(Skeleton Key) Game Master

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(Skeleton Key) Game Master Page 7

by Scarlett Dawn

  He stared. “They aren’t for bathing?”


  His head tipped back in disgust, peering down into the water turning white. “I may need another bathtub.”

  I threw my hands into the air and walked back out of my room. I was too tired for the frog’s ego. It would be quieter in Lucifer’s room.

  As long as he didn’t snore too badly.

  I stood outside Lucifer’s door and knocked.

  “One second,” he called.

  I rested a shoulder against the doorframe.

  He was closer when he asked, “Who is it?”

  “Arizona.” I yawned.

  The door opened.

  “I was just getting ready to take a bath.”

  Yeah, he was.

  Lucifer stood with a towel wrapped around his waist. He held it together with just his left fist. The rest of his body was bare. His toes were even perfect.

  I stared, my eyes running down all of his hard muscles on display. My mouth bobbed. I couldn’t speak as a flush burned my cheeks. My soul partner was built like a dream.

  His lips curved up on one side, and he rested his shoulder on the doorframe right in front of me. Our bodies were mere inches apart. The heat from his skin brushed mine, warming my body even further.

  He chuckled quietly. “Hello.”

  I blinked—more than a few times. “Hi.”

  He tipped his head and rested the side of it on the doorframe. His blue gaze quietly observed, his eyes flicking back and forth between mine. “Is there something you need?”

  I swallowed on a dry throat. “I wanted to stay in your room for a while. Except baths seem to be popular right now. Kingsley was taking one, too.”

  He hummed softly in his throat and leaned his head closer to mine. His voice dropped an octave, and his words were gently stated. “You can still come in.” He didn’t look away from me. “If you want.”

  It was an offer. To join him, in all ways.

  He’d given it once before.

  When I had first moved in with him years ago.

  I closed my mouth and gazed back.

  His blond brows quirked ever so slightly when I didn’t immediately turn him down—as I had done before. He took a step closer, dragging his bare shoulder along the doorframe. Only an inch separated us now. He lifted his free hand and ran his fingers down my arm, starting from my elbow and descending to my hand. His warm fingers played with mine with a delicate touch.

  He whispered, “Are you finally ready to accept me?”

  I gazed into the most beautiful blue eyes. “Why would you want to change what we have?” I still didn’t take my hand back, allowing his fingers to toy with mine.

  “Because that’s not all I want. You know that.”

  I inhaled a small breath and scented him. Sweat from fighting and his enticing cologne. My brows furrowed just a little, worry fluttering in my stomach. “What if it’s too much for me?”

  “Am I too much for you now?”

  “No, but that’s different.”

  “It is. And it isn’t.” He took another step forward and pressed his body against my front.

  We fit. We always had.

  “It’s time to accept this is where you belong, Arizona.” He held my fingers tighter and lifted my hand, maneuvering my arm so it wrapped around his waist. Only when I didn’t pull my arm away did he let go. His arm slipped around my hip, and his palm landed at the small of my back. He whispered, “Here. In this realm. With me.”

  I breathed in heavy pants, my chest lowering and falling against his body. “I want you.”

  “I know,” he whispered. His hand pressed against my back, pushing my soft curves against his unyielding body. “And I’m tired of waiting.”

  My heart broke a little. I hadn’t meant to hurt him. I hadn’t been ready for this before. I was in the clutches of my father’s death and only eighteen-years-old. I wasn’t that same girl any longer.

  I nodded my head. “Okay.”

  His eyes softened, less guarded. “I won’t hurt you, honey. You’re the one for me. I’ll cherish you forever.”

  I licked my lips and grinned. “I know.”

  The blue of his eyes was captivating. “You’re really ready for this? To be us, but a different us?”

  “I said yes. I meant it.” I nodded and tested running my fingers over his skin. It was heated and smooth against the pads of my fingers. “I know you’re the one for me. My partner. The other half of my soul.”

  As he stared down at me, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes turned fierce on mine. “You’re mine.”

  I lifted my brows. “And you’re mine.”

  He groaned quietly, lifting his hand and resting it on my cheek. “Fuck, it’s about time.”

  My eyes crinkled in humor.

  Then his mouth landed on mine, all my mirth fleeing as a new tide of emotions conquered my mind. His lips ran over mine, and his fingers pressed against my cheek. He released his towel, uncaring we were standing where anyone could see us, and his other arm wrapped around my waist.

  This was the way a man kisses a woman he loves.

  No act. No playing.

  He wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

  I lifted my arms to wrap them tightly around his neck and kissed him back for the first time ever.

  He groaned loudly in his chest, and he pulled me even tighter against him. Our mouths ran amok in furious glides. Heat and passion jolted through me, and I parted my lips for him, our tongues meeting in a dueling sensual battle of need.

  Both us moaned with it.

  His arm tightened around me and pulled me inside his room. The sweetest lips never left mine even as he slammed the door closed behind us and locked the door. He walked me backward, his hands running up and down my back with greed, erotic hunger fueling our movements. He still hadn’t stopped kissing me.

  I hoped he never would.

  He laid me back on his bed in a demanding rush.

  I mumbled against his lips. “Wait. Wait. We don’t have any protection—”

  “I don’t care,” he rumbled deeply, his tongue diving in to meet mine. I gasped when his mouth left my lips. But he only leaned back to quickly began to undress me. “If I get you pregnant the first time we have sex, then it’s meant to be.”

  My eyes widened, even as I lifted my hips up to help him remove my pants. “I want to be in the Guard. Not pregnant.”

  “Pregnancy only lasts nine months, and we already have two kids.” He tossed my pants onto the floor. In a matter of seconds, I was completely nude beneath him. My flesh, all of my flesh, rubbed against his heated skin, both of us utterly naked. “It’ll make our family that much bigger to love.”

  My conscience didn’t even blink. My skin was on fire against his. However, my eyes softened, holding all the love I had for him—for our family. “All right. Just one time.”

  “Thank the kingdom,” he growled quietly. His generous lips spanned over mine in desired strokes, his blond hair gliding across my cheeks. The palm of his hand cupped one of my breasts. He moaned quietly, squeezing as I arched up against his touch.

  His legs slid between mine, roughly spreading my legs. Warmth flooded my gut as he dominated me. He pressed his hard cock against my core, grinding his length in the wetness he found there.

  I shouted against his lips as he started rocking his hips against me in heated strokes, his cock sliding deliciously. I trembled under him as he dipped his head, sucking at my neck, kissing and nibbling. Lifting a bit, his other hand slid between us, gliding down between my thighs to cup me.

  Breathing heavily against my neck, he muttered softly, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this pussy.” He shook his head the barest bit, breathless, before his lips were back on mine, caressing, and sliding in demanding strokes. “I’m going to sink into your sweetness and own it.”

  My lips curved against his. He was so damn cocky.

  When his fingers glided through my folds
, and he shoved two fingers deep into my channel, my body jerked with the pinch of pain.

  He stilled over me, his blue eyes worried.

  “You’re fine. You’re fine.” I exhaled a shaky breath. “Just keep going.”

  He blinked, and whispered, “Was…that what I think it was?”

  I squirmed under him. “No questions.”

  His lids instantly hooded his gaze. “You’re a virgin.” His fingers ever so carefully pulled out of me. He lifted them, staring at the smear of blood on them. His brows lifted, blue eyes traveled back to mine. “Perhaps, you should have told me?”

  I snorted softly. “Technically, you just broke my virginal barrier.” My face scrunched as his intelligent eyes were on mine. “Are you just going to stare at me or are we going to do this?”

  His lips curved slightly, so damn handsome. “We’re doing this.” He lowered his hand back between my legs, much more gradually pressing his fingers inside me.

  Our breathing accelerated as he gently explored, softly stroking in and out of me. My legs spread further, and my hips pressed up against him. A satisfied gleam entered his gaze when I jerked, his thumb pressing against my clit, and his fingers flexing inside me to find a delicately sensitive spot. I groaned and rubbed against him harder, his tone quiet, a deep growl. “You are so perfect, honey.”

  I moaned, my mouth parting as my head arched back, grabbing onto his shoulders. “Please…” I couldn’t breathe, my body needing, trembling. “Please, Lucifer!”

  “I’ll take you there,” he groaned, his fingers beginning to move faster, harder. His face hovered over mine, watching me as my lids fluttered. “You’ll fly, and I’ll catch you. I always will.”

  I rocked my hips back and forth, and his fingers crooked just right. My whole frame jerked as I screamed, my mind skipping to soar. I jolted against him, my channel gripping his fingers in pulses.

  His mouth slammed down onto mine, caressing my lips with passion as it all went to the hazy warmth inside my mind. My body. He sent me spinning into heaven.

  Only for my eyes to fly open in shocked pain as he removed his fingers, and replaced them with his cock, the blunt head stretching me. He drove his hips forward, sliding in a few inches, his body trembling over mine.

  “Holy hell,” he panted, his hands on my cheeks. His muscled chest heaved against mine as he retreated, pressing forward again brutally. “You’re so small. Just give me a second and it’ll be good. I promise.”

  I nodded rapidly, automatically sliding my legs up, opening myself further for his fierce invasion. His cock was so damn big, I grabbed the headboard above me, holding myself steady for his driving hips—and keeping myself from pulling away. “Hurry.”

  Sliding his hands under my back, he grabbed my shoulders, gripping tightly. His body flexed sensually before slamming his hips flush with mine.

  I grunted and trembled in pain, my channel stretched in agony. “You’re too large.”

  With his teeth gritted, he shook his head. “Just keep holding onto the headboard.” He lifted on his arms, staring down at me. His gaze slid down my body to where our bodies joined. He groaned softly, his cheeks flushed and his lips swollen. Keeping his eyes there, he gently began sliding out of me. “Fuck, we look perfect together.”

  I gripped harder as his hips began a slow glide in and retreat, the movement ever so gradually began to hurt less. My gaze tilted down to stare where his was. The sight was erotic as hell, my channel accepting his massive, glistening cock, taking him into the depths of my wet warmth. “Go faster.”

  He nodded his head swiftly and grabbed one of my hips tightly, pulling his hips back to plunge into me deeply. His head fell back on a booming, deep shout. Jerking his hips back, he began pounding into me more brutally, his cock rubbing my tight channel in deep pleasure. My back bowed off the bed as I screamed his named. Breathing hard, his head dipped down, his eyes possessed me completely.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He slammed his hips flush with my body and pressed deeper, watching as I groaned. “Right there?”

  A small whimper escaped my lips. “Yes.”

  He hit the spot again. “We shouldn’t have waited this long.”

  “I was an idiot,” I panted, grabbing for him. “Come here. I want your mouth.”

  Lucifer lowered, his muscles rippling as he moved, placing his lips on mine. He kissed me relentlessly as he continued driving into my depths, grinding his pelvis against me. Cupping one of my breasts, he groaned, “My Arizona.”

  My lips curved. “My devil.”

  “And I’ll do wicked things to you all night long,” he whispered, biting my bottom lip roughly. Sweet sweat began to glisten on our bodies. His gaze flicked between mine. “Touch me.”

  More than happy to. “Where?” I took my hands from the headboard, grazing his shoulders.

  He moaned, “Anywhere you want. I just want you to touch me.”

  I let my hands travel where they wished, touching all of his beautiful flesh. I ran my fingers through his hair as he continued pressing into me, giving us so much pleasure. My palms landed on his ass, and I trailed my short nails across his perfect muscles there.

  He shuddered, grumbling, “Don’t do that. It tickles.”

  I did it once more with a grin on my face before I relented, watching as he shivered again. Sliding my legs over his hips, I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close as I kissed him with all the hunger I had. His tongue slid across mine just as furiously as he thrust into me, his fingers gripping my hip tight. My body began to quiver under him. His eyes lifted to mine, his words a mere breath. “I’ll catch you, honey.”

  On a quiet whimper, as he thrust deeply, my body exploded in sensual heat. My back arched, and my breasts pressed against his chest. He held me close, driving his hips flush in brutal demand. My mind drifted, lost in hazy stunning bliss, as my channel gripped him ruthlessly, demanding more. His groan vibrated our touching lips.

  His muscles tightened over me, thrusting more frantically in need, his own pleasure taking over. He drove into me one last time and shouted my name.

  My eyes opened past the pleasure.

  I wanted to watch him. The man I loved.

  My other half. Forever.

  Lucifer jerked over me, shuddering hard as he came in heated, pulsing spurts inside me. Beautiful. He was utterly beautiful as he hit his peak of ecstasy.

  He exhaled heavily and shuddered. His eyes had never left mine, showing me every sentiment he had. The weight of his body pressed down onto my frame as his body went limp, his head tucking quietly against the side of my head. We trembled every so often until we eventually caught our breath in each other’s arms.

  “I feel as if I should give her a pregnancy test before I tell you if you won your tests or not.” General Finley raised gray eyebrows. “Did you forget I have exceptional hearing?”

  My cheeks instantly flushed red.

  We had been kind of loud last night at the keep.

  All night long.

  Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. “Just move along.”

  The Chief glanced between us. “So you’re together?” He tapped the file on his desk. “It says here you live together, but aren’t in a relationship.”

  I flicked a quick glare at General Finley, and then peered back to the Chief. I knew Lucifer was allowing me to answer the question. “We are together. We always will be.”

  “Agreed,” Lucifer stated easily. “I knew it the moment I saw her.”

  I may have preened a little. But I’d never admit that.

  General Finley glanced at his boss, speaking candidly. I bet they were old friends. “Honestly, it was painful to watch before. He loves her. She loves him. It’s the tale as ancient as time.”

  The Chief nodded thoughtfully. “That’ll work for the jobs I have lined up for them.” He opened the file and started writing in it. “I’ll just make a note to not send them on any mission requiring sex with someone else.”

  I coughed
hard, and growled, “Fuck that!”

  Lucifer smirked.

  General Finley winked at him. “About time, right?”

  He muttered, “Way past time. Like, three years overdue.”

  I blinked slowly. “I’m right here, you know.”

  The Chief glanced up from his writing. “Now you know how that situation feels.” His eyes flicked back down to his writing. “And it was an extremely jealous response. One, it appears, your other half enjoyed immensely.”

  I glared at the Chief, even while I snapped out my arm, whacking Lucifer’s shoulder with the back of my hand.

  Lucifer chuckled quietly. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” I paused. “Devil.”

  He snorted and held his stomach. “Perfect.”

  I shook my head in exasperation. “General Finley, I take it we won the Game since he’s setting up ‘jobs’ for us?”

  The General nodded. “Yes. And you both did well enough to be in my unit.”

  “What unit is that?” Lucifer asked, settling down.

  He hummed. “A special one.”

  My brows rose. “That’s it? A special one?”

  The Chief grunted, and closed the file. “General Finley’s unit deals directly with Guard spies who have turned on their kingdom. Individuals who are double-agents. His team finds them, and then I punish them.”

  My lips gradually curved. “That sounds like fun.”

  Both men behind the desk grinned.

  The Chief nodded. “It is. Take my word on that.”

  Lucifer sat forward. “Will we be gone much? We have two little girls at home. Our au pair is wonderful, but we don’t want her raising our children.”

  General Finley shook his head. “Normally, the missions last two weeks out of three months. For you two, it’ll probably take less than that.”

  “And the school?” I questioned. “The girls get into the school, right?”

  “Of course,” he assured. Then he cleared his throat. “I’ve actually taken the liberty to enroll them already. They start in three days time.”

  I nodded and sat back on my chair, appeased with his answers. I trusted the General to get my citizenship papers, too. There was no need to risk asking him in here with the Chief around.


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