A Touch of Mayhem

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A Touch of Mayhem Page 4

by Geri Foster

  “Go away,” she shouted. “I’m calling the police.”

  He must have understood that, because she heard him turn and walk down the two steps. Peeking out the window, she saw that he stared at her door from the sidewalk. Something told her this person, alien or not, wasn’t going away. But she also knew he meant her no harm.

  Strange, very strange.

  “I’m waiting, Princess Mystic Star.” He shouted. With his hands behind his back, he rocked back on the heels of his boots and appeared to be willing to stand there forever.

  Annoyed, she opened the door and pointed. “You stay right where you are.”

  His commanding appearance caught her attention as he nodded in agreement. “I will. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “You already have.” She crossed her arms. “Now, what’s this nonsense about me being engaged to a prince?”

  “You can’t deny it. You and your father were both present when the terms were agreed to.”

  “No I wasn’t. And if I was there, then the prince has already seen me. Maybe he’s the one running.”

  “Ronic wasn’t there. It was your father, the king, the Council and, of course, you.”

  If she weren’t so guarded, she’d laugh. “I swear I’ve never left Earth. It’s where I was born and raised.”

  “Not Exeoni?” He tilted his head. “You’re sure?”

  “Of course I’m positive. Why would I lie?” She narrowed her eyes. “Maybe your prince is the one who’s not pleasing to the eye.”

  He straightened his shoulders and stared at her. “Don’t be absurd. He’s a very handsome man.” Then he looked away. “I mean, I can only assume females find him attractive.” He raised his hands and shrugged. “I’m not an expert on other males.”

  “You do realize that Mystic Star is only the name I use for telling fortunes, don’t you? That it isn’t my given name.”

  “I don’t want to sound...” he paused, held up his finger and pressed his ear. “Hold on one minute, please.”

  Humph, she wondered what he was up to and why she couldn’t read his mind. Could she be losing her ability? That was doubtful, since she’d been able to do it since childhood.

  By all outward appearances, one would think he was on the phone, but she didn’t see one in his hand. What a strange man. Maybe he was from a psych ward instead of another planet.

  “Roger that, thank you.” When he looked at her, worry etched his face. “Please don’t leave town. I have matters to attend to.” Then he turned and strode away.

  She shut the door and leaned back, her head against the hard wood. What a strange encounter. She’d never met anyone like him before. And what were the other matters he had to see to?

  Chapter Eleven

  ltair hurried back to the hotel. Once on the elevator, he released a tense breath and rested against the mirrored walls. Without pause, as soon as the doors opened, he ran to Ronic’s room where he pounded on the door.

  “Open up, it’s important.”

  Ronic appeared, his face etched with concern. “What’s wrong?”

  Altair rushed into the room and closed the door behind him. Certain they were alone, he grabbed Ronic by the arms. “Akan and Ulia are on their way here.”

  Ronic’s eyes became the size of the moon on Vion. “To Earth?”

  “To Magic, New Mexico.”

  Ronic pointed to the floor. “Right here?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “That’s the destination gathered by the information department.”

  Nibbling his fingernail, Ronic shook himself loose and stepped toward the window. “But why come here? Do they hunt us or my soon to be bride?”

  “Both would be my guess. If anything happens to the female you’re promised to marry, her father would wage a fierce war. If they’ve come for you, we can’t let you fall into their hands. Your head on the open market would bring a fortune.”

  Ronic wiped his hand across his face. “What can we do?”

  “We have to get Mystic Star and leave Earth right away.”

  “But, first we must find her,” Ronic corrected. “Then we go.”

  “I’ve already found her. She’s not far.”

  Ronic’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “You found my bride? You snuck out of here without me and went in search of her?”

  “No, the information department contacted me with her location. I simply went to make sure she was really there.”

  “Did you speak with her?”

  The prince’s anger confused him. What difference did it make? They knew where she was and now they could leave before Akan and Ulia arrived.

  “I only spoke with her briefly.”

  Tilting his head back, Ronic looked down his nose at him. “What did she say? What was her excuse?”

  Altair shrugged. “Nothing. She denied that she is Mystic Star and swore she’d never been to the planet Exeoni.”

  “But, you’re sure it was her?”

  “It has to be. All the information and fact checking have led us here.”

  Ronic turned and looked out the darkened window. “Is she beautiful?”

  Altair thought for a moment. Seeing Mystic Star was something he’d never forget. Ronic was a very lucky man. “She’s the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen.”

  His friend turned to him with a wide smile spread across his lips. “Beautiful, you say?” Stepping closer, Ronic asked. “Describe her to me.”

  Altair rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “Well, she not very tall. Maybe to my shoulders.”

  “Yes, yes, go on.”

  “She has hair golden as the sun on Measia. Her eyes are a bewitching shade of green, almost the color of an emerald. She had a perfect mouth that’s wet and pink.”

  Ronic halted him. “Careful now, Altair. You are speaking of your future Queen.”

  Reminding himself he had no right, Altair nodded politely. “Yes, you are correct.” He looked away. “You’ll find her most pleasing.”

  Ronic practically jumped for joy as he flashed a broader grin. “Good. Our mission here is complete. We’ll get her and return to Vion.”

  Folding his hands behind his back, Altair looked away. “It might not be that easy. She claims not to be your future bride, and she threatened to call the authorities.”

  “But she can’t do that.”

  “Here on Earth we have no authority or permission to take her. It’s too primitive, so we’ve had no contact with any of their governments. Snatching up a resident of another planet and taking her away is against Federation rules, not to mention the Council’s.”

  “She’s going to be my wife.”

  “Since we don’t communicate with Earth, we have no way to prove that. Perhaps that’s why she came here. She knows intergalactic laws.”

  Ronic held out his hands. “What are we to do?”

  “I suggest you go see her tomorrow morning. I’ll take you. Once there, you have to convince her to come with us for her own safety.”

  “Me?” Ronic pressed his fingertips to his chest and his sharp brown eyes widened. “What makes you think she will do anything I say?”

  “I don’t know about these things, but on other planets, the females want to be courted, wooed, and maybe even talked into marriage.”

  “Well, I don’t know what to say. I’ve never had to beg a female in my life.” Ronic picked up a bottle of water on the desk. “And I don’t intend to start now.”

  “Then what will you tell her father if Akan and Ulia kidnap her? He’ll come looking for blood. Mostly yours.”

  “Damn this mess.” Ronic angrily paced the floor.

  Altair knew the prince wasn’t a person who liked to solve problems. He’d never been the diplomatic type and that worried his father. Now he didn’t even have the patience to convince his future wife to come with them to save her own life.

  “We’re more than a day ahead of the Mortarians. You have time to talk her into going with us, Ronic.” Altair took a deep breath. “It�
��s your duty to obey your father’s wishes.”

  “I don’t want a female who hides away like a coward.”

  “Stop it,” Altair shouted. “Don’t be childish. First, she must be beautiful, then groveling at your feet, and now brave.”

  “Not true,” Ronic snapped, turning his back on Altair. “I just don’t want to have to force her to marry me. That’s all.”

  “As my prince, I feel it’s my duty to tell you that you are being foolish. We have to get her out of here. Then we must contact the space troopers to come after Akan and Ulia or we’re all going to be taken. I don’t need to tell you what those two will do with us.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Ronic glanced over his shoulder, and said, “Now who’s being melodramatic?”

  Altair stalked to the door, yanked it open and turned back to his prince. “Tomorrow you will take her flowers and get on bended knee if you have to. But, she’s going with us, one way or the other.

  “Or what?” Ronic shouted back. “You’re going to contact the king?”

  “I will physically carry you both to the starship and take you back to Vion.”

  “That could get you thrown in prison.”

  “You’re right, but at least the matter would be settled.”

  “Why don’t you kill Akan and Ulia? You’re one of the best warriors in the galaxy.

  “Were they regular soldiers with regular weapons, I would have no problem with that, but they aren’t. They can change into different forms, and their fire power is far superior to anyone’s in the Star System.” Altair ran his fingers through his hair. “It will take a full squadron to capture or kill them. I am but one warrior.”

  Ronic faced him, angry and flushed. “One warrior. I’ve seen you kill more men at one time than I could count.”

  “They weren’t Akan and Ulia.”

  The prince stalked toward him. “Are you afraid?”

  “Never.” Altair took the insult personally. “I only fear for your and Mystic Star’s lives. That’s the only reason for my caution.”

  “With you at my side, Altair, I have no fear.”

  “Foolish you, my Prince. Even the bravest warriors in the galaxy know when to fight and when to withdraw.”

  Chapter Twelve

  onic slumped on the bed when Altair departed. He laid his arm across his eyes and tried to think straight. He was so close to his future bride, yet he felt miles away. And it still bothered him that she’d run away from their proposal.

  What other reason could there be other than she simply didn’t want to marry him? Affronted by her betrayal, his face burned. He wasn’t a bad catch. Least ways if you listened to the other women he’d been with. He was handsome enough and he was to become king someday. Didn’t that count for anything?

  Altair was right. They had to get the female back to their planet. There they could perhaps straighten things out. Since she would soon be his wife, Ronic wondered if kidnapping her would be such a big crime. Wasn’t she technically his now?

  What silly thoughts. How could he take the chance of ruining his friend’s career, as well as forfeit the Kingdom? It wasn’t practical.

  The transceiver in his ear notified him that the king was contacting him. Ronic sat up with a moan. He dreaded another conversation with his father after the last one had turned into a screaming match. He was already furious with him for wanting to find Mystic Star when he’d already commissioned Altair to do the job.

  “Yes, father?”

  “Have you landed safely on Earth?

  “Yes, and Altair has found the princess. I’m meeting her tomorrow.”

  “I warn you, Ronic, don’t disappoint me. I know you like the fairer looking females, but I met your bride to be and I found her very attractive. However, I’m not saying that so you’ll not form your own opinion.”

  “I understand. Altair said she’s beautiful.”

  His father paused. “Yes, one could say that. You don’t have to love the female. You just have to marry her.”

  Ronic straightened. “I’ll do my duty, father. I always have.”

  “Don’t make it sound as if you’re sacrificing yourself at the Altar of MoTarin. It’s just a marriage.”

  “I know.”

  “Then stop acting like a spoiled child. Get the female and return to Vion.”

  “Altair says we can’t kidnap her because it’s against the law and we could be called before the Council.”

  “That’s true, but surely you can convince her to marry you.”

  “I’m going to try. We meet first thing tomorrow.”

  “Do hurry. I’ve been notified that Akan and Ulia are headed to Earth.”

  “We know. Altair thinks they want to kidnap Mystic Star. Maybe they will hold her for ransom.”

  “More likely, they’ll kill her in cold blood and not think twice about a ransom. They’re murderers, not negotiators. They kill indiscriminately.” His father’s voice toughened. “It would benefit them greatly if she was to die and our two planets continued fighting. They would take advantage of the distraction.”

  “You’re right, Father. We’ll take care of our business and head back home. Have you sent Star Trooper to come after Akan and Ulia?”

  “Help is on the way. It’s important that you do not wait. As soon as possible, get her, leave, and head back home.”

  “We will, Father. I promise.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  he next morning, Penelope woke with a jolt. Sitting up in bed, she looked around, startled. Something had disturbed her and she couldn’t figure out what.

  Tossing the sheets aside, she placed her feet on the cool floor and headed for the bathroom. Flipping on the light, she brushed her teeth and dressed for the day. She planned to stay inside and try to keep her troubled thoughts at bay.

  She’d just taken her first sip of coffee when a puff of smoke filled the chair next to her. When the fog cleaned, Topper sat next to her, smiling. Today her hair was purple, the same as her eyes.

  “Good morning, Topper.”

  “Theo says you’re staying home today. Are you sick?”

  “No, he’s just being cautious.”

  “There are two handsome men outside your door.”

  Penelope quickly turned toward the entrance. “Really?”

  “Yes, one is a prince, the other a warrior.”

  “How do you...” She knew better than to question the older Witch’s talents. Nothing got past Topper. At least, nothing in Magic.”

  “They are looking for someone.”

  Penelope let out a frustrated breath. “One of them came here last night in search of Mystic Star. I tried to explain that I only used that name to tell fortunes, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  Topper squinted her Sage eyes. “Let them in. We’ll see what they’re up to.”

  Walking slowly toward the door, she sensed them on the other side, but again, she couldn’t read their minds. With a quick glance at Topper, Penelope opened the door and saw two smiling men staring at her like idiots. The one from last night, Altair, bowed slightly then held out his hand to the man beside him.

  “This is Prince Ronic of Vion.”

  Both men were similar in height, but Altair was larger and better looking. He had a sober expression on his face, and just the sight of him had her heart racing and her mouth drying up.

  “This is ridiculous, you know?”

  Altair tilted his head slightly. “Excuse me. I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Of course you do. It’s impossible to think you’ve come from another planet.” Even while she spoke the words, Magic’s resident alien, Frost, immediately came to mind. He wasn’t from Earth, yet he lived among them very comfortably.

  “Why do you say that?” the one named Ronic asked. “We are from the planet Vion and that’s all there is to it.”

  Altair put his hand on his friends arm. “What the prince means is we have come to take you home.”

  “This is my home and I�
��m not going anywhere.”

  “Why don’t you want to marry me?” the one called Ronic insisted. “Am I not good enough?”

  The frown on prince’s face told her he was perturbed by her insolence. Evidently, he believed he was the greatest catch in the galaxy. In her opinion, not so much with her. His friend, however, was another story all together.

  “I don’t know you, I’m not from Vion, and I certainly don’t want a husband. Not even a prince.”

  Altair stood between them. Looking back at the prince, he smiled and said, “Perhaps you should wait out here, Ronic. Let me talk to her.”

  Clutching the bottom of his tunic, the prince turned, military style, and marched down the steps to the nearby sidewalk. “Very well.”

  Penelope returned to the kitchen where Topper had poured another cup of coffee. Fearful of what the Witch might have put in the drink, she hesitated to give it to the alien. Then Topper shoved it toward him, she said. “So, you’re another alien?”

  “Another?” Altair asked. “You have someone else from the galaxy?”

  Topper nodded. “Are you married?”

  The man practically spit out his coffee. “No, no. On my planet warriors do not wed or take a life mate.”

  Topper frowned. “Why not?”

  “We aren’t genetically engineered for it. We don’t feel love.”

  “Is that right,” Topper asked, her eyes twinkling. “So, you’ve never loved anyone?”

  “I can’t. I’m a warrior.”

  “You don’t say.”

  Penelope quickly intervened, hoping Topper wouldn’t put a spell on the poor man. Topper loved matchmaking. Penelope wondered if Altair saying he’d never been in love, just offered Topper a new challenge.

  “Please sit down,” Penelope offered.

  “I must go,” Topper said. “Ta ta.” And then she instantly disappeared.

  “What happened?” he asked, his head turning side to side. “Where did she go?”

  “She’s a Witch.”

  He scoffed. “Oh, I don’t believe in witchcraft.”

  “I heard that,” Topper’s voice carried throughout the room.


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