Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories

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Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories Page 54

by Sierra Cartwright

  He noticed immediately and looked at her with a dark, predatory look before he shifted closer and began to run his hands over her breasts until she groaned. When she did, he pushed her shirt up over her torso, followed by her bra.

  She had never been so brazen and so hungry for attention before in her life, but then again, she’d never thought she’d enjoy the intimate attentions of three different men at once, none of whom seemed to be put off by each other.

  Having finished baring her breasts, Dax brought his mouth close and teased one of her pink nipples with his lips until she arched her back.

  She was in a haze, opening her thighs to them wantonly, until Malo knelt down on the floor at her feet and pulled her around so that she was splayed out in front of him. “Have you ever been taken by three men at once?” he asked her seductively, and then kissed her inner thigh.

  Her stomach clenched as she thought about all that would entail; she hadn’t had that much experience with anal, and she couldn’t imagine that the sex he was talking about wouldn’t involve double penetration. “I haven’t had two men,” she admitted, feeling her cheeks blush with heat.

  He frowned and glanced at the other two. “We’ll go slowly with you. Tonight you’ll climax for us. We’ll come to your bed one at a time, if you would like that?” he asked sensitively. In the back of her mind, she knew that he just didn’t want her to make any decisions she’d regret.

  The tension in her stomach eased. “Okay,” she said, thankful.

  He grinned and then kissed her entrance. The feeling of his lips against her sensitive clit made her moan, and as Tick took her mouth and Dax took her breasts, she thought she was in heaven. Everyone’s mouths and fingers seemed to be doing everything with a perfection she hadn’t experienced before, and before she knew it, she was at the pinnacle of ecstasy, her insides pulsing and screaming with pleasure.

  When she came down from her orgasm, Tick pulled her off of the sofa and sat her on his lap, facing him. She felt that he had taken his cock out of his trousers and he was... packing. He kissed her until she found no objections to him putting himself inside of her.

  She took all three of them, though not at once, until she literally passed out with pleasure.

  She thought she would surely regret it all in the morning. When she woke up, however, she felt exhausted, but in all the best ways, and she was very surprised that she didn’t regret any of it. Not even one bit.

  Maybe space wasn’t going to be so bad, after all.


  Chloe had been a self-proclaimed space traveler for weeks now, and it was no longer strange to wake up with strong arms wrapping around her and a warm body pressed against her back. Every morning she woke up with one of her companions, and she could now tell them apart just by the feeling of their bodies and the sound of their breath against her hair.

  Today was Valentine’s Day, and she had been dropping hints to all of them that she was expecting the day to get some recognition. She had told them about the holiday and groused how she had never had a date for it, and then went on to say how nice it was that this year she had three dates, not just one, and who would have ever thunk it.

  The night before, however, she hadn’t even had the pleasure of Malo’s company, despite it being his turn to sleep with her. She had fallen asleep alone in front of her television watching what could only be described as alien soap operas, and was picked up into Malo’s arms and carried into the bedroom when he eventually did come in. They were both so tired that they’d gone straight to bed.

  She listened as the body behind her changed in his breathing, signaling that Malo had just woken up. She hummed sleepily, breaking herself out of her morning doze. “When did you carry me to bed last night?” she asked him, stretching her arms over her head.

  She felt Malo’s lips brush against her shoulder. “Late,” he said. “I had to make a conference call before we landed on Ethar.”

  “Ethar?” she repeated, sitting up, suddenly filled with excitement. “We’re landing somewhere?” So far, the great changes in her life were limited to when she switched the scenery in other rooms so that she felt she was somewhere else, but that didn’t mean she didn’t actually want to explore other places, especially when the guys had told her so much about all the places they’d been.

  “We’ve already landed,” he yawned, then seemed surprised when he opened his eyes again and saw her gaping at him.

  “Really?” she asked, grinning and biting her lip, hoping that Valentine’s Day would end with a kick-ass date, tons of attention, and fun experiences on a whole new world.

  “Don’t get too excited,” he told her. “I have a lunch meeting with an official here and then we’re heading on tomorrow morning. You are not to leave this ship.”

  She suddenly had a horrible feeling he had picked up on none of her hints that what human girls really liked was to be spoiled on this day, every year, without fail.

  She narrowed her eyes for a moment as she processed his words. Had she just been given an order? “Like hell I’m not!” she argued promptly. “I’m going with you guys!”

  “There are about ten planets and a dozen more space stations that I wouldn’t let you set foot on,” he informed her, pressing himself up on his elbows and letting the blanket fall down across his well-defined chest. “I’m not even going to argue about it. It’s a safety concern. Calling this planet misogynistic would be an understatement.”

  “So? I can handle that if it means I get to stretch my legs! I mean, you guys are misogynistic and I deal with the three of you on a daily basis,” she reminded him, rolling her eyes.

  He sighed and shook his head. “First of all, what have we ever done that’s misogynistic?” he asked.

  “Jesus, Malo, I still catch you reading those manuals trying to figure me out. That on its face is sexist. Second, you constantly slap my ass every damn day. You’re, like, constantly threatening to spank me like I’m a 1950s housewife or something! Didn’t your planet ever face a feminist revolution?”

  “What?” he asked, scrunching his face like she was uttering complete gibberish he could barely discern. “No. Our population is one-sixth female. We treat females like gold in my culture, as we do you. And we threaten to spank you often because you love pushing our buttons, like you are now.”

  She frowned and then lifted her chin aloofly. “Well, I didn’t ask to come along, you know.”

  “I know. And we’re happy we forced you to, anyway. We really are. We’re just trying to keep you alive. So you’re staying on the ship today. Try to stay in your apartment.” She pouted at this, and he seemed to take this as a cue to try to get her to smile by leaning forward and reaching out to her with both arms. She wasn’t sure what his plan was until he pulled her whole body to him and sat her between his thighs. She could feel his stiff rod up against the side of her hip and squirmed.

  “Come on, stop being angry,” he crooned at her, then kissed her cheek. “We’re not going to enjoy ourselves here, either. I promise.”

  “You promised to show me the known universe,” she continued to pout. At this point, she hoped to make him feel guilty, although she knew from experience he was extremely difficult to manipulate. Especially in comparison to Dax and Tick. “You promised me the time of my life.”

  “I did, and I will,” he assured, his tone not very apologetic. “Just not today.” He began to kiss down her neck as he pulled her tightly to him, one of his favorite beginnings to their favorite activity together, but this time she turned her head away.

  “I bet Dax or Tick would let me come,” she continued.

  He frowned, probably now beginning to realize that there would be no morning delights when she was feeling pouty. He sighed. “You can take it up with them. I guarantee you that they’re going to give you the same answer that I did: not this planet. We’ll be at a better one in about four, five days. Just be patient.”

  Patience wasn’t one of Chloe’s virtues. She pressed the blankets
over her chest as she watched Malo sit up on the side of the bed, stretch, and then reach down to put his pants on. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll make sure to get you something nice.”

  She glared at him and inwardly growled.

  He seemed to know he’d said something annoying as he looked over his shoulder and grimaced. “I didn’t mean that to sound condescending. Just trust my experience, sweetheart.”

  She rolled her eyes. This wasn’t going to be the end of this.


  Two hours later...

  “And then he said, ‘Just trust my experience, sweetheart,’” Chloe groused, now to Tick since Dax hadn’t shown himself to be particularly sympathetic to her being put on house arrest for the day.

  Tick grunted as he worked underneath an engine. “You should trust his experience,” he told her, much to her displeasure. “Honey, if Mal says it’s bad, then it’s probably pretty bad. You haven’t been out here as long as we have. We’ve seen some pretty messed-up cultures so far.”

  “I’d be perfectly safe if I was with you guys,” she complained.

  “I appreciate that vote of confidence. But we’re on a diplomatic mission and we don’t want to have to throw our weight around and possibly kill men who want to mess with you. It might prove to be counterproductive to the meeting that Dax and Malo are scheduled for. You’ll be perfectly safe here on the ship.”

  “Is she bothering you?” Dax asked, stepping into the room as he was putting on a vest that looked like it was the holster for about fifteen separate weapons, including several blaster-like weapons and something that looked a lot like a grenade. “I told her not to come right in here and start hassling you when Malo and I already said no.”

  “Do I have to remind you it’s Valentine’s Day? I was hoping you were gonna do something special, not leave me on a crummy old spaceship,” she continued to pout.

  “Hey,” Tick said, pulling himself out from underneath the engine and rubbing grease off of his hands. “It’s not crummy. Be nice.” He threw the towel down and then sauntered up to her like a tomcat. “And never you fret, baby. When we come home, we’ll sit down for a nice dinner, watch a movie, get you to come a little...” He wrapped his arms around her. “What could be better?” He kissed her cheek then gave her a slap on the ass when he detached himself from her. “Don’t touch anything on the ship while we’re gone. Stay out of this room, the control room, my room, the boiler room...” He stopped talking and looked at her thoughtfully. “On second thought, it might be better if you just stay in your apartment...”

  She looked at Dax and gave him a tightlipped glance that she hoped would garner some sympathy. Dax gave her a grin and then walked up, tilted down, and pushed her over his shoulder so that he was once again carrying her around like a leg of beef. She made an ‘oof’ sound and then said, “Really, Dax—put me down. I’m in no mood to get carried around like I’m a toy poodle or something!”

  She realized that he was toting her back to her apartment. “Let me help you get situated, and then we’re gonna get going. The sooner we get that meeting over with, the sooner we’ll get back. I’m not sure when we’ll get back, but we’ll be hungry, so keep dinner warm for us?”

  “Yeah, this seems fair,” she muttered sarcastically. “You go off and have fun outside the ship, and I’m stuck working in here.”

  “You love cooking,” he reminded, beginning to sound exasperated.

  “Yeah, but...” She felt a firm slap against her ass and gritted her teeth. That one actually hurt! “Dax!” she cried, trying to squirm and roll off his shoulder but he held her tight.

  “There’s more where that came from,” he threatened. “You need to stop pouting. You’re acting childish and sullen,” Dax informed her, sounding more than a little put out with her. “We aren’t keeping you here because we want to make you angry or ignore you. We would love to have you with us, always. But we’re acting in your own best interest.”

  “I think I can act in my own best interest,” she seethed.

  “No, you can’t. You just want to be off the ship for a while. I get that. You’re not used to being cooped up. But you’re gonna have to learn to deal with it for a few more days until we get to the next planet.”

  Malo was in her apartment, waiting for her, when they came into the room. He was giving her a weary look when Dax put her down. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna give in,” Dax groaned, and Chloe’s spirits leapt.

  He snorted. “No, of course not.” He held up a bracelet and presented it to her. “A gift. It’s a communicator.” He showed her a tiny button on the side of it and said, “Click that if you want to contact one of us, and click the one on the other side to take a call. This is connected to all three of us. If something happens to us—and this isn’t going to happen but let’s just say it does and we don’t come back—then I want you to sit here until the next authority unit comes to this planet next week. They know about you and will assume responsibility for your safety. Go downstairs and hide in the panic room until they come.”

  “You’re all paranoid,” she said as she watched him attach the communicator onto her wrist.

  “Well, it’s hard for us to work when we’re busy worrying about you,” he replied.

  “I cannot be more serious when I say that you are not to even put a toe outside. Do not even open the hatch door to leave. I cannot be any clearer on that,” Dax told her in low tones. “I know you’re not happy, but I guarantee you this is not a time to go do whatever it is you want, anyway.”

  “Look, I’m not a child, okay?” she huffed. “I understand. It’s dangerous, and I should restrain myself and sit here and do women’s work while the big strong men go forth into the wilds,” she said as sarcastically as she possibly could.

  She wasn’t sure they grasped her sarcasm, because they looked calmer afterwards.

  Worst Valentine’s Day ever: stuck on a stupid planet full of stupid people and kept on the ship by her stupid boyfriends. It was less fun than the weeks before it and probably the weeks after. Apparently, they hadn’t listened to her clues about how she wanted to be treated well on this day for once.

  Tick finally came in, no longer covered in grease and now wearing huge black goggles. “Ready to go?” he asked the other two men. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get back to our girl.” He winked at her, and she smirked back at him. He was so cheesy that she had eventually decided that it was adorable.

  “What’s with the goggles?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

  “It’s dusty as hell out there, that’s why. I refuse to go through the day picking sand out of my eye,” he told her, walking to the door and changing the scenery so that it showed the outside. It looked like a planet Luke Skywalker would call home. It was sand as far as the eye could see, as well as lots of men dressed in black garb and hoods and full face masks. She walked to the side of the wall and looked out, feasting her eyes on the two planets that were visible in the sky overhead and the colorful marketplace just across the street.

  He came back and folded his arms around her body. “Love you,” he told her, and not for the first time. He had been talking about his love for her since the morning after they’d first had sex. He leaned down to kiss her, then nipped her bottom lip playfully. “Sexiest girl in the universe,” he cooed at her.

  “Alright, enough of that,” Dax said, a layer of jealousy in his tone as he put an arm between them to push Tick back. “We’re running late as it is.” He turned and pointed at Chloe. “Stay,” he ordered, and she wondered if he knew that he’d just ordered her around like a dog and was trying to be funny in his own way, or if he didn’t know and that sort of order just came naturally to him.

  “Be good,” Malo told her once more as he turned toward the door.

  She followed them all the way to the ship’s smallest hatchway exit. Tick easily opened up the exterior door in a way similar to how he opened the door to his apartment, with a swipe of his finger. Some san
d poured in immediately from outside, but so did a mouthwatering aroma of fresh-baked breads.

  When they left, she studied the door for a long moment and then finally sauntered back to her apartment, where she could at least watch the people walking around right below the ship. Apparently this was not a planet that was a stranger to interplanetary travel, because they seemed to be parked right in the middle of a city.

  She sighed and then eventually turned away and began preparing dinner. She still used her old ovens from her apartment, which she now realized Tick had greatly refitted to work on a spaceship, but now she was used to using very exotic flours, flavors, sauces, and spices. The pastry chef in her was definitely begging for her to go outside and try to haggle for some special flour, or at least a loaf of bread so she could compare the flavors of this planet to what she was used to and maybe even try to duplicate what she’d found out there.

  When she had most of the prep work for dinner completed, she went back out toward ‘the window’ and investigated. It didn’t look dangerous. She hadn’t seen any sort of violence yet, and she’d seen women out there, despite the fact that she was warned they didn’t treat women well. At least they allowed their women to go outside.

  She found herself walking back out toward the exit. Honestly, she told herself, she was a free woman who, until she was brought on this spaceship against her will, was single and independent with just as many rights as anyone else. Hell, she’d owned her own business, which was no small feat for someone just out of college at the time.

  So if she wanted to just go outside and look around the market, haggle for some bread, and come back, then she was going to do it, and then she was going to give them a hard time for being such dicks about it. After all, it was going to be a long, hard road with those guys if they kept locking her in the spaceship just because. It wasn’t even as if they had been to the planet themselves. They were just going off hearsay. Back home, people had told her that living and walking around Paris by herself was dangerous, yet she had done it literally every day for years, and she hadn’t had anything horrible happen to her.


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