Paradise Island

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Paradise Island Page 17

by Peter Guttridge

  Innocent was still standing. She scanned the upturned faces on the sofas. Someone on the sofas had the corkscrew, she was pretty sure of that. If she had it she would go for the giant. Maybe even now someone was counting out the paces to get to Donny to stick it into his throat. Maybe the WITSEC man, if he was here? Innocent had been assuming he was a mob lawyer or accountant who’d snitched and taken to the hills but maybe he was somebody more deadly.

  Innocent looked back at Chris. She tried to keep her voice toneless.

  ‘An accident with a woman?’ she repeated.

  Chris nodded.

  ‘She’s going to be okay.’

  ‘You a doctor?’

  ‘She was getting attention as we drove away.’

  ‘After you’d stopped to help her, you mean.’

  Chris held her look.

  ‘And that’s why you’ve taken us hostage?’ Tom Haddon called. ‘For a hit and run? I don’t buy it.’

  Innocent threw him a let-me-handle-this look.

  ‘What did the woman look like?’ Innocent said

  ‘A pancake,’ Donny said, giving his safety pin a little tug.

  Innocent clenched her jaw.

  ‘Long curly hair tied back in a pony-tail?’

  Innocent flashed on the surprise present Josie had brought back from her trip to the mainland.

  ‘On a skateboard?’

  She saw the flicker in Chris’s face.

  ‘It was an accident but she’s doing fine.’

  Innocent jerked her thumb at Donny.

  ‘The Golem here was driving?’

  ‘Why you asking so many questions?’ Donny said sullenly. ‘You know the stupid bitch?’

  Innocent was aware of Chris watching her face. She was screaming inside at the thought of Josie injured. But what to do? Tom Haddon came to her rescue.

  ‘Small community, big boy,’ he called out. ‘Everybody knows everybody. Though not in the same way as you Appalachian boys.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Jimmy said coldly.

  Haddon stood.

  ‘What I say. You stand behind each other. Your favourite position at a family gathering, I hear.’

  ‘You want to watch your mouth, boy, if you don’t want me to start on you again.’

  ‘Would this be while I’m unconscious or would you be taking me on in a fair fight?’

  ‘Tom,’ Gus Levy warned.

  ‘I’m just saying, Gus. Man with a gun who likes to whop people when they’re helpless – well, different definition of manhood in Appalachia, I guess. But then Deliverance told us that.’

  Jimmy started to walk over. Natasha looked at Chris.

  ‘Jimmy, leave it, for Christ’s sake,’ Chris said.

  ‘When I’ve baked this boy’s pie,’ Jimmy said. He looked over at Karen. ‘And if you plan on pointing your gun at me again you’d better be prepared to use it because that play is getting awful tired.’

  Tom Haddon rolled his shoulders.

  ‘I’m telling you now, I’m not going to squeal like a pig for anybody named after a Singing Mormon.’

  ‘You’re going to be too busy begging to do any squealing,’ Jimmy said, hefting the gun in his hand.

  ‘Jesus,’ Karen said. ‘Spare us the macho shit.’

  Natasha Innocent threw Chris a look then strode over and planted herself between the converging Jimmy and Tom Haddon. Gus, David and Grady all stood. Without looking at her, Jimmy swung at Natasha’s face with his gun. She jerked her head back, twisted round and down and kicked him side-heel in the crotch.

  He doubled over with an Oomph, his face congested. Donny grabbed for her arm as she swung upright but she danced out of his way and adopted a fighter’s stance. She wasn’t expecting to make much of a dent in Donny but she wanted to pummel him for hurting Josie.

  She feinted a karate chop at his neck. He blocked easily but was too slow to stop her other hand darting up to his nose and ripping out his safety pin. She stepped back and threw the safety pin in the corner. Donny bellowed and put his hand up to his nose, blood dripping down.

  He started to say something – got as far as ‘Fuck me…’ – when Chris whacked him hard on the elbow with his pistol. Donny’s gun hand spasmed and the gun fell to the floor. Innocent reached for it but Chris kicked it away. Gus, David and Grady went for it.

  Karen’s gun was deafening. Plaster fell in gouts from the ceiling. Everyone froze. Chris grabbed Jimmy’s gun and tucked it into his belt. Karen stepped over and picked up Donny’s gun.

  Donny, dripping blood onto one hand, hit Natasha on the side of the head with the other. It wasn’t a good blow but it was good enough. She sprawled on top of Barbara on the sofa.

  ‘Jesus,’ Karen said. ‘What a fucking mess.’

  She looked at Chris. Chris hit Donny across the side of the head. Donny swayed but didn’t fall. Karen decided he must be short a few nerve-endings. He gave Chris a mean look through slitted eyes.

  Jimmy straightened up and looked at Chris with malice in his own eyes.

  ‘Everybody lie face-down on the floor,’ Karen said. ‘Now. Chris, you want to put Mr Jimmy there back in his cage?’

  ‘Cross-legged in the corner, Jimmy.’

  ‘Fuck you think you’re talking to?’

  ‘A guy whose going to walk with a limp for the rest of his life if he doesn’t go to that corner and sit down cross-legged. You too Donny.’

  ‘Ain’t we partners no more?’ Donny growled.

  ‘I just want you and Jimmy to calm down a little.’

  The telephone rang.

  ‘Shall I get it?’ Tom Haddon said. Karen just looked at him.

  ‘On the floor,’ she said.

  As everybody lay down and Jimmy sat cross-legged the telephone stopped ringing.

  ‘Donny, I’m not going to tell you again,’ Chris warned.

  ‘I couldn’t sit cross-legged if I wanted to – and I don’t fucking want to. So you’d better shoot me, if you think your balls are big enough.’

  Chris pointed at the upright chair against the wall beside Jimmy.

  ‘Park you big ass on that for just a minute, Donny. Please?’

  Donny looked at Chris then Jimmy. Jimmy nodded. Donny slouched over to the chair and dropped down on it. It almost collapsed under his weight.

  Chris shook his head at Karen.

  ‘We should give the police these bozos.’

  ‘And they’ll just let us ride off into the sunset, I suppose,’ she said. ‘We have to play the hand we’ve been dealt.’

  ‘I don’t think you’re riding anywhere,’ Barbara said, raising her head from the floor.

  ‘Well, that isn’t good news for you, darling,’ Karen said.

  ‘When they work out what else you’ve done, you’re really stuffed,’ Barbara said.

  ‘Say what?’ Karen said.

  ‘Darling, you’re not the first professional criminals I’ve come across. I have worked in Hollywood after all. You’re pros – it’s written all over you.’ She pointed her chin at Donny and Jimmy. ‘These are just low-life bozos – shame on you for having anything to do with them. But you look as if you have a modicum of class. What is it? High-end burglary? Is Tom right – you’ve been stealing paintings?’

  The phone rang again. Chris gestured to Karen. She stepped back and picked it up.

  ‘Hello in the house.’ Harry Wilson. ‘We heard a shot. Is everything copacetic?’

  ‘Couldn’t be better. How are you?’

  ‘What was the shot about?’

  ‘People misbehaving. Nobody hurt.’

  ‘If I hear another shot we’re coming in.’

  ‘That could get messy.’

  ‘Why don’t you hand over the shooter and end this thing?’

  She looked over at Donny, dripping blood.

  ‘Actually, this time I was the shooter.’

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wilson put the phone down and looked across at Barbara’s house. He could hear Finch in Natas
ha’s kitchen talking to Hal, one of the part-time deputies. A quiet man; a Vietnam vet. Lester was sitting in an armchair in the corner gazing into space.

  Wilson walked through to the kitchen.

  ‘Johnny, keep a watch out front. Hal, come with me.’

  ‘Where are you going?’ Finch said.

  ‘Collecting fingerprints,’ Wilson said.

  Five minutes later Wilson and Hal came out on the far side of Tom Haddon’s house. Sure enough, a white van was off to the right, between Tom and Barbara’s properties, only half-concealed by Spanish moss under a low-branched live oak.

  They crept over to it. Whilst the deputy kept watch, Wilson dusted the drive-side door handle. He lifted prints. He got a couple more off the rear-door handles.

  The passenger side was face on to the yard of the house so he didn’t intend putting himself at risk. Instead he eased open the drive-side door and slid into the seat. The wheel and the dashboard delivered big time.

  He climbed out and headed back across the road with the prints, leaving Hal on watch behind Haddon’s house.

  Finch had just set off for the office with the prints when the phone rang.

  ‘Nadine. I was just about to call you. Finch is coming in with some prints to process as soon as.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ Nadine cleared her throat. ‘I have sad news.’

  Wilson went cold.


  ‘She died fifteen minutes ago.’

  Wilson looked across at Lester.

  ‘Damn,’ he said quietly. Then, forcing himself to be business-like: ‘Tell me when you’ve got a response on the prints.’

  ‘Will do. But, Sheriff - we might already have a hit on those Osmond brothers.’

  Karen picked up on the fourth ring.

  ‘People will say we’re in love,’ she said.

  ‘Your husband likes you flirting does he?’

  ‘Who’s rattled your cage?’

  ‘Josie is dead.’

  Karen looked across at Natasha.

  ‘You’ve got nothing to say?’ Wilson said.

  ‘Plenty,’ Karen said.

  Wilson sighed.

  ‘And we think we’ve identified the Osmonds.’

  ‘Quick work. You must be some kind of detective.’

  ‘You brought low-life like that onto my island?’

  She looked at Donny and Jimmy, who glowered back at her.

  ‘Tell me more.’

  ‘Donny and Jimmy Ruffin. Brothers but you wouldn’t think it – they’re like Little and Large.’

  ‘I think Lenny and George myself,’ Karen said.

  ‘Great novel. Doesn’t end well for Lenny though. And I’m not a real detective. To be honest I was hazarding a guess but you confirmed it. We’ve got a pile of prints off the van too. I guess we’ll know who you and your husband are soon.’

  ‘I doubt that.’

  ‘Yes, me too - you’re good. But you bring a murderer onto my island – to do what exactly?’

  There was silence then:

  ‘Didn’t know,’ Karen said.

  ‘Let the hostages go – get them out of there somehow. I’m figuring you and Mr Karen – Chris is it? - can look after yourselves but I don’t want my friends in there with a homicidal maniac.’

  ‘Bit strong, maybe?’

  ‘There’s a warrant out in the state of California for Donny kicking a guy unconscious then glassing him and severing an artery. Guy bled to death. Donny is a guaranteed vicious bastard when he lets his temper get the better of him.’

  Silence. Wilson filled it.

  ‘No information on Jimmy at the moment, though if he’s like every little guy I’ve ever known with criminal tendencies he’s mean-minded, mean-spirited, cruel and vindictive. All because he comes up short in the leg-length.’

  Karen glanced at Jimmy. He was still staring at her. He acknowledged her with a finger salute to his temple.

  ‘Listen – can I call you back?’ she said.

  Wilson seemed to think for a moment.

  ‘Just hit redial,’ he finally said.

  Karen stepped over to Chris.

  ‘We need to talk.’

  ‘You aren’t going to share with your buddies the sweet nothings the Sheriff has been whispering in your ear?’ Jimmy called with a leer.

  ‘Just negotiating, Jimmy, that’s all.’

  Chris stood and walked into the yard. She followed.

  ‘Just what did Joey tell you about Mutt and Jeff?’ she hissed as he kept an eye on the room over her shoulder.

  ‘That they were solid boys. Experienced. They’d just relocated and were looking for work.’

  ‘Did he say why they’d relocated?’

  Chris tilted his head.

  ‘I’ve a feeling you’re going to tell me.’

  ‘Donny beat somebody to death in a bar fight.’

  Chris pulled on his lower lip.


  Karen wafted a mosquito away.

  ‘What to do?’ she said.

  ‘We’re going to get off this island.’

  ‘With or without our swag?’


  ‘That counts out swimming for it then.’ She looked back into the house. ‘With or without Mutt and Jeff?’

  Chris raised an eyebrow.

  ‘You have a plan?’ she said.

  ‘I’m working on one.’

  She looked back at him.

  ‘Anytime soon would be handy.’

  Wilson looked out of the window. His patrol car was still out front, sinking at the back where the tyre had been punctured.

  ‘Lester – keep an eye out for ten minutes. I’m going to run a little errand. Any problems call Hal or Johnny on the radio.’

  Lester nodded. Wilson handed him the walkie-talkie. Wilson walked outside and looked up and down the road. He walked to his house and his own car.

  Earwaker’s studio was about ten minutes drive away. He’d never much cared for the artist – too full of himself – but he’d always liked Evangeline. He’d been oddly offended when soon after they’d finished their own go-around she’d taken up first with Finch then with Earwaker. He couldn’t see what Earwaker had. His wife, Phoebe, was damned gorgeous too.

  David was hunched on the floor beside Ruth. Barbara was on the far side of Ruth and kept giving him meaningful looks except he didn’t know what the fuck they could mean in the present circumstances. He’d been furious when she’d turned up unannounced this morning. God – was it only this morning? It seemed an age ago.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ he’d hissed at her in the shelter of the oak tree in the yard.

  ‘I’m guessing you haven’t told her,’ Barbara said.

  ‘I haven’t had a chance, have I? And now you turn up a week early. What’s the big idea?’

  ‘I knew you wouldn’t have the balls to tell her so I thought I’d help.’

  ‘If you don’t think I’ve got any balls, why do you want to be with me?’

  ‘Oh you’ve got the kind of balls I need, darling, but that doesn’t make you brave.’

  ‘She’s not ready for this yet,’ David said. ‘She’s freaked out again.’

  ‘She’s always going to be freaked out about something.’

  David looked at his wife now. Actually she didn’t look as bad as she had earlier. He glanced up at Barbara. She was still staring at him.

  He looked around at their captors. How brave was he?

  Harry Wilson got into Earwaker’s studio gallery through the unlocked kitchen door. The door creaked as he pushed it open and stepped in.

  ‘Evangeline? Julian? It’s Sheriff Wilson. Mr Earwaker?’

  He stood in the middle of the kitchen and listened to the house. Insects ticking and scratching but otherwise silence. Three doors led off the corridor. The one immediately to his right led into the studio shop. The one at the end of the corridor was Earwaker’s studio.

  Wilson had never been in there – didn’t know anybody wh
o had – but now he knocked on the door and called out again. He pressed his ear to the door but could hear nothing. He tried the handle. Locked.

  That left the third door. The bathroom. He knocked on the door.

  ‘Anyone in there?’

  No response.

  He turned the handle and tested the door. It wasn’t locked. He pushed it open.

  Chris looked across at Donny and Jimmy. He gestured to them and the kitchen.


  Donny helped Jimmy up and the two sauntered over. Chris said something to Karen and they put the brothers’ guns on the breakfast bar.

  Chris stepped to one side so he could keep an eye on the room as they talked. The brothers picked up their guns.

  ‘Look, we can’t stay forever,’ Chris said. ‘That artist is going to get free and raise hell. We have to get off this island.’

  Karen saw Jimmy glance at Donny. Donny was looking bored.

  ‘They can’t get free,’ Karen said. ‘And they’re locked in that bathroom until somebody finds them.’

  ‘But how long before somebody finds them?’ Chris said. ‘Is the guy married? Got kids? What if they get free and raise the alarm.’

  Donny looked down at Chris.

  ‘They aren’t going to be raising the alarm anytime soon.’

  Chris looked back. Karen watched Jimmy’s expression. He dropped his eyes.

  ‘You said that before, Donny,’ Chris said. ‘How are you so sure?’

  Donny shrugged.

  ‘Just don’t see it. Somebody finding them, that’s something else. Can’t control that.’

  Karen stepped up to Donny.

  ‘You were the last one out of the house. Anything you’re not telling us?’ She looked at his brother. ‘Jimmy?’

  Jimmy shrugged. Donny sniffed loudly. Chris stepped up beside Karen. He glared at Donny.

  ‘Did you do something to them, you asshole?’

  Karen glanced over at the group of people on the floor as Chris’s voice rose.

  Donny smirked but said nothing.

  ‘Fuck,’ Chris said. He leaned in and hissed: ‘Are they dead, you crazy fuck?’

  ‘Are they?’ Karen said to Jimmy.

  Which was when Donny shot Chris in the stomach.


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