Forgotten by You

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Forgotten by You Page 21

by Carlie Sexton

  “Kate, how did you manage all of this?” I asked.

  “Neil and I have our ways. We also had food delivered from George’s, so you can eat whenever you want. Neil and I have our own special plans for the evening, so I doubt we’ll be seeing each other until the morning.”

  I hugged my best friend, too choked up to say anything else.

  Once we were alone, Mitch took my hands in his. “I’ve missed you so much. I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t found you,” he said. He began trailing kisses down my neck and onto my shoulder.

  “I’ve missed you too, Mitch. We’ve been through so much in the last six months. I can’t believe we’re here right now. Together.”

  “I know,” he said, stroking my face with his hands. “Here, sit and I’ll pour us some sparkling cider.”

  I sat on the love seat across from the bed. “This is a huge guest room,” I said, looking around.

  “This whole house is huge,” Mitch muttered, handing me a glass of cider. He then went to the nightstand and brought the strawberries over to me, placing the tray on the small table next to the love seat.

  Mitch picked up a chocolate-covered strawberry and brought it to my lips. I took a bite, moaning slightly at the sweet taste. Mitch finished the strawberry. He fed me another the same way. “Are you starved? Do you want to eat dinner now or in a little while?”

  “I’m good for now. We can eat in an hour or so.”

  “Good. I know you’ve been through an ordeal, but…I need you, Charlie.”

  “I need you, too,” I breathed out.

  Mitch pulled me into his arms and held me close. He stroked my hair and whispered over and over how much he loved me. Having his arms around me was heaven. I was safe with the man I loved in our private oasis. Nothing could touch us or tarnish this moment.

  Mitch looked at me longingly. “Do you think…would it be all right—”

  “If we made love?” I said, cutting him off. Normally Mitch was very assertive in this area of our relationship. But I am pregnant, so maybe he was thinking we couldn’t or I may not want to.

  “Yes. Only if you think it’s okay.”

  “It’s more than okay, but I have no idea what to expect. But all I want is for you to love me.”

  Mitch didn’t need any further encouragement. He guided me toward the bathroom, turned on the water, and began undressing me.

  “Charlie, you’re so beautiful,” he said, his mouth finding mine. He kissed me tenderly at first, but then he ran his fingers through my hair, deepening his kiss, taking control of my mouth. It was just like it had been before, his passion for me evident in every stroke of his tongue.

  I began unbuttoning Mitch’s shirt while he continued invading my mouth, his hands finding their way to my breasts, which were so sensitive given my pregnancy. Once his shirt fell to the floor, I undid his belt and jeans. He helped in taking those off.

  We stepped into the shower and Mitch began washing my body. His hands gliding over me made my insides clench. My nipples were erect and I was wetter between my legs than the parts of me under the water. When Mitch finished, I washed his body while his hand found its way to my clit. Rubbing my bundle, he whispered over and over how much I meant to him and couldn’t wait to marry me.

  I had my turn lathering up his body. Staring at his chest, I glided the soap across his powerful pecs, down his eight-pack abs, and to his cock that was getting harder by the second. Once my hand grabbed a hold of him, I began sliding up and down. His eyes were locked on mine intently. We were both more than ready to get out of the shower now.

  Mitch shut off the water, grabbed a towel, and began drying me. I got out of the shower, making my way to the bed while he dried himself. I attempted a couple of sexy poses, but I honestly didn’t know how sexy I looked with my belly in the way. This was all new territory as Mitch was seeing my naked pregnant body for the first time. Climbing into the bed with me, Mitch traced his finger around my belly.

  “Have you found out what we’re having?” he asked.

  His question overflowed my heart with joy. Accepting this baby as his was so important to me. “No, I haven’t. I thought being surprised would be fun, but now I just really want to know.”

  Mitch laughed. “We can find out if you want, but right now, all I want is to make love to you. We can talk all you want tomorrow.”

  Before I could respond, my man was kissing me again. I loved how he was a take-charge man. The hand that had been circling my belly made its way to sweep my slick juice over my folds and then found its way to my clit. My heart was racing. I was kind of nervous to have sex even though I knew nothing could happen to the baby.

  “I’m not in any rush,” Mitch whispered as his mouth found my left nipple. Having his tongue circling over my nipple sent sparks through my body. He always knew just what to do to make my body purr. His fingers continued their onslaught of stroking my clit as his tongue and teeth ravaged my breast. It didn’t take long for my wet core to begin pulsing and I began screaming out his name, waves crashing over me, my body quivering uncontrollably.

  I arched my back and moaned as I came down from my high. Mitch breathed in my hair. “I could do that to you all night. I love all the sounds you make when I do things to you, baby.”

  “Me, too,” I managed to get out. I was pretty sure that had been the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had. “That was amazing. You’re amazing,” I said, turning my body on my side to face him. I lifted my hand to his handsome face and looked into his soulful eyes. The look on his face said it all. He loved me.

  Mitch took my hand in his and kissed it. “Baby, I love you so much,” he said.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Are you still with me? We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. Even though you’re sexy as hell being pregnant,” he said, bending down to kiss my belly.

  “I want to feel your body connected to mine, your skin caressing mine, your hot mouth covering mine.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear…”

  Chapter 57: Mitch

  Having Charlie in my arms was the best feeling in the world and I never wanted to let her go. We slept with her body pressed against mine the whole night. It was the best night’s sleep I’d had since I could remember. I couldn’t get back the time we had lost, or what had happened, but I could get our lives back on track. I could spend every moment holding her, listening to her, loving her. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I almost lost her for good. I had taken her for granted and she was almost taken from me for it. I was never going to let that happen again. She was worth being loved and cherished all the time.

  Morning had come too quickly, like it always seemed to. Charlie began to wake up and turned to face me.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  “Good morning, baby.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did,” I said, brushing her hair behind her shoulder.

  I tried to stop it, but my brow creased and Charlie’s eyes widened a little.

  “Why don’t we get some breakfast and talk on the terrace?” I asked.

  “Okay,” Charlie said.

  We needed to talk about everything that had happened between us. Having the elephant in the room wouldn’t make for a healthy relationship. I wanted all of our feelings on the table.

  We made our way to the kitchen and proceeded to find a note from Kate. She had baked a quiche and left it in the oven warming for us. Coffee was already brewed and she and Neil were gone for the day.

  “That’s our Kate,” Charlie said. “She’s always been our best friend.”

  “She always will be. I can’t believe all she and Neil have done to get us back together.”

  I took out the quiche, cutting a piece for each of us, while Charlie poured the coffee. We also found fruit and toasted some sourdough bread. When everything was ready, we headed out to the terrace to have our breakfast…and talk. I could sense Charlie was nervou
s. I had to admit I was on edge, too.

  We settled into the chairs on the terrace and took in the view of the Pacific for a moment. It was so tranquil, listening to the ocean crashing down below while the sun caressed our faces. We ate our breakfast, making small talk about the weather and what a beautiful day it was shaping up to be. The strain was terrible as we had a difficult conversation hanging over us.

  Deciding to dive in, I said, “I love you, baby, but I’m still struggling with you and Garrett being together and the fact the child you’re carrying probably isn’t mine and it should be. I hate that there’s any doubt and we might have to deal with Garrett if it turns out to be his baby.”

  Charlie looked at me, her eyes filled with tears. “I know,” she choked out. “I’m ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I would give anything to go back in time, but I can’t. I just can’t,” she said as she began sobbing, her hands covering her face. “You left me. You promised you’d always put me first, but then you were gone.”

  “I know, baby. I wish I could go back in time and not have opened myself up to Heather. I’m so sorry I hurt you by spending time with her. Will you please forgive me?” I asked, pulling her hands away from her face. I’d decided I was going to man up and make everything right between us again.

  “I’m the one who should be asking for forgiveness, not the other way around. I didn’t lose my memory. You relied on what you knew…what you remembered. It just hurt so much to be abandoned by you.”

  I pulled Charlie from her seat and sat her on my lap. With one of my hands stroking her face, I asked her again. “Baby, will you forgive me?”

  Tears streamed down Charlie’s cheeks. “Yes, I forgive you. Will you forgive me, Mitch?”

  I stayed quiet for a moment. Of course I would, but a child coming forth from their union was so much to take. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to handle it when the time came even though I wanted to.

  “I already have forgiven you. The minute I heard you were missing, nothing else in this world mattered to me but finding you…being with you,” I said, bringing her hand to my lips, kissing each finger.

  Charlie tilted her head as she looked at me. “I still can’t believe you actually did find me. I can’t believe you can actually forgive me after what I have done.”

  “Believe me, Charlie. I’m still incredibly angry at Garrett, but I know you would never intentionally hurt me. We’re going to be okay.”

  Charlie still had concern in her eyes. “Will you be able to accept…?” She placed her hand on her belly and began gently rubbing. “Our little nugget is very active this morning.”

  “Little nugget?” I asked with a raised brow.

  “I don’t know what the baby is, so it’s little nugget for now.”

  My beautiful girl. Oh I had missed her so much.

  Placing my hand over Charlie’s, I said, “This little nugget is a part of you, so I have no choice but to love him or her no matter what. I want you and I want our baby.”

  “Our baby?”

  “Yes, our baby. Everything I have is yours and everything you have is mine. We belong together no matter what has happened in the past.”

  “So, are you sure you’re ready to be a dad?”

  I pulled my girl in for a kiss. “With you? Most definitely.” I watched her face soften as she accepted we were okay. I felt complete. Whole. Home.

  Chapter 58: Charlie


  Relief had spread over me when Mitch made it clear he wanted me and the baby. I’d had so many nightmares he wouldn’t be able to accept the child I was carrying, but he was more of a man than I gave him credit for. I counted my blessings every day.

  Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t believe it was my wedding day and I would be Mrs. Mitch Hawkins within the hour. The last couple of months had been tough. Having Mitch back in my life was wonderful, and for the most part, we continued to exist just as comfortably and lovingly as we had prior to his fall. However, at times, I could see the pain behind his eyes. We had spent the time working on our relationship, realizing that forgiveness is a process, not an event. Long talks, spending time together, getting ready for the baby had done our relationship so much good.

  He had opened up to me about what Heather had done to him in the past, and what his mother had done as well. Betrayal was something he truly struggled to accept. And, whether intended or not, I had betrayed him. I would always be sorry, but I knew in my heart, I hadn’t betrayed him intentionally. I’d never been attracted to Garrett physically or in love with him. He had always been a dear brother and friend to me. So, I knew I hadn’t overstepped that boundary. Still, Mitch was hurting, and we needed to continue to work through that. We knew we loved each other, and we knew we were on the right path marrying each other. Hopefully, time would heal, and we would only grow closer together. I had been relishing getting ready for my wedding day in my own bedroom growing up. Kate and Natalie had been feverishly helping me to prepare for the wedding. I wanted to be married before the baby came, even though it ultimately didn’t matter. Mitch and I would be together forever.

  “You look so beautiful, Charlie,” Natalie said.

  I smiled at my dear friend. “Thank you,” I replied.

  “What did you get Mitch as a wedding gift?” Kate asked.

  My mouth fell open. “I didn’t get him anything. It completely slipped my mind.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he won’t care. All he wants is you,” Kate said.

  “I have an idea,” Natalie chimed in. “You’ll just have to give it to him later.”

  “Well, I’m up for any ideas, Nat.”

  “I think you need to do a paternity test and prove Mitch is the father of your baby,” Natalie said forthrightly. She seemed very sure of herself.

  “But what if he isn’t?” I whispered. I didn’t dare hope he would be the baby’s father even though it was a possibility. I wasn’t sure if I could take it if I just proved Garrett was the father.

  “You’re going to have to have faith on this one, Charlie. I just have a gut feeling Mitch is the father. I don’t know why, but it’s something I have felt from the very beginning. Trust me on this,” Natalie insisted.

  “It’s a good idea,” Kate chimed in.

  “I know you’re both right. I’ve just been scared to hope for…I mean, so many bad things happened from his accident that almost tore us apart. I can’t take more bad news.”

  “Well, are we all going to live the rest of our lives not knowing? Wondering? What if there’s a medical problem and your child needs something genetically from the father? Don’t you want to know? Don’t you just want confirmation Mitch is the father? I believe in my heart that’s what you are going to find out.”

  Natalie sure seemed certain. “Wow, Nat. You seem so sure.”

  “I am. Mac’s uncle is on the board of directors for the hospital. I talked with him about it and he said all you needed was a sample from Mitch, which the hospital has, and a swab from the baby’s cheek. It could be done as soon as the baby is born. He offered to have it expedited for you in the lab. It normally takes two days, but he’ll make a call and have it done in a day for us. My gift to you, your gift to Mitch. It’s that simple.”

  “Really? That would be amazing. I want to know so badly…I just have to get over my fear of not getting the outcome I want.”

  A knock came at the door. Kate opened the door and was faced with a large bouquet of flowers.

  “Come in,” Kate said.

  The flowers entered being carried by Lillian. When I saw her, my heart fell out of my body. Her appearance at my wedding was unfathomable. I never knew anyone who had this kind of nerve. Mitch had told her she wasn’t welcome. Shockingly, she had only gotten community service for her participation with Eric in tampering with Mitch’s drugs.

  “Lillian, what are you doing here?” I asked. Natalie made her way past Lillian and out the door before Lillian could answer. I knew exactly where she was
headed. Mitch would be here any minute.

  “I came here to tell you what a rude little bitch you are for not inviting me to my own son’s wedding. I can’t believe you would be so spiteful. I know it wasn’t Mitch’s idea to cut me out.”

  Sitting there with my mouth gaping open, I couldn’t decide what to respond with first. So many thoughts invaded my mind. All that came out was, “What? You are unbelievable.”

  “Mother, I didn’t want you here, not Charlie. This was my decision,” Mitch said, standing in the doorway. “I want you to leave now. Sadly, no one wants you here and you only have yourself to thank for it.”

  “Mitch, please. You’re all I have left.”

  As she began to plead, fear wrapped around me like a boa constrictor that she could manipulate Mitch. Beginning to stand up, my knees buckled as a sharp pain seared through my abdomen. No, no. Not now. The baby wasn’t due for another month.

  Kate rushed to my side as I crumpled to the floor. “Charlie, what is it? The baby?” Her voice was high pitched.

  “I think so,” I cried.

  “Neil, Mac, get my mother out of here,” Mitch said as he kneeled down beside me. “Baby, look at me. I’m here and everything is going to be all right. Nat, please call an ambulance.” His words were calming, but the pain was still intense.

  “Kate, go get the minister right now. I want to have him marry us before we go to the hospital,” I said, as the pain subsided.

  Kate looked at me bewildered, but in best friend form, she made a mad dash out the door.

  “Baby, there may not be time for us to get married before—”

  “Mitch, get my parents and anyone else you want to have witness our ceremony. I’m not moving until we’re married.”


  Another contraction ripped through me as the ambulance pulled into the hospital. It hurt like hell, but I kept focusing on the fact I was Mrs. Mitch Hawkins and nothing besides having my little nugget could make me happier.

  The contractions were coming every two minutes and I was doing my best to breathe like Mitch kept telling me, but it was so hard. The pain was worse than I had imagined.


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