Body Shots (Masters Of Pleasure Book 1)

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Body Shots (Masters Of Pleasure Book 1) Page 2

by Anne Rainey

  Crystal took another sip of her coffee and desperately tried to come up with a logical reason why she couldn’t spend the evening with Mollie. It wasn’t that she dreaded going out with her best friend, but she suspected it would be a pity date. No thanks.

  “Have you ever heard of Kinks?”

  The question seemed to come out of left field. Crystal shook her head. “Er, what is Kinks?”

  “It’s a nightclub, but it’s not really your average nightclub.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s a bondage club,” she explained. “A place where you can be a submissive and let a man spank you just for the sheer joy of it.”

  Mollie was into sex games? “How is it that I didn’t know this about you?” They’d been besties for years.

  Mollie handed her a business card with the words Kinks Nightclub scrawled across it in bold letters. Below that was written, Get Your Kink On. “Come on. You’ll have a great time, I promise.”

  Crystal wasn’t sure what to say, except, “No way in hell.” She dropped the business card on the table, and it sat there like a ticking time bomb. “I do not want to be spanked.” She’d never be that vulnerable with a man again.

  “Look, you need something to wipe that sad expression off your face. I know Richard’s abuse left a lot of emotional scars, but it’s time to get back out there, don’t you think?” Mollie looked her over, then said, “Besides, you might just like it.”

  Crystal shook her head. “Am I required to, like, have sex with someone?”

  Mollie rolled her eyes. “Of course not, dork. It’s not like that. It’s like a regular club with music and a lot of people enjoying a common passion. The difference is that their sexual preferences are sort of out there for all to see. It can be shocking when you see a man spanking a woman. And there’s a lot of PDA. But all you need to do is watch and enjoy.” She shrugged. “Hey, who knows, maybe you’ll meet a hot, rich guy.”

  Crystal covered her face. “Oh God, I can’t believe I’m actually considering this.”

  “You’ll have fun, just wait and see.” Mollie cocked her head to the side. “And don’t worry about an outfit. I think I have something that would fit you. Something sexy.”

  Crystal’s stomach pitched at the idea of putting herself out there again after all the abuse she’d suffered at Richard’s hands. “I’m not opposed to hitting the clubs, but bondage and submission? Seriously?”

  Mollie bobbed her eyebrows. “How do you know if you don’t try it?”

  Mollie did have a point. She’d lived in an emotional prison for too long. It was time to step out and have some fun. She smiled and picked up the business card. “Okay, I’ll try it.”

  Mollie patted her on the hand. “That’s my girl.” She stood and propped her hands on her hips. “Now, let’s get dressed and go do some ‘therapy’ shopping.”

  Crystal laughed as she got to her feet, feeling better than she had in months. “Sounds great, but I’m buying lunch. It’s the least I can do since you’ve been letting me crash here.”

  Her friend’s arms came around her shoulders and Crystal was suddenly being pulled in for a hug. “That’s what friends are for, sweetie.”

  Crystal knew the truth in that moment. When she’d met Mollie, she’d hit the friend jackpot. She’d be lost without her.

  It was Sunday morning and the nightclub that Mac owned with his buddy Trent was closed. They’d taken over the running of the club along with their friend Dane over a year ago, after the previous owner had died of cancer. They’d grown close to Leo, and he had confided in them that he wanted the club to go to someone he knew and trusted. Someone who would take care of it. So they’d stepped in and made it happen. At one time they’d run the club on the side, while handling their law practice during the daytime hours. When the long days became too much, Trent and Mac had both willingly given up their day jobs to run the club full-time. Dane had chosen the lawyer route and sold them his third, giving up the club life entirely. Although that had been more about Lydia, the woman who’d stolen his heart.

  Kinks now made them a hefty profit. Still, it was never about the money. It was their home away from home. The only place they could truly be free to explore the darker nature of their souls.

  It had been in their college days that they’d realized they shared a common passion for the kinkier side of sex. When the club had practically been dropped into their laps, it’d seemed perfect.

  As Mac looked at Trent sitting on a stool at the counter, he knew a sense of rightness about the proposal he was about to make. The nightclub belonged to both of them; it was only right that they both took part in taking it to the next stage. “I have a proposal, but it’s a big one. And probably a shit-ton of work, too.”

  “Make it quick, will ya?” Trent grumbled. “I left a gorgeous woman in my bed and I really want to get back to her.”

  “I’m sure she’ll wait for you.” Mac looked closer at Trent and noticed the dark circles under his eyes. “When was the last time you slept?”

  Trent sat back in his stool and crossed his arms over his chest. “I was sort of . . . up all night.”

  Mac glared at his friend, but stayed silent. He’d been doing more and more of that lately. Staying up all night. Drinking too much. Mac was beginning to worry. But Trent was a big boy and if there was something wrong he’d say so. After all, Trent wasn’t really known for keeping his thoughts to himself.

  Trent yawned. “Why couldn’t we just meet at my house? And where the hell is the coffee?”

  “Because this is about the nightclub.” Mac rolled his eyes at Trent’s pissy mood. He’d always hated mornings. Owning a nightclub suited Trent to a tee. Late nights and sleeping in until noon was right up Trent’s alley. “You want coffee, sunshine, then make it yourself. I don’t work for you, remember?”

  “If you did, I’d fire your ass.”

  “Christ, quit bitching and let me talk, and maybe we’ll be able to get through this meeting before dinnertime.”

  “Fine, talk,” he bit out.

  Mac started right in, no sense in dancing around it. “I’ve had a chance to look over the books. The business is doing great. Better than I expected.”

  “Great, now can I go home?” Trent asked, as he started to turn toward the door.

  Mac held up a hand. “No, damn it. The thing is, I’ve been looking at some property across town. I think it’s time to expand. Open a second Kinks.”

  “That’s a hell of a lot of work.” Trent rubbed his jaw. “Are you sure it makes sense right now?”

  Mac had never been more certain of anything. “I’ve been over it several times, and it’s a good move financially. Since neither of us has a day job any longer, we have the time to make it happen.”

  Suddenly alert, Trent sat up and placed his elbows on the counter. “That will mean hiring a construction crew and interviewing for a new staff.” He shook his head. “I’m sure there’s more, but I’m still a little fuzzy here.”

  Mac waved a hand in the air. “True, but the payoff will be more than worth it.”

  “Another club would gain us a hell of a lot more customers, for sure. But I don’t want to end up bankrupt because we rushed into anything.”

  Mac was a little worried about that, too. Owning your own business wasn’t for lightweights. “I agree. There’s a lot to consider.”

  Trent nodded. “Staff, uniforms, and do we want the new Kinks to have the same BDSM atmosphere or do we go with something entirely different?” Trent shoved a hand through his hair. “This is big.”

  “No shit,” Mac said, as a slight smile appeared. “But I like it. Kinks Two . . . sort of has a nice ring to it,” Mac replied.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon making plans. When they got ready to leave, Mac asked, “Okay, before we end this meeting, we’re for sure doing this, right?”

  Trent sent up his agreement. “I’m in.”

  Mac nodded. “Great, I’ll contact the Realtor abou
t the property and we’ll go from there.”

  “Good deal,” Trent said as he stood. “Now, I’ve got a sexy, naked woman in my bed. Later.”

  “Use protection,” Mac called out just as Trent reached the door.

  “Always do, Dad,” Trent shot back. “Always do.”

  Mac chuckled, feeling better than he had in months. Excitement about the new club sizzled through his bloodstream, and he was more than ready to get the ball rolling. Hell, the day he’d quit the lawyering gig was the best day of his life.

  The week flew by and Friday night came way too fast for Crystal’s peace of mind. Now, as she stood reading through the rules and regulations at Kinks nightclub, and then signed on the dotted line, she had to wonder what had possessed her to say yes to Mollie in the first place. When her friend escorted her to the Great Room, which consisted of a large, comfortable sitting area and several high, round tables and stools along the outer edge of the room, Crystal tried not to go all bug-eyed. But who could blame her? There were couples kissing and fondling each other. Out in the open. It was as embarrassing as it was arousing to her.

  A pair of redheaded women seated on the floor next to an overstuffed chair caught her attention. They each had a leather collar around their necks with a metal ring in the front, which attached to a leash. The man holding the pair of leashes seemed big and scary, but when he gazed down at both women with affection, Crystal was taken aback. He said something to one of them, who then immediately started to kiss the other woman. The man petted her and continued to carry on a conversation as if it was all so normal. Another man had his submissive seated on the floor between his thighs. Crystal’s jaw nearly dropped when she spied the woman’s fingers wrapped around his exposed cock. Crystal quickly looked away, but not before she caught the woman slowly stroke the bulbous head with her thumb. Did these club patrons realize they were in a room full of people?

  Crystal’s breasts tingled and her pussy dampened. She hadn’t expected to react so quickly, but as she let her gaze sweep the room, she noticed several men watching her with desire-filled eyes. Suddenly, Crystal was grateful for the low lighting. It gave her just enough courage to keep from bolting out the door. She stayed close to Mollie as they reached one of the round tables along the edge of the room. Mollie pulled out one of the stools and sat down. Crystal followed suit.

  Mollie pointed upward and Crystal’s gaze followed until she spotted another level. “What’s up there?”

  “That’s what’s known as the Upper Dungeon. That’s one of the areas where members can play.”

  “Dungeon? That sounds so . . . medieval.”

  Mollie nodded. “It sort of is, I guess. There are suspension racks, bondage tables, even a spanking bench. Would you like to go up and see it?”

  Crystal shook her head, her heart pounding too fast. “I think I’m good right here.”

  “Are you having a fun birthday so far?”

  She nodded. “It’s different, I’ll give you that.” She cocked her head and asked, “How did you get into this scene?”

  “Alec turned me on to it.” The light in her gaze dimmed. “It hasn’t been the same since he passed away, though.”

  “But you’ve dated guys who come here?”

  “Yep. But nothing serious.” She shrugged. “I guess I’m not ready for serious right now.”

  Just then two men strode up to Crystal and said hello. Both were gorgeous, tall, and muscular. The one on the left had black hair and silvery-blue eyes that sucked her right in. The other had lighter hair and a grin that would rock any woman’s world. The black T-shirts they wore said simply, Get Your Kink On. And they looked at her as if she were a shiny new toy. Oh wow.

  The one with the sinful smile asked, “Are you new here?”

  “Yes, I’m Crystal. My friend Mollie here isn’t new.”

  He nodded toward Mollie. “Ah, I thought I’d seen you here before. It’s nice to meet you both.”

  Mollie blushed and said, “Same here.”

  Crystal pointed to the men’s shirts and asked, “Judging by your shirts, I’m guessing you must work here, huh?”

  The hottie with the black hair smiled. “I’m Trent Dailey, and this is Mac Anderson. We own the place.”

  “Nice to meet you.” The music changed and suddenly Crystal wanted to dance. Feeling impulsive for once, she asked, “So, Trent and Mac, which of you is going to dance with me? Don’t make me look for someone else.”

  “It’d be my pleasure,” Trent said as he helped her off the stool.

  “Mine, too,” Mac said, his voice low, a little rough.

  “Both of you?” Crystal looked at Trent, then Mac. She couldn’t tell whether they were teasing or not. She didn’t want to know which was true.

  “Come on,” Trent said as he led her out to the dance floor. “You can move those sexy hips all you want.”

  Crystal didn’t quite know what to think when Mac followed close behind. Her mind whirled with the possibility that the two men were making a move on her at the same time. Could it be? She glanced back at Molly for reassurance. Her friend winked and nodded, then merely sat back as if content to watch. Still Crystal started to change her mind about the dance when a third man stepped in front of her. While everyone else was dressed in tight, flesh-baring outfits, this man wore a simple pair of tight, black jeans and a brickred pocket T-shirt. He wasn’t necessarily a handsome man—his features were too rugged to be considered handsome—but he wasn’t hard on the eyes, either. The come and get it smile on his lips made her face go hot.

  “I saw you arrive and hoped to get a dance with you.” His gaze traveled over her body, giving her the once-over before coming back to her face. “You’re awfully damn hard to miss in that pretty dress. A man would have to be blind.”

  “Thank you, but my dance card is a little full at the moment.” Crystal could feel the tension coming off of Trent and Mac beside her, and she could swear they’d both moved closer to her. Heck, their bodies even brushed against hers. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that the man hitting on her was stirring Trent’s and Mac’s ire.

  The guy spared Trent a glance and shrugged, as if Trent were nothing more than an annoying insect, then zeroed in on her once more. “Sure I can’t change your mind?”

  “The lady was clear,” Trent said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close to his side. She glanced up and nearly swallowed her tongue at the lethal look on Trent’s face. Her gaze darted to Mac and saw a similar expression. Yikes.

  “Sorry, but I promised.” She smiled, hoping to take some of the sting out of the rejection. “Thanks for the offer, though. It was very sweet.”

  He nodded, one side of his mouth kicking up as he dared, “Maybe later then.”

  As he made his way to the other side of the room, Crystal peeked over at Trent. She noticed he stared at the man’s back for what seemed like an eternity.

  Trent’s blue gaze came back to her. “You seem to have quite an effect on me, Crystal. The thought of his hands coming anywhere near you just about caused me to kick his ass out of my club.” His eyes narrowed, as if bewildered by his own actions.

  “Same goes for me,” Mac said from behind her. “He’s been here a bunch of times, and he always gets just a little too aggressive with the ladies.”

  Crystal turned her head and looked up at Mac. His gaze, so cool earlier, blazed hot enough that Crystal felt seared clear to the bone. Suddenly she didn’t care about the other guy. All her focus was on Mac and Trent. Two men at once. She frowned. “What exactly is happening right now?”

  The men looked at each other, then back at her. Mac was the first to speak. “We’re attracted to you, Crystal.”

  She planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Wait, both of you?”

  “Yeah, both of us,” Trent murmured. Both of them looked way too satisfied with themselves. It suddenly pissed her off.

  Crystal stepped closer and poked Trent in the chest. “I’m here
to dance, that’s it. So quit with all the chest beating.” She looked between the two of them. “I came here to have fun with my friend for my birthday. Not to get mixed up in some convoluted delusion you two are suffering from.”

  Mac’s eyebrows shot up. “You think we’re delusional?”

  “Well, what else could it be?” Her voice was rising and people were beginning to stare. She took a few deep breaths before continuing in a more reasonable tone, “You’re both gorgeous and clearly on the prowl, and for whatever reason you think I should be the lioness for your little lion love triangle.”

  Mac chuckled. “Lioness, huh? Now that you mention it, I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing a certain kitty purr.”

  Oh God. That should not have her pussy going damp with need, it really shouldn’t. Crystal knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was way out of her element with Trent and Mac. An image of the two men naked, pleasuring her, sprang to mind. It was forbidden, and she instantly felt guilty for even allowing the picture to invade her mind at all. Instinctively she knew that Mac and Trent would be nothing like Richard. He’d been easygoing at first, too, though, until she’d married him. Then he’d changed. Mac and Trent were bold, candid, and clearly insatiable when they got their hooks into something . . . or someone. Crystal didn’t know what to make of any of it.

  “Dance with me,” Trent murmured, holding his hand out for her. “I want to get you in my arms, that’s all. I want to feel you against me. Just that, Crystal, nothing more.”


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