Magic Redeemed (Hall of Blood and Mercy Book 2)

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Magic Redeemed (Hall of Blood and Mercy Book 2) Page 25

by K. M. Shea

  My fingers shook as I dropped the signet ring. It passed through the Beacon’s exterior with only the smallest of ripples, and a tiny chiming sound.

  Now it was my turn.

  I took a deep breath, and before I could over-think it, I slapped my hands on the globe.

  Magic flared around me, lighting the area with a brightness that was so invasive I had to shut my eyes. It exploded outward, making the turret into a torch of blue and gold magic.

  This is it.

  The ring had connected me to the House, but now I could feel its foreign, magic intelligence. It brushed against me like a pet would…producing a purring vibration I felt in my bones.

  It felt pleased. I could feel it in the way the light emitting from the Beacon curled around me. But was it just happy to finally have an official Adept?

  As if it could tell my thoughts, the wooden flooring beneath my feet began to rumble. My heart sped up as I heard the sound of bricks and mortar crumbling, and wood groaned.

  Was it destroying a part of itself? Was the House that mad with me?

  Abruptly, the ground opened up, and another wing—wholly finished from the roof timbers to the ornamental stone edging—shot out of the ground. The tower I stood in grew taller, stretching high above House Medeis, before the two other turrets shot up in a similar fashion. Weirdly, I could feel the House at work in the taller turrets, installing what I thought was a telescope and wiring a security system.

  I held on to the Beacon for dear life as the entire House grew another floor, and in my new connection with the House I realized…it had just built a gym in the basement.

  The buzz of magic informed me the new gym was stocked with weightlifting equipment, treadmills, and more.

  In the backyard, the decorative fountain with the diapered baby angels stretched out and deepened, turning into a lap pool.

  The iron fencing that surrounded the House Medeis plot grew by about five feet, and the ends turned sharp and pointed.

  A flower garden fell away and was briefly buried under dirt and soil, before the House spat up four targets, and two racks of swords, shields, bows, and different kinds of weapons I hadn’t seen even in Drake Hall.

  Where had the House even found those weapons?!

  I watched in shock as a mini training ground was created on the front lawn while the House industriously settled its inner architecture. It had added dozens of guest rooms—did it expect that our number of members would be rapidly expanding?!—and had scrounged up a second fridge in the slightly expanded kitchen.

  A few of the flower beds were sucked under to make room for the additions, and both the gate that opened up to the sidewalk and the gate in front of the driveway thickened.

  For the most part the outside of the House was finished—it was still making some minor adjustments to the landscaping, and I was pretty sure it had just added a bunch of mats to the basement gym—but from the increased wing and story to the taller towers to the new shooting range on our front lawn, the House’s response was pretty clear.

  I finally pulled my hands free—my palms itched from the extra burst of magic.

  The ring bobbed on the globe’s surface. I scooped it up and slipped it on, blinking as the pet-like feeling of House Medeis stayed with me with our new connection.

  “Thank you.” I rested my hand on top of the Beacon. “I’ll do my best to make use of what you’ve given me.”

  I tugged on the trapdoor, intending to shimmy back down the ladder, but House Medeis peeled back the railing of the Beacon and built what appeared to be a temporary staircase for me. I hesitated before I started down it, trying not to think too much as the House assembled the staircase about three steps ahead of me, and tore every step down as soon as I had passed it.

  A few members of House Medeis were laughing. Some were hugging, and the youngest were bouncing up and down—but almost everyone my parents’ age were smiling through tears as they watched me step off the temporary staircase and onto the springy grass.

  I held my arms up. “What do you guys think? Do you think the House likes me?”

  Medeis wizards surged onto the new lawn, coming to hug me and examine the changes to their home.

  “Oh, Hazel. I knew it all along!” Great Aunt Marraine dabbed at her eyes with her tissue.

  “You’re going to be a great Adept, you brat,” Franco said with a grin.

  “I think this is the biggest the House has been in generations,” Momoko said.

  Felix smirked. “How badly do you think you freaked the other Houses out?”

  I laughed and hugged every House Medeis wizard. With each person I saw my happiness grew, and I knew I was doing the right thing.

  My family might not be so merry when I woke them up at six in the morning and got them started running laps before everyone left for work, but that was okay.

  We would learn to fight, and the House would help us.

  Once I hugged the last House Medeis wizard, I turned to everyone lining the streets. As I marched down the front walkway, the sidewalk gate swung open as the House anticipated my decision.

  “Welcome to House Medeis,” I said with a smile that was more teeth than glee. “Come in, so you can tell everyone all about it.”

  A few of the onlookers floated away—probably the ones going to report to my scoffers. The Curia Cloisters reps had to come in, and my more distant allies chose to as well. A few of the gawkers slipped through, but I didn’t worry.

  If they tried anything, House Medeis would lock them in a closet.

  I stayed at the gate, greeting everyone who passed through to go gawk at the House, until there was only one other person standing on the far side of the street, a pale, red-haired man wearing a black designer suit.

  I slipped my chisa katana from its scabbard and sent a crackle of lightning shimmering up and down the blade. My wizard’s mark burned my cheek as I crossed the street.

  “Get lost, Rupert. And tell the others I will no longer put up with them skulking around.”

  Rupert scowled at me. “You can’t be everywhere at once.”

  I smiled widely. “I don’t have to be. The House can take care of it.”

  At that moment the Beacon shot off a crackling starburst of light—a warning shot that passed high over the houses and buildings surrounding us.

  “The Drake Family made their choice very clear to me,” I said once the light had faded. “I have no desire to see any of you again. Stay away.”

  I rotated my wrist, twirling my sword—which almost sounded like a lightsaber with its crackling lightning—then turned around.

  “Did you ever stop to ask yourself how the Paragon knew what was going down here, or why he decided to come?” Rupert’s voice was as irritating as a fly in my face.


  “The Paragon happened to show up just as you approached the House, did he not?” Rupert asked. “And you knew Mason was gathering allies. And yet only two Houses were around when you made your attack.”

  I scowled. “What’s your point?”

  “That you’re blind.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Particularly because you haven’t even asked the most important question of all.” Rupert tilted his head back, looking imperiously down at me. “Where was the Night Court—Mason’s newly minted allies—when you were confronting him?”

  I slowly turned so I wasn’t frowning at him over my shoulder, but instead facing him head on. “I dropped in out of the blue. I don’t expect the Night Court would have anticipated that.”

  “And you don’t think Mason called them the moment he realized you were here?” Rupert tucked his hands in the pockets of his slacks.

  I was silent for a moment as I turned the matter over in my mind. “A huge motorcade left when Killian kicked me out.”

  “Yes,” Rupert nodded. “That was the attack party. His Eminence had us launch an ambush attack on the Night Court that afternoon. They didn’t come because they were busy, fighting us

  “If you’re implying he did that for me, you’re an idiot.”

  “Why? He didn’t chase you out because he tired of you. He was trying to spur you into fighting Mason.”

  “That’s not a whole truth,” I said. “Or he would have just told me to make my move against Mason.”

  “You’re right,” Rupert scoffed. “But you’re forgetting about the attack.”

  I blinked rapidly. “Attack?”

  “At the mall? Where you were almost hit with a paint ball?”

  “Oh. That. Yeah, talk about deadly.”

  “It was the Night Court.”

  “I do recall that detail, yes.”

  “You don’t get it—they did it as a warning. They were sending a message—they could have just as easily shot you with a bullet as a paint ball, and you didn’t pick up on them because they didn’t use magic. Celestina and Josh would have reacted in time, but you wouldn’t have. There’s a war brewing between the Drake Family and the Night Court, and Queen Nyte as good as told His Eminence she’d go for you first.”

  I figured there was at least a somewhat understandable reason behind Killian’s behavior. I hadn’t really expected it to center around me, but it didn’t change anything. Killian could have told me all of this, but he didn’t trust me, and chose not to.

  And I wasn’t going to waste my time hanging out with someone who didn’t trust me, and friends who would drop me with a word from their boss.

  I flicked my katana, ridding it of electricity, then slid it into its scabbard. “Why are you even telling me all of this?” I asked. “You hate me!”

  “Because my loyalty is to His Eminence.” Rupert narrowed his eyes at me. “And as distasteful and irritating as I find you, His Eminence holds you in some kind of regard—enough to make him act outside of his usual actions.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You think I’ll just go waltzing back to him if I know that?”

  “Isn’t that generally how females act?”

  I can’t kill him. It would be so, so, so annoying to deal with. I. Cannot. Hurt. Him.

  I forced a pleasant smile to my lips, but I was irritated enough I think it came off more as demented. “I’d already figured out Killian had a reason for his actions, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t like dealing with crap. And trying to manipulate without telling me anything is exactly that, crap. Tell Killian whatever you want. But unless he apologizes personally, I don’t want anything to do with any of you.”

  Rupert sputtered. “His Eminence apologize? To you? You must be out of your mind!”

  “I probably am. Now, go on—bye, bye.”

  Rupert shook his head. “I don’t know what he sees in you that is even remotely redeemable.”

  I snorted. “That’s pretty rich coming from a vampire.”

  Rupert shook his head and skulked off, probably in search of his hidden, Drake issue black car.

  “Hey, Rupert.”

  The vampire scowled back at me. “What, Rat-blood?”

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  Rupert struggled for a moment, seemingly trying to decide if his facial expression should settle on disgust or indifference. He nodded, and the line of his shoulders was a little more relaxed as he strode off.

  I meant what I had said.

  Even if the Drake vampires were convinced Killian liked me, I didn’t care. I required a fully functioning relationship with my friends and comrades.

  I didn’t expect him to spill his darkest secrets or anything, but mutual trust and respect would have had him telling me these things instead of trying to manipulate and then sending his minions to do his dirty work.

  I knew it was a good boundary to have, and I knew I’d be happier in the long run for it. Even so, there was a small part of my heart that still ached.

  If only…

  I forcibly turned to face House Medeis, my soul a little soothed by its transformed appearance.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I’m back home with my family, and we’re about to make some major changes. Everything is going to be okay.”

  I crossed the street, and if the skip in my step was forced, that was okay.

  All of us had gone through a rough few months. It would take time to heal. It would take time for me to stop waking up in the middle of the night, thinking I was late for a training session.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “She’s continued getting her people up for early morning practice,” Julianne reported. “And I’ve tracked a rumor that she has hired a werewolf as a mixed martial arts teacher, and a vampire slayer for weapons training, but based on outdoor demonstrations she seems to be the one drilling her people in magic.”

  I tapped the clean surface of my desk and tossed a used blood pouch in the trash.

  I was almost certain the Paragon had given her the magic book. Celestina reported that it had gone missing from her room two days after Hazel’s Ascension ceremony. If she studied the book closely enough, it was possibly the best teacher her House could have, given that it was from the Paragon’s private collection.

  “Any sign of trouble from the other Houses?” I asked.

  Julianne shook her head. “It seems they are intimidated by the big changes in House Medeis. It is now the second biggest in the city and has made the rank and reputation of House Medeis rapidly climb.”

  I leaned back in my chair. “Well done. Continue with the observation.”

  Julianne bowed. “Yes, Your Eminence.” She backed out of my office and closed the door behind her.

  I scooped up the fresh blood pouch she’d brought. I poked the straw in and stood with a groan, turning to look out the windows.

  As much as I regretted it, chasing Hazel out of Drake Hall had been necessary.

  After the mall attack, Queen Nyte had sent a letter confirming that the paint ball had been her doing, and she didn’t fail to underline how easy it would have been to swap the colorful ammunition for bullets.

  In a war with the Night Court, Hazel would be the first target.

  I knew Hazel would refuse to be safely hidden away in Drake Hall, but the mall had proved that perhaps I wouldn’t be able to keep her safe.

  Hazel wasn’t a vampire. She likely wouldn’t survive a bullet wound. She couldn’t be involved in the war—somehow she had become too precious to risk in a war.

  The night of the Summer’s End Ball…I didn’t know when I last laughed like that. Kissing her had been the natural thing to do. It was like finding a piece of me that had been missing for centuries that I had forgotten about—although, no, she was not the one. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe I’d ever have that. But she was important to me.

  And that was why I had to drive her out.

  I had to make Queen Nyte think I had lost all interest in her. The easiest way to accomplish this was to make Hazel think I’d lost all interest in her.

  It had been difficult, and holding back the Night Court so she could take back House Medeis without their interference and while still making that idiot fae queen believe I didn’t care for Hazel had taken more plotting than I had used in politics since snagging the position of Eminence.

  But I had accomplished it.

  Hazel was now safe at her House—which, if my underlings’ reports were to be trusted, had basically become a bastille with the personality of a starved shark—and Queen Nyte appeared to have lost interest in her.

  I had achieved my plans.

  And if I missed the rich, warm scent that was Hazel and sometimes found myself drifting in the direction of the training hall at the hours she used to train, that was an acceptable price.

  I still wasn’t sure I liked how important she had become. She was a potential weakness—something I didn’t like.

  Once the war with the Night Court is over, I can seek her out again. Until then, this will be good for me.

  Everything is temporary, and with all of my years I’ve learned everything—and everyone—can be
lived without.

  This will be a good reminder.

  Even so, as I glanced back at the reports that detailed Hazel’s new life at House Medeis, I found myself wondering if I could move up my timeline and end the feud with the Night Court sooner than I originally planned.

  To be continued in Magic Unleashed: Hall of Blood and Mercy Book 3

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  Thank you for reading Magic Redeemed, I hope you enjoyed Hazel’s story! If you want to get a peek at what Celestina and the other vampires of Drake Hall think of Killian and Hazel, sign up for my newsletter to receive a short story from Celestina’s point of view. It’s included in my K. M. Shea Starter Pack ebook.

  As part of the starter pack, you’ll also get prequel short stories for a few of my other series, as well as a fairytale novelette, The Princess Who Chased Sheep.

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  Thank you for your support and encouragement. I am proud to say I have the best readers. Therefore, it is my dearest wish that Hazel and her friends made you laugh and warmed your heart. Thank you.

  Magic Unleashed: Pre-order now!

  Hazel’s adventure continues in…

  Magic Unleashed

  Available for pre-order now!

  It’s funny how people—or vampires—you thought were your friends can value you so little that they are able to abandon you with no regret.

  But I’m stronger than that!

  After Killian Drake showed his true colors and kicked me out of his mansion, I was able to get my house back and finally free my family.

  Now, my magical House has expanded, my family is thriving, and things are finally starting to look up!


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