Secretly Mated (Ouachita Mountain Shifters 4)

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Secretly Mated (Ouachita Mountain Shifters 4) Page 10

by P. Jameson

  Rigor glanced at the cats. They were furious, mad enough to murder, and only holding their ground because they’d been ordered to. There was six of them, eyes flashing with how close their animals were to turning, and one human with a firearm. They’d have to take him out first to keep from getting shot. And there were more inside.

  Rigor widened the cutters to get a good grip. Maybe if he got the cat right at the knuckle, the doctor would have a better chance at fixing the damage.

  He was resigned to the fact that things were about to get even uglier. With a deep breath, he squeezed—

  “Stop,” Gash roared, bringing everyone’s head around. “Enough, Rig. Enough.”

  Gash stared at his new leader, who was fuming at the white flag treatment. He didn’t want to be giving in. He wanted blood. Rigor recognized the look.

  “I’ll go with him. Felix won’t stop. It’ll keep going like this until people get killed.” His eyes flashed back to the lodge and instinctually, Rigor knew there was a female in there with Gash’s name on her.

  Rigor grinned at getting what he needed without having to become more of a monster for it. Gash strolled forward, ignoring the protests from his clan.

  “Load up,” Rigor called to his pack, and they let out an obnoxious howl.

  A ruckus started as some of the clan rushed forward to help the doctor and her male, while others argued fiercely amongst themselves, unwilling to let Gash leave.

  Rigor traded places with Timer in the driver’s seat as Gash opened the passenger door. He took one look back at his people, and Rigor followed his gaze to the huge window on one side of the lodge. A curvy female with dark skin and long, curly hair stared through the glass, her palm pressed against it as she watched the first truck leave.

  Gash climbed inside and slammed the door, staring at the floorboard as Rigor put the truck in gear.

  “She yours?”

  “No,” he said too quickly. He cleared his throat. “No.”

  Rigor grunted in disagreement.

  “Why did you do this?” Gash demanded as Rigor pointed the truck toward the exit road. “What do you get out of fucking up my life here?”

  “Who says I get anything? Maybe I just don’t like how you skipped out on your clan and their business.”

  “I wanted out,” he hissed. “Felix said no, so I left. What the hell did I do so wrong?”

  “You did plenty wrong in the past. And thinking you can just walk away from it and start over? It doesn’t work like that for people like us.” Rigor only wished it was so easy.

  “People like us,” Gash scoffed. “Trust me, asshole. I’ve paid for my mistakes a hundred times over under Felix’s goddamn fist. Now tell me what you get out of coming down here and terrorizing an innocent clan.”

  “Oh, fine. I do want something, and you’re going to help me with that. But first I’m getting you back to Felix.”

  The wrecker bounced down the small mountain road in silence. When they reached the bottom of the hill, Gash spoke.

  “What if I can help you without involving Felix? I know you hate him nearly as much as I do. How about we just take him out of the equation and make our own deal? You’d get what you want and I’d go back to my clan.”

  Now there was a solution Rigor hadn’t thought of earlier. He’d been working with the disgusting cat for so long he could hardly see another way of doing things.

  Rigor stopped the truck, putting it in park and flashing his lights for the other wrecker to pull off. They’d radio to the third truck up the road and tell them they were on the way.

  “It won’t solve your problems, cat. Felix is coming for you whether it’s now or later.”

  Gash eyed him ruthlessly. “Tell me what you’re after and let me be the judge of whether it’s worth it or not.”

  Rigor considered the offer. Gash was the key to finding his female’s killer. He might even know the man personally.

  “What did Felix promise you?”

  Rigor sighed. It was worth a try. “There’s a man I’m looking for. Aaron Redman. You know him?”

  Gash frowned. “Name sounds familiar.”

  “His sister belongs to a wolf pack you’re familiar with. The Dirt Track Dogs.”

  “What do you want with him?”

  Rigor stared out the windshield. “He took something from me. He needs to pay. Can you deliver him?”

  Gash breathed deep, considering another deal with the devil, but this one, for his freedom. Rigor was betting the male hadn’t changed nearly as much as his new clan thought he had.

  “Yeah,” he said on a sigh. “Yeah, I can get him for you. But you have to run interference with Felix.”

  Rigor laughed. “Sorry, no. That’s not part of the deal.”

  “You will keep Felix off my back.” Gash glared. “Stall, at least for a while. I need to find your man, and figure out how to keep Felix away from my clan. You do this, or you don’t get your revenge. Simple. Because, listen wolf, Felix isn’t gonna give you what you want and you know it. This was a last ditch effort to get it. You never really thought he’d help you, did you?”

  Rigor stared at the male. He wanted to call him a liar, to flip the truck in gear and take him straight back to Memphis. But he spoke truth.

  Trusting Felix to help him find Redman was a risky move. One he’d been willing to chance. But Gash was a much surer bet. And with the clan’s safety hanging over his head, he’d have to come through.

  “Fine. We have ourselves a deal.”

  Gash’s jaw ticked as he nodded slowly. “A deal then.”

  “Fan-fucking-tastic. Now get the hell out of my truck.”

  Gash glared, tossing a middle finger in the air, and climbed down out of the wrecker.


  Owyn ground his teeth together while Doc worked on his hand. Mason had brought in gas lanterns so she could see and Clara held a flashlight for extra light. Renner and Eagan were working on the generators in a last ditch effort for some electricity.

  “I’m almost done,” Doc murmured. “We’ll use our mating bond when I’m finished. Your hand will be okay.”

  “I know,” he said, trying to catch her gaze to let her know he was fine. But she focused on her work.

  He loved that about her. That she was all business when someone needed her. She was too fucking perfect. But the way she flew from the lodge and into the face of danger in defense of him… it made his chest seize with pride and concern.

  He had to mark her soon.

  The dining room was quiet, all things considered. Magic paced back and forth by the window, muttering something to Layna and Ryan.

  “We get him back,” Layna snapped, her voice loud in the room. “There’s no question here. Gash needs us. He doesn’t get to decide what we do or if we care. Besides, these assholes nearly cut off my tail. Did cut off Owyn’s finger. I want their fucking fur on my mantel.”

  “Layna, goddamn, enough okay? I agree.” Magic nodded. “The question is how. We have to be smart about this.”

  Doc carefully wrapped a thick strip of gauze around Owyn’s wound. “I don’t know what’s happened to him,” she mumbled.

  “What’s that?” Magic asked.

  “Rigor. He wasn’t always a monster.”

  “How do you know him, Doc?”

  She sighed, taping off the bandage. “Through Cleaver. I don’t know him well. Just that he was the kind of male who’d care for his family. I helped him once. Well, not him exactly. His female, she was with young, almost ready to give birth. When they brought me to her, she was nearly gone already. She’d been shot several times, lost too much blood, and I couldn’t sew her up fast enough. Anyway, there was nothing I could do for her. The young however… that was another thing.”

  “You saved his young?” Owyn asked.

  Doc nodded. “He cried when I put the baby in his arms. Said he owed me a life.”

  The lights flickered once. Twice. And then came fully to life, making them all blink in the bright

  “Oh, good,” Bethany breathed. “They got the generators working.” Rhys was curled over her round belly, snoozing.

  The front doors opened and footsteps sounded through the lobby. But they didn’t stop at the dining room entrance. Instead, they pounded down the hallway. Magic followed the sound and so did Owyn, ignoring Doc’s objections.

  It was Gash, stalking toward his office with purpose.

  “The hell?” Magic muttered, running after him.

  When Owyn caught up, Gash was at his desk behind the monitors, clicking his way through different camera shots. A phone was pressed between one ear and his shoulder.

  “What’s happening?” Magic asked, but Gash ignored him. “Shit, man. Fill me in. How did you get away?”

  “I didn’t,” he said, grimly. “I made a deal.”

  “A deal? Who are you calling?”

  “Those bears you told me about. The ones in security. We need to shore this place up. This isn’t over no matter what kind of shitty ass deal I made.”

  Owyn frowned. “Bears. The ones from Cleaver’s?”

  “Those are the ones—Hey, it’s Gash,” he said into the receiver. “I changed my mind. Whatever your terms, we’ll meet them. Get here as soon as you can.” He slammed the phone down and squinted at the screen.

  “What deal did you make?” Magic asked, his voice low.

  “A fucking bad one,” Gash answered, distracted.

  Magic slammed his fist down on the desk. “What deal?”

  “Aaron Redman,” Gash snapped.

  Owyn recognized the name, but he doubted anyone else would. He was friends with Tana. Brother to one of the wolves’ mates.

  “Annie’s brother,” Owyn murmured. “From DTD.”

  Gash nodded. “I agreed to deliver him to Rigor in exchange for him keeping Felix away from here.”

  Owyn’s stomach sank in the silent moments between Gash’s announcement and Magic’s explosive response.

  “You did what?” Magic hissed, pushing off the desk to run a hand angrily through his hair. “We don’t do shit like that around here.”

  Gash narrowed his gaze and swallowed back whatever words he had for Magic.

  “You… you can’t follow through on that deal, man,” Owyn argued, and Gash’s angry stare flipped to him.

  “Don’t you think I know that? I did what I had to do, to give us some time. Get the bears here, and figure out what to do about the fucking shadow clan. I told you shitheads, I’ve changed. I’m not handing over anyone innocent to those people.” He turned back to the monitors. “Now let me do my fucking job. I don’t know how much time we have.”

  Owyn glanced at Magic. His friend’s jaw ticked as they shared a look that could only be interpreted as oh, shit.

  They might have made it through this first battle mostly in one piece. But things were about to get even more twisted up. The peaceful lodge they called home was about to become a war zone.

  But Owyn couldn’t imagine a more worthy cause to fight for than the safety of family. Sometimes, if you fought for the right reasons, the struggle was worth it in the end.

  Turning to leave, Owyn was stopped by Gash’s harsh voice. “I… Owyn, I’m fucking sorry about your hand. I owe you a life.”

  I owe you a life. It was the same thing Rigor told Doc when she’d helped him.

  Owyn shook his head. “Nah, man. We don’t keep a tally around here. If we did, we’d all owe Doc our first born. We’re good.” He held out the fist of his good hand and Gash tapped it with his own. “Call me when the bears get here.”

  “Will do.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Doc looked around the dining room. It’d been cleaned up and set back to normal. The electric was fixed temporarily, until the utility company could repair the lines. The clan was safe for now, and there were human guests arriving in the morning. Not to mention the bear security Gash was hiring from Cleaver.

  It’d be nice to see the twins again.

  Things would be business as usual tomorrow. And maybe the next day. And the next. But eventually, the danger would return to Lake Haven.

  The thought left her feeling cold.

  People were trickling out, heading for the comfort of their cabins and some recovery time with their mates.

  She wondered what Owyn would do tonight. His sweet declaration of love for her was rudely interrupted by the attack, and now she didn’t know what to expect from him. She wanted to fall into his arms and pretend there wasn’t a threat to their family. That when they awoke tomorrow, their worst problem would be deciding what to eat for breakfast.

  He slid up behind her, and the heat of his body was a soothing balm to her nerves.

  “Mate,” he murmured. “Are you ready to go home?”

  Doc nodded, and resisted asking him where home was now. Maybe she was thinking too far ahead. Maybe they still needed separate places until they could get used to the idea of mating.

  Owyn took her hand and pulled her toward the door. They were silent as they walked the trail toward the cabins. A trill of relief fluttered through Doc as they passed by hers and continued walking to Owyn’s.

  He climbed the steps and she followed, stopping at the door when he turned to face her.

  “I want you in my home. In my bed. I don’t want you ever sleeping away from me again. Tell me if that’s not okay.”

  “It’s perfect. Exactly what I want too.”

  Owyn opened the door and Doc stepped in, finding the design of the cabin familiar. And even with none of her things around, his place felt like home.

  “What do you think?” He sounded nervous. Just a little. “We can move some of your things over tomorrow if you’d like. Or… or we can go buy new things. Whatever you want.”

  Doc gave him a grin, her eyes filling with tears she refused to be ashamed of. “Our home,” she whispered. “I can’t believe this is finally happening.”

  He drew her close, his arms circling her waist as he dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Are you happy?” It was part disbelief and part wonder.

  She kissed him in response, stretching up on her tiptoes to reach his lips. “Yes.”

  Doc stepped out of Owyn’s arms, bringing his hand up to examine it. “Does it hurt?” she asked.

  “It’s nothing, Doc. Like hitting my thumb with a hammer… except a little worse.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Bullshit.”

  Owyn chuckled, gripping her hip with his other hand to keep her near. He leaned in, pulling her earlobe between his teeth and biting down softly. Doc shivered at the contact.

  “Should we test our bond? See what it can do?” he asked softly.

  “I used it from inside, when you were… when Rigor…” Her breath hitched at the memory. “Did you feel me?”

  “Yes. I felt you, Christina. And tonight I’m going to prove to you how powerful our bond has become.”

  Carefully, she unwrapped his hand. The reattached finger was angry and swollen, the stitches digging into the skin like it was an overstuffed ragdoll. Gently, she cradled it in hers, pushing healing power through their bond.

  Owyn hissed, grinding his teeth together.

  She knew this part was the worst. Healing what was broken always caused pain at first. But then his tension eased and the swelling faded. The redness returned to his normal skin shade and the bruising disappeared.

  “There,” she said, giddy that she was able to ease his pain. “Test it out.”

  Owyn flexed his hand, tentatively at first, and then more sure once it seemed like his finger worked.

  “How is it?”

  “A little stiff,” he mumbled. “But… wow, Doc. That’s amazing. I’ve seen other mating bonds at work, but actually feeling ours…” He shook his head in wonder. “I want more.” He scooped her up with both arms around her waist. “I want everything.”

  She gasped just as his mouth captured hers, his tongue pressing in to claim it. She was ready for this. Ready for his total claimin
g. Ready to be his for the rest of her days.

  Owyn brought her to the bed, pulling away to ease her shirt over her head. His came next, and then her bra. His eyes grazed her hungrily, catching on certain places longer than others. The hollow of her neck, the peaks of her nipples, the dip of her belly just before the waist of her jeans.

  Desire licked at her, creating a burning pool at her core. But there was another desire that had nothing to do with the physical burn for Owyn. It was the desire of her heart. That he’d give her his to hold, to love. And finally, it was happening.

  Touching her with only the tips of his fingers, he brushed a trail down her neck, between her breasts, and over her belly to her waistband, his eyes following the entire way. He gripped the fabric and tugged her forward in one sharp move.

  His lips brushed her cheek as he husked, “Gonna make every part of you mine. For good. Any objections, Doc?”

  “None,” she breathed, her palm sliding over the bulge in his jeans.

  A low purr rumbled his chest and it sent chills racing down her spine. The panther was near, and the cougar wanted all of him.

  Owyn flicked the button on her jeans, ripped the zipper, and had her pants down all in the next breath, leaving her in the black lace panties she’d worn to the party.

  “Those panties are pretty, Doc, but I’m going to have to ruin them.” His voice was thick with lust. “They stand between me and your pussy, and I’m not letting anything get in my way tonight.”

  God, yes. She’d buy new ones.

  Doc reached down, grabbing the offending fabric by the waist and yanking hard to rip it. The panties came away scraps that she held out for Owyn to take.

  “There,” she said, dropping them in his palm. “All gone.”

  One side of his mouth curved up in a sexy grin. “Anxious, are we?”

  Doc nodded, swallowing down the emotion welling in her throat.

  “Been waiting for this, haven’t we, mate?” Owyn whispered.

  She nodded again, not trusting her voice.

  “I’ve imagined this night with you,” he admitted. “Laid awake, dreaming of it. Of how I’d touch you. How you’d respond. How it’d be to make love to you with my heart wide open for you to see. Without the shadows and secrets. Just me showing you everything.” He dropped a soft kiss to her lips. “Doc, I’m telling you right now, I don’t think my dreams are going to live up to the reality.”


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