Battle Schooled!

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Battle Schooled! Page 19

by Billy Wong

  "Ordinary? I still have my magic."

  "Think you can use it before I shove this steel through your neck?"

  "All right, children... you win this one. But if you don't kill me now, I'll just escape and we'll settle this another time."

  Gwen pointed an arrow at his head, having finally risen with aid from Charlene. "Maybe we should kill him. This bastard just about murdered my brother, what would be so wrong with us ending him?"

  "I don't think it would necessarily be wrong to kill such a vile person," Meg replied. "But let's reason through this. For all he claims to answer to no one, do you really think he could've pulled all this off without any help? Especially when it seems likely he or someone associated with him was able to retrieve the first two shards from inside the school. The jailers of Ostuh are surely better at getting information out of a captive than us. His life will be forfeit anyway in the end, and if we execute him, it might prevent some of his accomplices who contributed to Glen's death from being caught. Is that what you want?"

  "No." Gwen lowered her bow. "Fine, we won't kill you now. But if you do ever escape, I welcome you to find us so we can finish what we started."

  Cain only chortled. "Such bravado from the girl who spent the latter act whimpering on the floor. You realize if not for your abnormally strong friends, you would be dead right now?"

  Gwen looked down dejectedly, but Peggy squeezed her shoulder with a smile. "Don't let this scumbag's words get to you! The strength of good friends is shared between them, so our strength is yours too. Besides, without you coming forward we wouldn't have known where to start looking for the true source of the murders. So you contributed as much to our success as anybody."

  "Good point," Cain muttered. "So I'll make sure to put the same priority on killing each of you."

  Charlene scoffed. "You are just a bag of hot air. In a few weeks or months at the most, you'll be dead and your ambitions with them."

  He grinned. "But are they really just my ambitions?" He played the role of a treacherous adversary to the end well, Rupert had to admit. But hopefully Cain was bluffing, and had been the principal mastermind of this debacle rather than just one player in a larger conspiracy...


  They brought Cain to the main constables' office in town, warning them to beware his magic. To the surprise of none, they too were detained and questioned for hours. Director William arrived upon hearing what happened, and revealed Cain had been a former researcher who went rogue to pursue wealth and power. After they handed over the pieces of otherworldly sword they had collected to him, the bruised and bloodied group was finally released and limped away holding onto each other for support.

  On the way back towards Gavin's apartment, Charlene mused, "One thing I still don't understand. How did the Grin know about Pat's personal history to throw him off with it if he was just Gwen's brother corrupted?"

  "When Cain said the shards had mostly lost their sentience," Meg said after some contemplation, "he must have been correct about the 'mostly'—as in, Glen must've still been able to access our friend's Don memories from when the sword was bonded with him. Since Don heard us talk of Pat's childhood, that's how Glen learned about us and his father."

  "I see. That is a frightening artifact even in pieces. I sure hope the magical researchers will keep a better eye on it from now on."

  Thinking of something, Rupert asked, "Why do you think Glen changed into a monster, when Hughie and the other men Cain experimented on didn't?"

  "Maybe the shards weren't all the same in size or power," Gwen replied, "considering Cain put that bigger 'Master' one in himself. And Glen's mental state could have allowed for the dark power to have a stronger influence on him."

  He looked at Meg. "By the way, why do you and Peggy both have a downward falling attack as your main named move? That's odd."

  "It's cause I took a cue from her when it comes to naming. She is the one who introduced me to this convention after all."

  After resting up, they bid Gavin farewell and headed back with Patrick to the school where William had promised he would smooth things over for them. Commander Ravensgrave waited for them at the gates with some of her guards, but didn't stop them from passing through. "I hear you found the man behind the murders," she said flatly. "Very impressive, though not much of a shock after your performance against us. Good on you."

  "Thanks," Meg replied. "Now let's hope they can get enough out of him to catch all his accomplices too." If the implication bothered Sabina, she didn't show it.

  "I wonder if she was really in on it?" Peggy asked when they had moved out of earshot.

  "All we can do is wait and see. But I kind of hope not. She's fun to have as a rival, so seeing her arrested would take away some of my potential fun around here."

  "Good answer," Rupert said. "Not hard to see why our president is so beloved."

  "She has the spirit of a fearless mouse," Patrick agreed.

  "I am not... a mouse..."

  "Well, I think she's overly reckless," Charlene said. "But I acknowledge she makes a worthy comrade."

  Gwen bowed her head gratefully. "Thank you all for helping take down the monster who made a plaything of my brother's life. I'll always think of you as friends, and aid you in turn in times of need."

  Rupert gave her a soothing grin. "Not need to make a big deal of it. I'd rather you choose to help us because we're friends, instead of feeling like you owe us something."

  She returned his smile. "I'll help you for that reason, then."

  He hesitated to mention the other idea that came to mind, not wanting to spoil the mood. "Are we certain William and the research institute had nothing to do with Cain's experiments? He claimed he was a rogue researcher who stole the shards, yet it seems a tad suspect if that's the case that they never found him when we did fairly easily."

  Meg frowned. "That possibility doesn't appeal to me since we'll be out of school and working for the director soon. But we can't rule it out, so I guess once we do become researchers, we'll keep an open eye out for possible misconduct within our organization and expose it if necessary." Her eye twinkled. "Enough about that serious stuff, though. The more I ponder it, the more I think we should have another tournament before our stay at college ends—but between the cream of the crop this time, meaning us. What do you all say, are you up for it?"

  "I'm not sure Gwen and I have the fortitude to hang with certain others among us," Charlene said.

  "Oh, don't be so down on yourself! Just because you've been knocked down a few times doesn't give you license to give up and stop trying to better yourself. Besides, you seem to be improving your ability to roll with the punches, and Gwen's an archer so it's expected for her not to be as used to taking direct hits. Anyway it'd be a contest of skill like the last tourney, we wouldn't be hitting with our hardest blows so the physicality shouldn't be an overwhelming issue."

  "The other problem is that there are six of us," Patrick pointed out, "hardly a perfect number for a tournament format."

  Meg cupped her chin in thought, then said at last, "I know, we can invite Gavin and Sabina too!"

  Gwen recoiled. "But those aren't even students! Don't you think they might be above our pay grade?"

  "Not particularly above mine, or maybe that of Pigtailed Pugilistic Pipsqueak Powerhouse Pixie Princess Pow Pow. Heck, Rupert and Pat might able to give the rusty old commander a run for her money, considering how comfortable I felt battling her."

  It dawned on Rupert what Patrick had meant when saying there were six of them. "Wait, you expect me to fight? But I-"

  Meg slapped his chest. "Hey, don't worry about it. I bet you have better restraint now than you know."


  "When you attacked Cain from behind, you probably could've aimed for his neck and taken his head. But instead you cut him open to get at the shard, proving that even in intense combat you could choose something other than the most direct approach."

  Taking it in slowl
y, he said, "Thinking about it that way, you have a point."

  "I believe it was our being friends that allowed you to overcome your compulsion, because we had a plan together and you trusted in us. So I wager even if we fight, our friendship will also suffice for you not to try and kill us."

  "I don't know if you should trust me that much." Then he gave a nod. "But there should be enough strong warriors around to restrain me if I get out of hand, so I can give it a try if you insist. I like the idea that our friendship helped me learn to control myself though, so I hope you're right. I'm glad I came to the University of Ostuh now, and that we were all able to meet."

  "I think we all feel that way," Peggy beamed, exchanging happy glances with the others. She stuck out a tiny hand, and Meg placed an almost equally small, heavily calloused and scarred hand atop it. Gwen added her slightly larger hand, then Charlene her graceful long-fingered one laden with rings. Pat's similarly sized but thicker and rougher one joined it, and last came Rupert's, the biggest of the lot though that didn't say too much.

  "To the Combat, Martial and Fighters Club!" Meg said, and they flung their arms joyously up—some of them harder than they expected due to the strength of the enthusiastic smaller girls whose hands pushed theirs up. They all laughed, and walked onward under the rising sun.

  Cover design copyright © Dennis Frohlich

  Author Billy Wong is an avid fan of heroic fantasy, with a special love for strong female warriors. He draws inspiration from the epic legends of old, and is on a quest to bring over the top deeds and larger than life heroes back to prominence in today's literary world.

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  Other Works

  Lost from Legend - After losing his memory, Jack had moved on and started a family with the woman who saved his life. But when his former love finds him at his humble inn and reveals Jack was once a warrior king, he remembers her place in his heart. For all he adores his wife, he is hard pressed to reject the powerful queen who loves him. Urged to take back his throne and longing to complete his memory, Jack visits his homeland. There, he battles an elusive mage with ambitions to take the crown while his wife is terrorized by a ghostly stalker seeking revenge. But as he struggles to defend his loved ones from these mysterious foes, the mistakes of his own past may be prove to be his undoing.

  Raiders of the Dry Coast - Julius knows nobody wants to be friends with the bodyguard of an insane wizard. Having served Zog all his life, he wonders if there can be more for him than being the lonely companion to someone who views him as little more than a helpful pet. He finally quits after his master drags him off to hellish worlds full of slimy tentacles in search of power over life and death. Julius comes home alone, only to discover Zog's magic has dried up the sea on which the surrounding countries depend. Outlawed by the world, he cuts a deal with a king to help restore stability to the realm in exchange for amnesty. He hires brawling adventurers Claudia and Leon, and the three endure blistering dust storms and desert heat while battling monsters and displaced pirates to bring peace to the coast. After one of them pushes themselves beyond reasonable limits to save his life, Julius learns to open his heart to the carefree young wanderers who become his first real friends. But when a spectre of his past comes back to haunt him, Julius' new friendships and conscience will be tested against that which even he fears.

  GLORIOUS - Ever since she glimpsed Virgil the Champion as a little girl, Gloria knew he was the only one for her. She spends her life dreaming of him, drawing his adventures and trying to teach others to "walk the path of champions." When she gets a chance to watch him fight in a tournament, she eagerly does so only to see him lose to the best warrior in the kingdom. Unable to accept this, Gloria vows to avenge his honor by learning his style in order to defeat his opponent. And so the delusional fangirl begins an unpredictable journey that will change her life, and the world...

  The Golden Dawn - Saint Princess Julianna, powerful warrior mage and ruler of Aerilea, sacrifices her life defending her land from a mountain sized monster god. When she returns from the dead years later, she learns the nations united under her banner have drifted apart and sets out to restore order. But a new danger threatens the very existence of the floating continent on which they live, and Julianna and her allies must rise to the occasion to save it once again.

  Stand Short and Proud - Young height-obsessed monster hunter Meg has a problem. As humanity seeks to make peace with the monsters that share their world, she and her companions find themselves in danger of losing their livelihood. When they meet an officer from a local fort who offers them work, Meg and fellow hunter Patrick decide to give the military a try. As they settle into their new environment and start to make friends, little do they know the discovery of a mysterious giant sword will subject them to peril beyond even what they are accustomed to.

  Also check out my short stories!

  Sample of Iron Bloom

  It was the glint of sun off steel that caught her eye. Rose stopped, basket of freshly picked herbs in hand, and stared into the Whit family's barn door through which she had seen that misplaced sliver of light. While metal was common enough on a farm, most farming tools were made of dull iron, and Rose had only seen light reflected so sharply off honed steel—like a sword blade. Inside the barn, she thought she glimpsed a bulky shape, moving with stealth and speed. A thief?

  Her first thought was to run for help. But how long would it take to get back? Likely too long, for the Whits. She should go warn them, she thought. Yet she worried to let the burglar out of sight, and perhaps give him a chance to catch her off guard later. What if the Whits weren't home? If so, she would have to confront him alone anyway. She would not escape herself only to leave him here, free to ambush her neighbors.

  Rose set her basket down in the grass and crept towards the barn, knowing now what she meant to do. It wasn't that she wasn't scared; her heart pounded in her chest, and sweat moistened her scalp and tunic. Though she had long played at being a warrior with her friends, to confront real danger was an altogether different matter. But she would do all she could to protect the Whits and their innocent child. So she entered the barn, carefully picking up the hoe just inside the door.

  The man's broad back came into view to her left, and Rose raised her hoe to strike. Then she hesitated. What if this was no thief, after all? Despite his armament, he could be a family friend, or even an agent of the crown on legitimate business. She could not just attack, with no knowledge of his intentions.

  "You!" she said in what she hoped was a commanding voice. "What are you doing here?"

  He turned, and immediately she realized her mistake. The feral gleam in his eyes, the smirk that pulled at his thick lips—he could be nothing else but the kind of villain she had suspected and feared. "Are you the daughter, then? A big one you are, but I don't mind. All women scream the same." His huge sword came up, gleaming like flame.

  On the verge of panic, Rose swung at his face. He parried easily, and countered with a slash she barely managed to deflect. The hoe was poorly balanced for use as a weapon, and she was hardly an experienced warrior in the first pla
ce. The robber pressed his assault, battering relentlessly at her, and she found herself retreating across the hay-strewn floor. She felt her back bump up against the far wall, and in desperation tried to force him back with a sudden burst of offense.

  For a moment, he seemed to falter against her flurry of quick pokes, and she thought she had a chance. But then he cut through the hoe's shaft with a well-placed blow, and the next thing she knew an impact like a heavy punch slammed into her middle. She felt herself shoved back, driven against the wood behind her. Then the pain hit, a world-shattering explosion tearing through her body. For a moment she was blind, but stubbornly she blinked her vision back. Slowly, her attacker came into view.

  Rose stared at the man as he loosened his belt, his wide, greasy face split with a lusty grin. His breath reeked of rotting meat, and she ached to run screaming out of his reach. But she couldn't scream because her mouth had filled with blood. And she couldn't run because his sword impaled her just below the ribcage, nailing her to the wall.

  She could barely breathe, and when she inhaled blood spurted out around the edges of the wide blade. The wound should already have killed her, she knew, but the freakish vitality which kept her alive now prolonged her suffering. She wasn't just going to die, but her killer would also rob her of her last dignity. He dropped his trousers, and his smile widened while he watched her squirm. He reached out to pull her pants down, and blood ran down her chin as she hissed with outrage. She did not know if the sword would get in his way, but he would surely just pull it out if it did. As his fingers brushed her waist, Rose made her choice. Her hand snaked down, snatching the paring knife from her belt, and she plunged it into the side of his neck.


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