by J. D. Oliver
Faith came up and said, “Uh, just perhaps you ought to put some clothes on, some of these people aren’t used to nudity.”
“Oh yes, of course.” She raised her arms over her head and when she brought them down over her body, clothes appeared.
Faith said, “Hey, that’s pretty neat, can you teach me that?”
“Not yet, perhaps someday you will learn, maybe after the thousand years.”
“The thousand years, what’s that?”
“I am sorry, I have said too much, please forget what I have just said. Please everyone hurry, we need to get underway.” She said, as she more or less started hustling everyone into the copter. After they were aboard, she stood in the door, naked again, she did a little bump and grind and gave us a wink, then the door closed.
Alita looked at Faith, “Mommy, can you teach me how to do that dance?”
“No Honey, Elizabeth was just teasing us. But when we get time I will teach you how to Ball Room Dance.” Faith said, Lacy spoke up, “I can teach better moves than that.”
I looked at my wife and said, “You know how to ball room dance?” While ignoring what Lacy said.
“Of course, I learned it in college, didn’t you?” Faith answered, she too ignored Lacy’s comment.
“No, I, oh, let’s just say I had other interests. Come on let’s get ready, when that worm hole opens we only have fifteen minutes.” I said.
Lacy stood there with her hands on her hips, “So, you’re ignoring me, huh? Well let me tell you I was good at what I did. I made more money than any other girl. And I did it straight too.”
Rosie spoke up, “Grow up Cousin, we all know you can dance. It’s just not the type they want Alita to learn. Come on and help me with the animals, we have to be ready. Alita, Iris, Mary Jane, you all can help also.”
Leave it to Rosie to get things organized. Just like the old Oil business, we used to have, she ran it mostly all by herself. They all trooped off to see if the horses and mules were ready. Faith and I stood there looking at each other.
Faith came into my arms and I kissed her, she laid her head on my shoulder, “Where is all of this going to end?” She asked.
“I don’t know sweetheart. We’ve been on this roller coaster since we got married. I, for one would just like to slow down and watch the sunrise and set, in all four seasons, in one place.”
“Yes, but, are you sure you wouldn’t be bored.” Faith said, kissing me again.
“No, not bored. My Grandfather said, it was impossible to be bored, if you had a brain. Or I guess it would be better to say, use your brain.
Faith rubbed herself against me, “Does this bore you?” She asked. Of course before I could answer, the rest of our family was on their way back….
While we were waiting for our ride, so to say, I asked Clancy, “You said that this so called wormhole doesn’t take much power. Just how much and where does it come from?”
“As you probably know, every living sole has their own electro-magnetic field. The worm hole runs on our own energy. If it’s just one soul going, the field is only big enough and strong enough for that soul. Now being there is a lot of us going, especially the horses and mules, this worm hole can be big and strong.”
“How long has this been around?” Faith asked.
“If you mean this mode of transportation, it has been around for ever, I guess. But it’s only been accessed by those that know of it. Which now, I guess that includes all of us here today.”
“You mean that from now on we can get around this earth, using the wormholes?”
“Yes, once we share the know how with you. But it doesn’t work for everybody. It depends on your heart condition.”
“Do you mean our hearts have to be physically fit?” I said.
“No, that’s not what I meant. I was referring to your spiritual heart.” Clancy said.
“Well, who’s the judge of that?” You?” Faith said.
“No, not me, that would be the man upstairs. Don’t worry, you wouldn’t of gotten this far, if he didn’t approve of all of you. Sort of.” Clancy said…..
“But, you and Gabe said that we weren’t part of the meek one’s who are to inherent the earth. So just where do we fit in?” I said.
“Still the blunt tool, aren’t you? Isn’t it enough that he sees fit to use the lot of you? At least you are alive.” Gabe said.
“Leave it alone, Honey.” Faith said, then to Gabe and Clancy, “don’t worry, we aren’t complaining. We can take things day by day.”
Clancy cleared his throat, “Yes, in about two minutes the worm hole will appear. The horses and the mules will go in first, Tas will go in with them. You will be happy to know that you humans will go in last, we know you have a penchant for riding drag. There has to be at least two minutes apart between humans and animals.”
“Why is that?” I asked.
“Do you remember your old television shows, that science fiction one? Where they beamed around? I see by your expression that you do. Anyway, your molecules and DNA and stuff get scattered around, we can’t have animal and humans get mixed up, can we?”
“What? Is that dangerous, how do we know we get our own stuff back?” Faith asked.
“Hummm, that is a conundrum, isn’t it? I’m only kidding, of course you get put back together again.” Clancy said, then I heard him say under his breath, “mostly, anyway.” No one else heard him, I choose not to make a big deal out of it. He knew I heard him, he winked at me.
“I was wondering, can we summon this wormhole anytime we want it?” I asked.
“No, we have to summon it. But if it appears when we are not around, that means they are summoning you, and you had better answer.”
“You said before that you would show us how to answer, or use this worm hole?”
“Okay, the code number is simple, it’s 777. You really don’t have to use it, since they have your DNA, that’s what it goes by. We just use the code to cater to your simplicity.”
“I don’t know for sure, but I think you just insulted me. Did you?” I said….
“No, when you tell someone the truth, it’s not an insult, tactless maybe, but no insult. Besides it’s a compliment to have a simple eye. The more you keep your way simple, the better off you will be.”
“Alright, forget it, you’re giving me a headache. Is that the wormhole, forming over there?” I asked as glassy like waves started to shimmer close to where the horses and mules were standing. Then Tas told the animals to go in, they did and they disappeared from our sight.
As we waited our turn I asked Clancy, “Can you disembark from that thing anywhere you want to?”
“No, it’s preset as to location. That makes it a little bit unhandy sometimes. You can’t take any little side trips. That’s where space ships like Elizabeth come in handy. The wormholes are beneficial in other ways, though. They have a sort of biological filter that filters out any impurities or diseases. That’s nice isn’t it?”
It came our turn, Clancy and Gabe both said for us to go on in, that they would be two minutes behind us. We stepped in as a group, bunched together. No one wanted to be first.
Faith and I, with Faith holding Alita, then Rosie, Lacy, Mary Jane and Iris right behind us. We stepped in….all seven of us.
The first sensation was one of weightlessness. Then a tingling all over. Looking at our extremities, first we could see right through our hands. Then we just started to come apart, literally. There was no pain.
We couldn’t understand how we could still be seeing all of this, when we had no eyes? We were just a big bunch of swirling molecules. You notice that I said ‘we’? It wasn’t I, anymore. We were one central intelligence! That must have been why they wanted to keep the species separate.
We each were part of the whole. We knew not only what we were thinking, but all of the past memories or feelings that of which we were. There was no female or male, we were simply human. But yet somehow we were still individuals.
p; I bet you have a question, don’t you? What happened to our clothes, weapons, etc.? They were circling around separate from us. Although some of the same elements that made them what they were, were the same kind of elements that made up our bodies.
There was no scientific explanation for what was happening to us, because it was supernatural.
I, as a man, was a trifle uncomfortable, knowing all of the secrets that a woman kept to themselves. Even as to how they felt when they had orgasms. That really blew my mind so to speak. I can’t explain it to you, for how can a man explain a woman? I suppose the reverse is true. In fact I now know it is. For I was privy to all of their thoughts, as they were to mine.
As an individual, I was a little uncomfortable with the young ones, Alita and Iris, knowing things that only adults should know. But I suppose exceptional times breed exceptional children. As it turned out, I need not of worried.
Chapter Twenty Two
We felt ourselves becoming more dense. Now that didn’t refer to our intelligence, but to our bodies. The swirling colors were slowing down. We were starting to pull ourselves together.
Do you remember that I said, that I needn’t of worried about the children? Why? Because they were no longer children. As we materialized, there were two grown, beautiful women, where there used to be two lovely children.
The color’s settled down to a light purple mist around us. We, all seven, stood there with no clothes. I looked down, our clothes and weapons were stacked neatly at our feet. I was feeling some unsettled, was I still me? Looking at myself, I seen it was still there, I gave a sigh of relief.
The six women seen me look down, and they giggled at me. I said, “Well, it’s no laughing matter, what we just went through and knowing all of your women thoughts, I just had to check.”
We hurriedly pulled our clothes on. We had to share some clothes with Alita and Iris. Why weren’t their old clothes made big also? We stepped out, waiting for us was the Animals. They looked a little different. And then it hit me, where they went in as horses and mules, they came out as something in-between. Since a mule was a cross between a Donkey and a Horse, now they were more horse than mule, or was it vice-versa?
And standing with them was a man, that we hadn’t seen before, but I knew who it was. It was Tas, his hair had the same design and color scheme as the Wolverine, he used to be. “What’s with all of this change-a-roo stuff?” I asked him.
“That’s the price we pay whenever we use those wormholes, they’re somewhat unpredictable. But as to me, there’s more to it, you’ll find out more later.”
“Yeah, it looks like someone has a sense of humor. They didn’t mess with any of our supplies on the pack horses, did they?” I asked.
“No, they’re intact. I hope you don’t mind, I had to borrow some of your clothes. I also have some extras for Clancy and Gabe, I suppose they will come out different also.” Tas said.
The worm hole shimmered and out stepped Gabe. Tas handed him some clothes. I kept looking for Clancy. Gabe said, “He won’t be coming, he has a family you know. He has to stay with them.”
“Well Crap, he didn’t even say goodbye. I got pretty attached to that furry mutt.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll see him again.” Gabe said. His nose looked a little like an Eagles beak, sort of handsome. He had the same piercing eyes, that he used to have.
I kept looking at them both, Gabe and Tas. “So,” I said, “just what species are you two supposed to be?”
“What we’ve always been, Human.”
“Bullshit,” I said. If you’re human, you are not human’s from earth.”
They looked at each other. Gabe said, “You’re right, we’re not from earth. Earthlings think they’re the only humans, but are not. You think the Almighty God would put all of his eggs in one basket?”
“You have a lot of esplaining to do Lucy.” I said.
“Huh?” Gabe said.
“Oh, that was just a line from an old TV show. But you do have some explaining to do. What are you doing down here?”
“We were sent down here to be, what you would call ‘trouble shooters’. We have been here for thousands of years. We do the hands on work, that Angels don’t do.” Tas said.
“What are you, ‘shape shifters’?” I asked.
“Maybe, to some extent I guess. Our civilization is a million years old, we’ve learned how to do some stuff, with Jehovah’s help.”
“How come he helps you guys so much?” I asked.
“Because we were obedient from the start, we didn’t have the Adamic sin. He’s been helping earthlings from the start, he made the ransom possible. It’s all being worked out now.”
“Where do we fit in this scenario of the time of the end.” Faith asked.
“Well, I’m afraid, you guys are what could be called, the odd man out. In that you’re not of the meek who will inherit this earth. At the same time you’re not of the wicked that will be destroyed.” Gabe said.
“What about our loved ones here in New Mexico?” Faith said.
“That’s also who we’re down here for. The Carmel Foundation, an organization of ours, has been gathering a lot of you folks in. But there has been a lot of Maverick’s like you and your families, that have resisted being inside of the foundations compound.
We could just let you be destroyed, but there’s that gray area that you fall into. We’ve been given permission to remove you from this earth.”
“Remove us huh? Does that mean kill us?” Lacy said.
“No, of course not. Why would we work so hard to keep you alive, like we have done, to simply kill you?” Tas said.
“I don’t get it, why? Why are you trying to keep us alive?” Mary Jane said.
“Do you remember that Gabe said, that you were not of the meek, nor of the wicked that will be destroyed? Well let me qualify that. There is no fence in God’s new system of things. So you cannot sit on it. You will have to admit you’re not part of the meek. So if you stayed here on this earth, you would be classified as part of the wicked. That’s where we come in, your talents and ability’s are useful, but not on earth anymore.”
“Alright, so where are we supposed to go, the Moon?” Rosie said, with a hint of sarcasm.
“One step at a time,” Gabe said. “The first thing you have to do is to get those at the Ranchos de Chama. They have been told that you are coming. Not only are Karl, Felicia, Alona and Jake there. But also Miguel and Ester and their children, but Gail Pretty Otter is there also. They have been able to stand off the Devils spawn so far, but their supplies are getting low.”
“I recognize where we’re at now, we’re only about two miles from the ranch.” I said. “I see by the sun that it’s close to going down, we could go in tonight.”
“Yes, but I think it would be better at dawn.” Tas said.
“Alright, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get a little something to eat and some rest.” I said. I looked around at the rest of our party. Party, that’s a ambiguous word at times. We sure weren’t having one, but looking at Iris and Alita, who were less than half dressed, could have been having some kind of a party. They looked a trifle uncomfortable with their new bodies. For the first time I got a close look at the rest of us. We looked a little younger than we used to. We all looked like we were in our middle twenties.
I brought this fact to the attention of Tas and Gabe. “You are younger, while the young are older. And Oh yes, by the way, if you don’t screw it up, you are on track to live a very long life.” Gabe said.
Faith said, “Well what about those at the Ranch?”
“No, not yet. They have to go through the wormhole, like you folks did.”
“How are they going to do that?” I asked.
“There are various ways, they haven’t decided that.” Tas said.
“They, they, they! It’s always they, isn’t it?” Rosie said. Gabe just pointed at the sky. “We are just tools, the same as you.” Gabe said.
“Oh, I know
that,” Rosie said, “but it just gets so frustrating. It reminds me of all of the governments of the world, always passing the buck.”
“This earth is coming under Theocratic Rule. There will be no passing of the buck. It is the same where I come from, we have been under Theocratic Rule since the beginning. It has been a very good thing. So don’t worry, they won’t let you down.”
Faith, being the matriarch of our family, said, “Enough talk, lets get some clothes for ourselves off of the pack horses and get something to eat. I see a spring, that flows into the river, I think we can drink that water safely.”
And that’s what we did. We took the pack saddles off of the horses. Alita and Iris had pulled off what little clothes they had on and were trying on clothes. I felt sorry for them. They didn’t know exactly what to think of the voluptuous figures, they had became. I looked away and went and started a small fire and put some side bacon on. Yes, we still had some meat, when that ran out, there would be no more….
All nine of us sat around the fire and made small talk. No one wanted to discuss anything heavy, ignoring the Gorilla in the trees. When the fire burned down, the seven of us cuddled close, while Tas and Gabe disappeared. I think they went to scope out the morning’s task.
When all had fallen asleep, except me. I got up and worked on my weapons. Cleaning my guns and sharpening my knife. I didn’t have to worry about the women’s stiletto’s, they were always razor sharp. I wondered about that scripture, ‘beating the weapons into plow shares’. When would we be able to do that?
A couple of hours before dawn, Tas and Gabe came back and found me asleep bent over my rifle with the cleaning rod still in the barrel. Gabe touched my shoulder, I became instantly awake. “Sorry, I guess I should of stayed awake, we didn’t have anyone on guard.”
“No need, the camp was being monitored from space. You would have been woke up, if the need would have arisen.” Tas said. “Go back to sleep with the women, we’ll wake you up in an hour.”
They were as good as their word…We had just enough time to eat some pemmican before we mounted the horses. Tas and Gabe rode also. I asked them: