The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 18

by Alexandra North

“Nah-ah, I was thinking more along the lines of eating chinese, naked in bed.”

  “Sounds perfect - throw in a beer with that and you’re the perfect woman.”

  We pad down to the beach, hand in hand, plonking ourselves down on the wet sand, as we near the tide, the surf, swirling around us and on a whim, I straddle my gorgeous man, clasping my hands around his head and pressing my lips to his.

  I kiss him with every ounce of passion I have in me, the love I have for him spilling out and into the waves gently rippling over our legs. I seek his tongue and moan when we meet, duelling and sliding in and out of each other’s mouths sensuously. We are alone on our desert beach and I want him, but for me, the moment is more about the kiss. It is desperate, soul-wrenching, honest and so reciprocated - I know he feels the same - he’s just taking a little longer to come to that conclusion himself.

  As we head in for the night, I’m warmed by the everyday touches that continue to surprise me within the Villa. Our Master-suite now has a beautiful sprinkling of petals across the huge bed in the shape of a heart - they’d not been there before we’d left to sunbathe for the afternoon - Mohammed must have worked his magic once again. The place was seriously set for romance - it would be a wonderful setting for a honeymoon.

  Sebastian disappears to organise our food and get drinks and I take a minute to look around, noticing candles in abundance, and a deep bath running, with more petals floating on top of the expanding bubbles. With the lights dimmed, I can see the water beneath the glass bath and the fish swimming, brightly coloured and exotic. This place was made for lovers and had been designed by a master.

  I flick a playlist on and Lana Del Rey’s sexy voice filters through the speakers, as she blast out the beginnings to Young and Beautiful - I lurve this song. I strip and climb into the sunken bath, stopping the taps and allow my body to sink into the fragranced water, washing myself and my hair before luxuriating in the weightless sensation. I close my eyes for a second, enjoying the music, the setting, my happiness - it all felt so relaxing.

  I awake to Seb’s voice calling me…. As though I’m in a dream. “Lu, baby the water’s getting cold. Let’s get you out.”

  I sit up, the water sliding around and baring my breasts to him. His eyes drop to my nipples immediately and I smile. “How long was I out?”

  “Not long, I kept an eye on you to make sure you didn’t drown.”

  “Cheers - I think!” I laugh. “Sorry it’s this sea air.”

  I stand, rivulets of water pouring from my body and brazenly step out of the bath, with Seb, watching from his position on the bed, a hooded expression giving away his lust for me and I take full advantage. “Will you pass me a towel?”

  “Of course, my lady.”

  He’s at my side in seconds, wrapping one around me, and another round my hair, patting me dry and rubbing me down my legs, my arms, my back and then at my behind, slowly and intimately, his eyes locked permanently on mine. Finally, he brushes the soft cotton towel, between my thighs, back and forth and rubs me across my pussy; I open wider, as the friction he creates becomes almost celestial.

  I’d hoped to be the one to tantalise him.

  “You always know how to turn me on - where to touch me…I don’t know what I’d do without you, baby?”

  He winks at me, kissing the end of my nose. “Don’t worry, I’d buy you a nice big vibrator.”

  “You cheeky bugger - I’m dry now, thank you.”

  I allow the towel to drop, along with his jaw, as I walk directly to our joint dresser where my underwear is housed and select a pretty white lacy thong. Then bending down to touch my toes, with my bottom in perfect eye-line to him, I stretch deliciously, ensuring he gets a good view of my wet, aroused slit, before I slip the thong over one foot… but I don’t make it to the next foot as my sharp intake of breath interrupts me; I’m suddenly weightless again, and in his arms and being placed on the bed before I can catch my breath - his lips on the hollow of my neck and my hand on his pecs.

  “You can’t walk around naked unless you’re prepared for the consequences.”

  I moan, as his tongue finds my nipple, the air conditioning blowing a seductive breeze across me. “Which are what, Mr. Silver?”

  “I’m going to have to make love to you - all night long.”

  “Oh well, I’d better go get some clothes on then..” I try to sit up laughing as he grabs me and straddles me.

  “Not a bloody chance - you are mine and I want you… badly…now!”

  I melt and we kiss; his hands are in my wet hair, I can’t get enough of him as we nibble and bite at one another’s shoulders, necks and chest.

  My insides tighten and my bits awaken, as I look at this beautiful man, astride me, his powerful body ready to invade mine and join us - connect us in that way that I only ever want to share with him.

  He holds my head, still forcing me to look into his eyes, as we pant, our breaths coming hard and fast, so turned on. “This, what we have together is special, Lu.”

  I reach up to caress his jaw. “I know, baby - I can’t breathe sometimes - it worries me how good it is.”

  He kisses me again. A slow burner that makes my cervix ache and thighs part. “This is home to me, baby.”

  He is my home. I know that too.

  “Come inside, but don’t forget to wipe your feet on the mat.”

  His deep booming laugh, is almost as intimate as the words we’d just shared and I smile up at him, scrunching my nose in the ‘Elizabeth’ twitch he loved so much.

  “That’s what I love about you, Lu, about us - we are hot together, but you always make me laugh and, baby that’s priceless in my book. Now come here and let me make love to you, before our Chinese arrives and you abandon me for your real love, leaving me rejected and horny, whilst you suck on noodles instead of my cock.


  Mr. Probz musical hit, Waves, surrounds me as I sunbathe happily, the next day, on the plush lounger, overlooking the azure sea. God this place was heaven - truly magnificent. I’m the most relaxed I’ve been in well… forever and enjoying the expert storytelling of a new author I’d found on the kindle shop on the flight out. The book was fast paced and extremely saucy, just how I liked it - with an arrogant, controlling and gorgeous alpha male that I could totally relate to.

  The sound of the surf slapping against the decking, is wonderful and the view, out of this world. I raise a hand to cover my eyes and survey the turquoise blue water, twinkling invitingly, like its body is scattered with diamonds - whilst the sun beats down, sizzling my skin and bronzing it in all the right places - thank goodness I had an olive complexion. Only two days in and I wouldn’t need a spray tan for the Jannah Hotel party.

  My mind flips to that - I have’t got a clue what I’m going to wear. Abby and Nathan are arriving in Dubai the day before we land, and I’m hoping that we will be able to do some much needed catching up, whilst girly shopping. I fancy something gold - I think Dubai calls for gold. Sparkly. Short?

  I wonder who else would be at the party? I wish my sister and brother-in-law could have joined us but he has a major IT deal coming together this week and Suzie is still feeling incredibly nauseous with her pregnancy.

  Finn would have loved it here too - but it wasn’t the place for children - it was a place for couples. Couples with nothing but sex, sleep, sunbathing and more sex on their mind. My mum and dad had him… again but at least Niall was stepping up and assisting for the weekend. I felt so guilty lying around sunbathing whilst my parents cared for my son but then I remind myself that he is at crèche in the day and they were more than happy for me to go away on ‘business’ especially as Sebastian had asked them first and they actually knew that we really stopped off here first. No wonder my mum had come and fussed over my suitcase and what I was taking. They’d been so pleased with the knowledge that we were taking it to the next level; I think they’d have agreed to anything Seb asked of them.

; When I return, Finn and I would spend some much-needed time together and I’m hoping Seb too. Finn would love that. Our weekend at The Ashton had been amazing, we’d been like a little family and Finn and Seb had been inseparable. Maybe we could all go away for the weekend together - get one of those cottages in the Lakes and take him fishing again. I shake my head vehemently - I need to stop thinking about my little boy. I’m missing him terribly, the second I stop and think about him back at home and make a mental note to FaceTime him later that night.

  Lying back onto the navy striped cushions I adjust my bikini, bend one knee and close my eyes to the rays. There was something about the sun that made me feel horny. Maybe it was the distinct lack of clothing or the kiss of the hot rays caressing my body - either way I am on fire. I feel decadent, sexy and completely pampered.

  I need a scrummy Mr. Silver to come factor 8 me up.

  He’d gone scuba diving earlier and I’d declined the offer of accompanying him. I knew I’d be missing out on an amazing opportunity and would have loved to view the ocean depths and its brightly coloured creatures close-up but there was no way I would ever have dipped my head under the water, let alone encased it in a claustrophobic diving mask and I didn’t want to ruin the opportunity for him - he lurved diving! My ex, Niall would never have been as understanding - hadn’t been in fact, during one of the few times we’d travelled abroad together. Sebastian had just kissed my nose, patted my bum and told me to rest, before whispering in my ear, all the dirty reasons why I need to preserve my energy.

  Those words are playing on my mind now and causing shivers of anticipation over my skin. We’d done nothing but appreciate one another’s bodies since arriving and still it was never enough. I still can’t look at the outdoor shower without blushing. The burn was not dissipating- it’s ferocity was throbbing harder and faster at every turn.

  It was no good; I can’t relax any longer.

  I place my kindle down under the sun lounger, and stretch like a cat, before sitting up and taking a sip of the cool glass of lemonade, recently delivered by our butler - how spoilt am I? Who had butlers these days? When you are travelling with Sebastian Silver they came as part of the package and I’m fast beginning to become accustomed to it. Me likey a lot! (I smile at our in-house Dumb & Dumber joke - that film seriously provided endless witty anecdotes).

  I sip more of my mocktail through the purple glass straw and nibble on the lime wedge, nestling on the edge of the tumbler and check my phone’s not too hot in its hidey-hole under the sun-bed, before noticing that I’ve received a email. It’s from Jackie at the office…

  All good here - hope you’re having fun in the sun. I’m forwarding you all your pertinent emails.

  Colin says to call him when you get to Dubai - he has man trouble :)

  Smiling, I reel off a quick reply and a text to Colin, then auto-lock the phone, replacing it under my sarong for safety, before I turn up the music on the sound system. I beam as Calvin Harris’ Summer, belts out into our tranquil private villa and then drop to sit at the edge of the cobalt blue infinity pool. It ran alongside the edge of the decking, built into the sea, from the villa and was perfect for someone who loved the smell of the sea but preferred the feel of the pool water - seeing what was beneath my feet was definitely a must in my book, especially without my hero here to encourage me.

  I kick lazy swirls in the water, and rest back onto my arms, throwing my head back with closed eyes. Bliss! Here I didn’t have to think about work (although I must admit I’ve already completed some designs for The Gilded Fox). Toni & Ray were a distant sour memory and Sebastian and I were actually becoming a real couple. Things were going really smoothly and I wouldn’t have wanted to experience such an amazing place with anyone else.

  I continue to circle my legs in the water, the temperature cooling me down and wiggle the top of my body in time to the beat. “When I met you in the Summer….”

  Then jump in shock as I feel the water beneath me ripple and my legs grabbed. My eyes fling open and I’m met with the delicious sight of Sebastian, wet and slick between my thighs. What a vision. I have to pinch myself sometimes; I really am a lucky lady.

  “When did you get home?”

  “Just now - enjoyed listening to you singing and watching you dance.” His wink and deep chuckle is engaging, as I’m flashed lovely white teeth in his freshly bronzed face. He really is a spectacular specimen.

  I splash water across him and am rewarded with another deep resonating laugh. It was lovely to see him so relaxed and drawing him into me with the strength of my calves, I plant a kiss on his wet head.

  “How was the dive?”

  “Ah, Lu, it was out of this world. The colours, the detail - just incredible - I wish you could have been there, baby.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine - I just know with your love of colour and design it would have been just up your alley.”

  I lean back and using my forearms push off from the edge and slide apprehensively in to the water. “God its cold.” His arms are around my waist in a flash - the hard sinewy muscles, coated in hair, tickling against my smooth skin and sending crackling sensations all over me.

  “Let me warm you up. I know something else that wants to be up your alley…”

  My grin is quick but short-lasting as his lips press against mine, his warm, wet tongue slipping inside to deepen our connection. I wrap my arms around his shoulders pulling him closer to me, and run my palms across his head, then withdraw to kiss his jawline and suckle an adorable earlobe. The ferocity of my feelings for this man is all-consuming and I can’t stop the words tumbling out.

  “I missed you today.”

  We both pull back and lock eyes. Cradling each other, in the luxurious pool, on the edge of the sea in the middle of the Indian Ocean, time stands still. His blackened bedroom eyes, glittering in the sun, lashes dripping, face full of droplets, beautiful full mouth just waiting to ravish me. I feel blessed. I am blessed. The moment is surreal and one that would be imprinted on my mind for eternity.

  “Me too. Nearly didn’t make it to the dive - the thought of your hot little body available, on tap. Let’s make up for lost time and go have ourselves a siesta, put my diving training to the test - I can now hold my breath under water for a considerable amount of time, imagine the possibilities….”

  I push away from his sexy grin, as the intense moment turns to playful, splashing water at him in my attempts to escape and I manage to climb the few corner steps out of the pool, before running like a giggling teenager in the direction of the villa’s open doors. I make it about halfway before the air whips underneath my feet and I’m slung like a rag-doll into his arms.

  “I told you not to overdo it, lady - you need to preserve your energy - I’m going to be enjoying you for hours.”

  I look up into his eyes - playtime now over and reach up to cup his face tenderly. We reach the bedroom, the air conditioning cocooning my body in welcome refrigeration and I’m lowered to meet him. As my feet touch the ground he kisses me with such a passion I’m lost and with each delicious kiss I wonder if it’s even possible to lose ourselves further?

  Reaching around my back, I feel his fingers untie the sash tie fastening and hear my moan as the white bikini bra-top drops to the floor, releasing my aching breasts in a flash. I feel my nipples pebble, and whimper as a light breeze dusts over them, sheathing them in a layer of goosebumps. Touch me. Please.

  “I’ve needed to see these all day.”

  “I’d have been happy to go topless - wanted to in fact.”

  His guffaw at my suggestion depicts his disgust. “Over my dead body. No one but me, sees these.”

  “Sebastian, there is no one around - we’re staying in the Presidential Villa for goodness sake and you didn’t stop me all the times we’ve sexed it up out here.”

  “That was different - I was here with you and I booked this place, so that I can have you all to myse
lf and so that you remain safe. You deserve only the best.”

  His thumb pads over a nipple back and forth and I close my eyes at the exquisite ricochet of sensations it sets off all over my body and down between my legs. His touch usually gets me to bite my tongue and allow him to have his own way.

  “They are mine.” He lowers his head to drop a gentle kiss where his thumb had been. “For my eyes only and no other man is perving over you - we still have a butler, lady.”

  A small part of me is irritated that he’s telling me what to do, but as his mouth swallows my nipple and inwardly traces the tip with his tongue, I go with it. I should be pleased that he’s so territorial about my body - Hell - I am about his.

  “I’m not keen on white bits.”

  “Well then we’ll have to do something about that.”

  The ties at my hips are deftly loosened and I wiggle in encouragement as the matching bikini bottoms fall to accompany the top, leaving me exposed to his greedy eyes.

  “Perfection. What a neat little pussy you have - all juicy and ready to be sucked.”

  I don’t think I’ll ever get used to his crude words but they awaken all of my erogenous zones, zapping them to life, with a husky voice that is deep and so full of promise, it turns me on in a way I’ve never experienced before him. Both filthy and gentlemanly - that’s my Sebastian; a master of dirty talk with a polished edge.

  “Lie on the bed and spread your legs, baby…wide.”

  Our eyes lock and I can see the heat there, willing me to obey. I don’t feel the rebellious glimmer raising its fiery head. I want this. Instead I ease myself back onto the bed, holding his gaze every second, whilst I rest back onto my forearms, raise my knees, feet flat to the mattress, before slowly and seductively opening myself to him. Rather than embarrassed I feel freed.

  “I wish you could see how hot you look now. This is the evidence right here, Lu.” His hand cups his rock hard cock, tenting in his swim shorts and I will the ties to magically undo themselves and free him to me.


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