The Christmas Rescue

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The Christmas Rescue Page 18

by Laura Scott

  He could accept God had forgiven him. But he’d needed to learn to forgive himself. God’s plan always superceded his own. Why it had taken him so long to figure that out, he had no idea.

  Peace filled his heart and he could sense Angela was up in heaven looking down at him with approval.

  He loved Kayla. And he was willing to do whatever necessary to show her that he would always be there for her.

  No matter what.

  Firming his resolve, he climbed out from behind the wheel and walked up to the doorway. Brianna opened the front door before he could even knock.

  “Mr. Rafe!” she greeted him excitedly. “You brought presents!”

  He couldn’t wait until he’d earned the right to have her call him dad. With a grin, he handed over her gift. “This one is for you.”

  “I’ll put it under the tree,” Brianna said, gazing at the wrapped box in awe. He followed her to the tree, placing Kayla’s gift beside Brianna’s.

  “Hi, Rafe,” Kayla greeted him, coming out from the kitchen. He turned to look at her and his heart jumped into this throat when he saw her. She was breathtakingly beautiful. For a moment he couldn’t breathe, her shiny mink-colored hair a stunning contrast to her Irish-green turtleneck sweater and pale skin. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds. “Merry Christmas,” she murmured, shyly.

  “Merry Christmas,” he returned, relaxing as he realized his instincts hadn’t failed him. She’d asked him to come because she was considering giving him a chance. He walked toward her and took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  “I had to,” she said, choosing her words carefully with a glance toward her daughter. “I couldn’t bear not seeing you.”

  “Kayla,” he murmured, reaching out to draw her close in a brief, yet tight, hug. “I couldn’t stand not being here.”

  Thankfully Brianna was oblivious to the undercurrent flowing between the adults as she chatted about how they’d spent most of the day cleaning up the various items of the Christmas village that had been covered with soot after the fire.

  He tried to listen, but his gaze kept going back to Kayla. The meal she’d prepared was delicious, but he couldn’t have told anyone what he’d eaten.

  None of it was as important as being here with her, as part of the family.

  “Can we open our presents tonight?” Brianna asked, once the dirty dishes had been cleared away and the leftovers stored in the fridge.

  She’d directed her question to Rafe, and he glanced helplessly at Kayla. “Ah, I think that’s up to your mother.”

  A small rueful smile played along her mouth. “Brianna, don’t you think you should finish your surprise first?” she suggested evasively.

  For a moment Brianna’s eyes widened comically. “Oh, yeah! I almost forgot!” In an instant, Brianna turned and headed for her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  “Finally,” Rafe muttered, crossing over to pull Kayla into his arms. “How much time do we have?” he asked, thankful when she wrapped her arms around his waist to return the embrace.

  “Probably not more than ten to fifteen minutes,” Kayla murmured dryly. “But I don’t need much time to tell you how I feel, Rafe.”

  His heart hammered in his chest. “Kayla, there’s no rush,” he started to say, but she stopped him.

  “Hush,” she said, placing a finger over his mouth to prevent him from saying anything more. “I want you to know I love you. And I don’t want you to give up your career for us.”

  Hope bloomed in his heart at her words. “Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “Because I don’t mind finding something else to do, Kayla. I want you to be happy.”

  She smiled and reached up to press a quick kiss on his mouth. “I’m sure. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but once I really thought about it, I remembered how close I felt to God’s presence when I went inside the cabin to find Brianna. I wasn’t alone then, and I won’t ever be alone now. And neither will you. I know there will be times you’re in danger, but there are other careers just as dangerous. God will be with you, too. I love you, Rafe. And I want you to be happy.”

  “You’ve made me the happiest man on earth,” he assured her, tightening his arms and crushing her against him. Now that he was holding her, he didn’t want to let her go. “You’ve given me a family when I didn’t even realize how much I wanted one.”

  “I’m glad,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to his neck. He knew Brianna might come out any moment, but he couldn’t help himself from kissing her again, desperately trying to show her with actions as well as words, how he felt.

  The minute Brianna’s door opened, they jumped guiltily apart, Kayla running a nervous hand through her hair.

  “Okay, I have my present all finished. Can we open them now?” Brianna asked, skipping into the kitchen.

  “Sure,” Kayla said, but Rafe could tell she was flustered from the intensity of their kiss. She glanced at him, her eyes full of joy and longing. “Let’s open our presents.”

  “Mine first,” Brianna said when they were seated in front of the Christmas tree. She thrust a gift bag into his hands.

  He opened the bag and drew out a picture that Brianna had drawn for him. It was a drawing of him wearing his dress blues and Brianna wearing her pink coat and matching hat. They were standing on the lakeshore, holding hands. His heart swelled with love. “It’s beautiful, Brianna. Thank you very much.”

  “You’re welcome.” Brianna beamed at him. “Now it’s Mommy’s turn.”

  “Open yours first,” he suggested.

  Brianna didn’t need to be asked twice. She ripped open her gift and gushed over the tiny miniature nativity scene. “I love it, Mr. Rafe.”

  He beamed. “I’m glad.”

  “Mommy’s turn,” Brianna said, keeping the nativity scene clutched in her hands as if she wouldn’t let go.

  He took the gift box he’d brought for Kayla and handed it to her. For several minutes, she simply stroked the smooth paper. “I don’t have anything for you,” she protested.

  As if he cared. “A home-cooked meal was exactly what I wanted,” he told her. “Go ahead and open it.”

  She bit her lip and then tore open the paper revealing a white box. She lifted the lid and carefully pulled out a church with a tall steeple, a poignant addition to her Christmas village.

  “It’s beautiful, Rafe,” she murmured, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I love it.”

  “I noticed you didn’t have a church,” he said. “Look inside,” he urged.

  With a slight frown, she gently opened the church door and peeked inside. He held his breath as she gazed in shock at the diamond ring.

  “What’s in there?” Brianna asked, moving closer. “A ring?”

  “Will you marry me?” he asked.

  “Yes!” Brianna shouted, jumping up and down with excitement. “Say yes, Mommy!”

  Kayla smiled as she took the ring from inside the church. “Yes, Rafe,” she said huskily. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “I’ve always wanted a new daddy,” Brianna said, coming over to give him a hug.

  He returned the hug and kissed the top of her head. “And I’ve always wanted a daughter like you,” he said, as Kayla stood and came over to join them, his ring glittering on the third finger of her left hand.

  He wrapped an arm around her, including her in the three-way embrace. He was glad Kayla had found God, and that she didn’t want him to leave the coast guard, although nothing in the world was more important than what he had right here.

  His family.

  Dear Reader,

  After introducing Kayla and Rafe in Secret Agent Father, I couldn’t resist giving them their own story. Kayla’s steadfast determination to keep her husband’s memory alive for her daughter is admirable, but not if used as an excuse to stay in the past without moving forward with her future. Of course, Chief Petty Officer Rafe DeSilva won’t let her get away with that for long, even though he has his
own past to work through.

  Living on the shore of Lake Michigan, I’ve always been intrigued by the skill and courage of the men and women who serve in the coast guard. Reading about one of their dramatic rescues gave me the kernel of an idea for this story. I’d like to mention a special thank-you to Lieutenant Ryan T. White for his assistance in helping me authenticate my story. Any mistakes are my own.

  I hope you enjoy Kayla and Rafe’s story, The Christmas Rescue. I always enjoy hearing from my readers and I can be reached through my website at

  Yours in faith,

  Laura Scott


  In the beginning of the story, Kayla is trying to keep her dead husband’s memory alive for her daughter Brianna. Did you agree with this decision? Why or why not?

  Early in the story Rafe arrives at the lakeshore to offer his assistance to Kayla and Brianna. Kayla is concerned because she doesn’t want her daughter to become too attached to Rafe. Do you feel her concerns are valid, and if so, why?

  Rafe has maintained his faith over the years despite the devastating loss of his wife and unborn child. Discuss a time when your faith was tested.

  Rafe decides early on to keep his relationship with Kayla based on friendship and nothing more. How does his past loss influence his thoughts? And how has his faith suffered as a result?

  Christmas is a special holiday. Discuss how both Kayla and Rafe managed to overcome their secret dread of the celebrations that normally take place during this time.

  At one point in the story, Rafe tells Kayla the book of Psalms is his favorite. Discuss your favorite Bible verse and explain why it’s your favorite.

  Discuss Kayla’s first exposure to church and how the pastor handled her presence there.

  Kayla learns to pray when Brianna suffers her severe asthma attack after the fire. Describe a time when you realized the power of prayer.

  One turning point for Kayla was when Brianna is kidnapped and she must lean on Rafe’s expertise and emotional support. Discuss a time when an emotional crisis caused you to turn to God and to the person you love.

  When Kayla and Rafe arrive on Eagle Island, Kayla sets off a flare and rushes in to find Brianna. Did she act appropriately or put them all at greater risk? Why or why not?

  At what point in the story does Kayla fully support her faith in God? Discuss if you’ve ever had a similar experience.

  How does Rafe convince Kayla of the true depth of his love? How did his faith impact this realization?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7544-1


  Copyright © 2010 by Laura Iding

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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