Virtue & Vengeance (Empire Sevens #2)

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Virtue & Vengeance (Empire Sevens #2) Page 5

by Tabatha Vargo

  After hanging up, I dressed in my Empire uniform, blow dried my hair, and gathered everything I would need for the night at work.

  Other than when Zander popped up at the condo, I didn’t have to deal with him much. Thankfully, he seemed to be pretty busy at work over the last few days, and I didn’t have to deal with his constant annoyance as long as I was at work.

  It wasn’t like I could avoid him entirely since I worked for him in the place where he lived, but I kept my distance as much as I could.

  I found that as long as I stayed away from him, I could control my actions. There wasn’t much I could do about my thoughts since they always seemed to land on Zander, and my body seemed to have a mind of its own since I constantly thought about the things he could do with his body. But still, as long as I stayed away from him, I would be fine.

  I could get over my schoolgirl crush without having to get under Zander again.

  AFTER THE THIRD DAY of looking over my shoulder or eyeing everyone who walked through the doors, I was exhausted and looking forward to my day off. Hopefully, a little downtime would relax me enough to make it through the rest of my shifts for the week.

  I poured myself a glass of wine to take with me into the bedroom so I could drink it during my bubble bath. I needed the night to be calm and relaxing, but the minute I heard the firm knock on the door, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

  I froze, my chest rising and falling as I stared at the front door like it was the gateway to hell. And if the person on the other side was who I thought it was, it very well would be.

  Another knock sounded, louder and harder this time, and I found the willpower to move forward. Placing my palms against the hard surface, I leaned in until I could see out the peephole. One look and my body sagged in relief, a few deep breaths and I was able to calm my racing heart long enough to pull the door open.

  “What are you doing here?” I said as I pulled the door open.

  Zander half grinned half scowled. “Is that how you answer the door?”

  “It is when you come over uninvited.”

  “You invited me, angel. You just didn’t realize it.” He walked past me and into the living room.

  “Sure, Zander, come in,” I said sarcastically, shutting the door with a little too much force.

  “You seem on edge. Is everything okay?” he asked.

  Nodding, I nibbled unconsciously on my thumbnail.

  He reached out, his green eyes scoring my face. “You’re biting your nails. You never do that.”

  Looking down, I checked my thumbnail. Seeing that I’d bitten it too low and it was starting to bleed a bit, I sighed.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? Something’s obviously bothering you. Whatever it is, just tell me.”

  I couldn’t tell him my worries.

  Sure, we had sex, and as much as I told myself it was insane, I was falling for him a bit, but that didn’t mean he felt the same about me.


  I needed to keep my secrets to myself.

  “I’m fine, Zander.”

  His eyes scanned my face, and it felt as though he could read my thoughts.

  I looked away, worried my truth was in my eyes, but he softly placed his fingers on my chin and turned my face so I was looking up at him.

  “Whatever it is, I’ll make it better. All you have to do is say the words.”

  His words were like an ax to my chest.

  Why was he being so sweet?

  It was unusual behavior for him.

  “Why?” I asked, swallowing the emotion clogging my throat.

  “Why what?”

  “Why would you do anything to help me?”

  “You’re Kennedy’s niece and my responsibility while she’s out of town.”

  His words stung.

  “Is that the only reason?” I asked, seeking a different reason.

  A sweeter reason.

  “What other reason could there be?”

  Going to the counter, I grabbed my wine glass and took a sip of the red liquid.

  “You’re drinking?”

  I sighed, setting my glass down. “Yes, Zander, is that okay with you, sir?”

  He chuckled. “Keep it up, angel. You’re begging for a spanking.”

  I shook my head. “And you’d probably do it, too, wouldn’t you?”

  “You bet your sweet ass I would. With pleasure.”

  I rolled my eyes, and before I knew what was happening, he captured my chin in his fingers and forced me to look up at him.

  “Roll your eyes again. I dare you.”

  The smell of his cologne swarmed all around me, and the heat of his body, which was so was close to me we were practically touching, made the front of my body tingle.

  “Why are you here, Zander? What do you want from me?”

  His eyes moved across my face before they clashed with mine.

  “I’m just checking on you, and I can’t decide what I want from you. When I figure it out, you’ll be the first to know.”

  With that, he turned and walked away. He locked the door before stepping into the hallway and shutting it behind him. He did all of this without even looking back at me.



  IT WAS MY DAY OFF, and I was determined not to spend it cooped up in the condo waiting for something terrible to happen. It had been two weeks since I thought I saw Allen and there had been no more reports from anyone at Empire that anyone matching Allen’s description had been back.

  I was determined not to spend the rest of my life in fear of that man. I’d already lost too much to him as it was.

  Getting ready, I left the condo in search of something to do that didn’t require me to be under the Las Vegas sun for too long. I decided on a movie and took an Uber to the closest movie theater.

  I tried not to be anxious as I sat in the back of the Uber car, but with my attention not on driving, all I could do was look around. Everything seemed normal, so I tried to calm myself down and stare straight ahead.

  When we got to the movie theater, I paid the driver and walked up to the window to wait in line to get a ticket. I had no idea what I was going to watch, but I planned on being spontaneous and choosing when I got up to the window.

  Standing there, I couldn’t hush the nagging little voice that told me to turn around and check out my surroundings. To make sure Allen wasn’t waiting to grab me at any moment. I turned, looking over one shoulder and examining the open plaza around me.

  It was a weekday, and there weren’t a lot of people waiting in line, so I was able to see a perfect view of the courtyard. Palm trees lined the space giving you a tropical feel in the center of the desert, and a few people were perched on concrete benches between the palms.

  Looking over my other shoulder and doing a quick scan, I told myself I could breathe when I saw no one sketchy. I was just about to turn around when I caught sight of the large black SUV.

  There was nothing out of the ordinary about the vehicle, but something about it didn’t sit right with me. The windows were tinted so dark I couldn’t see if there was anyone inside, but still, even though I thought it might be empty, I could feel someone’s eyes on me.

  I stared at the tinted windows, chewing on my lip with nerves. Even as I told myself it was okay, my heart sped up, making me feel rushed and ready to escape.

  “Excuse me? Do you want to buy a ticket or not?”

  The attendant’s question pulled me from my haze, and I forced myself to face forward again and concentrate.

  My eyes met a teenage guy with a backward hat on. He had black horns through his ears and a pitchfork in his brow.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Do you want a ticket?” he asked again.

  “Yes.” I nodded and moved ahead in line.

  It didn’t take me long to get my ticket and pay. As I walked away from the window, I took another peek at the SUV. I could have sworn I felt eyes watching me every step of the way, but I ignored it and
moved inside the theater.

  I waited in line for popcorn and a soda and then found my theater and took a seat in the top row. I told myself it had nothing to do with the fact that I could watch the entrances best from that vantage point. It had nothing to do with the fact that if Allen was there, he couldn’t get to me without the other moviegoers noticing.

  I was only halfway through the movie when I realized why the SUV looked so familiar. My heart thumped as I thought about the cars I saw when I was in the Uber. I was almost a hundred percent positive the exact SUV had been behind us.

  I knew there was no way I was going to be able to enjoy the rest of the movie if I didn’t go and check to see if the SUV was still parked there.

  I got out of my seat, apologizing to the few that I had to pass to get out of my row, and nearly raced down the stairs. Rushing through the lobby, I stopped at the door that faced the street, and my eyes searched the cars parked on the road.

  The SUV was no longer stationed there, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Pushing open the glass doors, I walked outside and pulled the fresh air into my lungs. I hated that I was driving myself this crazy. Wrapping my arms around my middle, I told myself I needed to get a grip.

  And then I saw it.

  It was parked a little way down the street now, just out of view from the doors. I looked away quickly, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that I’d spotted them.

  Pulling out my phone, I called to have another Uber pick me up. They said five minutes, so I sat on a concrete bench between two large palms and waited for what felt like the longest five minutes in history.

  When the white car pulled up in the front of the movie theater, I was quick to jump inside and give the driver my destination.

  “Empire Sevens, please.”

  I didn’t know why I was running to Zander.

  Maybe it was because he was the only person in Vegas I knew Aunt Kennedy trusted.

  Maybe it was because I knew he would protect me if I needed protection.

  Either way, I paid the Uber driver and rushed into the Empire feeling as though I was being chased. I didn’t stop as I made my way straight to Zander’s office.

  I didn’t bother knocking, and if he was surprised to see me barge into his office, it didn’t show in his expression. I slammed the door to his office and pressed my back to it as I caught my breath.

  His brows pulled down as he took in my expression. I was sure my hair was a mess, and my face was flushed from rushing.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, standing from behind his desk and coming around it. “Did something happen?”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but I hadn’t caught my breath enough yet. Instead, I swallowed and held up a hand to tell him I needed a minute.

  He leaned his hip against his desk and crossed his large arms over his chest.

  “I have to admit, angel, seeing you rush into my office all full of need is kind of doing it for me.” He chuckled.

  That was all it took.

  Clarity hit me in the face like a bucket of ice water and I knew going to Zander wasn’t the best idea.

  Going to him would be like admitting I needed him, and I didn’t want to need anyone.

  “You know what? Never mind,” I said, turning to open his office door and leave.

  But before I could pull the door open, a large hand settled against it beside my head keeping it shut.

  “What is it, Eden? You came rushing in here for a reason. Tell me.”

  Turning, I pressed my palms into his broad chest and pushed him away.

  “Anything I was going to say to you died with your sarcastic attempt at flirting. Just forget you saw me today.”

  I pulled at the door, and it opened.

  He didn’t stop me this time. The commotion of the rest of the building came rushing into his office, filling the area around us with the sounds of the bustling casino.

  I paused before exiting his office and turned back to him.

  “Are you coming over tonight? Or do I finally get a night to myself?” My voice dripped with sarcasm, but I was hoping and praying he was going to show up tonight.

  I had to be honest with myself, even if I was pretending I didn’t need anyone. And if I was being honest, I was afraid.

  After today and realizing I was being followed, I didn’t want to be alone. And if I had to have someone around me to protect me, Zander was the one I wanted. He was a total dick, but I knew he would kill someone if he needed to.

  “I’m coming over,” he said.

  With a roll of my eyes, I walked away, but relief filled my chest as I exited Empire.



  I COULDN’T GET HOME fast enough. I was stressing over Allen, and the fear of running into him again weighed down on me.

  To top that off, somehow Zander had gotten back inside my head. I hated myself for letting him back in, but it was so easy for him when it came to me. It was like I had no defenses against him.

  His grins.

  His words.

  His touch.

  He could break through every time. And even though I was mad as hell over how he had left me hanging after sex, I couldn’t stay that way. Already the anger was slowly dissolving leaving only desire behind.

  Then again, maybe it was like that for all women.

  Maybe none of us had any defenses against him.

  Either way, it was a major inconvenience. It was also the last thing I needed with the chance of Allen being in town. I needed a clear head, and Zander made my mind spin. I needed to clear my brain so thinking about Zander needed to stop. I needed to worry about Allen and whether or not I was still safe in Vegas.

  Once I was inside Aunt Kennedy’s building, the elevator seemed to move slower than usual and the hallway to Aunt Kennedy’s door longer. I fumbled with the key a little before finally getting the door unlocked. Once I was inside, I was sure to lock the place up tight.

  I spent the rest of my day off cleaning a bit. Sure, Kennedy had a maid that came in once a week to clean, but I wasn’t the kind of person to leave a mess for the maid.

  As I cleaned up, I kept the music low enough that I could still hear in case someone tried to break in. I was making my bed and shaking out the sheets when I heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

  I crept down the stairs and toward the front door. Panic ran rampant through my veins making my heart rate speed up.

  It was him.

  I just knew it was him.

  I was running out of time, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came for me.

  I stood in front of the door, staying as quiet as possible, so he didn’t hear me from the other side.

  The doorbell rang yet again, and finally, I decided I should check to see who it was. Standing on my tip-toes, I peeked through the peephole, and my eye landed on Zander’s full lips.

  It was nearly midnight, and I’d almost given up on him coming over even though he had said he would earlier.

  I unlocked the door and pulled it open.

  “Don’t you have a key?” I asked, aggravated that I was so afraid to open the door.

  He walked in, moving past me. “I do, but I was trying not to be a rude asshole.”

  I snorted, shutting the door behind him. “Good luck with that.”

  With those words, he turned and faced me, his eyes full of amusement.

  “Do you think I’m funny?” I asked.

  He nodded. “I do. It must be in the blood.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “There are only three people in this entire world who have the balls to talk to me like you do, and all three of you are women. Kennedy’s one of them, and now you. So, the fire must be in the blood.”

  “And who’s the third? Let me guess, some little twerp you once banged?”

  He grinned. “No. A little twerp for sure, but she’s my sister.”

  “Oh. Sorry.” I moved into the kitchen and pulled the refrigerator open for a
bottle of water. “I didn’t think you were coming over.”

  “I told you I would.”

  “It’s late.”

  “You’re here alone, and I could tell earlier that something was wrong. You seemed afraid.”

  I didn’t respond to his correct assessment.

  I already felt foolish for rushing to his office this afternoon.

  “So should I continue to expect these nightly visits?”

  “Yep. There’s something you’re not telling me.”

  Again, I didn’t respond to the truth.

  “You could’ve just called me, you know?”

  “But then I wouldn’t have been able to see you in those sweet little shorts you’re wearing.”

  I’d forgotten what I was wearing.

  Tugging on the bottom of my shirt, I attempted to cover the tops of my thighs.

  “Don’t bother. Your naked body is burned into my memory.”

  Heat flooded me as his eyes dipped down my legs.

  I began to fidget, feeling nervous and turned on at the same time.

  Unscrewing the bottle of water, I took a drink and let the cold liquid cool me.

  “As you can see, I’m fine,” I said, quickly changing the subject.

  I screwed the lid back onto the bottle and twisted it between my hands.

  He moved closer, taking the bottle from me and setting it on the counter beside us. His finger was cold and wet from the bottle when he ran it along my collarbone.

  “You like making me crazy, don’t you?” he asked with a satisfied smirk on his lips.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re a terrible liar. You’re in Vegas, angel. Your poker face needs a lot of work if you’re going to try and use it on me.”

  I swallowed, my eyes getting caught in his as his finger worked across my throat and chest.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you’re okay. Tell me nothing’s bothering you, and I’ll leave.”

  I tried to look away again, but his fingers tightened.

  “With Kennedy out of town, I’ve just been a little on edge. I don’t like being alone.”

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the man looking for you at Empire, would it?”


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