The Caveman and the Devil

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The Caveman and the Devil Page 4

by Chris T. Kat

“Impossibly good in bed?”

  “Wow, you go from ashamed to arrogant in less than two seconds. Quite an accomplishment,” I snorted.

  Noah brought his mouth next to my ear and said in a low voice, “I’m also a very accomplished cocksucker.”

  I hissed when my cock swelled within the confinements of my jeans, which suddenly felt tight and uncomfortable. Noah popped the top button and shoved his hand inside before I could so much as utter a word.

  “Noah,” I groaned. “I’m not sure we have time for this.”

  “We don’t have five minutes?” he asked innocently.

  “You didn’t just say that,” I growled.

  Noah yelped as I flipped him around until he lay over my lap. I cupped his outer hip with one hand while I tapped his ass with other hand.


  “Yes, dear?”

  “I take it back, okay?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know,” I mused. I rubbed my hands firmly over his tautly stretched bottom, eliciting a stifled giggle.

  “Please?” Noah hedged. He tried pushing himself off my lap, which I prevented effortlessly.

  “Lift up,” I instructed, indicating for him to raise his hips.


  “Because I said so.”

  “That’s no valid reason.”

  I slipped my hand between his thighs and squeezed his half-hard cock through his jeans. He gave a strangled sound and lifted his hips. I unbuckled his belt, then shoved his jeans and briefs down.

  “Paul? I’d like you to know that if you’re intending to harm my ass in any way, I—”

  Laughing, I offered him my thumb. He immediately got my gist and sucked and nibbled at it for all was worth. I shifted slightly to release some of the pressure on my crotch. Noah could still feel the stiff outline of my cock, I was sure of that.

  “Wet it properly,” I demanded in a rough voice. Noah suckled while he squirmed on my lap. I withdrew my thumb, circled it around his hole, and told him, “Relax.”

  Noah looked back over his shoulder, apprehension visible on his face. “‘Relax’? I’m lying across your lap after you’ve told me you’re mad at me, and now you want me to relax? Easier said than done.”

  “I have a very comfortable lap,” I said, pushing my thumb deep into him. Noah moaned and clenched around me.

  I added more fingers to my thumb and slipped them in and out of his hole, waiting until the tension seeped completely from his body. Soon, he started pushing back onto my fingers, gasping and groaning. I spread my thighs to support his upper body better and released his hip, then used my free hand to pump his cock in a fast and steady rhythm. Noah writhed on my lap, begging me for more, faster.

  I took pity on him and tapped his prostate. Noah’s moans grew in intensity as well as frequency. He ground his hips up and down on my lap, giving me an enticing show of his flexing ass muscles.

  “Paul! Oh, I’m gonna come,” Noah groaned.

  His cock pulsed in my fist and I felt his ass clench around my fingers. Noah yelled my name and shot his load on the kitchen floor. I slowed my movements around his cock and in his ass, enjoying the aftershocks traveling through his body. I watched his muscles ripple as he came down from his high.

  After withdrawing my fingers, I patted his ass. I slowed down my own breathing, hoping I wouldn’t sound too breathless when I asked, “Relaxed enough now to face the day and eat?”

  “I’m starving.”

  Pushing one arm under his chest, I helped him stand up. I wrapped one arm around his slim waist because he was still swaying, and he leaned against me with his arms draped around my head. My left ear was pressed against his ribs, allowing me to clearly hear the rapid thudding of his heart.

  Noah wavered, even with my arm around him, so I tightened my grip, murmuring, “I got you.”

  “You always do,” he mumbled. He still panted as he pushed away from me to pull up his briefs and jeans. He pointed to my crotch and asked, “Need help with that?”

  I ignored his question. This had been about him, not me. I would survive. My erection would go down soon. Well, hope died last, right?

  I got up, retrieved some paper towels, and stuffed them into his hands; then I went to the sink to wash my hands.

  “This is so unromantic,” Noah muttered as he wiped his spunk off the tiles.

  I chuckled, wiped my hands dry, and put new slices of bread into the toaster because the first ones would be cold by now. Noah wouldn’t eat those because he claimed toast was only edible when it was still warm. Putting new bread in the toaster would spare me the argument, and I was all for not arguing if possible.

  While I waited for the toast to pop out, I watched Noah throw away the paper towels. Afterward he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I thwarted one of his sneaky hands on its way to my cock.

  “We really don’t have time for that anymore,” I protested weakly. If he didn’t let go of me soon, I’d come in my pants without him doing anything. His impact on me was frightening some days. I continued, “I’ll get the cubs and you grab the toast to eat on our way.”

  “Seriously? You’re not going to let me suck you?” Noah asked. He sounded so peeved and indignant that I had a hard time keeping my face impassive.

  “We have to go,” I almost pleaded.

  Noah glanced at the clock on the wall. I followed his example and to my surprise discovered that we still had enough time for him to get down on me. I hesitated even though the temptation to give in was strong.

  “Please, Paul?”

  “Noah,” I said helplessly. What was I supposed to do or say?

  Noah obviously took my hesitation as agreement because he slid on his knees in front of me. He unfastened my jeans in record time, then pushed my underwear down to my knees.

  After flashing me a smile, he sucked me into his mouth and immediately set a fast pace. My hands wound in Noah’s hair, urging him on to take me deeper. Noah obliged, and very soon I felt my balls draw up. Mesmerized, I watched my cock disappear into Noah’s mouth. He had his eyes closed and an enraptured look on his face. He really loved to suck cock—a win-win situation for both of us.

  My breathing accelerated when Noah fondled my balls while at the same time tonguing my slit. “Oh shit!”

  Noah stopped in his movements. He looked up at me from under his eyelashes, and that sight was nearly my undoing. His hair was tousled, his cheeks flushed, and his mouth stretched around my fat cock. Deliberately slowly, he pulled away until only the tip of my cock remained in his mouth. Equally slowly he pushed back until his lips almost touched my pubic hair.

  He repeated this action twice more, very well knowing how much of a turn on this was for me. I loved watching my cock vanish inside Noah, be it his mouth or his asshole. He was mine. All mine.

  So what? I never said I wasn’t a caveman.

  Noah hummed around my cock when he engulfed me to the hilt for the third time. The vibrations had me grasping for the counter behind me. I felt my belly muscles contract in an almost painful manner. My cock twitched and I exploded within him; even my vision blurred for a moment. My release hit me hard as I shot jets of come into Noah’s mouth, barely registering that he swallowed it all.

  It took me a while to get my bearings. All the while Noah knelt at my feet and peppered my cock with light kisses. Tremors surged through my body as he stroked my quivering thighs. He stopped with his attentions and instead smiled up at me. It was a genuine smile that showed how content Noah felt right this instant.

  When I stopped shivering, I pushed my hands under his armpits and hoisted him to his feet. I kissed him soundly, my tongue pushing in his mouth, tasting myself and Noah’s unique taste all mingled together.

  Noah grinned at me before he stepped away. It should have been a clue, but I was too distracted by the aftershocks of my climax to see it coming.

  “Told you we’d have enough time. What with you and your stamina.”

  He turned on his heels and dashe
d out of the room. I took one step in his direction, only to be stopped by my jeans and boxers around my ankles. I dressed again, chuckling. For once he’d won without me stalking him. I walked from the kitchen to the living room in search of Noah and found him caressing one of the cubs in such a loving manner it almost took my breath away.

  With twinkling eyes he said, “You can’t do anything to me now because I’m holding one of the babies.”


  Noah shrugged, his gaze never leaving my face. I walked up to him, tickled the cub, and then kissed Noah. “Let’s get going.”

  The sparkle in Noah’s eyes dwindled. He put the cub into the transport box, then straightened up.

  I kissed him again. “Hey, we don’t have time to relax you again, so stop worrying.”

  “What about breakfast? I never got around to eating since someone had other ideas.”

  Rolling my eyes, I replied, “All right, we’ll stop by Starbucks.”

  “Think we’ll still make it on time? Because I’d rather not show up late today,” Noah said, concerned. Before I could answer his question, he glanced at his watch, then grinned at me. “Ah, that should be no problem. After all, you didn’t last long.”

  This time I caught him, tossed him over my shoulder, and patted his ass firmly. He laughed as I carried him to the front door. There I set him on his feet and imprinted a fierce kiss on his lips. The sparkle was back in his eyes, and for that I was grateful. I handed him the car keys and said, “Unlock the car for me?”

  Noah nodded and bounded down the stairs. Damn, but I love this bundle of energy!

  Chapter Eight

  WE ARRIVED at work with only a minute to spare. I breathed a sigh of relief inwardly because being late would have only shed a dark light on us. Noah had become very quiet on our way and had tried to cover it by pretending to be engrossed in his large cup of coffee and big blueberry muffin. He had finished most of his coffee but close to nothing of his muffin. Did he really think I wouldn’t notice it?

  I didn’t badger him about his breakfast—he’d only flip if I put any kind of pressure on him now. So we parked, retrieved the transport box with the mewling cubs, and carried them to the backdoor of the big cat’s house. Viktor Turner, the zoo’s director of public safety and emergency management, was waiting there for us. The other keeper responsible for the big cats, Trent, was also standing there with an irritated look.

  We exchanged greetings before Trent and Noah lifted the cubs from the box and put them into a freshly cleaned compartment away from the other lions. Trent spoke only to Noah when communication was necessary. Turner watched all of us, his face impassive.

  From the corner of my eyes, I observed Noah. His shoulders were hunched, almost up to his ears, and his movements brisk. Tearing my gaze away from him, I asked Turner, “So, any clue why Kiara attacked her cubs?”

  Turner shook his head. “No, so far we’re speculating. The two dead cubs will be autopsied and the two surviving cubs will be examined today.”

  “The doc examined them yesterday already.”

  “He checked for injuries. Today he’ll take blood samples, et cetera. Maybe the cubs have a genetic defect and Kiara sensed it. There has to be a reason for her to kill her cubs,” Turner stated.

  I agreed with him. Mostly, anyway. Sometimes these things happen for no apparent reason. I kept my mouth shut and went to the adjoining kitchen to prepare the cats’ breakfast, leaving the door propped open with a stool so I could see Noah and take notice of what was going on.

  Turner followed me. “Myers, I’d like to talk to you, Davis, and Collins about yesterday. The details about the incident are a bit hazy at best.”

  Before I could reply, Hailey Thomas breezed in. We all looked at her in surprise. She rubbed her hands together gleefully. “Here you are!”

  “Where else would we be?” Noah said from the other side of the room.

  I glared at him. Hailey ignored his remark and smiled at us. “There’s a film team outside. They want to talk with you about yesterday, how you rescued the cubs. How much time do you need to finish preparing the food? Oh, wait; do you think you could feed the cubs in front of the cameras? I’m sure people would love that.”

  Noah paled visibly. I made a feeble attempt at trying to convince her not to film us. “Hailey, I don’t know. The cubs need privacy right now.”

  “It’s only for half an hour tops. They’ll survive that. Think about all the publicity!” she gushed.

  “Right. People will be so glad to hear about one of our lions having killed two of her cubs,” Noah said, scowling at Hailey.

  I crooked my finger and beckoned for him to come to me. He flushed, but since Trent walked over to me too, he followed.

  Hailey looked disapprovingly at Noah. Neither of them made it a secret that they didn’t get along well. She flipped a dark lock out of her face and tucked it neatly behind her ear.

  “Of course they won’t be glad, but everyone knows they are wild animals and unpredictable. Most people will love to see the surviving cubs, and their hearts will melt when they see you feed them. We’ll get a lot of visitors through this, trust me.” She clapped her hands together, then added, “I’ll be here with the film team in half an hour. Be sure you’re ready.”

  She whirled around and stalked from the room. Noah opened his mouth, but I quickly squeezed the nape of his neck in warning. “Don’t say anything right now.”

  Trent grinned. “I’ll go and see to the cubs while you two cut the meat.”

  “I think I’ll stay for a while so we can talk afterward,” Turner stated. To Trent he said, “Do you mind if I come with you?”

  Trent’s grin broadened as he waggled his finger. “I know what you want.”

  “You will let me hold one, right?” Turner asked.



  Trent and Turner walked to the cubs, who were tussling around, obviously happy to be back in well-known surroundings.

  Noah sidled up close to me. “What did Turner say?”

  “He wants some more details about yesterday—claims his information is hazy.”

  “What did you say?”

  “We didn’t get there because Hailey came in.”

  Noah grimaced. “She’s nuts.”

  “She still holds a grudge because you didn’t go out with her.”

  “She’s lacking the stubble. And the caveman attitude.”

  We both grinned and continued to prepare the cats’ food in companionable silence.

  Chapter Nine

  HAILEY came back exactly half an hour later with a whole batch of people at her heels. Noah and I had just finished our task and were drying our hands on a towel. Upon seeing Hailey and the film team enter, Noah’s eyes widened and his complexion turned pale. He stepped behind me, hiding.

  Utterly baffled, I turned around but Noah sidestepped so he’d stay hidden behind me. After a few awkward moments, I stopped trying to be face-to-face with him. Instead I looked over my shoulder and asked, “What exactly are you doing?”

  “What does it look like?”

  “As if you’re hiding, which can’t be true because the Noah I know would never do that.”

  “Ah damn, and I hoped to keep one of my two personalities a bit longer from you.”

  “Two personalities?” I repeated.

  “Yeah, the one you already know and the shy and scared version of myself,” Noah mumbled.

  Initially I thought he was joking. The moment passed quickly, though, when I realized he kept his eyes downcast. For real?

  “Seriously?” I blurted, still bewildered.

  “Paul!” Noah’s voice had a whiny tinge. I recognized it as his I’m-too-embarrassed-to-repeat-it voice.

  Biting my lower lip, I heroically squashed the urge to laugh out loud. My shaking body probably gave me away anyway. Noah slapped a hand between my shoulder blades, grumbling, “Stop it! That’s not funny!”

  “It’s not funny t
o see you all timid? Oh please!”

  “Who is timid? Noah?” Trent cut in, his voice laced with incredulity.

  Chancing another glance over my shoulder, I saw Noah crossing his arms above his chest while he shot daggers at us. I turned around, snatched Noah’s elbow to prevent him from stepping behind me again, and said, “You have to admit it’s funny to think of you as anything other than cocky.”

  “Don’t forget irresponsible,” Trent said darkly.

  Noah looked from me to Trent, embarrassment showing in the way he moved. He opened his mouth to reply to Trent, but Hailey waltzed between them, a reporter right behind her. She introduced the reporter and his team and, before I realized it, the camera was rolling and the reporter was summarizing yesterday’s incident.

  There was something amiss with the camera, which gave us a short reprieve. Hailey talked to Bob, the reporter, explaining how heroically we had acted—especially Noah. Trent and I squinted first at Hailey, then at Noah, whose eyes had widened even more.

  Bob took his microphone in one hand, snapped the fingers of his other hand at his cameraman indicating they should go on, and asked, “I heard we have a hero here?”

  Noah stiffened before he stammered, “Uh, yes. W-We have. This… this is Trent Davis. He lured Kiara, um, the mother lion away from the cubs so we could separate them.”

  Trent raised an eyebrow at Noah. Bob suddenly frowned and ranted something about bad lighting. He excused himself with a fake smile and yelled at one of his minions.

  Trent and I rounded on Noah, who looked as if he wanted the earth to swallow him up. Noah directed a beseeching look at Trent. The effect was immediate. I had to bite back my laughter as I watched Trent falling for the puppy-eyed look. I knew how he felt.

  “You… you did lure her away, and I… I only entered the cub’s compartment after the door was locked, okay?” Noah whispered urgently.

  Trent struggled with his decision. It increased my respect for the man. Of course, I knew the right thing for all of us would be to tell the damn truth but… damn those eyes!

  I said, “I’ll pull Noah off the big cats. He’ll never work with them anymore.”


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