A Healer's Destiny

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A Healer's Destiny Page 21

by Katherine J. Sinclair

  Chapter 20

  Elah woke up to see River and Nissa playing cards in the seating area. She moaned and stretched her limbs. River looked up and smiled, causing her heart to warm. He had always been there for her and never judged her too harshly, despite what she did and she loved him for it.

  “What time is it?” Elah asked, not wanting to move and realising she really didn’t care what time it was.

  “Don’t you mean what day is it” River said, with a cheeky smile on his face.

  “What! What do you mean?” Elah asked, feeling a bit more alert.

  “You’ve been asleep for two days” River said, walking over and sitting next her on the bed.

  “Oh, that’s not good. I don’t really want to get out of bed now either” she confessed, pulling the blanket up and cuddling a pillow.

  He laughed and stood up. “Well you need to get up and greet the land of the living. We will meet you out front in half an hour” he said, leaving with Nissa and not giving her a chance to protest.

  Elah forced herself to get out of bed and into the shower. As she let the water run down her body, it felt refreshing and after a while she started flicking her hand through the water. She enjoyed watching her hand move the water around and how the light would change.

  As she continued to flick her hand around, she noticed the air being disturbed on either side if the stream of water. She also noticed if she flicked harder it would cause the air move about faster, creating small circular air funnels. She then started moving her hand around in different directions creating patterns in the air as it followed her hand.

  Elah was so fascinated by what was going on that she didn’t keep track of the time. She was busy making different patterns when she heard River calling out from the bedroom. She paused and dropped her hands, the last of air spiralled up and stopped just above her head. She looked over her shoulder and sighed, she knew he wouldn’t leave her alone until she came out, so she turned off the water and wrapped a large towel around herself.

  She walked out to see River waiting with an unknown woman. “Who’s this?” Elah asked, as she walked passed and into the closet.

  River didn’t answer until she came out dressed. “Elah, I would like you to meet Iris” he said, with his hand on her back. “Iris, this is my sister Elah.”

  “Oh, nice to meet you” Elah said, observing their interactions.

  “Shall we” River said, opening the door.

  Elah followed them and watched as they walked side by side convinced there was more than a friendship going on. She watched as Iris laughed at almost everything he said and fluttered her eyelids whenever she looked at him. Elah was happy for him but still rolled her eyes at the display of affection that was occurring.

  As they walked toward the castle gates a guard stepped forward stopping them as they were about to leave the property. “Stop” he said, with authority in his voice.

  River stopped and looked at the guard. “What’s the problem?” he asked.

  “Where are you going?” the guard asked, watching Elah.

  “Just into the city for dinner” River said, like it was no big deal.

  “Not her” the guard said, pointing to Elah.

  “What do you mean not me?” Elah growled, with her hands on her hips.

  “You can’t leave” the guard said, trying not to upset River. “Kings orders.”

  “What do you mean?” Elah said raising her voice.

  “I’m not allowed to let you out of the gates” he said swallowing and looking around for back up.

  Elah was about to make a run for it when three horses came toward them and stopped in front of them. Elah looked up to see Leif sitting on the horse at the front and watched as he jumped off the horse and stood next to her. She even caught herself looking at him like he was a dream.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “I can’t let her leave” the guard said, pointing at Elah and trying not to cause trouble.

  “By who’s order?” Leif asked,mlooking at Elah.

  “Your father” he answered and looked like he wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

  “Okay, she can come with me” Leif said, handing his horses rains to another rider.

  The guard didn’t know what to do and just stood back to let them go. Elah smiled at him as she walked passed with Leif at her side. She wasn’t sure why the king would not want her to leave but for now she was just grateful for Leif’s good timing.

  Although Leif smelled like horse, a smell Elah didn’t mind, he looked nice in a light brown shirt and a pair of black pants. Elah was torn between looking at him and taking in the sights, he looked that nice. She had never just gone into town, she had ridden in on horseback but never just walked in with the intention of staying for a little while.

  River led the way, with Iris by his side, as they walked through the cobble stone streets and into a busy little market area. There were little stores on either side of the street and tall trees down the centre, providing shade for all. At the base of some of the trees were small gardens, some with just pretty flowers and others with different herbs, obviously used by the locals.

  They stopped at a small little restaurant with a little seating area at the front. River talked to a young lady at the front, who seated them at a table outside. It was starting to get dark and the stars were starting to appear in the changing sky. Leif pulled out Elah’s chair and as she sat down she looked up and marvelled at the contrast of the blue and black sky with small little diamonds starting to make an appearance.

  “They are beautiful aren’t they” Leif whispered in her ear.

  She quickly caught her breath as the feel of his breath on her neck sent a wave down her back. She slowly looked at him and caught his beautiful eyes. They locked for a while until River said, “Did you want us to leave?”

  Elah looked at her brother shocked. She didn’t realise she had lost herself in a moment. “Sorry” she said, looking between Iris and River.

  River laughed and Leif smiled at him, not sorry for taking Elah’s attention. Elah looked at Iris, she was sitting comfortably next to River, slightly leaning toward him. She could see her blue eyes light up every time she looked at River. Her hair fell to her waist and was a dark brown with waves throughout the length. Her pink dress fit her perfectly, showing the curves of her slim frame. Elah would have felt jealous if Iris wasn’t so taken by River, she was beautiful, the type that demanded the attention of all around her.

  The conversation was easy, as they ate and Elah noticed River was taking every chance he could to interact with Iris on a more personal level. As Elah watched, she wanted to know if they were together on a romantic level or just close friends so Elah decided to put it out there, even though she really did know the answer. “So, River is Iris your girlfriend?”

  Everyone looked at her, shocked that she asked such a bold question. “Yes, River is my boyfriend” Iris confirmed, looking at him with an affectionate smile on her face.

  “I’m so happy for you both” Elah said, happy that River was finally seeing someone.

  “So what’s going on with you two?” Iris asked, referring to Elah and Leif.

  Everyone looked at her shocked. River had no idea what was going on, not to mention the fact he had no idea what to say. Leif’s jaw dropped and looked at Elah, he didn’t want to say anything to ruin the progress their relationship had made at this stage. Elah wasn’t sure what he wanted but figured she had started the topic so she should be the one to deal with it.

  “I don't know but I do know what I want and that might be different to what Leif wants” Elah said, wanting to leave the conversation there.

  Leif smiled at her, knowing he wanted to know what she wanted. He searched her eyes looking for an answer and found he couldn’t read her. He wasn’t sure if the answer he was searching for, was the answer he wanted or answer he was avoiding. He vowed to himself he would find out the answer but now was not the time or place

  Iris looked at Leif and felt she may have over stepped a boundary, he was after all her prince. “I’m sorry, I did mean to cause any trouble” she said, hoping that someone would change the subject.


  "It's okay" Leif said, trying to put Iris at ease. "I think it's getting late, so I'd better head off. Which means you need to come with me." 

  Elah pouted but nodded, grateful she was able to come out at all. They said their goodbyes and started the walk back to the castle. 

  They walked in a comfortable silence and Elah took in the sites, sounds and smells. The buildings were made up of natural stones and wood creating flowing lines that gave the city it’s unique look. Even though it was getting late the streets were still just as busy as they were when they came in and Elah wondered if the streets were ever quite.

  As they walked through the gates Elah held her breath waiting for someone to say something but no one did. She felt relieved that they didn't get into trouble but now felt like a prisoner. She had been hidden away for years now and from what she did not know. Her gift had cost her a lot, perhaps more then she would have ever been willing to give. 

  Instead of walking back to her room Leif led Elah out to the shore of the lake. It was a beautiful, warm, clear night and the moonlight danced across the water. It was dark enough to see the countless sparkling stars in the sky in all their glory. 

  As they walked toward the water, they stopped to take their shoes off. The sand was soft and still warm from the heat of the day. As the water gently lapped against their feet, Elah looked at Leif, his skin glowing in the moonlight and his handsome face was breathtakingly gorgeous.

  Elah smiled as Leif skipped a rock across the water. "I use to love coming down here with my mother in the summer" Leif said, looking across the water remembering. 

  "It’s beautiful out here, I never thought to come at night" Elah said, watching Leif. 

  Leif looked at Elah, the moonlight shone on her soft skin, he thought she looked stunning. They caught each other’s eyes and as they stood there, a cheeky smiled began to form on her face. He looked at her slightly confused and she turned her head to look out at the water.

  He took a step back in surprise when she released her wings. He watched as she lifted off the ground and smiled when she fluttered toward him. He released his own wings and lifted himself off the ground. She gasped at beauty of his wings, they were the same colour as his eyes and sparkled in the moonlight.

  She followed as he flew over the water, stopping to look back, he waited for her to catch up and grabbed her hand. He had no idea what her plan had been but now he had his own. They flew further and further from the castle until it was just a small twinkling of light in the distance. She began to tire as she hadn’t had much time to practice her flying and it took a lot of energy.

  He noticed her grip tighten but continued, he knew where he was going and knew she would be okay. The moonlight was not bright enough for Elah to notice a small sandy island in the water. She hesitated when he gently lead her down to the sandy beach. Elah was relieved to feel firm ground under her feet.

  Elah stood on the beach puffed but still managed to smile at him, she felt so alive. “Are you okay?” he asked her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

  “I’ll live” she said, staring into his eyes.

  She reached her hand up and placed it on his. He turned his hand under hers and enclosed hers in his. He didn’t take his eyes off hers as he slowly lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against the back of her hand.

  She breathed in and held her breath until his lips lifted from her hand, leaving a warm reminder of where his lips had been. She closed her mouth and slightly turned her head as she felt her cheeks heat up, not sure about the warm feeling flooding her already warm body. He gently pulled on her hand causing her to move closer to him and leaving only millimetres between them. He slowly moved closer and kissed her on the cheek causing Elah to loose her breath.

  “I have to know, what would like from this?” Leif whispered, knowing how his touch was affecting her by the way she was reacting.

  She turned her head to look into his eyes again. She then opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She dropped her head, knowing she couldn’t answer with the way he was looking at her and whispered “you.”

  She continued to look at the white sand that glistened in the light, not sure what he would say and prayed he would want her too, until she felt his hand under her chin. He gently lifted her head to look at him and closed the distance to brush his lips against hers. She leaned in to catch his lips with hers but he pulled back slightly, teasing her before he pressed his lips against hers and after a few seconds pulled back before she could capture him with passion.

  She slid her hands around his waist and pulled his body closer, catching his lips with hers. She could feel his smile on her lips. “Now tell me, what do you want?” Elah breathed, holding him tight, with her heart wildly beating in her chest.

  He pressed his lips into hers causing their lips to light up, sending energy through the others body. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his body and closed his eyes enjoying the moment. He felt warm against her and she enjoyed the feel of his body against hers. He was turning to a drug that she wasn't sure she could stop wanting even if her life depended on it.

  “I don’t want anything but I need you” he whispered, causing Elah to release a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

  She kissed him, feeling his soft lips under hers and tasting him as he parted his lips so they could deepen their kiss. He slid his hand behind her head and the other around her waist making sure she didn’t go anywhere. The energy he sent through her body felt exhilarating and she craved more.

  As he pulled back he looked into her eyes. “You have no idea how long I have wanted to kiss you” she said softly, wrapping his other arm around her waist.

  “Then don’t stop” he said, wanting more.

  He pulled her in and pressed his lips on hers, lighting up the their faces and exposing their feelings for each other. She relaxed into him and enjoyed how he set off all her senses. She had never felt so good in her entire life and never wanted to let that feeling go.

  “We better get back before someone notices us missing” he said, looking into her eyes as he pulled back.

  Disappointed, Elah nodded and gently kissed him on the cheek. They lifted off the ground and slowly flew back to the castle, this time Elah knew she would make the trip back. As they flew across the water, Elah kept sneaking looks at Leif and remembering how soft his lips were, she felt like she was going to burst with all the emotions running through her.

  The trip back took less time then Elah thought it would but was sure her emotions played a large part in that. Once they found their shoes, Leif walked her to her room and kissed her goodnight, savouring in the their last piece of contact before leaving her to her thoughts.

  Elah opened the door and stumbled in, closing the door with her foot as she made her way to the bed. Flopping down on the soft covers, she stared up at the ceiling, unable to wipe the silly grin from her face. As she smiled to herself, she gently touched her lips remembering his and how they felt against hers.


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