Dimitri (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 6)

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Dimitri (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 6) Page 15

by Kym Grosso

  “It was once,” Dimitri said, filling in the pieces of the puzzle. He’d just about had his fill of lies. He refused to pretend that he was anything but what he was. There was no shame in what he’d done with Logan and Wynter. She’d suffered terribly during her transition. Sexually heightened, they’d asked for his help and he’d been glad to oblige. “Logan and Wynter.”

  “You were with your Alpha’s mate? Had sex with her?” Gillian attempted to hide her shock.

  “Yes, but I wasn’t alone. I was there to help Logan and Wynter get through her transition. She was hybrid and had just learned to become a wolf. Wynter almost died soon after. A vampire…he’d nearly drained her.”


  “No, no, no. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Leo’s a lethal son-of-a bitch, but he’s my boy.”

  “You’re close?”

  “Yeah, we’re tight. He’ll be at the party, too.”

  “Does he know…about us?”

  “No, but he will in about an hour or so.”

  “Are you sure we’re doing the right thing? Lying about our relationship? Maybe Chaz would have come anyway.”

  “It would have taken too long. We need him to come to us. He’s going to want to stop our mating.”

  “We should have killed him in California.” It felt strange to openly acknowledge that they were luring him to his death. But Chaz gave her no option. Kill or be killed.

  “Perhaps, but my place is here with my wolves. Had you been well, you would have done it yourself. Chaz had a chance to let this all go but when he sent his guys to New York, he signed his own death warrant. Aside from me wanting to kill him, Jax and Logan will mete out justice.”

  Gillian knew what he said to be true. Jax had already killed in front of her. The brutality had been shocking, yet there was no other acceptable solution. Pack law dictated the outcome.

  Dimitri took her hand in his, and his burning touch reminded her of the spectacular day they’d spent together. She brought her fingers to her lips, recalling the feel, the taste of him. A shiver rolled over her as she thought of how they’d made love on the plane, the incredible ecstasy he’d brought to her world. Restraint was a skill she had practiced ever since she’d first learned to shift. Yet staying away from Dimitri had been nothing short of exhausting.

  She’d been willing to dismiss the sex as nothing more than a physical attraction. However, hours of talking and laughing had led to a deep burning need, one that she’d have difficulty denying tonight.

  She glanced down to her dress that fit like a glove. Dimitri had taken care of every last detail, down to her strappy heels. At one time in her life a hot pair of shoes would have been enough to make her day, but now, the only thing that mattered was the wolf consuming her thoughts.

  “Thank you.” She smiled.

  “For what?”

  “Today. The parade. Everything.”

  “Ah, darlin’. No need to thank me, and for the record, I haven’t nearly finished showing you everything.” He winked. “You just wait.”

  Gillian laughed softly, but was certain that he meant what he said. Like a knife, his words sliced through her reservations. Would she sacrifice her tiger in order to experience love? It terrified her. It thrilled her. Gillian had no idea what it felt like to know that someone was her mate, but if she could choose anyone, it’d be the wolf holding her hand.

  Gillian took a deep breath, counting to ten. Like an actress, she plastered a smile on her face, attempting to regulate her breathing so that no one would detect her consternation. Never in her life had she been around so many wolves. She scanned the ballroom, observing the crowd engaged in lively conversation, dancing and drinking as if they hadn’t a care in the world. Both males and females wore masks, dressed up for the lavish affair.

  Allowing Dimitri to lead her through the mass of celebrating partygoers, she glided across the floor. She nodded to Jake, who was already dancing with a pretty blonde. People passed and greeted her as if they’d known her all her life. It was as if she’d stepped into an alternate universe. They all looked human in their dresses, suits and ties. But it was an illusion. The hum of magic and nature buzzed in the air along with the zydeco waltz.

  Gillian held tight to Dimitri’s hand as an imposing gentleman approached. Though he was not as tall as Dimitri, Gillian immediately registered the power emanating from him. Wolf. Alpha. Instinctively, she lowered her eyes. The shock of her submission startled her as it was the first time she’d felt compelled to honor an Alpha.

  “Hey man, how are you?” Dimitri greeted him, intrigued by Gillian’s gaze.

  “D, I’m glad you’re back. Introduce me,” Logan told him.

  “Gilly, this is Logan, our fearless leader. Alpha, meet Gilly.”

  “Nice to meet you, Gilly. Can I get you a drink?” he asked, signaling to a server. Flutes of champagne were swiftly brought over on a silver tray. Handing her a glass, he gave Dimitri a knowing grin.

  “Thank you. Nice to meet you,” Gillian managed. She tried to remember how nervous she’d been meeting some of the most famous subjects that she’d photographed. Holding tight to a thread of calm, she smiled up at him.

  “It’s I who should be thanking you. I hear you saved my beta.”

  “He saved me right back. We’re even.” She glanced at Dimitri and back to Logan. “Thanks for helping me. I’m sorry I’ve brought danger to your pack.”

  “Don’t give it another thought. I’m looking forward to some payback for what they did to D.”

  Gillian was about to tell him how incredible Dimitri had been when he saved her, but was interrupted by a pretty woman who’d wrapped her arms around the Alpha’s waist. He laughed, bringing his lips to hers. Dimitri smiled at Gillian in understanding; this was Logan’s mate. Logan laughed, and broke the kiss with her, and Gillian swore she saw him blush.

  “Dimitri,” Wynter squealed. Breaking free of her Alpha’s arms, she gave Dimitri a quick hug and kiss. Within seconds, she was back in Logan’s embrace.

  “Hi there. I’m Wynter,” Wynter said, reaching for Gillian’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Hello,” Gillian replied, returning her greeting with caution. This was the woman who’d made love to Dimitri. Intellectually, Gillian knew Wynter was mated, yet the idea of Dimitri deep inside another turned her stomach.

  “Sorry I’m late. I was busy with our baby girl. This is the first time we’ve left her with a sitter.”

  “A baby?” Gillian asked.

  “Ava. We just adopted her. I’m afraid we won’t be staying all night.”

  “How old is she?”

  “Four months,” Logan answered. “Sweetheart, do you mind if I get a minute with D? Just need to catch up on a few things.”

  “Sure thing, baby,” Wynter agreed, giving him a kiss. She smiled at Gillian. “Gilly, would you mind going to the ladies’ room with me? I was in such a rush to get out of the house that I didn’t have a chance to check my dress. I think I might have a spot of formula on it.”

  “Sure,” Gillian agreed. She gave Dimitri a nod, leery of wandering off on her own in a room full of shifters.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep her safe,” Wynter told Dimitri with a wink. “Promise not to steal her for too long.”

  Wynter launched into a story about her daughter, and Gillian forced herself to let go of her jealousy, deciding that whatever had happened was truly in the past. As their conversation progressed, she wondered if the Alpha had told his mate the truth about the sham they were perpetrating. Or like everyone else at the party, was Wynter under the impression that she really was Dimitri’s mate? Gillian knew it would only be a matter of time before they all found out she was a fake. If they got close enough, they’d know she wasn’t a wolf. She couldn’t imagine the animosity they’d feel knowing they had been lied to, and guilt gnawed at her.

  With talk of babies, Gillian unconsciously held her hand to her belly and thought of how she’d like to have children of her own s
omeday. Most days, she put it to the back of her mind. Her career had allowed her to do so. Mating itself seemed like wishful thinking. To be pregnant with a child of the man she loved seemed like an impossibility of extraordinary proportions.

  “I know that you’re pretending to be mates to draw out Chaz, but you’re telling me that she’s your mate, as in for real?” the Alpha asked, amused with his friend’s misery. It wasn’t that he didn’t love him like a brother, but karma was a bitch. Dimitri had made fun of him, enjoying every last drip of angst Logan went through when he’d found his mate, so turnabout was fair play.

  “You betcha,” Dimitri said, taking a sip of his whisky. He watched Gillian across the room. Dressed in a slinky red number, she threw her head back, giggling at something Wynter had said. Her amber eyes flickered behind her delicate black metal mask. “Look at her.”

  “She’s sexy, isn’t she?” Logan answered.

  “My mate, not yours.”

  “Ah yes, she’s beautiful as well. But what are you going to do with a cat? I think it’s ironic you had a laugh riot over me adopting a kitten and now you’re gonna mate with one.” Logan laughed and slapped Dimitri on his shoulder.

  Dimitri waved to his friend, Léopold Devereoux, who crossed the room.

  “Here comes trouble,” Logan commented.

  “Bonne soirée, mes amis,” Léopold greeted them.

  “How’s it going? Where’s your better half?” Dimitri asked.

  “Mon amour is on her way over from Kade’s house,” he said, referring to Kade Issacson, who led the New Orleans vampires. Léopold was his sire, and unfortunately, Kade’s fiancée, Sydney, had been turned vampire, in a tragic accident involving a demon. “Sydney isn’t doing so well, I’m afraid. Laryssa feels responsible. The girls have been taking turns, visiting.”

  “Sydney’s seeing visitors? That’s progress,” Dimitri noted.

  “Perhaps. But she’s not speaking to anyone. Laryssa goes anyway. Sits with her. Reads to her. I’m not sure she’s going to survive the transition. Of course, I haven’t mentioned it to Kade. There’s no stronger medicine than hope.”

  “Sorry to hear that, Leo.”

  “Not to change the subject, but did you tell him?” Logan asked.

  “No, I did not.” Dimitri glared at his Alpha, who was delighting in his predicament entirely too much.

  “Our beta here’s got himself a problem.”

  “He does?” Léopold mused, trying to read Dimitri’s face.

  “Part of being an Alpha is knowin’ when to ask an expert. Leo’s older than both of us tenfold. Perhaps he’s got a solution for your problem,” Logan suggested.

  Léopold studied his friend, noting how Dimitri kept his eyes on an attractive redhead at the bar. Listening to his pulse race when she stole a glance at him, he smiled.

  “Now this is interesting…a mate for our beta.”

  “How do you do that? It’s creepy, ya know,” Dimitri remarked to Léopold. “My Alpha’s been ‘round me since I’ve been a babe. But you…what’s your secret?”

  “And look at her eyes…well, now, that is surprising. A lion? Leopard, maybe?” he asked.

  “Tiger,” Logan corrected.

  “Yep,” Dimitri sighed. “She’s my mate. But we’ve got issues.”

  “Does she even know?” Léopold asked.

  “What do you think?”

  “I’ve heard of this happening before. A hybrid, I assume. Her tiger’s a rare breed. Maljavan would be my guess.”

  “Are you making this shit up?” Logan asked with a chuckle.

  “Her eyes. Like a cat’s. It’s a trait of her species. She can mate with a wolf, but she could lose her ability to shift. Like Sydney’s transition to vampire, her cat may not survive. May I ask, she’s hybrid, but her mother, was she full tiger or hybrid as well?”

  “I’m pretty sure that her mother was hybrid. Her father was an Alpha,” Dimitri replied.

  “Here comes the punch line,” Logan warned, waiting on Léopold’s reaction to the next tidbit of information.

  “Her brother is Jax Chandler.” Dimitri took a deep draw of the amber liquid in his glass and exhaled. “Gilly said her mom lost the ability to shift after she mated. But Jax thinks she denied her wolf and that’s why she can’t shift. I haven’t met her, so I’m not sure.”

  “Jax’s father’s been dead for a while. Jax and I became friends when he took over several years ago. But he never mentioned a sister,” Léopold commented.

  “Family secrets run deep, I guess. After what went down in San Diego, she went to him for help.”

  “Any news on Chaz Baldwin?” Léopold inquired.

  “He’s not in NOLA,” Logan replied.

  “Yet. It’s just a matter of time,” Dimitri said.

  “If you mate with her, he can’t have her,” Léopold told him.

  “If is the optimal word in that sentence. And even if I manage that, he’s still comin’ for her. What I don’t get is why he wants her so badly. Why would an Alpha force a mating on someone who wasn’t all wolf?”

  “It’s rumored that she’ll give a gift to the one who mates her,” Léopold speculated.


  “A gift,” he repeated. “Not sure what it is, but it appears it’s worth killing for. Jax’s father probably knew. Therefore Jax knows. And your pretty little pussy cat, mais oui, she definitely knows.”

  “She didn’t say anything,” Dimitri grumbled.

  “Secrets, secrets…we all have them. Do not judge her harshly, my friend. She’s vulnerable,” Léopold said, touching his shoulder. A shiver ran through him, and he grimaced.

  “There’s got to be a way to mate without killing her cat…I can’t do that to her.”

  “Perhaps. Jax is a wise leader. It’s very likely that if she’s half wolf, her wolf will emerge. If she can go to wolf, then maybe she can also call on her cat. I imagine the transition is similar to Sydney’s in that you have to want it to happen. The mind is a powerful influence. You both know this.”

  “I guess that gives me something to work with.” Dimitri’s lips tightened as he caught sight of a man watching Gillian.

  “Now that we have that settled, let’s discuss what in the hell’s wrong with you. Does he know?” Léopold pinned his eyes on Dimitri, his tone growing serious.

  Perpetrating deceit bored a hole in Dimitri’s chest. It was time to share the truth.

  “I won’t ask how you knew…it’s only been a few days since I saw the witch.” Dimitri took a deep breath and blew it out. “My wolf. Something’s still got a hold of me. Ilsbeth gave me this tonic. But it’s not enough. Strange part is that when I’ve been with Gilly, I felt a little better. You know she healed me.”

  “She does have gifts,” Léopold observed.

  “For real. I was near death on that beach. My wolf wouldn’t surface,” he recalled. “But the witch. She wants me to move in with her.”

  “What the fuck?” Logan blurted out.

  “Yeah, that’s about it. I told her no, of course, but she kissed me. And ya know, she was already pissed that I wouldn’t date her anymore. She’s still holding a grudge. Not sure how the news of my mating’s goin’ to fly.”

  “I imagine she’ll continue to be put out, but she won’t hurt you,” Léopold assured him.

  “I’m not so sure about that. You and I both know she’s one scary bitch. Gorgeous, but scary.”

  “That she is, mon ami, but she will find a way to fix you.”

  “Leo’s right, D. Ilsbeth knows full well she’s not your mate. She may be bitter but she’s not stupid. If she wants the symbiotic relationship between the vamps, wolves and witches to continue, she’s gotta get over it. It’s the only way. In the meantime, I suggest you talk with your woman about you know…your mating status,” Logan suggested with a wicked grin.

  “Really? Hello, Logan. Pot meet kettle. I recall you marking your mate without even telling her. How soon we forget,” Dimitri snorted.
r />   “Oh, I don’t forget. It was a little difficult.” Logan smiled. “But hey, it all worked out just fine.”

  “Okay, must be nice rewriting history.”

  “Ah, I do enjoy a spirited debate,” Léopold chuckled. “But in the interest of time, because my sweet Laryssa’s going to be here soon, let’s just all agree that you’ll tell her. I understand you don’t want to kill her tiger, but I’m going to side with Jax on this one. If she wants to shift after the mating, she’ll do it as a wolf. It’s hard to tell from this distance but she seems made of strong stock. You must engage in preparation to make it happen.”

  “Jesus, Leo, you make it sound so clinical. Holy shit, this sucks,” Dimitri huffed.

  “Life has not promised us easy, only love.”

  “I love it when he goes all philosophical on us,” Logan commented.

  “He’s almost as old as Socrates,” Dimitri joked.

  “Hardly. You’re off by a thousand years,” Léopold sniffed, grabbing a flute off a passing waiter’s tray. “Speaking of ancient, I do believe the witch has arrived.”

  All eyes turned to the petite woman whose customarily blonde hair had been dyed turquoise. Her stunning appearance captured the attention of everyone in the room, her emerald-green velvet dress trailing several feet behind her. Smiling as if she were the queen of New Orleans, her face drew tight as she caught sight of Dimitri.

  Gillian found the Alpha’s mate, Wynter, welcoming, introducing her to members of the pack. But she felt disingenuous pretending that she belonged to Dimitri. Sooner or later, they’d suspect the truth. Animals were not easily deceived. Yet as she met one wolf after the other, she grew certain about her feelings for the beta. She might not be his true mate, but she wanted to be.

  She blinked over to Dimitri who smiled at her. He talked with his friends, while he protectively watched her from a distance. She smoothed down the fabric of her dress, taking in the sight of her stylish wolf. He wore black dress pants, his white dress shirt unbuttoned so that she could see a hint of the tattoos on his chest. His black leather mask did little to hide the fire in his eyes.


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