish?” Charlie cried, flailing around in the water, thrashing his arms.

  “I said fish! Not sharks,” Oliver laughed.

  Leaving Charlie to struggle with the concept that fish didn't have teeth, he swam over to the cascading waterfall and through it, letting the water pound down on his face and shoulders. From experience, Oliver knew that there was a tiny ledge on the side of the cliff up the waterfall. Gripping onto the wet surface on the cliff, Oliver found his footing and scaled his way up, with the spray from the waterfall bouncing coolly on his back. When he reached the small ledge, he hugged the cliff and stood for a second, listening to the echoing of the rushing water bounce off the smooth rock. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, bent his knees and launched himself backwards off the cliff. In mid-air, he flipped, tucked his legs and landed like a cannonball next to Charlie.

  “What the hell did you just do?” Charlie gasped, “You launched out of that damn waterfall. You're such a show off!”

  Emerging out of the water in front of Charlie, he couldn't help but smile at the boy sat in front of him looking shocked and impressed at the same time. Delicately, the sun shone brightly onto the surface of the water, which reflected off Charlie's skin like glittering diamonds.

  “I just want to impress my boyfriend,” Oliver whispered, rubbing the water from his eyes.

  “You don't need to impress me,” Charlie smiled, “you have me now.”

  “Maybe I just like showing off then.”


  Gently, Oliver leaned in and closed his eyes, planting his lips softly on Charlie's. Charlie pulled away from the kiss and grabbed the back of Oliver's wet hair, pulling him in slightly.

  “I'm ready,” Charlie whispered deeply.

  "Ready for what?" Oliver asked, pulling his face back in confusion.

  "What do you think?" Charlie smiled sweetly, biting the corner of his lip shakily.

  The blood quickly rushed below Oliver's waist and he swam to the water’s edge and jumped out faster than he'd jumped in. He was already pulling his socks and shorts on before Charlie had even swum to the edge.

  “Aren't you wet under there?” Charlie asked, pulling himself out of the water with his arms.

  “I don't care,” Oliver laughed, “I'm getting you back to mine before you change your mind.”

  Oliver's heart was fluttering in his chest as he watched Charlie pull the clothes over his damp skin. He'd never felt so excited at the thought of sex before. He'd never felt so involved and so passionate.

  He knew whatever they were going to do back at his house wouldn't just be sex, it would be so much more than that.


  r 18

  As Charlie followed Oliver up the grand staircase towards the bedroom, he didn't notice the white marble or the chandelier that had impressed him so much the first time around. Instead, he was staring at Oliver's heels as his stomach twisted and turned. He felt tight hands wrap around his throat, making it hard to breathe and the sound of his heart slamming against his chest was making it hard for him to hear a thing.

  “Do you want to have a shower or something?” Oliver asked.

  “What?” Charlie mumbled.

  “A shower? To get cleaned up.”

  He could tell he was trying his best to be soothing and calm, but Charlie couldn't control the squirming inside.

  “Sure,” Charlie smiled shakily.

  Oliver showed him how to use the walk-in shower in the en-suite bathroom in the corner of his bedroom and left him alone to stare at his reflection in the mirror that covered the entire wall. He noticed his hair had started to curl at the edges from the air drying and his skin looked more pale than usual.

  “It's going to be okay,” Charlie told himself in the mirror.

  Leaning against the marble counter, he closed his eyes and took a long and deep breath as he tried to collect his scattered thoughts.

  You want this Charlie. This was your idea.

  “It's now or never,” he said to himself as he started to undo the buttons on his jeans.

  When he emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist, the sight that met him nearly knocked him backwards. Oliver was sat on the edge of the bed in partial darkness. The heavy curtains had been drawn and flickering candles dotted around the room provided the only light.

  As he stared at Oliver in the shadowy light, he knew he was doing the right thing. Clutching the towel tightly around his waist,
his foot tapped gently to disguise the shaking that was threatening to take over his body.

  Oliver pressed a button on a remote control that he was clutching and soft music started to play from every direction.

  “What's all this,” Charlie laughed nervously.

  Oliver stood up and walked slowly over to him, not breaking the eye contact. Charlie could feel himself wanting to back into the bathroom and lock the door behind him.

  “I wanted it to be special,” Oliver whispered, reaching his hand out and grabbing Charlie's.

  Charlie let Oliver lead him over to the bed and when he felt the towel loosening from around his waist, he let it cascade to the ground.

  When they reached the bed, Oliver dropped Charlie's hands and looked deeply into him. The flickering candle light danced playfully in the reflection of his hazel eyes. He pulled the still damp vest off, to reveal his washboard abs and impeccable chest. Soon, the shorts and the underwear were gone, leaving them standing face to face at the foot of the bed with nothing between them but their heavy breaths.

  “Are you ready?” Oliver whispered, softly stroking the side of Charlie's cheek.

  He let his hand caress his cheek and closed his eyes. Without saying anything, he nodded his head and leaned closer into Oliver's touch. The fingertips tightened on his cheeks and pulled him into a delicate kiss. When they collapsed onto to the bed, their naked bodies connected. Charlie knew it was what he wanted. Somehow, deep down, it's what he'd wanted from the first moment he'd seen Oliver.

  Under the weight of Oliver, Charlie's excitement grew as he craved for Oliver's fingers to touch him, to release him of the tension, but his hands weren't leaving his face.

  “Don't worry, I'll go slowly,” Oliver whispered soothingly in Charlie's ear, kissing his neck in between the words.

  The craving deep inside Charlie didn't want Oliver to go slow. It wanted him to take him and make him feel things he'd never felt before. Oliver's fingers brushed gently down Charlie's body, lingering at his hips as Charlie could feel Oliver's warm breath on his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

  Breathe Charlie.

  Oliver's fingers eased between their bodies, tentatively running them up and down Charlie's hardening penis, eliciting a soft moan from the virginal teen. Oliver's kisses followed the contours of Charlie's neck and found their way to his chest. When Oliver's tongue started to explore Charlie's nipple, he threw his head back into the pillow as he experienced a pleasure he'd never encountered before.


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