A Healer's Destiny

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A Healer's Destiny Page 5

by Katherine J. Sinclair

  Chapter 5

  Elah woke before sunrise and dressed in the clothes she had hidden under her bed the night before and quietly headed outside. The cool air was refreshing and it took her a few minutes to get use to the temperature but it did help her feel more alert. Elah felt she could have kept sleeping but knew if she was going to sneak out she was going to have to get out before everyone else woke up.

  As she walked up to the training area she found her bow and some arrows in the moon light. The equipment felt cool in her hands but she didn't care, she was too excited to worry about the cold. She then slung the bow over her shoulder before heading into the forest with a big cheeky grin.

  Elah walked carefully and tried to keep as quite as possible, she could hear the night animals going about their business. She hadn't meet many of the night animals since her parents never allowed her to enter the forest after dark and she felt excited by the prospect of maybe meeting at least one. As she went through ,the forest she breathed in the different smells and enjoyed the freedom of just being alone.

  Because Elah wasn't use to searching for animals at night, she didn't have any luck meeting any. She could hear them scurrying around but they were all too busy preparing for the day to bother with her.

  As the sun started to rise, Elah came upon a roo and her small Joey. The Joey looked like it had just recently been kicked out of the pouch and was happily eating the grass beside its mother.

  Slowly, Elah retrieved her bow from around her body, then took an arrow out of her bag and set it in place. She pulled her arrow back and targeted the roo. This was what she had always wanted to do, what she wanted to experience but it wasn't excitement that s,he was feeling.

  As she breathed in, it felt like time was standing still and that nothing else in the world seemed to exist. She followed the roo slowly as it hopped across her view but the joey continued eating the grass where it was. She then stopped to take note of her surroundings and refocused but as she breathed out she let the arrow fall to the ground.

  Feeling surprised she fell back against a tree, how could she leave the joey without its mother? It would be easy prey for anything looking for a quick meal and all because Elah wanted to experience the hunt. She sighed inwardly knowing she would most likely never have it in her to do this. Perhaps her father was right, she was never going to be ready to hunt and should never have even tried.

  After taking a couple minutes to scold herself for even trying, Elah stood up and placed the bow back over her body and dropped the arrow in her bag with the others. The night animals had already found their sleeping holes and the day animals were starting to wake. A little distance ahead she could hear some birds singing, most likely excited about finding some breakfast. Elah smiled as she turned to start her journey back home but as she turned she came face-to-face with a very large wolf.

  She gasped loudly as she stumbled back. Trying to regain her footing she crashed backwards into a large paper bark gum. Its soft surface the only relief she felt. Pushing herself slightly off the tree she grasped her bow as hard as she could, to stop her hands from shaking but it was at that point she noticed her whole body was shaking. She hadn't considered this in her plan to experience a hunt. She was barely able to retrieve an arrow and was fumbling with it, trying to get it set, when she heard a voice.

  Scanning the area she could see no one and prayed she hadn't run into something else dangerous, other than the wolf. The wolf stood watching her, it was calm, not showing any signs of aggression but Elah was too scared and couldn’t think straight to notice.

  The voice called out again, rendering Elah completely useless as she stood frozen in place. ‘Please don’t shoot me’ it said, this time she could comprehend the words.

  “Who’s there?” she yelled, trying to hold her voice steady but failed miserably.

  ‘Put your bow down’ the voice said, causing Elah to shake so much she dropped her arrow.

  “Show yourself and I will put it down” she yelled, hoping that whoever was talking to her couldn't see how frightened she was.

  ‘I’m standing right in front of you’ the voice said.

  Elah looked around, the birds were still happily going about their morning and it seemed that the voice was in her head, although she wasn't quite sure. Elah looked directly at the wolf standing in front of her with wide eyes.

  “Okay, so either a wolf is talking in my mind or I’m going mad, perhaps both” Elah breathed, giving a small frightened laugh.

  ‘Of course I’m talking to you via telepathy, I can’t just talk to you with a voice, that would just be strange and yes I’m the wolf standing before you’ the voice said, almost mockingly.

  “Okay, I’ve gone mad” Elah said, side stepping around the wolf to try and get some distance between her and wolf and closer to home or just anywhere from the wolf.

  A laugh rang out in her mind before the voice spoke again ‘I don’t have much time and I need your help.’

  “Well I guess if I’m going to look crazy I may as well do a good job of it. How can I help you?” Elah sighed loudly, wishing now she had not come alone or come at all.

  ‘My leg was injured last night and I can’t change because of it’ the wolf said, laying down.

  “What do you mean?” Elah asked, not sure how the wolf knew of her healing abilities since she hadn't told anyone other than her family about her gift.

  ‘You’re a healer aren’t you?’ the wolf asked, not sure if she knew of her own gift.

  “Yes but how did you know?”

  ‘I can sense your energy, so are you going to help me?’

  “I can try, only if you promise not to hurt me”

  ‘I couldn’t hurt you even if I wanted to’

  “Okay just lay still, on your side” Elah instructed, slowly moving toward the wolf.

  Once she reached the wolf, she put her hand on its chest near its heart. Her hands started to glow and she could feel every organ in its body, even its brain. Being that this creature could hurt her or even kill her if it truly wanted, Elah ignored the other areas of the wolf’s body and focused on its injury. Once the injury was healed, she healed the wolf’s muscles before clasping next to the wolf.

  Elah opened her eyes to see the wolf’s black hair shimmering in the filtered sunlight. Its chest was rising and falling gently as it laid next to her on the forest floor, she calmly watched it breath as her body started to wake up.

  Sighing, Elah sat up looking around to gain her bearings. The forest was calm and it looked to be late morning. “Oh, no” she said, to herself, realising how much trouble she must be in back at home. She was planning to be back before anyone noticed her missing but that was not likely to happen now.

  ‘Oh you're awake. Are you okay?’ the wolf asked in Elah’s mind.

  Elah gasped, she’d forgotten she was with a talking wolf. “Well, that’s going to take some getting use to” Elah said, running her hand through the wolf’s soft fur, her mind still a hazy mess.

  The wolf rolled over, allowing her to rub its belly and rolled out its tongue when she used her nails to gently scratch it. ‘That’s so good but I should go and so should you’ the wolf said.

  “I’m sorry to have kept you” Elah replied, not sure if the wolf was angry with her.

  ‘No, don’t be sorry, I’m so grateful you were here to help me. You’re the first of your kind to help any of my kind in quite some time’

  “What do you mean, why wouldn’t anyone help you?” Elah asked, confused as to why anyone would leave an injured creature.

  ‘Your kind use to be very different’ the wolf said getting up, its large body towering over Elah as she remained seated.

  “What does that mean?” Elah asked but the wolf just turned its head to take one glance at her before turning to walk away.

  ‘Thank you’ the wolf said, before he starting his run home.

  Elah sighed in frustration as the wolf left without giving her an explanation.
She sat on the ground thinking about what it could mean, when she noticed some movement in the tree above out of the corner of her eye. 

  She stood feeling it was time to go back and face her mother. As she turned to head back she came face to face with Lavi. He looked mad, his whole body was tense and his eyes were darker than normal. Elah felt her heart start to race as she tried to look at anything but him. 

  "I knew you were up to something" he growled at her, grabbing her by her upper arm and pulling her with him as he started their journey home. 

  "I was going to be back before anyone noticed" Elah squeaked but realized that saying that would not make her situation any better. 

  "When I got here I saw you sleeping next to that large mutt" he growled, through his teeth. 

  "That was a wolf not a mutt" Elah hissed, bitterly. 

  "Do you know how dangerous those mutts are?" Lavi asked, looking at her annoyed.

  "That wolf would not have hurt me" Elah said, with tears starting to well up in her eyes. 

  "How do you know that?"

  "I healed it and it was nice to me, it would never hurt me”

  "You know your not strong enough to heal large animals yet. It could have killed you, you're lucky to be alive”

  "But it didn't, besides your the only one hurting me right now" Elah cried, grabbing hold of his hand that was wrapped tightly around her arm. 

  Lavi looked down at his hand and quickly let her go. He looked at the red mark on her arm but did not look her into her eyes as she brushed her hand over the mark. His heart sunk, it wasn't his intention to hurt her but he was so mad at her for sneaking off, especially when he knew she was up to something.

  As he looked down at her, he could see how innocent she was, even though she often got herself into trouble. She had obviously never seen death and he hoped she never would.

  “Elah, not everything is as innocent as you think” Lavi said, taking a few steps ahead of her.

  “What is that suppose to mean?” Elah asked, now standing in one spot with her hands on her hips.

  Lavi turned around to look at Elah but the way she looked, he couldn't take her seriously. She tried to look mad and when he started laughing at her, she tried even harder, which made him laugh harder.

  “Come on, we have to get going” he laughed, tried to stop himself from laughing at her.

  “Come on Lavi, tell me what you mean” Elah begged him, while trying to catch up.

  “Just let it go” he groaned, as the smile drop from his face.

  As they walked Elah kept asking him what he meant, which made his mood turn. Suddenly he turned to her, the look of anger on his face shocked her and she slowed her pace to fall behind him. They walked this way for quite some time before he stopped and turned to look at her, catching her by the shoulders before she walked into him.

  “Look, in my opinion those mutts don’t deserve your help” he said sternly.

  “Lavi, that’s not for me to decide” she disputed but her voice gave away just how frightened she was.

  “Maybe but you need to stay away from them, they're dangerous”

  “Why are they dangerous?”

  “They're killers”

  “How do you know?”

  Lavi sighed and looked away before telling her, “as a small child, I watched them kill my mother.”

  “Oh, Lavi, I’m so sorry” Elah said, hugging him from behind.

  Lavi turned with a stone hard look on his face but hugged her back. He pulled away from her and started walking again with Elah beside him and without saying a word. This time Elah didn't push him for anything. They just walked side-by-side in silence, although neither of them felt comfortable. Even the forest was quite with most animals spending the heat of the day tucked away in cool shady places.

  They walked until they were nearly home, when Lavi stopped Elah and looked her in the eyes. His eyes had softened and he looked calm but just one look at him and anyone could tell something was weighing on his mind.

  “I would prefer it if you didn't tell anyone about my mother" Lavi told her, with a serious tone to his voice.

  "I promise I won't tell" Elah said, looking directly into his eyes. She was sincere about it and he thanked her with one of his beautiful smiles that melted her heart.

  As they continued to walk, some birds playing in a flowering tree distracted Elah. They were brightly coloured and fussed over the nectar the flowers provided. She was amazed by how playful the birds were and how some stumbled around the branches.

  “They must be drunk” Lavi laughed, standing behind Elah, also enjoying the show.

  “What do you mean, drunk” Elah asked, with a confused look on her face.

  Lavi laughed, “it’s been a hot day and the nectar has fermented”.

  “Fermented?” Elah looked even more confused.

  “It has turned the nectar into alcohol” Lavi laughed even harder.

  “Oh, so the birds are drinking alcoholic nectar”

  “Yes and it appears they are enjoying it”

  Elah giggled at the fact that the birds enjoyed a drink, she had never thought of other creatures drinking, other than her parents that is. They didn’t drink often but when they did, they would become loud and appear to find almost everything exciting or just plan amusing.

  Elah felt her heart sink when she saw the house, her mother was alone in her herb garden. Once Ebele noticed them, she dropped her gardening tools and ran over to meet them.

  “Are you okay, what happened?” Ebele cried, as she ran her hands down Elah’s arms and looked her over.

  “I’m fine” Elah managed before she was interrupted by Lavi.

  “She got lost” Lavi said, looking at her sternly.

  Perhaps it was better to keep her meeting with the wolf between them but was it any better to let her parents think she could get lost in the forest? She would never be allowed outside their property again, although that was likely to happen when her parents stopped being pleased to see her and become mad, anyway. Elah just dropped her head and waited for her mother’s anger to build.

  “What were you doing in the forest anyway?” Ebele asked, her soft face slightly hardened.

  “I was just going for a walk” Elah answered, still not looking at her mother.

  “Why so early and with a bow?”

  “I wanted to see the sunrise and see if there was any injured animals”

  “Elah, you shouldn’t be leaving the house in the dark, it’s not safe. Not even during the day for that matter.” Ebele turned to Lavi next. “You shouldn’t have gone out there on your own either. You should have waited for one of the boys to go with you.” Ebele’s voice was hard and her face was now rigid, showing just how angry she was.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble” Lavi said, dropping his head.

  “Both of you need to head back to the house and start cleaning, while we wait for the others to get back.” Ebele stood with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at the house.

  They both walked in silences to the house and started cleaning. “Lavi, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble” Elah murmured, feeling bad that her actions had gotten Lavi in trouble. She hadn’t thought about how the others would feel and how looking for her would impact their day.

  “Don’t worry about it, I should have waited” Lavi said, concentrating on cleaning a table in the living room.

  Glancing at him, Elah felt even more guilty and by the way he appeared to be trying to dismiss her, she couldn't help but think he was even more angry. Not wanting to anger him further, she decided to concentrate on her work, she had no idea what to say to him anyway.

  They had just about finished cleaning the main areas of the house when Jabin burst through the door. “Where have you been” he boomed, causing Elah to try and make herself as small as possible.

  “I went for a walk” Elah replied in a small voice.

  “And you didn’t thi
nk to tell anyone”

  “No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I really didn't think I'd be gone long”

  “You are old enough to know it’s too dangerous to go out there on your own. There will be no free time until further notice, for both of you” Jabin yell, his face red with anger and his body harden with rage.

  Elah looked at Lavi then at her father, “but it wasn’t Lavi’s fault.”

  “He knows what he’s done. Once you have finished in here, you need to start digging a new garden next to the herb garden” Jabin ordered, then left the room. He was afraid he would go too far as his anger boiled inside.

  “Lavi, I’m sorry, please forgive me” Elah pleaded, hoping he would at least yell at her.

  “Don’t worry about it” Lavi replied, starting to become annoyed with her apologies.

  Elah sensed his aggravation and decided to concentrate on finishing the work at hand but before they finished River bust in and ran over to Elah, engulfing her in a hug.

  “Thank goodness you are alright” he said, holding her as tight as he could.

  “I’m sorry for making you worry” Elah breathed.

  “I knew you could look after yourself in the forest” River said, with a cheeky smile. “I was worried about you after you healed me, thank you for saving me.”

  “I would do it again if I had to. I just need to get stronger” Elah said, smiling back at him. “You know, so I don’t black out every time.”

  “What do you need to do to get stronger, do you need my help”.

  Elah pushed back and placed her hands on his chest. As her hands started to glow as she started to send energy through his body and looked for anything to heal but he was very healthy, he always looked after himself. He reached up and took both her wrists in his hands causing her to look up at him. She smiled up at him and pulled her hands away.

  “Mum said I could heal one of you per day” Elah told him. “But you are too healthy.”

  River laughed and hugged her. “And this will make you stronger?”

  She nodded as he released her and looked into his beautiful eyes. “I missed you while you were away” she said.

  “I missed you too” River said, kissing her on the forehead. “Well I’d better leave you two to it, dad’s pretty mad” River added before leaving.

  Lavi and Elah finished in the house and worked out in the garden until the sunset. Not wanting to face her father again, Elah quickly ate her dinner and went to bed. Lavi kept a low profile as well but mostly to keep from answering questions he did not want to answer.


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