Forgotten by You

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Forgotten by You Page 16

by Carlie Sexton

  Charlie’s voice trembled as she spoke to me. I could hear her pain and if it had been anything else, I would have said of course I can forgive you. But this, this was huge. I might have to look into the face of what they did…a child. I was supposed to be the father of her children, not Garrett.

  No. No. No. No. Stop talking. I don’t want to hear this. Screaming this out in my head did no good since Charlie continued on.

  “I know I didn’t use a condom with Garrett and that’s why I’m thinking he’s the father. I’m so sorry,” she said again.

  “Sorry? Sorry?” I whispered as my eyes barely opened. Focusing on her was difficult, but I was awake. No longer drifting in nothingness.

  “Oh my God. Mitch, you’re awake.”

  “Awake,” I said, astonished, my voice coming through a little stronger.

  Charlie attempted to hug me, laying her body over my torso. I didn’t hug her back. I felt weak, and I really couldn’t move my body much. Fucking muscle atrophy.

  “Pregnant? Garrett’s baby?” Why was it so hard to talk?

  Tears streamed down her face. “Yes,” she gasped out. “Mitch, I’m so sorry.”

  “You said that.” My tone was biting. My breathing had accelerated and words were beginning to flood my mind. “This is worse than a coma. I could pretend you didn’t sleep together. Now it’s all just a fucked-up reality. How could you do this to us, Charlie?”

  Charlie’s sobs only made me angrier. She had no right to cry. All of this was her fault. I was so angry I could tear this room apart…that is if I could move. My body wasn’t exactly complying with my mind.

  “I don’t know how everything has gone so wrong, but you are right, it is all my fault. I let Garrett take care of me when you didn’t remember us. He comforted me and I needed him. I had no idea he wanted me. But you broke up with me and then I saw you and Heather at the Italian restaurant. I think I drank two bottles of wine all by myself.”

  She grabbed a tissue and wiped her nose.

  Her excuse was she needed comfort? Kate…Natalie…they couldn’t comfort her? She had to sleep with my brother? I wanted to say all of this, but it was too exhausting. The words wouldn’t come out.

  “I know it’s no excuse, but I was drunk and I thought Garrett was you. I woke up in the middle of the night and…I really thought it was you and I had been having a terrible dream.”

  I exhaled loudly. Through gritted teeth I managed, “Leave.”

  “Please let me stay. We need to talk, Mitch. I know we can get through this.”

  I managed to shake my head. As if on cue, a nurse came in to check my vitals. Once she realized I was awake, my room was swarming with medical professionals.

  “I love you, Mitch,” Charlie said as she reached the door. I heard her, but didn’t acknowledge. I couldn’t look at her.

  Chapter 43: Charlie

  My dad was waiting for me in the hospital lobby. He stood up when he saw me approaching.

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Did something happen to Mitch?”

  “Yes, I happened.”

  “I’m confused. What do you mean?” my dad asked with a puzzled look.

  “Mitch woke up while I was telling him about the baby. Needless to say, he is beyond angry. He practically threw me out of his hospital room.”

  My dad pulled me into his arms, my body shaking from my sobbing. At least my parents’ reaction to my news had been met with tenderness. I’d only mustered the courage to tell them I was pregnant about a week ago.

  “It’s going to be okay, Charlie. Mitch will come to his senses once he’s had some time. You just have to be strong and give him the time he needs right now. It’s going to be hard, but you can do it.”

  “But what if he doesn’t? What if he never forgives me, Dad?”

  “We’ll have to cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, don’t borrow trouble. Let’s get you home so you can rest. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I got a call from the ADA that another trial lacked sufficient evidence, so it was dropped. They moved Eric’s trial up to tomorrow. Both sides agreed they were ready.”

  “Really,” I sighed, almost too tired to even care. I had to face Eric sometime. It might as well be tomorrow. Could this day get any worse? Time was slipping away from me, going faster than I ever thought possible.

  “I’m sorry to give you more to handle.”

  “It’s okay.”

  My dad drove us home and I stared out the window aimlessly. Tears were still spilling out of my eyes and I couldn’t seem to stop them.

  When we got home, I laid down in my room and texted Kate and Natalie. I didn’t have it in me to talk to them. Of course, they were both thrilled Mitch had come out of his coma, but they empathized with me about our circumstances. I told them both I needed to just get through the trial and then I could focus on getting Mitch to listen to me. They agreed. I figured Kate would have her say with Mitch when the time was right. She’d always had a way of talking with him that was so helpful, just like when he was with Heather.

  I barely slept, feeling nervous about the trial starting in the morning. Entering the courthouse, I was shaking like a leaf in a storm. I had to get a hold of myself and calm down before going on the stand. Showing up with an entourage in tow, I gave a tight smile to the ADA, Jason Matthews, who seemed to be making mental notes of who was in my party. It was only four people for goodness sake, but he didn’t look happy. At least he was already familiar with my parents.

  “Charlie, a surprise witness was added to the docket this morning. She’s a former girlfriend, testifying for the defense.”

  “Are you serious?” Kate asked.

  “I’m afraid so,” Jason replied.

  “What are you expecting her to say?” my dad wanted to know.

  “I’m assuming she will say he was a good boyfriend and didn’t have any anger issues when she was with him.”

  I nodded slightly. What could I say? I had no idea if he had been a good boyfriend to anyone else. I only knew how he had treated me.

  I sighed. “Thanks for the heads up. Whatever happens here, I’m grateful Mitch wasn’t on the meds long enough for them to cause any damage.”

  “You have a good attitude. I don’t want your hopes to be too high because I’m pretty sure she is here to blow holes in our theory that he was motivated to get to you.”

  A woman came up, handing Jason a file folder and he excused himself, saying he would see us inside the courtroom in a few minutes.

  I sat with my family and friends as I watched Eric being brought into the courtroom. He didn’t get out on bail when he was arrested for tampering with Mitch’s drugs. He had been in jail for the last few weeks.

  Somehow, Eric had managed to hire one of the best defense attorneys in San Diego. Neil had told Kate that I should be prepared for anything. Looks like the surprise witness was going to be that anything. After I testified to the evening I saw him while getting Mexican food and painting the portrait of an abusive boyfriend whom I was afraid of, she took the stand. Victoria Tate.

  She was a beautiful blonde whom I had never seen before and knew if I had, I would certainly have remembered.

  “Miss Tate, how do you know the defendant Eric Machado?”

  “He’s been my boyfriend on and off for the last three years.”

  “Are you currently dating now?”

  “Yes, we recently started seeing each other again.”

  Miss Tate, as she was called, went on to describe the perfect boyfriend who always put her first, treated her well, and had never mentioned any ill feelings toward past girlfriends. She went on to say he simply made a mistake when filling the prescription. She had kept him up late the night before and he was tired. The whole thing made me want to puke. For all I knew, he had paid her to testify for him and everything she said was a lie. I couldn’t wait for the lunch recess so I could get away from Eric and his attempt to manipulate the court. />
  “I can’t believe the testimony from that woman,” Kate said as she was about to take a bite of her sandwich.

  “Surely the jury isn’t going to believe her over you,” Natalie said, squeezing my hand.

  Thank God my best friends were here for me.

  My parents were still paying for their lunch, so we had a minute to ourselves.

  “Who knows what’s going to happen. Eric is like a cat. He always lands on his feet.”

  “Regardless of what his girlfriend had to say, he’s the one who filled the prescription and I think he’ll be found guilty.” Kate was right. No one else could be charged because Eric’s name was on the prescription. It was all on him.

  My parents joined us and they got Kate and Natalie talking about being married. It was a good distraction from me being consumed with my own problems.

  When we returned to the courtroom, the prosecution began calling Eric’s co-workers up to the stand. One by one, they each gave a glowing report about his impeccable work ethic and that he was diligent in his job. He had never made a mistake like this before and had even caught mistakes made by others. At first I thought their testimony was helping to make him look good, but then I realized it was giving credence to how competent he was and it was highly unlikely for him to make such a mistake.

  Eric glanced back at me several times, but I didn’t make eye contact. From my peripheral vision, I saw him whispering to his attorney. It made me wonder what would happen next because if there was one thing I knew about Eric, he was cunning.

  When Jason finished with his last witness, Eric was called to the stand to testify. His attorney didn’t look happy, but he began questioning him just the same.

  “Mr. Machado, did you have malicious intent when you filled the prescription for Mitch Hawkins?”

  Eric looked me in the eyes before he began answering. I couldn’t help looking back at him, surprised at what I was seeing. Remorse. I had no idea if he was being genuine or not, but he seemed sorrowful somehow.

  “At first, no,” he said, looking down for a moment. “But then I spoke privately with Mrs. Hawkins, Mitch’s mother.”

  “What was communicated during that conversation?”

  “Mrs. Hawkins made it clear she didn’t want Mitch to remember his old life with Charlie, that he belonged with his girlfriend from high school. At that moment, all I could think about was how I belonged with Charlie, so I said I could switch the medication which could cause delays in recovery.”

  “Then what medication did you dispense to Mr. Hawkins?”

  “Mitch Hawkins had retrograde amnesia, and there is no medication prescribed that can bring back memory. However, what I gave him, Tramadol, a narcotic-like pain reliever, can have side effects of headaches and nausea, the result of which can cause a patient to have difficulty concentrating. His doctor had prescribed Co-codamol, which is a compound analgesic consisting of codeine phosphate and paracetamol, basically, a low-grade, pharmacy issued pain killer. Mrs. Hawkins was very pleased and agreed it would be for the best.” There was a quiet mumbling around us at that revelation. I couldn’t look back at her. I simply couldn’t.

  “So, in your estimation, the drugs you gave Mr. Hawkins would induce side effects like headaches and nausea, slowing his recovery and potentially thwarting the regaining of his memory?”


  I sat there dumbfounded that Eric was probably telling the truth, but even more astounded Lillian had struck a deal with him. I couldn’t decide who was the devil, him or her. I knew she hated me, but I never in a million years thought she would have risked Mitch’s health to get me out of his life. I couldn’t listen to anymore, so I got up and quickly made my way out of the courtroom.

  I caught a glimpse of Lillian sitting in the last row, her hand covering her mouth. I glared at her. She made eye contact with me for a brief second and if I could have breathed fire on her, I would have. The guilty expression on her face said it all. Eric was telling the truth. But if there was anyone more cunning than Eric, it was Lillian. Somehow I knew in my heart she would find a way out of paying for this crime. Edward sat next to her, shaking his head, disbelief spreading across his face.

  Sitting on a nearby bench, I rested my head in my hands and began crying. All of this deception to keep me away from her son. What kind of a monster was she? The courtroom doors opened and Lillian walked past me in a hurry. No doubt, attempting to escape being arrested. So many things raced through my mind that I wanted to say to her, but in the end, I decided she wasn’t worth the energy it would take right now to say them. I just watched her walk away down the hall until she was gone.

  My dad joined me on the bench and wrapped his familiar arms around me and I cried all over his shoulder. He didn’t say anything; he just comforted me like he had been doing every time I fell in my life. He’d help me back up and gave me the strength to continue on, no matter what the circumstances. He had been my rock and my hero as far back as I could remember.

  “Sweetheart, it’s all going to be okay,” he said in a soothing voice.

  I looked up at my dad. “How? How is it going to be okay?” I didn’t believe it and I needed explanation.

  My dad didn’t say anything. He just stared at me with great concern in his eyes. “This may sound hollow to you, but I have faith God is going to work all of this out.”

  “I just have to have faith. Things worked out for Kate and Natalie. I’m going to do my best to be positive. It’s just so difficult right now,” I said, slightly shaking my head.

  “I know it is, sweetheart. But you don’t need a mountain of faith, just a small mustard seed.”

  I thought about all the times my dad had walked me into Sunday school. He raised me to believe in God. Now, I was being tested and I had to rely on my faith to carry me through this trial…not just the one going on a few feet away, but the one where the man I loved may never want to see me again.

  Mitch being so angry with me, never looking into my eyes again, never laughing with me, never holding me, was way worse than anything Eric or Lillian could cook up. The thought of not spending my life with him made me cry even harder against my dad’s chest. He squeezed me tighter and rested his chin on my head.

  “Mitch is going to find his way back to you, Charlie. I believe he will forgive you. Trust me.”

  “I hope you are right, Daddy. I need him back so desperately.”

  “He needs you too, sweetheart. He needs you too.”

  Chapter 44: Mitch

  Hearing footsteps coming near, I wondered who was visiting me. Hopefully someone I wanted to see…Kate, Natalie. Nope. The perfume said it all. It was my mother.

  I had purposely instructed the hospital not to notify my parents I was awake. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with my mother just yet, so pretending for a day or so was what I intended to do. Plus they had kept me busy for hours with tests and probing. The doctors seemed surprised I was able to have coherent thoughts and communicate so clearly so quickly. They attributed it to my age and good physical condition.

  “Mitch, I have something to tell you. I want you to hear it from me and not someone else,” my mother said, her voice quivering.

  What the fuck now? I was so tired of being an emotional punching bag. I waited because there was nothing else I could do even though part of me wanted to shock the crap out of her.

  “I did a terrible thing. I was just looking out for you and Heather, trying to protect your relationship. You have to understand,” she gasped.

  Understand what? She was beginning to freak me out. I wanted her to get on with whatever she had to say, but she was crying, so it could take a while. It was a lot harder pretending to be in a coma than I thought it would be. I wanted to yell at her to get on with it.

  “Remember when we went with Heather to fill your prescription? Well, I didn’t want you to have the medication the doctor prescribed, so I made a deal with the pharmacist, Eric, and he gave you something else. I just wanted you to be w
ith Heather and for Charlie to be out of your life. But, Eric got caught and is on trial for drug tampering. He just testified in court that I am part of this. Of course, I can finagle my way out of it, I always do. But I just had to tell you, Mitch.”

  Now was the time to open my eyes. “Really? You knowingly had that psycho give me something other than what the doctor prescribed because you wanted me to be with Heather? Have you lost your mind, Mother?”

  My mother stared at me with her mouth gaping open. It was the first time I’d ever seen her speechless. What a welcomed relief.

  “Mitch, you’re awake. It’s a miracle. I need to get the doctor.”

  “I woke up yesterday. I just didn’t want to deal with you yet. I was already pissed at you for bringing Heather back into my life. But now? Now I just want you out of here. Out of my life. You risked my health and happiness to have your way. What kind of a mother are you? Not one I want to have anymore.”

  “Mitch, please…please just hear me out. I was doing what was best for you.”

  “What was best for me? Are you kidding? You were doing what you wanted for you. It’s always been that way. You have controlled me for the last time and I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

  “Mitch, you can’t mean that. I’m your mother.”

  “Stop reminding me. It sickens me to know you. I heard you and Heather talking at the house. You took her to get an abortion. I thought she had aborted my child. But that’s not the worst of it. It was someone else’s baby and you knew. You betrayed me then, just like now. You wanted me to be with a viper just like you. Dad has suffered for years being married to you, a woman who never loved him. You’re vile and you make me sick. Get out.”

  My mother didn’t move. She stared at me dumbfounded. “Did you hear me? I said get out.”

  She got up and slowly made her way to the door. “In time you’ll see I was only doing what was best for you, Mitch.”

  Before I could say anything else, she went through the door.

  My nostrils flared as I exhaled. Best for me? She was out of her mind. Nothing she had done was with my best interest at heart. I was hurt. I was in pain. Not physically, but emotionally. It felt as though I have been in some nightmare. The fall, Heather, my mother, the fight with Garrett, and now the drug tampering. Plus Charlie’s pregnancy. I have no real idea how much time has elapsed, but I just want it all to go away.


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