Witch Risen: A Paranormal Adventure (Bad Tom Series Book 2)

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Witch Risen: A Paranormal Adventure (Bad Tom Series Book 2) Page 17

by Jill Nojack

  Yes, that is definitely one perfect backside. No wonder it got assigned to follow behind the world's most perfect girl.

  It's time to return Kevin's ashes to nature in Giles Woods before winter comes and makes the ground too hard. Cassie stayed home, but she understands why I have to be here. And she did give Robert permission to inter the ashes near the old ritual grounds. She could have refused. She owns the woods. Still, everyone understands why I'm here alone.

  Natalie draws the circle for the ceremony, and I dig the hole next to the pile of stones that mark the place where Robert lay his wife's ashes so many years ago. Even though I cannot mourn Kevin, I stay within the circle when I'm done. Funerals are for the living, and my friend, Kevin's father, is still alive. I'll stay with him while he says goodbye to his son.

  It's only the four of us—Robert, Natalie, Gilly, and me. Not even his buddies on the force are interested in remembering Kevin now that he's not enchanting them.

  Robert places the woven cotton sack holding Kevin's ashes into the hole I'd made. It isn't deep. He pushes the loosely piled dirt over the top with his hands and wipes them on his shirt before he stands. I think this is the first time I've ever seen Robert look untidy.

  When he speaks, his voice is soft, but it doesn't break.

  "I know that none of you would want to speak here today about Kevin. Your memories of him aren't good. That's not your fault.

  When he was young, Kevin was a quiet, studious boy. I like to remember him that way. But he was never right again after his mother died, and when Eunice took him under her wing…." Robert takes a deep breath, obviously fighting for control.

  "He'll find peace in the Summerlands," Gillian says.

  Robert acknowledges with a nod and continues. "I recently began to believe in gods and goddesses, although I still don't truly understand what they are. But if it's possible Kevin can pass to the Summerlands, that they, too, are something other than a metaphor…and he can be reunited with his mother before one of them moves on, then I hope he finds peace there."

  "So mote it be," Gillian whispers, and Natalie echoes her.

  Robert gives them a soft smile. "So mote it be."

  He turns and builds a second cairn of stones over the newly disturbed earth. When he's done, Gillian gives him her hand to steady him as he rises. It's not weakness to take a hand up from a friend.

  We turn away from the burial site and Gillian doesn't release his hand as they walk. Natalie glowers at them and falls a step behind.

  I swear that if Natalie's brown eyes could change color to match her mood, they'd be emerald. What is going on between those three?

  I shuffle along behind, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever it is they're up to. It's a good day to enjoy the peacefulness of the woods after all the danger and drama I've had here.

  Cat is listening in inside my head, I know, for the rustling along the path of potential prey. I catch a sound that follows through the brush, not running away, just moving parallel to our path.

  I glance to the side off and on, trying to figure out what's out there—my Cat side idling wondering how big it is and if it's any good to eat, but my Tom side wanting to know why it's shadowing us. I'm still on high alert all the time. I don't trust that any of us are safe. My life hasn't let me lower my guard much to this point.

  I catch a glimpse of black against the green.

  I need to know what it is.

  When we reach a place where the brush thins, I bolt off through the bushes without broadcasting the move. It takes a moment before whatever's been following us to react. I'm gaining on it when a clearing opens and I see exactly what it is.

  The dog turns to face me, red eyes glowing, teeth bared in a growl. Her belly is swollen, her teats engorged with milk.

  I back up slowly. "Good doggy…"

  The old bitch turns and lopes deeper into the woods.


  Author's Afterword

  Thank you, dear reader, for making it all the way through to the end. If you enjoyed the book, please consider signing up for my New Book Notification Newsletter at http://www.jillnojack.com/notify/. I'll let you know when I release new books in each of my series. I only send a newsletter when I have a new book available, and you will never receive more than one newsletter a month. The third book in the Bad Tom Series will be available by April 2016. Signing up for the newsletter will notify you as soon as it is ready.

  You can find my other books on the Jill Nojack Author page at Amazon.com or by visiting my website at http://www.jillnojack.com where I keep readers updated on all of my series.

  This book would not have been possible without the feedback I received from fellow author Michele Hunt Keller, who is currently seeking a publisher for her novel. It's fantasy and very good. You can read about her efforts and find out if she has any recent publications here.

  And finally, if you decide to leave a review, let me just thank you in advance. Reviews (even the critical ones) help readers like you and me sort through a sea of releases and find exactly what we're looking for. Just a couple of sentences about what you liked or didn't like can make all the difference.




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