Devon's Gamble (Wolves' Heat)

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Devon's Gamble (Wolves' Heat) Page 4

by Odessa Lynne

  Kem huffed against his stomach and then moved down.

  Hot breath crawled up the inside of Devon’s thigh.

  Fingernails, dark and blunt, scraped over his hip until he felt the first prick of claws extending.

  In the next instant, Devon felt warm breath across the sensitive flesh of his dick and he jerked, leaning his leg in toward his groin protectively.

  That mouth—those teeth—scared the shit out of him so close to his personal goods.

  Almost normal alien dicks were one thing, but sharp teeth that could tear through skin and muscle with no trouble at all made his belly clench tight and his heart stutter. He didn’t even know if that was physically possible—a stuttering heart—but it sure felt like it.

  Warm lips touched his dick. Devon hissed in a breath. Tongue flicked over the head, tasting him. His erection, which had softened considerably in the last few moments, started to harden again.

  Devon fisted a handful of blanket.

  “I want to mate you.” Kem teased the sensitive skin of Devon’s dick with his lips and tongue, careful in a way most of the guys who’d been lucky enough to suck Devon’s dick—yeah, lucky, damn it—didn’t usually bother with.

  “You’re—uh, really good at this. Probably better than, uh, oh God Almighty—”

  He couldn’t speak for the next few seconds, hands clinging to the blanket beneath him and the jar of lube he needed to use as soon as possible or he was going to regret it. Kem had wrapped his lips around Devon’s dick and taken him deep into his mouth, and either there were a few degrees difference between wolf and human body temperature or heat cycles made the wolves run hot, but Devon was in cocksucking heaven.

  “Oh yeah,” he muttered. “Suck that dick.”

  Kem growled at him, the vibration zipping through Devon. The sound sparked his nerves and every last hair on his body reacted as it were electrified. Devon gave an aborted yelp but no teeth found their way into his tender flesh in the time it took Devon to let go of the blanket and clench his fingers in Kem’s soft hair.

  “Sorry,” he said hastily.

  The sheen of sweat on Kem’s forehead and cheeks glistened under the lights and his lips were wrapped tight and slick around Devon’s cock.

  Then Kem pulled off.

  Devon groaned, the sudden cool air on his heated skin leaving him with a surprisingly strong sense of disappointment.

  “I want to mate you.” Kem leaned over Devon and the bed dipped with the sudden shift of weight. “I need to—”

  A pillow flopped against the side of Devon’s head. He shoved it aside just as Kem pushed his knee up, crawled between his thighs, and gave clear signs that he was getting ready to stick his dick up Devon’s ass.

  Chapter 5

  “Whoa! Not yet, not yet,” Devon said, feeling the thick hardness that was Kem’s cock right there in the crease of his groin, getting entirely too close to his not-yet-lubricated asshole.

  Kem jostled him on the bed and barely seemed to stop himself from roaring at Devon.

  Devon’s heart pounded, and he could feel a tremor start in his hands as he tried to twist the lid off the jar.

  “Hurry,” Kem said. “You shouldn’t have waited.”

  “I—” But he shut up, because he could tell Kem wasn’t listening. He was starting to look wild-eyed, and his breath came fast and shallow as he started jerking himself off again, kneeling there between Devon’s thighs.

  Devon cautiously placed his foot on Kem’s shoulder, watching for any sign of rejection of the move, but Kem only wrapped his arm around Devon’s thigh and used it for leverage as he worked his dick with his other hand.

  No matter what Kem had said about his scent, Devon couldn’t escape the feeling that he could have been anyone and Kem wouldn’t have noticed. Kem’s eyelids had dropped down to hide the glassy-eyed look but his parted mouth and the white of sharp eyeteeth made him appear lost in his lust. Devon didn’t like the way that feeling curled through him, sitting in his gut.

  Submit, he told himself harshly. That kind of self-aware shit was all well and good until it made him do something stupid and end up with claws in his spine.

  He’d rather have that dick up his ass. At least then he’d get something out of it, because his brain might be telling him this wasn’t right, but his dick was interested regardless.

  He felt Kem’s rising heat through the calloused sole of his foot as he scooped out plenty of the thick lube onto his fingers. He curled his toes against Kem’s muscled shoulder as he slid his fingers into his own hole with a low grunt. He always enjoyed that first push inside, the first stretch and burn, the slick slide and the way his body inevitably gave in to the invasion.

  Kem’s nostrils flared with a deeply indrawn breath. He watched, seemingly transfixed, as Devon fingered his asshole with the lube, making sure he prepared himself well.

  “Enough,” Kem said. He started pulling on the long shaft of his dick again, masturbating over Devon’s stomach, coming swiftly with a low growl that vibrated its way through the sole of Devon’s foot, all the way to his balls.

  Devon sucked in his breath again as hot semen splattered on his stomach and dick, dribbling through his pubic hair and down the inside crease of his groin. He was going to be absolutely filthy with this wolf’s spunk when this was over.

  Kem moved Devon’s leg, and the bend of Devon’s knee caught in the bend of Kem’s elbow as he leaned over Devon on one hand and that quick, Kem pushed his dick right up against Devon’s slick asshole.

  Prepped or not, the ring of muscle was still tight.

  “’Kay,” Devon muttered. He grabbed at the bedding again and lifted his ass into the invasion.

  Thick cock started sliding its way into Devon’s asshole and he grunted, breath shallow and fierce. Shit.

  “God Almighty,” he said through his teeth. “You feel huge.”

  “Relax. Submit.”

  “I have submitted, asshole. You’ve got your dick in my ass. What d’you think that means?”

  Kem reared back on his knees, thighs taut and strained, sweat on his forehead and cheeks glistening in the light, sharp-boned face covered with a harsh expression.

  “Submit,” he said, the word growled so low and demanding that Devon almost didn’t understand it through the accent.

  “I submit,” he said, and he bowed his back up off the bed as Kem’s cock slid further inside him, until he felt so full he couldn’t stop himself from curling his leg around Kem’s waist and clenching his ass around that thick cock.

  Devon didn’t want it out; he wanted it deeper.

  He got it. Kem thrust deep, his hips grinding against Devon’s ass, his breath exhaling in a rush, Devon’s flesh prickling with a sudden sweat at the final stretch.

  “That’s right. Come on. Fuck me if you’re going to.”

  Kem said something harsh, dropping forward onto his hands at the same time, but his accent had thickened to the point that Devon couldn’t understand him. Yet the tone had that same inflection…in all likelihood Kem had demanded again that Devon submit.

  “Okay,” Devon said. “Okay…” But his last word merely faded into a groan as Kem pumped his hips, sliding his dick in and out of Devon, the friction enough to make Devon grab for Kem’s upper arms and dig his blunt human nails into Kem’s flesh. “Yes. Yes, yes, yes. That’s fucking perfect. Like that. Just like that.”

  Devon knew a few guys who couldn’t get off from a cock up the ass, but he wasn’t one of them. He could get off like this just as easily as he could get off with a good blowjob. If whoever was fucking him did it right.

  Kem’s dick kept sliding right over Devon’s most sensitive areas, while the taut muscle of Kem’s abdomen rubbed over Devon’s dick where that damned tattoo had made his skin highly sensitive, and before Devon could catch his breath, his orgasm rushed up on him.

  Devon groaned, body tensing as his asshole tried to clench around the cock impaling him, but his hole was stretched and full, and his o
rgasm hit him hard.

  Devon knew lube, and he knew ass-fucking. He should have been feeling twinges of pain here and there, nothing too bad but as rough as Kem had started pounding into him, he knew he would feel it later. But right now, he felt nothing but a sharp, dark pleasure spiraling through him, the result of being stuffed full of cock, his own semen spurting out between their bodies and smearing all over his stomach as Kem’s entire body tightened and clenched and his broad chest loomed and then he roared in a way that made Devon’s heart beat crazy fast and heavy in his chest.

  Devon felt the warmth of Kem’s semen spurting deep in his ass, while the bed creaked and Kem’s hands clenched around Devon’s waist.

  Devon’s breath stuttered and he waited for the prick of claws but the claws didn’t come, and Devon relaxed into Kem’s frantic rutting, breathing harshly for a few moments as he came down from the high of his own orgasm. With every jarring thrust, his dick sent a spark through him, so sensitive it was almost painful.

  Kem curled over him and buried his nose right in the juncture of Devon’s armpit with a deep sniff so sharp the air tickled Devon’s underarm and sent goose bumps racing across his skin.

  The tickle made Devon jerk away and Kem growled deep and yanked at Devon’s waist, seeming to take offense at the uncontrolled, unthinking reaction from Devon.

  “Shit,” Devon muttered, the claws at his waist suddenly there, digging into his skin.

  Kem pushed back and up onto his knees between Devon’s spread thighs, pulling Devon close by the waist, his hard dick still halfway buried in Devon’s ass.

  Devon couldn’t say it had been all that bad, other than the worry that those claws or teeth were going to end up somewhere Devon didn’t want them.

  Air fluttered the hair at Devon’s brow, cooling the sweat-soaked strands against his skin. He scratched at the itch his own smeared semen was causing on his stomach. “So—” He had to stop and clear the grit from his throat before he continued. “How many more times are you going to do this tonight?”

  Turned out it was a lot.

  * * *

  Devon wasn’t sure he’d ever in his life felt as tired as he felt right then from fucking. He’d felt rougher the night after the tattoo, when he’d really comprehended what he’d done while being drunk out of his head, but this was pure exhaustion. He rested his head against the cold tile of the shower wall and closed his eyes, and he thought he might have fallen asleep for a moment, because he jerked awake when his foot slipped and he had to grab for the long bar that ran the length of the tiled shower.

  His heart raced and his hands shook and he thought about how many times a wolf could come and how much semen that added up to, and then he soaped up a washcloth and spent the next couple of minutes cleaning off traces of dried and sticky spunk, some of it his, most of it Kem’s, and then just let more water rain down over his head.

  He wanted to go to sleep.

  He wanted to get the hell out of here.

  He wondered if he’d ever find someone as good at making him come as Kem had proven to be.

  He didn’t give a fuck. Because he didn’t belong to Kem and that meant if he wanted to leave, by God, he was going to find a way to leave. He had things to do and money to collect. Now that he wasn’t stuck in that basement, he might have a chance.

  Unfortunately, this bathroom was attached to the bedroom, and Kem was finally sleeping, and Devon was sure he didn’t have the energy to do anything more than finish his shower and go back to the bed himself. Maybe later.

  Devon left the shower and dried off in the steam-filled room where the vent kept stirring the hair on the back of his neck. He patted off as much water as he could with a thick towel and then stared at his face in the mirror. Beneath his eye, his skin had turned purple, right above his cheekbone but he doubted it was going to turn into a full-on black eye.

  He started digging through the drawers but he didn’t find anything except—ah, the thing the wolves used to remove their facial hair. Too expensive for most humans to buy so if you wanted to use one, you had to visit a salon that could afford the thin, narrow phone-sized gadget.

  He took it out and stared at it, trying to remember how to turn it on. He hadn’t noticed the details back when he could afford the treatment. Those gold ten-dollars he’d stolen from Gran’s account had only gone so far before he’d ended up broke.

  A small button lit up under his thumb. Devon flipped it over in his hand and the tip brushed his wrist. Hair dissolved under a bright shaft of light and he fumbled the device.

  “Shit,” he muttered. A hairless patch of skin about the size of two fingers streaked across his wrist.

  Well, he’d figured it out.

  He looked into the mirror again, raised the device, and got rid of the week-old beard that had been bugging the shit out of him for days. When he was done, he wet a wash cloth and rubbed away the thin film left on his skin. His jaw was smoother than it had been in years.

  Then he looked down, thought about all the semen that had dried in his pubic hair and how more than once he’d had to grit his teeth against the tug and pull of hair while Kem was rutting like a—well, like he was in heat.

  Devon got rid of that problem too.

  A few minutes after that, naked, a few drops of water still trickling down between his shoulders from his wet hair, he left the bathroom for the bedroom.

  His eyes had trouble adjusting to the dark; Kem had turned out the lights.

  Eyes glowed from the direction of the bed.

  “Sleep,” Kem said. “Morning’s near.”

  “Yeah. I plan on it.” Devon made his way across the room carefully, stubbed his toe on his boot, muttered a curse, and then finally found the edge of the bed. By then, he could make out Kem’s outline and the moonlight seemed brighter coming in through the window which was curtained with a sheer white fabric.

  Kem’s hand grasped his and tugged. “I’m going to mate you,” Kem said.

  “Oh, come on,” Devon answered, not keeping the fatigue out of his voice.

  “Not fuck you. You need to rest.” Kem yawned, and Devon curled over on his side on the bed. “Tomorrow,” Kem finished, his voice quiet like it had been the day Devon had got caught. All the wolves had been calm that day, proving the effectiveness of their newer drugs.

  “Whatever, I’m going to sleep.” But he had to wonder, Kem kept interchanging the words mate and fuck, and now he seemed to be implying they sometimes meant different things, and Devon was too tired to think about it. He shoved his head down against the too fluffy pillow, tried to kick another one away from his foot, and closed his eyes before the dawn could break and make sleep impossible.

  Chapter 6

  Devon jerked awake to the sound of silence. He wasn’t sure why he’d come awake so suddenly, but his mouth felt dry and cottony and his forehead was covered in sweat. He stretched out his arm and then flopped over onto his back. No one shared the bed. Kem was gone.

  He could handle that.

  He rolled over, looking toward the tall window, looked back toward the door, which was firmly closed, and then scrambled off the edge of the bed. As soon as his bare feet hit the floor, he groaned.

  He was stiff all over. He’d been thoroughly used, no doubt about that, and every muscle in his body felt like it had been pushed past its limit.


  He hurried to the window, knocked the curtain aside, found the latch, popped it, and shoved the window up.

  The sound of the door opening came to him just as he got a view of the backyard. Forest for as far as the eye could see, and a wooded hill that led up into the mountains.

  “What are you doing?”

  Devon turned and put his back to the window. “Getting some air.”

  Kem held a tray that was stacked high with food. He stared at Devon, his gaze direct and intent. Finally, he said, “I would find you.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  Devon’s stomach grumbled. He rubbed
his chest and noted that Kem wore both black trousers and t-shirt and socks, while Devon had jumped out of bed so fast he hadn’t even bothered to find his underwear.

  Kem had a leanness to him that bespoke of strength and endurance, or maybe it was just that Devon thought he was particularly attractive. Hot. Enough to make him uncomfortably aware of his nakedness.

  Fuck that.

  He leaned back on the sill of the window and crossed his arms, spreading his legs just enough to provide the leverage he needed for his position to be stable.

  Kem’s eyes went straight for Devon’s cock and balls.

  Kem’s eyes flared a bit, and his chest rose on a deep breath. The glassware on the tray rattled.

  Devon frowned, looked down and then it hit him. Kem had noticed that the hair around his cock was missing.

  “I used your thing,” Devon said, because he didn’t know what it was called. “I didn’t like the hair pulling when all that spunk dried in it.”

  “It’s—” Kem stopped, his brow furrowing.

  Devon swiped his hand across his newly bared skin. “Going to be a lot more comfortable for me.”

  It also made the dark lines of his tattoo stand out starkly against his skin.

  Kem’s fingers flexed over the edges of the tray. He sat it on the table by the bed. “Then I’ll get used to it. After we mate—”

  Devon straightened. “I’m hungry. I don’t want to fuck right now.”

  “Then come here.”

  A faint breeze hit Devon’s lower back and it occurred to him that if anyone was nearby they’d be able to look at that window and see his ass as clear as the daylight streaming in. He pushed away from the window and moved toward the bed.

  Devon eyed Kem. He’d made no further comment about the open window and Devon hadn’t closed it.

  “I’m supposed to eat with my fingers?”


  Devon looked around and for the first time noticed that none of his clothes were in the room any longer and that his boots had been placed neatly by the desk. “Hey, where’s my—”


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