Scenarios nd-29

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Scenarios nd-29 Page 2

by Bill Pronzini

  "What was it he told you?"

  "That he was never going back to prison. That he was through with the kind of life he'd led before." Biehler's eyes sparkled, as if challenging me. "And you know something? I been on this earth for fifty-nine years and I've known a lot of men in that time. You get so you can tell."

  "Tell what, Mr. Biehler?"

  "Colly wasn't lying," he said.

  I spent an hour at the main branch of the library in Civic Center, reading through back issues of the Chronicle and the Examiner. The Glen Park robberies had begun a month and a half ago, and I had paid only passing attention to them at the time.

  When I had acquainted myself with the details I went back to my office and checked in with my answering service. No calls. Then I called Lucille Babcock.

  "The police were here earlier," she said. "They had a search warrant."

  "Did they find anything?"

  "There was nothing to find."

  "What did they say?"

  "They asked a lot of questions. They wanted to know about bank accounts and safe-deposit boxes."

  "Did you cooperate with them?"

  "Of course."

  "Good," I said. I told her what I had been doing all day, what the people I'd talked with had said.

  "You see?" she said. "Nobody who knew Colly can believe he was guilty."

  "Nobody but the police."

  "Damn the police," she said.

  I sat holding the phone. There were things I wanted to say, but they all seemed trite and meaningless. Pretty soon I told her I would be in touch, leaving it at that, and put the receiver back in its cradle.

  It was almost five o'clock. I locked up the office, drove home to my flat in Pacific Heights, drank a beer and ate a pastrami sandwich, and then lit a cigarette and dialed Eberhardt's home number. It was his gruff voice that answered.

  "Did you stop by Robbery before you left the Hall?" I asked.

  "Yeah. I don't know why."

  "We're friends, that's why."

  "That doesn't stop you from being a pain in the ass sometimes."

  "Can I come over, Eb?'

  "You can if you get here before eight o'clock," he said. "I'm going to bed then, and Dana has orders to bar all the doors and windows and take the telephone off the hook. I plan to get a good night's sleep for a change."

  "I'll be there in twenty minutes," I said.

  Eberhardt lived in Noe Valley, up at the back end near Twin Peaks. The house was big and painted white, a two-storied frame job with a trimmed lawn and lots of flowers in front. If you knew Eberhardt, the house was sort of symbolic; it typified everything the honest, hardworking cop was dedicated to protecting. I had a hunch he knew it, too; and if he did, he got a certain amount of satisfaction from the knowledge. That was the way he was.

  I parked in his sloping driveway and went up and rang the bell. His wife Dana, a slender and very attractive brunette with a lot of patience, let me in, asked how I was and showed me into the kitchen, closing the door behind her as she left.

  Eberhardt was sitting at the table having a pipe and a cup of coffee. The bruise over his eye had been smeared with some kind of pinkish ointment; it made him look a little silly, but I knew better than to tell him so.

  "Have a seat," he said, and I had one. "You want some coffee?"


  He got me a cup, then indicated a manila envelope lying on the table. Without saying anything, sucking at his pipe, he made an elaborate effort to ignore me as I picked up the envelope and opened it.

  Inside was the report made by the two patrolmen, Avinisi and Carstairs, who had shot and killed Colly Babcock in the act of robbing the Budget Liquor Store. I read it over carefully — and my eye caught on one part, a couple of sentences, under "Effects." When I was through I put the report back in the envelope and returned it to the table.

  Eberhardt looked at me then. "Well?"

  "One item," I said, "that wasn't in the papers."

  "What's that?"

  "They found a pint of Kesslers in a paper bag in Colly's coat pocket."

  He shrugged. "It was a liquor store, wasn't it? Maybe he slipped it into his pocket on the way out?"

  "And put it into a paper bag first?"

  "People do funny things," he said.

  "Yeah," I said. I drank some of the coffee and then got on my feet. "I'll let you get to bed, Eb. Thanks again."

  He grunted. "You owe me a favor. Just remember that."

  "I won't forget."

  "You and the elephants," he said.

  It was still raining the next morning — another dismal day. I drove over to Chenery Street and wedged my car into a downhill parking slot a half-block from the three-room apartment Lucille and Colly Babcock had called home for the past year. I hurried through the rain, feeling the chill of it on my face, and mounted sagging wooden steps to the door.

  Lucille answered immediately. She wore the same black dress she'd had on yesterday, and the same controlled mask of grief; it would be a long time before that grief faded and she was able to get on with her life. Maybe never, unless somebody proved her right about Colly's innocence.

  I sat in the old, stuffed leather chair by the window: Colly's chair. Lucille said, "Can I get you something?"

  I shook my head. "What about you? Have you eaten anything today? Or yesterday?"

  "No," she answered.

  "You have to eat, Lucille."

  "Maybe later. Don't worry, I'm not suicidal. I won't starve myself to death."

  I managed a small smile. "All right," I said.

  "Why are you here?" she asked. "Do you have any news?"

  "No, not yet." I had an idea, but it was only that, and too early. I did not want to instill any false hopes. "I just wanted to ask you a few more questions."

  "Oh. What questions?"

  "You mentioned yesterday that Colly liked to take walks in the evening. Was he in the habit of walking to any particular place, or in any particular direction?"

  "No," Lucille said. "He just liked to walk. He was gone for a couple of hours sometimes."

  "He never told you where he'd been?"

  "Just here and there in the neighborhood."

  Here and there in the neighborhood, I thought. The alley where Colly had been shot was eleven blocks from this apartment. He could have walked in a straight line, or he could have gone roundabout in any direction.

  I asked, "Colly liked to have a nightcap when he came back from these walks, didn't he?"

  "He did, yes."

  "He kept liquor here, then?"

  "One bottle of bourbon. That's all."

  I rotated my hat in my hands. "I wonder if I could have a small drink, Lucille. I know it's early, but…"

  She nodded and got up and went to a squat cabinet near the kitchen door. She bent, slid the panel open in front, looked inside. Then she straightened. "I'm sorry," she said. "We… I seem to be out."

  I stood. "It's okay. I should be going anyway."

  "Where will you go now?"

  "To see some people." I paused. "Would you happen to have a photograph of Colly? A snapshot, something like that?"

  "I think so. Why do you want it?"

  "I might need to show it around," I said. "Here in the neighborhood."

  She seemed satisfied with that. "I'll see if I can find one for you."

  I waited while she went into the bedroom. A couple of minutes later she returned with a black-and-white snap of Colly, head and shoulders, that had been taken in a park somewhere. He was smiling, one eyebrow raised in mock raffishness.

  I put the snap into my pocket and thanked Lucille and told her I would be in touch again pretty soon. Then I went to the door and let myself out.

  The skies seemed to have parted like the Red Sea. Drops of rain as big as hail pellets lashed the sidewalk. Thunder rumbled in the distance, edging closer. I pulled the collar of my overcoat tight around my neck and made a run for my car.

  It was after four o'clock when I ca
me inside a place called Tay's Liquors on Whitney Street and stood dripping water on the floor. There was a heater on a shelf just inside the door, and I allowed myself the luxury of its warmth for a few seconds. Then I crossed to the counter.

  A young guy wearing a white shirt and a Hitler mustache got up from a stool near the cash register and walked over to me. He smiled, letting me see crooked teeth that weren't very clean. "Wet enough for you?" he said.

  No, I thought, I want it to get a lot wetter so I can drown. Dumb question, dumb answer. But all I said was, "Maybe you can help me."

  "Sure," he said. "Name your poison."

  He was brimming with originality. I took the snapshot of Colly Babcock from my pocket, extended it across the counter and asked, "Did you see this man two nights ago, sometime around eleven o'clock?" It was the same thing I had done and the same question I had asked at least twenty times already. I had been driving and walking the streets of Glen Park for four hours now, and I had been to four liquor stores, five corner groceries, two large chain markets, a delicatessen and half a dozen bars that sold off-sale liquor. So far I had come up with nothing except possibly a head cold.

  The young guy gave me a slanted look. "Cop?" he asked, but his voice was still cheerful.

  I showed him the photostat of my investigator's license. He shrugged, then studied the photograph. "Yeah," he said finally, "I did see this fellow a couple of nights ago. Nice old duck. We talked a little about the Forty-niners."

  I stopped feeling cold and I stopped feeling frustrated. I said, "About what time did he come in?"

  "Let's see. Eleven-thirty or so, I think."

  Fifteen minutes before Colly had been shot in an alley three and a half blocks away. "Do you remember what he bought?"

  "Bourbon — a pint. Medium price."


  "Yeah, I think it was."

  "Okay, good. What's your name?"

  "My name? Hey, wait a minute, I don't want to get involved in anything…"

  "Don't worry, it's not what you're thinking."

  It took a little more convincing, but he gave me his name finally and I wrote it down in my notebook. And thanked him and hurried out of there.

  I had something more than an idea now.

  Eberhardt said, "I ought to knock you flat on your ass."

  He had just come out of his bedroom, eyes foggy with sleep, hair standing straight up, wearing a wine-colored bathrobe. Dana stood beside him looking fretful.

  "I'm sorry I woke you up, Eb," I said. "But I didn't think you'd be in bed this early. It's only six o'clock."

  He said something I didn't hear, but that Dana heard. She cracked him on the arm to show her disapproval, then turned and left us alone.

  Eberhardt went over and sat on the couch and glared at me. "I've had about six hours' sleep in the past forty-eight," he said. "I got called out last night after you left, I didn't get home until three A.M., I was up at seven, I worked all goddamn day and knocked off early so I could get some sleep, and what happens? I'm in bed ten minutes and you show up."

  "Eb, it's important."

  "What is?"

  "Colly Babcock."

  "Ah, Christ, you don't give up, do you?"

  "Sometimes I do, but not this time. Not now." I told him what I had learned from the guy at Tay's Liquors.

  "So Babcock bought a bottle there," Eberhardt said. "So what?"

  "If he was planning to burglarize a liquor store, do you think he'd have bothered to buy a bottle fifteen minutes before?"

  "Hell, the job might have been spur-of-the-moment."

  "Colly didn't work that way. When he was pulling them, they were all carefully planned well in advance. Always."

  "He was getting old," Eberhardt said. "People change."

  "You didn't know Colly. Besides, there are a few other things."

  "Such as?"

  "The burglaries themselves. They were all done the same way — back door jimmied, marks on the jamb and lock made with a hand bar or something." I paused. "They didn't find any tool like that on Colly. Or inside the store either."

  "Maybe he got rid of it."

  "When did he have time? They caught him coming out the door,"

  Eberhardt scowled. I had his interest now. "Go ahead," he said.

  "The pattern of the burglaries, like I was saying, is doors jimmied, drawers rifled, papers and things strewn about. No fingerprints, but it smacks of amateurism. Or somebody trying to make it look like amateurism."

  "And Babcock was a professional."

  "He could have done the book," I said. "He used lock picks and glass cutters to get into a place, never anything like a hand bar. He didn't ransack; he always knew exactly what he was after. He never deviated from that, Eb. Not once."

  Eberhardt got to his feet and paced around for a time. Then he stopped in front of me and said, "So what do you think, then?"

  "You figure it."

  "Yeah," he said slowly, "I can figure it, all right. But I don't like it. I don't like it at all."

  "And Colly?' I said. "You think he liked it?"

  Eberhardt turned abruptly, went to the telephone. He spoke to someone at the Hall of Justice, then someone else. When he hung up, he was already shrugging out of his bathrobe.

  He gave me a grim look. "I hope you're wrong, you know that."

  "I hope I'm not," I said.

  I was sitting in my flat, reading one of the pulps from my collection of several thousand issues, when the telephone rang just before eleven o'clock. It was Eberhardt, and the first thing he said was, "You weren't wrong."

  I didn't say anything, waiting.

  "Avinisi and Carstairs," he said bitterly. "Each of them on the force a little more than two years. The old story: bills, long hours, not enough pay — and greed. They cooked up the idea one night while they were cruising Glen Park, and it worked just fine until two nights ago. Who'd figure the cops for it?"

  "You have any trouble with them?"

  "No. I wish they'd given me some so I could have slapped them with a resisting-arrest charge, too."

  "How did it happen with Colly?"

  "It was the other way around," he said. "Babcock was cutting through the alley when he saw them coming out the rear door. He turned to run and they panicked and Avinisi shot him in the back. When they went to check, Carstairs found a note from Babcock's parole officer in one of his pockets, identifying him as an ex-con. That's when they decided to frame him."

  "Look, Eb, I — "

  "Forget it," he said. "I know what you're going to say."

  "You can't help it if a couple of cops turn out that way…

  "I said forget it, all right?" And the line went dead.

  I listened to the empty buzzing for a couple of seconds. It's a lousy world, I thought. But sometimes, at least, there is justice.

  Then I called Lucille Babcock and told her why her husband had died.

  They had a nice funeral for Colly.

  The services were held in a small nondenominational church on Monterey Boulevard. There were a lot of flowers, carnations mostly; Lucille said they had been Colly's favorites. Quite a few people came. Tommy Belknap was there, and Sam Biehler and old man Harlin and the rest of them from D. E. O'Mira. Eberhardt, too, which might have seemed surprising unless you knew him. I also saw faces I didn't recognize; the whole thing had gotten a big play in the media.

  Afterward, there was the funeral procession to the cemetery in Colma, where we listened to the minister's final words and watched them put Colly into the ground. When it was done I offered to drive Lucille home, but she said no, there were some arrangements she wanted to make with the caretaker for upkeep of the plot; one of her neighbors would stay with her and see to it she got home all right. Then she held my hand and kissed me on the cheek and told me again how grateful she was.

  I went to where my car was parked. Eberhardt was waiting; he had ridden down with me.

  "I don't like funerals," he said.

  "No," I

  We got into the car. "So what are you planning to do when we get back to the city?" Eberhardt asked.

  "I hadn't thought about it."

  "Come over to my place. Dana's gone off to visit her sister, and I've got a refrigerator full of beer."

  "All right."

  "Maybe we'll get drunk," he said.

  I nodded. "Maybe we will at that."

  The Pulp Connection

  The address Eberhardt had given me on the phone was a corner lot in St. Frances Wood, halfway up the western slope of Mt. Davidson. The house there looked like a baronial Spanish villa-a massive two-story stucco affair with black iron trimming, flanked on two sides by evergreens and eucalyptus. It sat on a notch in the slope forty feet above street level, and it commanded an impressive view of Lake Merced and the Pacific Ocean beyond. Even by St. Francis Wood standards-the area is one of San Francisco's moneyed residential sections-it was some place, probably worth half a million dollars or more.

  At four o'clock on an overcast weekday afternoon this kind of neighborhood is usually quiet and semi-deserted; today it was teeming with people and traffic. Cars were parked bumper to bumper on both fronting streets, among them half a dozen police cruisers and unmarked sedans and a television camera truck. Thirty or forty citizens were grouped along the sidewalks, gawking, and I saw four uniformed cops standing watch in front of the gate and on the stairs that led up to the house.

  I didn't know what to make of all this as I drove past and tried to find a place to park. Eberhardt had not said much on the phone, just that he wanted to see me immediately on a police matter at this address. The way it looked, a crime of no small consequence had taken place here today-but why summon me to the scene? I had no idea who lived in the house; I had no rich clients or any clients at all except for an appliance outfit that had hired me to do a skip-trace on one of its deadbeat customers.

  Frowning, I wedged my car between two others a block away and walked back down to the corner. The uniformed cop on the gate gave me a sharp look as I came up to him, but when I told him my name his manner changed and he said, "Oh, right, Lieutenant Eberhardt's expecting you. Go on up."


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