Brought to Heel

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Brought to Heel Page 13

by Delta James

  “Frankly, I don’t know. He’s had a knot most of the day. If she yields when he caught her and submitted to his mating and marking her, he may well have foregone the pleasure of knotting her while she was still a wolf. But if she fought him, he’ll have knotted her as he marked her. The only thing about knotting your mate as a wolf is the tie isn’t nearly as long.”

  She shuddered at the thought of being knotted as a wolf. In their wolf form, sex was a matter of mating and need for a woman. Most often it wasn’t pleasurable. It was something to be endured, not enjoyed.

  Dylan continued, “If he didn’t knot her as a wolf, he’ll do it when he takes her to their bed for the first time. You’ve been mated to an alpha before. You know it is something we are driven to do.”

  “But if he didn’t knot her, I can tell her what to expect so she doesn’t fear what’s coming.”

  Dylan smiled at her. “Something tells me my mate doesn’t fear or dislike being knotted.”

  His smile broadened as he saw that her body was aroused and would be more than ready for his claiming. He took her breast fully in his hand for the first time. Her body swayed into his and she closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure. His cock throbbed and it was all he could do not to take her on the hard ground beneath them.

  “Are you as anxious to feel my knot inside you as I am to put it there?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” she moaned as she pushed her breast deeper into his hand.

  Dylan wrapped an arm around her to steady her as he flicked her nipple with his thumb. Her pleasured response was everything he had hoped for. He watched her intently. He took her nipple between his thumb and fingers and began to roll and tug at it gently. She moved her hips against him.

  He chuckled as he stopped and she emitted a low growl at him. He cupped her bottom with his hand and ran his thumb down one of the welts. She writhed against him. “Naughty mate. You do not growl at me when you don’t get pleasured the way you want. I will let it pass this time as I suspect it’s been a while since you were underneath a man with him thrusting between your legs. Do not expect me to be as generous in the future.”

  “Do you know how much I loathe you?”

  He laughed. “Almost as much as you desire me?” Her eyes reflected the distress she was in with her conflicting emotions. He held her close. “It will be all right, cariad. Just yield and I’ll see if I can’t help with Roz.”

  “Why does it always have to be a negotiation with you?”

  “Because you leave me no choice. You and I both know there are many alphas who would have claimed and marked you without caring about your feelings or your women. I’m not sure you understand what an uproar you caused. There are wolves willing to fight to the death to claim one of you.”

  “Why? What did we do to you and your brethren? We just wanted to live our lives.”

  “Like it or not, our species needs you. And the fact that all of you are strong enough to live on your own without a male to protect you scares and attracts us at the same time. The general feeling is that you will be added strength to any pack.”

  “You told me you would protect my women.”

  “I will and I have. You have no idea what I had to do to claim the right to consider these women part of my pack and to find new homes for them. There are enough unmated alphas that the first thought was that there would be a lottery and you could be given to whoever’s name was drawn out of a hat.”

  “That’s monstrous.”

  “I agree. And you need to know that it wasn’t just Calon Gwyllt that stood up for you. I’m going to try to put as many of your girls with those packs as I can. It makes it more difficult for me to argue for putting you together after Darby and Anna’s little stunt and you and Roz refusing to acknowledge valid claims made for you.”

  “You’re asking us to make your life easier after you took ours from us?”

  “No one’s hurt any of you.”

  “Really? Did you miss the welts when you were feeling me up? Wasn’t it you who ordered both Anna and Darby to be beaten? Did you not encourage Oliver to force Roz to run? You admit that he probably mated her as a wolf… do you know how degrading that is?”

  “First, I spanked you for the first time this afternoon because you fired on me and mine and then threatened me with a knife. From some girls that might be cute, but you’ve bloodied yourself as a warrior. Second, you got a taste of my belt, and I’m beginning to think not as good a taste as you needed, this evening when you openly disrespected me and behaved in a manner beneath you.”

  “I owed you no respect.”

  “Bullshit. I’m your mate and everyone knows it… including you. Third, I ordered one member of my pack to discipline his mate for her misbehavior. I ordered my beta to discipline another of my pack for following the first one in her foolishness. Fourth, Oliver offered to claim Roz in a different manner and she refused him, so he forced her to run. And as obvious as you and I are, Oliver and Roz are every bit as obvious. But she’s as stubborn and prideful as you are. I wonder where she learned that behavior? As for being claimed as a wolf? We don’t know that happened and if it did, I’d bet substantial amounts of money that it was because even caught Roz refused to yield.”

  “Talking to you is a waste of breath.”

  “I’ve about reached the end of my patience with you for the second time today. It’s only a waste because you know I’m right and your argument isn’t valid. And being claimed as a wolf isn’t degrading… humbling, yes, but not degrading. Both you and Roz could use a little humbling.”

  He looked up toward the house and saw a pile of clothing neatly stacked for their use if needed. Dylan took her by the hand and led her to them.

  “I offered to try to help with Roz. I don’t think that is in anyone’s best interest. I will, however, offer you a new deal.”

  “Will I find it as distasteful as the last one?”

  He nodded. “More so. You either agree to put on those clothes, walk in the house, acknowledge my claim as your mate and alpha, and adjourn to our bed. And let me be clear, I will mark and knot you without further ado. Or, I’ll force you to shift back to your wolf form, which by the way is every bit as alluring as your human form, and mark and knot you here on the ground.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would. I’ve tried being understanding; I’ve tried being reasonable. All I’ve gotten in return is bad attitude and misbehavior. And after we enter the house and it’s noted that you carry my mark and scent, I’ll take you upstairs and fuck you harder than you’ve ever been until another knot forms and then I’ll knot you a second time. One way or another, Skylar, you and I are going to settle this between us and when we leave our bedchamber in the morning, you’ll be wearing my mark and it should be obvious to anyone looking that you’ve been claimed in every way possible and well used by your mate.”

  When he’d finished, his mouth came down to capture hers. Gone was the affection and desire. In its place there was passion, anger, and frustration. She wanted to fight him and yet all her primal instincts wanted to do was to yield to his dominance and take her place as his mate. She tried to fight and squirmed to break free of him. He was holding her too close for her to execute much of a kick. Instead she stomped on his instep.

  She half expected him to shift to a wolf, grab her by the scruff of the neck, and force her to do the same. She knew that a part of her wanted that. Instead, he swatted her bottom and then grabbed a butt cheek in each hand to bring her into closer contact. His mouth left hers long enough to trail kisses and nips down her neck. Seemingly against her will, she arched her body into his. There was a part of her that wanted him to mark and claim her as a wolf so she could hate him for it. She knew that if she yielded he would make their first time unforgettable and would force her to acknowledge the link that existed between them.

  He nuzzled her neck and came back to her mouth. He stopped and waited until she opened her eyes to look at her. “What’s it to be, Sky? This
is the last decision that will be yours to make—will you acknowledge my claim in front of the ranking members of our pack willingly or would you prefer to be claimed as a wolf?”

  “I haven’t really a choice, do I?”

  He wanted to comfort her, allay all her fears, and tell her it would be all right. But he knew she needed to make this one concession, which he admitted from her perspective was a big one. It was important and vital to not only them as a mated pair, but to their pack and to the girls who had once been her responsibility alone.


  “I yield. I’ll get dressed and go into your house and acknowledge your claim as my mate and alpha.” Tears started to silently roll down her cheeks.

  He held her close and stroked her hair. “It will be all right. You’ve nothing to fear. As much as I like seeing you naked, that’s a pleasure I’d prefer to keep for myself.”

  She gave him a shy smile. “What do you care? The only people up there will be Oliver’s man, maybe Oliver and Roz and your ranking couples. I’ve seen the way Matthew and Nick look at their mates… I don’t know that they’d even notice I was naked.”

  He looked down at her turgid nipples. “Trust me, beloved, a blind, dead man would notice you naked.”

  She turned away from him and bent over to pick up her clothes. She felt him come up behind her, his hard cock poking between her legs, seeking the entrance to her core.

  “You have no idea how very tempting you are like that. There will come a time, mate, if you present me with such a target, I will take aim, mount you, and fire myself repeatedly into you.”

  She laughed in spite of herself. He really was kind, caring, and funny. Not to mention sexy and hung.

  They dressed and finished walking up to the house. As they entered, Skylar scanned the room for Roz. She spotted her. She was relieved to see that she was dressed and didn’t appear to be any worse for wear. Skylar couldn’t see an alpha’s mark on her and there didn’t appear to be blood. Roz’s demeanor was not that of a woman who had been forcibly marked and knotted.

  Dylan rubbed her back. “Nick, you’ve seen to Darby?”

  “Yes, Alpha. It was a bit tricky disciplining her as that bastard used to beat her for no reason other than it turned him on. Great care and thoughtful consideration will need to be taken in finding her an understanding mate.”

  Even though he knew the answer, he asked the question for Skylar’s sake. “But she understood why she was being punished and accepted it?”

  Knowing the answer was more for Skylar than Dylan, Nick replied, “Yes. She accepted it with fairly good grace. I turned her fanny bright red and she cried and promised to behave before I’d determined she’d had enough, but I didn’t see a need to use anything other than my hand.”

  Skylar started to speak but Dylan shushed her then he said, “Oliver, good to see you. I’d hoped I would before you left in the morning.”

  Oliver smiled at him. “I wanted to wait until you were here as you are alpha of this pack. Roz, I believe you have something to say?”

  Roz glared at him, causing Oliver to growl low in his throat at her. Dylan was surprised to see Roz’s demeanor change immediately. “I’m sorry. This isn’t easy for me.”

  Oliver hugged her close. “I know, sweetheart. But you know what you have to do. Be a good girl.”

  “I hate being a good girl.”

  Oliver laughed at her. “That’s going to have to change or you won’t be sitting down much, will you?”


  “Oliver.” He swatted her backside with affection. “Now, get on with it.”

  “You’ll speak to him?” Roz said, indicating Dylan with her head.

  This time the swat held a bit more sting and caused Roz to yelp. “Do you want to behave or do you need me to take you upstairs and take my belt to your bottom before you decide to do as you’re told?”

  “No, Oliver. I… all right. I, Rozalyn Kincanon, formerly of Bae Diogel, acknowledge you, Oliver Halsey, as my right and lawful mate and alpha.”

  Oliver kissed her forehead. “See? That wasn’t too bad, was it?”

  “It was, but it was better than the alternatives.”

  Oliver’s pack mate stepped forward rubbed his cheek along the backs of the hands of both his alpha and his new lady. An age-old and formal show of respect and loyalty. After doing so, he hugged Roz and said, “You’re going to love the Hamptons; we’re all so happy you’re going to be one with us.”

  Oliver looked at Dylan. “I believe, my friend, that you’re up. If you prefer, we can leave.”

  Dylan smiled. “No need. Although I do think my beloved has something she’d like to say, don’t you?”

  Skylar looked at Roz who shot her a sympathetic look. “I, Skylar Owen, formerly of Bae Diogel, acknowledge you, Dylan Grainger, as my right and lawful mate.”

  Dylan smiled at her. “Nice try, Sky. All of it.”

  “I’m an alpha in my own right.”

  “No longer, my love. You are mate to your alpha. Now, do it right.”

  “Fine. I acknowledge you as my right and lawful mate and alpha.”

  With that, she knew she had sealed her fate. Nick and Matthew, grinning from ear to ear, came forward and took her hand, rubbing their cheek against it, formally acknowledging her as their lady. Susannah and Bianca were close behind them.

  As she hugged her, Susannah whispered, “Roz is fine. He didn’t claim her as a wolf. And you really can be happy here.”

  Skylar smiled. Bianca hugged her as well, saying quietly, “God help them. There are now two resident bitches.”

  That caused Nick to growl at her and Skylar to laugh out loud. The small group was a bit startled when Thomas, the cook, entered the room.

  “If I might, Alpha, I took the liberty of preparing a small cake in honor of these announcements. I’ll have something more elaborate for brunch tomorrow, but I wanted a little something for your ladies to mark the occasion.”

  Dylan smiled. “Thank you, Thomas. That would be lovely. And I expect you have champagne as well?”

  Thomas smiled and nodded.

  Dylan laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “I’ll bring it in immediately.”

  Oliver watched him leave. “So what would happen if I tried to steal him?”

  “Roz would be without a mate,” said Dylan matter-of-factly.

  Oliver laughed. “Don’t give her any more naughty ideas. She has plenty of her own, don’t you, sweetheart?”

  “I refuse to answer on the grounds that you already gave me a spanking and I don’t want another one.”

  Oliver hugged her again. Skylar noticed that her former beta’s body language did not appear to be that of someone under great duress. She nudged Dylan, who leaned his head down so that only he could hear her. “Will you ask him if I can speak with her in private?”

  “Is it safe to do so? For all I know, you have some other contingency up your sleeve that you need to talk to Roz to initiate. If I allow it, and if Oliver allows it, it will only be about his knotting her and what to expect. Clear?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Don’t start with me, or I’ll send you upstairs to stand in the corner until I come up to claim you once and for all. Do you want to talk to Roz within those parameters or not?”

  She sighed. “I’m sorry. I guess you are being about as gracious as you can be under the circumstances. And I would very much appreciate being allowed to talk to Roz about what to expect and nothing else.”

  “Then you wait until you each get a piece of cake. If Oliver agrees, you can go sit in the two chairs by the window. And Sky, it will be all right… for all of you.”


  “Yes, cariad. I promise.”

  Thomas wheeled the cake and champagne in and served everyone. Before Thomas could do so, Oliver pulled Dylan aside.

  “You have given me so much,” he smiled at Roz, “but I need to ask one last thing.”

��If it’s within my power…”

  “Roz is nervous about being knotted and marked. She’s asked me to wait until we get back to the Hamptons, but I’m about half mad with the wanting of her and to feel her tied to me.”

  Dylan chuckled. “I understand the feeling. I was a bit surprised you didn’t claim her as a wolf.”

  “I thought about it. God knows she deserved it, but I want her to be happy. And when I pinned her all that rolled off of her was fear. I didn’t want our first time to be full of fear, pain, and bad memories. I thought if Skylar could talk to her, if you think that’s a good idea, she could help allay those fears so when I make her mine tonight, it’s as easy and as pleasurable for her as possible.”

  Dylan smiled. “I can arrange that. Skylar asked to be allowed to do just that. I told her they could sit in that little nook and talk. I have her word that the conversation will be limited to knotting, marking, and the like.”

  Oliver grinned. “In that case, I’d like to take you up on staying at least through tomorrow. I would prefer Roz not have to travel the day after she’s marked and knotted for the first time. Instead of the cabin cruiser, I’ll have a car sent down in which she can be comfortable.”

  “You are more than welcome. If the two of them show us they can behave, it might go a long way with the others to see them settling in.”

  “Thank you, Dylan. Truly.” He looked over to his mate. It was obvious to Dylan that his old friend was as besotted with his mate as Dylan was with his own.

  Chapter Twelve

  A few minutes later, Roz and Skylar sat in the small nook looking at each other. “We had a helluva run, didn’t we?” Roz said wistfully.

  Skylar nodded. “We did. And we almost got away from them.”

  “Do you think any of the others will make a run for it or be able to get away?”

  Skylar shook her head. “Make a run for it? Perhaps. Get away? No, I don’t. Dylan promises me he’ll make sure they are all well placed and at least Anna will be here with us.”

  “Oliver said Dylan’s a good man and not afraid to take on the Council. He said he’s got the backing to do it if he needs to. Oh, shit. I’m not even marked by the bastard and I’m quoting him as gospel.”


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