The Redemption Series

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The Redemption Series Page 23

by Melynda Price

  “You can’t hide behind your angel forever, sweetheart.” Max growled as he turned abruptly and walked away.

  Ashley turned to Nate, smiling with relief. “Thank you. I can’t believe he just left like that.”

  “No problem. Hey, I’ve never been called anyone’s ‘angel’ before.” He laughed and sat back down, scooting his chair up to the table. “You know, most guys are really just bullies. They’re a lot of talk and no show. They’ll usually back down when someone finally stands up to them. So, you want to tell me what that was all about? Does Liv know about you and Max?”

  “She knows,” Ashley paused, trying to keep her voice steady when it threatened to crack under the pressing weight of guilt and shame. “She understands it was a huge mistake. I shouldn’t have trusted him to take me home.”

  Nate’s face grew hard. “Did he…?”

  Ashley shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She broke Nate’s gaze, unwilling to see the pain in his eyes for another second.

  “Ash,” Nate said softly, reaching across the table to place his hand over hers. His touch was strong, comforting. His eyes searched hers for the truth she knew he didn’t want to hear.

  “Nate, please, I made a mistake, all right? I was drinking and I shouldn’t have been—especially not around him.”

  Nate got up from his seat and wordlessly walked around the table. He gently took her arm and pulled her up to stand in front of him. Ashley reluctantly complied, still refusing to meet his eyes. “Come here, Ash,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around her.

  She pressed into Nate’s embrace, letting him comfort her as a friend, maybe more. He stood four inches taller than her, his body hard and lean from so many years on the swim team.

  The waitress cleared her throat as she came up behind them with their orders in hand.

  “Excuse us,” he said, glancing over at her. Ashley felt reluctance in him as he pulled away from her and took his seat again.

  An hour later, Nate pulled back into Ashley’s driveway. “Looks like you have company,” he grumbled sourly.

  “What?” She looked up, and her heart suddenly skipped when she saw Balen sitting on her front step.

  The scowl on Nate’s face told her he wasn’t happy about it. “What’s he doing here?”

  “I don’t know.” She tried to keep the excitement out of her voice. Nate threw the car into park and got out with Ashley, walking her up to the house.

  “Hey, Balen.” He stood up as she approached, flashing her a dazzling white-toothed smile. Her stomach did a little summersault.

  “Ashley, Nate,” Balen greeted, extending his hand toward Nate.

  Nate hesitated a moment before he grudgingly accepted Balen’s outstretched hand. Ashley was tempted to smack Nate in the ribs with her elbow. He didn’t have to be so rude.

  “Thanks for lunch, Nate,” Ashley said dismissively. If he was going to behave like a jealous boyfriend, well, then, he could just do it somewhere else. “I’ll get back to you about tomorrow.”

  “I’ll call you,” he all but growled, turning to leave.

  She felt a twinge of guilt hit as she watched him walk away. She knew she’d hurt his feelings with her abruptness. They’d been friends for as long as she could remember, and knew him better than anyone. Maybe that’s why she just wasn’t ready for him to complicate their relationship.

  “Thanks for everything,” she called after him. “I had a great day.” Oh, Nate, don’t go away mad.

  He waved an acknowledgement without turning around. He climbed inside the SUV and slammed the door shut with a definite bang. The engine revved as the Escape backed out of the driveway and tore down the road.

  “Sorry about that,” she said softly. “He usually isn’t so rude.”

  “That’s all right. I probably had it coming after this morning.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that. What gives? It doesn’t sound like you two really hit it off.”

  Balen nodded, the corner of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided grin. “I guess you could say that. Are you and Nate, you know, seeing each other? Because I don’t want to get into the middle of anything here…”

  “What? No,” she quickly answered. “We’ve been friends for a long time. We hang out a lot, that’s all. You want to come in?” she asked, opening the front door and holding it open.

  “Sure.” He followed her inside. “I’m taking Olivia to the movies this evening, trying to distract her from Liam being gone. I came by to see if you wanted to join us?”

  “Yeah, definitely. What are you going to see?”

  “I don’t really know. I told Olivia she could pick.”

  Ashley laughed. “Oh yeah? Well, you’re probably in for a sappy chick-flick then.”

  “Oh no,” Balen laughed, his rich baritone chuckle caressing her ears. “Well, maybe if you come with me, we’ll have veto power.”


  Balen knew he was walking a thin line. He shouldn’t be here, but after what happened with Max at The Bistro, he couldn’t stay away. It had taken every ounce of self-control he had, to remain in his dimension while Nate stood up to Max and defended Ashley’s honor, especially knowing he’d been the only thing keeping that boy alive. The foolish kid had no idea how close he’d come to dying this afternoon.

  The safest place for Nate was as far away from Ashley as possible. But how could he tell her that without sounding like a creepy, obsessive stalker? Balen convinced himself that spending time with her was a good way to keep Nate away, which was, of course, for the guy’s own safety. Balen’s self-deluded altruism allowed him to justify his dimensional breech, but if he thought for one minute he could control his growing attraction to her, he was beyond deluded and bordering on insane.

  There had been more than a few moments, even in the short time he’d spent with her, that he’d been tempted to reach out and touch her. But Liam’s warning continued to play over and over in his head, warring with the impulse deep inside him that Ashley was his. He only needed to touch her once to seal the thread connecting them.

  He wondered if Ashley’s gold-spun curls were as soft as they looked, or what her peach-colored skin would feel like. What would she taste like? She smelled absolutely amazing—like cocoa butter and almonds. Her eyes were a stunning hazel color of blues, greens and browns. Her pink lips were full and pouty. His gaze returned to them time and time again as she sat there talking to him about. Oh hell, what was she saying?

  “…going to be back?”

  He didn’t answer her. Ashley giggled and waved her hand in front of his face. “Hello?”

  “What?” he asked, giving her a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “I asked you when you thought Liam would be back. Do you know where he went? Olivia didn’t say, and she was a bit out of sorts this morning, don’t you think?”

  “She has a lot on her mind. Liam had to leave town for a few days. He works for his father and had to go meet with him, I guess. I don’t know for sure when he’ll be back. Soon, I hope.”

  “Me too. I think she really likes him. But I think there’s something else going on with her. There’s something she isn’t telling me.”

  Ashley slid her hand closer to his. Balen pulled his arm back before her fingers could touch his and bolted up from the couch where they were sitting. Damn, that was close. He dragged his fingers through his hair and took another hesitant step back. “Uh, we should probably get going if we’re going to pick Olivia up.”

  Ashley frowned, looking a bit taken aback by his abrupt retreat. “Okay… Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” Not really. “It’s just probably a good idea if we got going.” She didn’t understand why he was acting like this, and his hot and cold behavior appeared to confuse her. He wished he could tell her the truth, but of course, that was impossible. Even if he wasn’t honor bound to silence, she would never understand, and the last thing he wanted to do was frighten her. The poor girl had been through enough a

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Olivia grabbed a sweatshirt out of her closet, paused in front of her mirror to put on some lip gloss, and gathered her hair into a pony tail. It was sweet of Balen to offer to take her to the movies tonight. Now that he was watching over Ashley, maybe he understood her and Liam’s connection a little better. If not, at least he seemed to be sympathetic to Liam’s absence…or maybe he just felt obligated to keep his best friend’s girlfriend alive. That last thought left her with a gnawing ache in the pit of her stomach.

  She tried not to think about the possibility that Liam wouldn’t come back. He promised to return, but what if he didn’t? How would she possibly manage? Well, it wasn’t like she’d have to suffer long. She probably wouldn’t live long enough to find out. It was a horrible feeling, knowing that someone wanted to kill you. The thought of Max sent a chill right through her bones.

  How could she have been so stupid? That was a question she asked herself at least a thousand times since she discovered what he was. Now that she knew, she couldn’t believe she hadn’t figured it out sooner. Two months was a long time to spend with someone that was trying to kill you, and having no clue only added insult to injury.

  Olivia walked into the living room to wait for Balen and flopped down dramatically on the couch next to her mother. Kim smiled and put her arms around her shoulder. “What wrong, sweetheart?”

  Wow, that was a loaded question. Where to begin? Well…I can see across dimensions, my ex-boyfriend is really a fallen angel who’s trying to kill me, and I’m in love with an angel. So, in a nutshell, that pretty much sums it all up. Got any advice? “Nothing’s wrong. I just miss Liam.” Best to just keep it simple.

  “Sounds like you two are getting serious.”

  “I wish, but things are complicated.”

  “That’s too bad. How come?”

  “Well, his work keeps him busy. He’s gone a lot.”

  “What does he do?”

  “It’s a family business. He’s a bodyguard.” She didn’t want to lie, and that was kind of the truth.

  Kim frowned. “That sounds pretty dangerous.”

  “Mom, have you seen him? He’s huge.”

  “No, as a matter of fact, I haven’t had the pleasure. Maybe you should have him over when he gets back into town.”


  “Hey, cheer up.” Her mother pulled her in for a hug. “If you want, we can go down to the nursery and grab those trees I’ve been trying to get your father to plant in the back yard.”

  Olivia glanced down at her watch. “Thanks, but I can’t. Liam’s friend Balen offered to take me to the movies and he’ll be here before we’d get back. How about a rain check for tomorrow?”

  “That’s fine. Your father will be glad he dodged the bullet today.”

  Olivia laughed. “Tell him I said he owes me one.” The doorbell rang. “I got it. It’s probably Balen.”

  She answered the door and was surprised to see that Balen wasn’t alone. Ashley stood beside him wearing an excited grin. She smiled, trying her best to act upbeat and casual. Either Ashley bought the act or she didn’t really care, because the only thing on her mind seemed to be Balen.

  The theater was nearly empty when they arrived. Balen stopped at the first counter and bought their tickets. “Go on and grab something to eat,” he offered, nodding at the concessions down the hall. “I’ll meet you over there.”

  Ashley caught Olivia’s hand and dragged her over to the counter. “I want some popcorn,” she announced. “What size do you think we should get? Are you hungry? Do you think Balen will want some?”

  “Does it look like he eats unhealthy?” Olivia was trying her hardest to act like she gave a shit, but honestly, popcorn was last thing on her mind right now.

  Ashley looked over at Balen, who was starting to walk toward them with tickets in hand. “Mmm, with that body, I’d say definitely not. I’m going to ask him anyway. Hey, Balen, do you want to share a popcorn?”

  He shook his head. “No thanks, but get whatever you want.”

  Ashley turned back to tell the girl behind the counter what she wanted, but the woman wasn’t listening. Her eyes were locked on Balen, and she wasn’t even trying to hide her interest. “Excuse me,” Ashley snapped her fingers in the air to get her attention. “I’d like a small popcorn and diet coke, please.”

  Olivia stifled a laugh. She knew Ashley was pissed, and she glanced over at Balen, but he didn’t seem to notice popcorn girl staring at him. He was too busy casing the area behind them. The hard glint in his deep violet eyes reminded her of Liam’s.

  She stepped over to him and whispered, “Is everything all right?”

  “Yep, don’t worry,” he told her softly, ushering them toward the theater. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Liam would have my ass,” he teased.

  She smiled at his attempt at humor. It comforted her to know he absolutely meant every word. She was safe with him, so why not try to sit back and enjoy the movie?

  Balen sat between her and Ashley. Unfortunately, the chick-flick wasn’t as good as the previews, so it did a poor job of keeping her distracted. She noticed Balen watching Ashley from time to time. However, she seemed oblivious, sitting there in the dark.

  Olivia tried to focus on the movie, but the hairs on the back of her neck kept standing up. She couldn’t shake the eerie feeling she was being watched. She glanced over her shoulder, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but it was too dark to see. The little hairs on the back of her neck prickled, and she stiffened in her seat. Maybe her nerves were just getting the best of her?

  Balen leaned over to her and whispered, “Something wrong?”

  She bent closer, meeting him halfway. “I’m not sure. I just have a creepy feeling, is all.”

  He turned in his seat to scout the back of the theater. “Everything appears fine—”

  Suddenly, Balen tensed like a cheetah ready to pounce, and she just knew this was going to end badly.

  “Excuse me a minute,” he whispered.

  Olivia turned to ask him where he was going, but he was already gone. Balen leapt over the back of the chair and flew into the center aisle. He was at the back of the theater and ripping the door open before she could blink. She stared at the back of the theater in open-mouthed shock. All she saw was the light from the hall narrowing as the heavy door silently fell closed.

  “What’s wrong?” Ashley asked, turning around in her seat.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure Balen will be right back.” Even as she said the words, the lie stuck in her throat. She’d seen the bright amethyst flash in his eyes a second before he politely launched out of his seat.

  “Let’s go,” Ashley said, grabbing her arm.

  “I’m not sure we should.” She figured right now this was the safest place they could be, right where Balen knew they were.

  “Well, I’m going,” Ashley said, releasing her arm and ducking into the aisle.

  “Ash!” she called in a loud whisper. “Ashley!”

  “Shh…” surrounding voices hissed.

  Ashley was already halfway down the aisle. She didn’t want to get separated from her any more than she wanted to sit here in the dark by herself. “Ashley, wait,” she called again, sliding into the aisle and running to catch up with her.

  Ashley pushed through the door and stopped, Olivia coming to an abrupt halt behind her, nearly crashing into her. She stood frozen behind Ashley. Her hands covered her mouth to stifle the scream that wanted to tear from her throat.

  Balen was at the end of hall near the fire exit with his hands wrapped around the throat of a gangly demon. Dark shadows swirled around him as his legs flailed, trying to catch his footing. “Who sent you?” Balen demanded. His voice roared in a vicious snarl.

  As Balen’s temper soared, an iridescent light radiating from him that could only be the energy Liam had spoken of. The demon closed his eyes against the brightness, clutching at Balen’s arm,
trying to break the hold on his neck.

  “I don’t see him,” Ashley complained, a worried frown pulling at her brow.

  Olivia tore her eyes away from the terrifying scene playing out in the world only she could see and hear.

  She forced herself to speak, praying her voice didn’t fail her. “Maybe he’s in the bathroom.” It was the only thing she could think of to say.

  “You think?” Ashley asked, her voice doubtful.

  “Can’t hurt to check. I’ll wait here in case he comes back.”

  Ashley turned left down the hall, and Olivia turned right toward Balen. The demon lay in a crumpled heap at his feet. His lip was torn open and bleeding. A dark inky substance flowed onto the floor. A red welt in the shape of a large hand circled its throat where Balen’s touch burned it. Dark blue and purple blotches surrounded the print from internal hemorrhaging of the demon’s crushed windpipe.

  She gasped in horror as she watched the dark shadows materialize into two large hands. They picked the demon up by each arm, dragging his lifeless body through the closed exit doors, back to wherever it’d come from.

  Balen stepped away from the exit and turned toward her. Their eyes locked. His bright amethyst glow smoldered to deep violet as she stood there staring at him.

  “I’m sorry you saw that,” he said softly, taking a hesitant step toward her. She took one step back to match his.

  By the cautious way he watched her, she knew he fully expected her to have a meltdown any second. Right on cue, tears suddenly began to well in her eyes, and she realized that he may be absolutely correct in his assumption. She was speechless. Her heart beat erratically inside her chest. She watched Balen, really seeing him for what he was, what Liam was, for the first time—a warrior—a killer.

  “There you are,” Ashley exclaimed, coming up behind them. “Where’s the fire?” she teased. Olivia kept her back turned. She didn’t even want to try to explain why she was standing in the hall of a movie theater, crying. If she could just have a few minutes to compose herself. “I’ll be right back,” she mumbled, turning toward the bathroom and running down the hall. She burst into the bathroom and headed for an empty stall. She slammed the door closed and flipped the flimsy lock in place.


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