A Taste of Remy

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A Taste of Remy Page 3

by Dahlia Rose

  “Are we really giving this a go?” she asked Remy suddenly. “Being together, a child, all of it?”

  He turned on his side to face her and she did the same. It was reminiscent of their FaceTime chats except now they were in the same bed and she could feel the warmth of his skin.

  “Don’t you want to? Are you having second thoughts?” His tone was serious.

  She shook her head. “It feels right. From the first kiss in the hotel, it felt right. My life growing up felt more like being trapped in a sterile boarding school than living in a home. My parents seldom hugged me or tucked me in at night. The word love was rarely ever mentioned. I was their project—two genius minds creating one genius prodigy. I was given books on philosophy and physics as gifts and piano lessons as recreation. I rebelled as I got older and failed classes to piss them off. Then I went the other way and got my master’s and doctorate by the time I was twenty-six just to piss them off and show them that I was better than they ever were. Anyway, we don’t talk anymore and they don’t seem too upset over it.”

  “Oh, honey, none of that is your fault. You’d never be like that.” Remy cupped her cheek.

  “I vowed never to be, but even so, I’m a logical mind and I have to think about tomorrow,” Lynette explained. “I don’t want to get into something with you and you not be here later on because you got bored when the relationship was not exciting and new anymore. I can’t be a novelty for someone. This is serious to me. A home, children, and a family are what I truly want.”

  Remy smiled gently and she saw true emotion in his eyes. “I want that too, mi reina. Our lives growing up were opposite sides of the coin. While you had money, privilege, I hustled to survive and was raised basically in urban warfare. You grow up trying to escape the gangs and stay out of their way until you can’t anymore and then the choice is to be for or against them. Self preservation always makes you choose to join them.”

  “What happened when you did?” Lynette asked. She had thought she was in a gang once, skipping school and getting piercings was their type of rebellion. It was nothing compared to the reality of what Remy had to live through.

  “I got into serious trouble. My friend Jose and I held up a liquor store and we got caught,” Remy explained. “I was sixteen and the only people I could call were Favian and his family. Jose was eighteen and took the brunt of the charge. He had the gun and he shot the owner of the store. He got sentenced to ten years and I got probation and went to live with Favian and his family. I heard six months later that Jose got stabbed and died in prison. I never knew until then how deeply guilt could eat at a person and I vowed never to go back to that life and worked my ass off to become a good man. The only father figure I’d ever known was Favian’s father. He helped me aspire to be the man I am today.”

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but it wasn’t your fault,” Lynette said. “You were a kid fighting for your life.”

  “But you see it taught me a valuable lesson, and I always wanted what I experienced in Favian’s household,” Remy said. “Family and understanding and love, and I vowed when I had a child he or she would never wonder if they were loved. I’d be in their lives from the very beginning and never leave.”

  “Then we’re on the same page,” Lynette said. “That’s good because I was planning to change your mind to my point of view if you weren’t.”

  Remy grinned. “Really now? And how were you going to do that?”

  She gave him a quick kiss. “I have feminine wiles at my disposal.”

  “Maybe I should play hard to get,” Remy murmured.

  “Play all you want. I like the chase. When I capture you it’s all the sweeter,” Lynette teased. “I’ll go shower before Adira gets here.”

  “You should just keep on what you have now. Mateo will probably drool or spew all over you.” Remy chuckled.

  “Jeans and a T-shirt will work just as well,” Lynette said. “I can’t wait to see little chubby man. I’m sure the pictures haven’t done him justice.”

  “He’s a cute one,” Remy agreed. “Our baby will be beautiful. I’m hoping for a girl with your almond-shaped eyes.”

  “I’m hoping for a boy with your dimples when he smiles,” Lynette replied.

  They gazed at each other, both with huge smiles on their faces, knowing exactly what they were saying and looking forward to experiencing it all with each other.

  Lynette turned and went into the bathroom and as she showered she couldn’t help but hum a lullaby she had learned from one of her nannies when she was a child. She ran her hand over her flat stomach, excited at the fact that a baby would be growing inside her soon. She knew Remy as a friend and now she would know him as a lover. She could hardly wait to experience the magic of making love with him and the child they would be having together.

  * * * *

  Lynette opened the door and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. Adira and Favian stood on the other side and they were holding so much stuff, it looked like they were moving in. Mateo wore a little white sailor hat—Adira’s doing, no doubt—and a navy blue T-shirt that had a baby dinosaur blowing a kiss on the front. The caption read: “My kisses are made of sugar.” Mateo’s little chubby face broke into a smile when he saw Lynette, and she caught sight of two small white teeth. Adira wore jeans and a beautiful white embroidered top while Favian still managed to look handsome in a three-piece business suit carrying a Pack 'n Play baby gym.

  “Look at you guys,” Lynette said fondly. “I don’t know who to kiss first.”

  “Take the baby, will you?” Adira said, and when Lynette took him she sighed. “He makes your arms ache after a while.”

  She and Favian walked past and began to unload what they had.

  “You are so big and handsome,” Lynette crooned to Mateo who grabbed her face and tried to chew on her chin. “What’s this about then?”

  Favian looked over and shook his head. “He’s teething. Be careful, those two new pearly whites are sharp.”

  “Did you pack up his entire nursery and bring it over?” Lynette asked.

  Favian was opening the playpen and Adira was pulling baby bottles from the bag.

  “He’s figured out how to use those chubby legs to scoot across the floor,” Adira explained. “He can’t crawl yet, but he can move on his belly pretty quickly, luv.”

  “I’m in the process of baby proofing the house,” Favian said. “My little terror is getting ready to be mobile.”

  “They make it sound like you’re exhausting them, Mateo.” Lynette nuzzled his neck and he squealed in delight. “You are my little angel. They just don’t understand you.”

  “Good. You can babysit for a weekend so we can get some sleep and a little adult time in.” Favian wrapped his arms around Adira’s waist when she stood. “His mommy and I need a mini vacation.”

  “We’d probably sleep the whole time.” Adira tilted her head and gave Favian a kiss. “Between his work, my classes, and little man here, we are swamped. Luckily, Auntie Carmen is coming to visit soon, so maybe we can take a vacation.”

  “See, you don’t need me. Besides, I’ll be making my own little bundle very soon,” Lynette said.

  “And on that note, I’m heading to work so you girls can talk,” Favian said.

  He gave Adira one more lingering kiss goodbye and Lynette lowered her eyes. It felt as if she was intruding on a personal moment, but it wasn’t unusual for them to be openly affectionate. There was so much love between Adira and Favian that no one could ever doubt they were meant to be together. He walked out the door and Adira sighed.

  “Feels good to be in love, doesn’t it?” Lynette asked. She sat on the sofa and bounced Mateo on her knees.

  “Since you’re staying with Remy and not with us, I think you may be on the way to some romance of your own,” Adira said with a smile. “I’m putting his milk in the fridge.”

  “It feels right for us to make a go of it. Why wait two years?” Lynette said when Adira
came back to the living room.

  Adira sat down. “Like I thought you two were going to wait two years. From the day they came to my door and you almost took Favian’s head off, I could see the chemistry then. Oh, what’s going on with you and Billy? Why the break up? Not that you were ever technically together.”

  “That sod was shagging women in my flat. Two, mind you. A great big orgy while I was in Dubai,” Lynette explained, outrage clear in her voice. “It’s not that we were sleeping together and I’m upset about him cheating, but he did it in my bloody flat, in my bed! Sleep with the dirty whores at their skanky flats.”

  “Yeah, that was nasty of him,” Adira said and took Mateo when he started to fuss. She gave him a teething ring that he promptly grabbed with chubby fingers and began to chew. “So have you and Remy…”

  Lynette shook her head “I was completely exhausted last night and you showed up early for tea.”

  “I missed you and wanted to see you, but you could’ve told me to sod off and I’d have taken the hint,” Adira said.

  Lynette scooted closer and wrapped her arms around Adira’s shoulders. “Never. I missed all of you too much. Besides, I can seduce Remy tonight, and he’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

  Adira shook her head and grinned. “Poor Remy. Maybe I should run out and buy him a case of energy drinks.”

  “Water is best for dehydration,” Lynette said primly and they looked at each other and started to laugh.

  When the laughter stopped, Lynette sighed and wiped the tears of mirth from her eyes. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m a bit peckish. What’s on the menu?” Adira said.

  “Remy told me before he left that he’d ordered some breakfast from a restaurant close by. It should be delivered soon,” Lynette said. “Steak and eggs, stuffed French toast, fruit and croissants.”

  “Sounds delicious. Let’s get Mateo in the playpen and I’ll help you set the table and get the coffee on.” Adira stood holding the baby.

  “What is he having for breakfast?” Lynette asked in reference to the baby.

  Adira kissed her son on his forehead and put him into the safety of his play yard. “Applesauce mixed into baby oatmeal. He loves it. Well, he loves everything, even peas.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Peas? Okay, that’s really gross. Are you still breastfeeding?”

  “No, he would get overzealous and he bit me on the nipple, so now he is fully integrated to bottles.” Adira sighed. “I do miss the bond though. Are you going to breastfeed if and when you have a baby?”

  Lynette was firm when she spoke. “Yes, definitely. I want that closeness. I swear Mum probably had a stainless steel nipple and bottle to feed me. She was so cold. I want to cuddle and kiss my baby.”

  “You’re going to be a great mum.” Adira hugged her impulsively. “Our kids can grow up together and be best friends like we are.”

  “I’m glad you are in my life, Adira. You, Favian, and Remy. I don’t think anything can ruin how I feel right now.”

  Lynette had an old superstitious habit of knocking on wood after a comment like that, but as she passed the doorway into the kitchen she decided that for once she was not going to give into impulse. Remy was solid and so was she. It was time for their happy ending. Their getting together was not due to luck and didn’t need any help. It was plain and simply right for them both.

  * * * *

  Flowers arrived with the breakfast Remy had ordered. Two dozen roses that were a light peach color and held only a hint of red. Adira and the baby spent the day with Lynette and they even went outside and took a walk with the baby. By four, they were packed up and ready to leave and she helped her friend downstairs with the baby luggage to the waiting car. While the driver loaded up the back she gave her friend a hug and promised to come by for dinner soon. She watched the car disappear around the block before going back upstairs.

  Alone in the apartment, she looked around and felt completely at home. Remy had texted and said he’d be home a little late because of an issue they were having at work. It gave her enough time to plan a romantic evening for the two of them. They knew each other pretty well as they talked to each other almost every night, and through FaceTime when they were not able to be together. Lynette counted it as some of the first steps in their relationship and now it was time to move on to the next level. The pleasurable part of being a couple was right at her fingertips and ready for her to sample. First thing was the bedroom. She made the bed they’d slept in that morning and on impulse took four of the flowers he’d sent and sprinkled the petals on the bed.

  She found votive candles in his kitchen and put two on each bedside table. With nothing to do until later, she grabbed herself a quick meal from leftovers she found in the fridge. In the living room, she sat cross legged on the couch with the television on and her laptop in her lap. She began to work on a new piece of software she was developing, a pet project outside what she did for Favian’s company.

  She was officially a consultant for him and he had first rights to any software she designed that wasn’t already contracted by other companies. This was her baby and when it was done she hoped it would revolutionize the way police could find suspects and track online criminal activities. It wasn’t something that Favian could market unless he had military contracts. She would be going directly to the government with this software application.

  She became so engrossed in her work that time passed quickly and by the time she looked at the clock it was almost eight.

  “Shoot,” she muttered and quickly closed the program, making sure first to save the work she’d gotten done. Losing the data would not be a huge setback but it would piss her off.

  There was just enough time to get in the shower and make herself appetizing for Remy Sanchez. By the time she was finished drying her hair she could hear the apartment door being unlocked. “Lynette?” His voice carried a hint of an accent in its deep bass.

  She hurried to the bed and positioned herself before calling out, “In here, love.”

  “Already in bed?” When he came to the door and saw her on the bed, he stopped short. She felt the heat of his gaze caress her skin. “Well, hello, is all of this for me?”

  “If it wasn’t I’d be in someone else’s bed with rose petals placed over my naughty bits,” Lynette said. “Go take a shower and then take what’s yours.”

  “You’re mine?” he asked softly. Remy loosened his tie and dropped his briefcase by the door.

  “I’ve been yours for a very long time,” Lynette answered honestly. “We just had to find our way back to each other.”

  “Then I guess it’ll be a very quick shower,” he said and held up a finger. “Don’t move an inch. I want to move each petal on my own.”

  “I’ll be very still,” she promised solemnly.

  “Good.” Remy stripped his shirt off as he strode to the bathroom.

  His body was lean and his abs pronounced. The man was built for all kinds of sexy fantasies and she wanted to try every one she could think of with him. Just as she promised, she lay still and listened while he showered. When the water stopped and silence reigned in the bathroom, her stomach clenched with anticipations of what was to come. Remy opened the door and stood in the doorway completely naked, some droplets of water he had missed while drying glistened on his skin. She bit her lip as he moved towards her. His thick cock was already hard and jutted out from between his legs.

  “Now, let’s see what I can do to please my girl,” Remy said as he crawled onto the bed. He trailed one finger down her neck and lifted one rose petal off her nipple and used it to circle the tight bud until it tightened to a stiff peak.

  “That feels delicious,” she gasped.

  “How about this?” He pressed his mouth to her flat stomach and she felt his tongue against her skin.

  “That too. Is it too early to beg you not to stop?”

  “Nope, but you don’t have to say it. A bolt of lightning hitting this room is probably the on
ly thing that could stop me right now.” Remy laughed softly.

  Remy leaned over her and the kiss they shared was full of promise. It quickly became passionate and the petals he promised to remove one by one were forgotten as he crushed her to him. Lynette moaned under the onslaught of his lips and tongue devouring her mouth.

  While his kiss was wild, the slow caress of his hands down her body told her that he planned to wring as much pleasure from her as he could. He groaned against her mouth and then stopped to look into her eyes.

  “No hay nada en este mundo mas hermoso que usted,” he murmured.

  “What does that mean?” Her voice was soft as she asked the question.

  “There’s nothing in this world more beautiful than you,” Remy said. “In English or Spanish, I mean it.”

  “I know you do.” Lynette traced the lines of his face, eyes, nose and lips. “How do I say you’re sexy and hot, Mr. Sanchez?”

  “Tu eres sexy y caliente, Señor Sanchez,” Remy told her with a grin.

  She smiled back in return. “Yeah, that.”

  “You are something, Lynette, something so very good,” he replied. “No more talking.”


  Her reply came out as a moan as he bent his head and sucked on the sensitive skin of her neck. Her lips were swollen and parted as her body shifted and writhed in desire. Remy swooped in to take more of her lips and the kiss was so hot it felt like lava was flowing through her veins. Lynette met his kiss brazenly and delved her tongue into his mouth. The deep rumble of his groan came from his chest and he rolled, taking her with him until she was on top of his body. He took his mouth away from hers and she made a sound that was akin to disappointment. He roamed down her neck until he reached the swell of her breasts. He filled his hands with the heavy globes and brought them to his lips to taste. Lynette moaned as his tongue laved at her nipples and then sucked them into his mouth.


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