The Redemption Series

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The Redemption Series Page 60

by Melynda Price

  She took a quick shower that did little to refresh her, or her mood. Deciding she wasn’t up to having supper with Mitch, after all, she forwent her bra, put on a tank top, and slid on a pair of black lace boy short panties. Ashley was fingering through her damp curls as she walked into the main room and was instantly struck with the scent of pepperoni pizza—her favorite. She halted mid-step and gasped, looking up to see Balen setting the box on the table.

  He glanced at her, and she heard his breath catch across the room. His eyes instantly darkened, turning a deep stormy blue, though she didn’t understand why. He straightened to his full, imposing height and tensed as his hungry gaze swept over her. When it lit on her breasts, she became acutely aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The thin cotton material suddenly felt like sandpaper against her flushed, overheated skin. An ache bloomed deep in her core as his low, throaty groan called to her from across the room.

  “Balen…” She didn’t even recognize her own breathless voice. When she spoke, she must have broken his trance, because he hastened a stuttered apology and suddenly disappeared. Leaving her alone, a frustrated scream built in the back of her throat. “Coward,” she grumbled. “I know you can hear me, Balen! You’ve been avoiding me all day and I want to know why.”

  Silence answered her. No doubt, he wasn’t coming back until she was dressed. She hated that she couldn’t see him, but the question was could he still see her? Heat continued to warm her core, her skin felt too tight—her breaths too short. Was he watching her now, or was this simply the aftereffect of being caught half-naked in a room with him?

  Huffing in full-on irritation, she pulled her pajama pants out of her bag and put them on. Yanking a sweatshirt over her head, she shook out her hair and pulled it back in a clip. “All right, I’m dressed,” she snapped at the air. “You can come out now!”

  Nothing… Dammit!

  Then from behind her a low, husky voice said, “Don’t be angry with me for doing the right thing here, Ashley.” She spun around and nearly collided with Balen. He stood so close she had to crank her head back to see his handsome face pinched into a tightly restrained scowl. His breaths quickened, his gaze burned. “And I wasn’t avoiding you today. If you must know, I was busy with court business. How can you even think I’d do that? Do you honestly not know how I feel about you?”

  “How would I know, Balen? The last time we had this conversation, you told me to go be with Nate.”

  His scowl deepened. “That’s because I couldn’t be with you, Ashley! It would have been pretty horseshit of me to tell you I was in love with you and then leave, don’t ya think?”

  “Why not? I was in love with you and here I am, alone, just the same!”

  He grabbed her shoulders, his grip tight, as he yanked her a step closer. She’d never seen him this heated, this close to losing control. Perhaps her nearly nude state had had a bigger effect on him than she’d originally thought.

  “Why are you alone, Ashley? I never asked you to wait for me! I never made you any promises!”

  Now, that hurt. He stiffened a second before her hand cracked across his face. He’d known it was coming—perhaps he’d even wanted her to do it. She wouldn’t put it past him to push her away to avoid where this was headed. “No, you didn’t,” she snapped. “But you certainly had no trouble knocking Mitch across the room for touching me!”

  “Mitch is an ass! I know it. Liam knows it. And you know it! You and I both know where that night was heading if I hadn’t stepped in. The last time I checked, ‘no’ doesn’t mean ‘yes’ in the English language!”

  “Well, you would know! You’re certainly familiar enough with the word, because that’s all I’ve ever heard from you!”

  “I’m doing it for you!” he yelled.

  “Yeah, well then please stop doing me the favor!”

  His frustrated growl sounded more feral than human as he yanked her against him and crushed his lips against hers. She hadn’t expected his kiss and sucked in a startled gasp when his tongue brazenly breached her lips. He tasted better than she remembered, of warm, muted spices. His kiss was consuming and possessive, leaving her breathless and owned. The artful way his mouth moved against hers weakened her knees.

  Ashley was on fire with need. Her heart beat so fast, she became dizzy. Her world tilted as Balen swept her into his arms and carried her over to the bed. She’d never felt more alive. Every fiber of her being tingled with energy that wasn’t hers and it continued to build the longer Balen touched her. His hands were in her hair, holding her firm as his body pressed her deep into the mattress, his lips tasting the sensitive curve of her neck. When her fingers slipped under his shirt, wrapping around his waist, he groaned in approval, pulling her closer.

  The racing rhythm of her heartbeat pounded in her ears—banging... banging... Wait…banging? “Balen,” she panted as his tongue traced the fluttering pulse at the base of her throat. “Someone’s here.”

  “It’s just Mitch,” he growled, pulling her sweatshirt over her head. “He’ll leave.”

  Oh, she wished he would. Balen’s lips traced her collarbone and her hands dove into his hair. She arched her back, encouraging him lower. The banging resumed, more persistent this time. “I don’t think he will,” she whispered. “We were going to get something to eat.”

  A feral growl tore from Balen’s throat as he leapt off her so fast, she wasn’t aware he’d moved until a breeze blew past her scantily clad breasts. She hastily pulled her sweater back on as he wrenched the door open and barked, “What?”

  Mitch slid his calculating gaze over Balen and arched a suspicious brow. He tipped his head to glance around Balen’s hulking body. His smug, knowing smirk brought a rush of heat to her cheeks. As she reached up to smooth her damp, wild curls, she heard him grumble “hypocrite” to Balen under his breath.

  Balen answered with a warning growl.

  “You know, Ash, if I take you out looking like you’ve been tossed, people are gonna talk. I’m just sayin’.” He held his hands up defensively and chuckled.

  Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. “Not funny, Mitch,” she snapped, scooting off the bed and padding over to the door. “Excuse us,” she said to Balen, squeezing past him as she slipped out, grabbing Mitch’s arm and dragging him along behind her a few paces down the hall. “Why are you baiting him?” she hissed. “Do you want to eat your teeth for supper?”

  Mitch just shrugged as if he didn’t really have an answer for her. “I take it we’re not going out to grab a bite?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m tired, and Balen already brought me something to eat. I just need some rest.”

  “Whatever. If that’s what you call it. You change your mind, you know where I’m at.”

  He’d wanted to grab some beer and wings with her at the bar down the street. She hadn’t intended to go, hence, the pajamas. After being cooped up in a car with him for the last twelve hours, she was ready for some Mitch downtime, especially after his little outburst earlier. Yeah, that was still eating at her.

  “Catch ya in the morning.” He turned and waved good-bye before entering his room four doors down from hers.

  Grumbling to herself about what an idiot she was to ever have gotten involved in this mess in the first place, she marched back into her room to find Balen pacing. The small space now looked a whole lot tinier with him taking up the majority of it. He glanced at her when she pushed the door closed with her back and clicked the deadbolt in place. His eyes no longer held that smoldering sapphire, and the tension radiating from him vibed aggression.

  “He really rubs you wrong, doesn’t he?”

  Balen waved his hand dismissively. “That guy’s a tool.”

  Ashley sat on the edge of the bed and watched him. His movements were languid and graceful, yet swift and powerful. She wished like hell Mitch wouldn’t have come knocking on her door. What she wouldn’t give to be back in Balen’s arms, kissing him, touching him…

w much did you hear in the car?”


  “You think he meant it? He said he didn’t.”

  “People say and do lot of things,” Balen replied evasively. “Sometimes they mean it, sometimes they don’t.”

  Why did it feel like they were talking about more than just Mitch here? Was he trying to give her an out?—or maybe she was just being paranoid. “And what about Mitch?”

  “He meant it.”

  “And what about you, Balen? Do you always mean what you say and do?”

  He tensed, and those breathtaking violet eyes locked on her. “What are you really asking me, Ashley?”

  The fact that he hadn’t swept her up in his arms and carried her back to bed to finish what they’d started should have been answer enough for her. But apparently, she needed the full rejection meal deal. “Kissing me… Do you regret it, Balen?”

  When he hesitated to answer, anger surged up inside her.

  “I don’t regret spending time with you, Ashley. Every minute we’re together is a gift.”

  Smooth… “That’s not what I asked you, Balen. Do you regret kissing me?”

  He expelled a breath and dragged his hand through his tawny blond hair. “I mean everything I say and do, but that doesn’t mean everything I say or do is right.”

  Well, there you have it. She hadn’t expected him to admit it, but then again, he couldn’t lie. Obviously, he didn’t feel what she felt for him, because she would never regret kissing him.

  She was such a fool. How could she possibly have convinced herself, for even a minute, that his love for her went beyond an obligation? Who was she kidding? Look at him. He was stunning—perfect in every way. How could perfection ever desire a mess like her? She wanted him to love her the same way Liam loved Olivia, and the knowledge that he didn’t, left her with an aching pain in her chest.

  Ashley bit her bottom lip, fighting to contain the well of tears threatening to flood her eyes. She did not want him to see her like this. She’d already embarrassed herself enough with him—no more. “I think you need to leave.”

  When he only nodded as if this was what he’d fully expected her to say, another wave of anger surged up inside her. He wouldn’t even fight for her, dammit! Not an “I’m sorry.” “I don’t want to go.” “Let’s talk about this.” “I love you.” Nothing… He just gave her a last, fleeting look of regret and disappeared.

  Ashley couldn’t hold back her sob any longer. She’d always been a crier, whether she was angry, sad, frustrated, or tired—and she hated it. It made her feel weak and pathetic, which pretty much summed her up right now. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there having her “pity party for one,” but however long it was, it’d been just long enough for her to get good and pissed off. The door down the hall slammed shut and the heavy steps passing her room sounded a lot like Mitch’s. Suddenly, the idea of being alone right now didn’t sound as appealing as it did an hour ago. Leaping up, she ran to the door and called after him. “Hey, Mitch, wait up.”

  He stopped and turned to look at her. “Oh, hey, Ash. You need something?”

  “Yeah, a drink. You still offering?”

  His brow arched curiously. “Where’s Balen?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Ain’t he gonna get pissed? You comin’ drinkin’ with me?”


  His grin grew to “shit-eating” status. “Then I say, ‘Hell yeah.’ You want to go like that, or do you want to change first?”

  She glanced down at her navy blue pajama pants with purple pinstripes. “I’m changing. Just wait a second.” Ducking back in the room, she grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a coral top with a low, scooped neckline. Ashley pulled her fingers through her wild hair, trying to tame the curls, and stuck a small clip in it to keep the mop out of her face.

  When she turned around to leave, Mitch was standing in the doorway, leaning a shoulder against the frame, watching her fix her hair. Had he been standing there the whole time? The mischievous grin he wore hinted at the possibility. If she wasn’t feeling so dejected by Balen, it would have pissed her off.

  Instead, their argument kept playing through her head like a broken record. “Why are you alone, Ashley? I never asked you to wait for me! I never made you any promises!”

  No, he certainly hadn’t made her any promises... And frankly, she was sick and tired of being alone. She never blamed Olivia for trying to move on. For her, Olivia had been a beacon of hope. If she could make it, if she could find happiness and love again, then Ashley knew there was a chance for her, too.

  “What are you smiling about?” she grouched, grabbing her ID and cash out of her purse and stuffing it in her back pocket.

  “Nothing,” he replied innocently.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Hey, Ash—” Mitch caught her arm as she walked by. “Try to relax a little and enjoy yourself for a few hours, huh? All this shit’s still going to be here in the morning.”

  He had a point. She just needed to forget it all for a while. They were all on edge, and perhaps a few—five or six—Mint Mojitos would be just the thing for a new attitude adjustment.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The bar was located a few blocks south of their hotel. The old brick building wasn’t much to look at from the outside. Concealed in the shadows of an awning, the unmarked metal door appeared to be the only entrance and possibly exit in the entire place.

  “You sure this is it?” Ashley held back a step, sizing up the bar and determining she was wholly unimpressed.

  “This is the right address.” Mitch pulled a slip of paper from his pocket and double-checked the ink scribble. “Come on, what are you worried about? Let’s grab a drink and shoot a game of pool. If you don’t like it, we can always leave.”

  Against her better judgment, she followed him inside. As he swung open the door, they were greeted with the thrumming bump and grind of a bass and the smoky scent of sulfur mixed with cheap perfume.

  “I don’t like it.” She grabbed Mitch’s sleeve, tugging him to stop.

  “Ash, relax, will ya?” Mitch took her wrist and pulled her along behind him. “It’s just a drink and quick game, and then we’ll go.”

  Keeping her eyes downcast, she tried not to look around as he led her to the bar. She didn’t want to attract the kind of attention this place had to offer. He ordered their drinks, two at a time. So much for a quick drink and a game.

  “So we don’t have to come back up right away,” he explained, reading the frown of displeasure she made no attempt to hide. With a drink in each hand, he side-stepped his way through the crowd, clearing a path to the gaming area. “See, Ash, it’s packed here. The place has gotta be halfway decent to attract such a crowd.”

  Ashley wasn’t so convinced. As they entered the game room, she stopped when her eyes lit on her source of hesitancy. Shit… Really? “What are they doing here, Mitch?”

  “What?” he asked innocently, glancing at her over his shoulder.

  So that’s why he insisted on coming here. He’d planned to meet them, all along.

  “You bailed on me, remember? Come on, Ash, lighten up a little. We’ve spent the last three days with these guys, and they haven’t done anything to you. Just have a few drinks with me, we’ll shoot a few games, and I’ll take you back. Promise.” He crossed his heart with his beer. Somehow, that failed to convince her. “I’ll even be your partner.”

  Ashley wasn’t interested in staying and socializing. The guy, Haden, made her particularly uneasy. But on the other hand, she had two perfectly good mojitos it’d be a shame to waste, and she didn’t want to spend the night alone in her room feeling sorry for herself. “Fine,” she sighed with uneasy resignation. “Two drinks, one game.”

  “Whatever you say, Ash.”

  Rhen and Cale were racking up a table when she and Mitch took a seat. She was already downing her first glass, in a hurry to finish it and go. Rhen came over and a
sked them if they wanted to play, and Mitch accepted before she could get her drink out of her mouth to refuse. So against her will, she became player number four in a game of doubles. Maybe she should get another drink?

  As Cale broke, Ashley found herself watching Haden. He was at a table across from theirs, dropping a hundred dollar wager on the game he was about to play with some burly, tattooed, gauge-wearing guy who looked like he’d rather kill you than play with you. Cale and Rhen’s “friend” didn’t look the least bit uneasy about the guy.

  By the time it was her turn to shoot, her first drink was empty, her second was half gone, and the game was just getting started. If she was going to make it through this and play nice with these guys, she’d need another one. Her anxiety was ebbing a touch, and the ache in her chest began to dull slightly.

  Surprisingly, Cale and Rhen were behaving themselves and minding their manners. If she didn’t know better, she never would have believed she was shooting a game of pool with a couple of demons. Perhaps that was why Mitch had such a hard time taking them seriously. They appeared deceptively harmless.

  In fact, had she not had that terrifying experience with Cale, she would have been tempted to become lulled into complacency, too. Hell, another couple of drinks and she might actually start enjoying herself.

  She shot the purple solid into the left corner pocket but scratched, losing her second shot. “Will you watch my drink?” she asked Mitch, handing her stick to him. “I’m going to go grab another.”

  His brow raised in surprise as he gave her an approving grin. “Sure. Will you get me another beer while you’re up there?”


  Ashley was almost to the bar when, out of nowhere, someone grabbed her arm and jerked her to an abrupt halt. She scowled at the biting grip, then up at… Balen? He loomed over her, the unnatural glow of his amethyst eyes and the hard set of his jaw were good indicators as to his current level of pissed off. Seeing him right now, face to face, reignited the pain of his rejection, tightening the ache in her chest she’d just coaxed to ease with her new BFF—Moj.


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