A Taste of Remy

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A Taste of Remy Page 9

by Dahlia Rose

  They would be close in age, Mateo and her little girl. She still hadn’t decided on a name. Somehow, it felt wrong even thinking about it without Remy. She hadn’t spoken to him in months but the ache of loss and wanting him had not gone away. How she wished that he was there right now, just as she’d wished many times—when she saw her baby’s face at the first sonogram, when she found out the sex, or each time when she felt her kick. God, she missed him with every breath she took. Yet she kept going and found strength and reveled in every nuance of her pregnancy.

  She and Tessa, her doula, had become fast friends. Margret, her midwife, came for her checkup weekly and kept in contact with Dr. Schiller. They were all preparing for her homebirth that was only around ten to twelve weeks away. In the summer, she’d had the bathtub in the master bathroom changed into a wide Jacuzzi tub so she could labor in the warm water.

  The rubber sheets had been delivered and she had bought a soft cotton sheet set that could be disposed of after the birth. In fact, the entire list given to her by the midwife of what she would need was already in her bedroom waiting to be used. She even painted the nursery pink and Tessa helped her decorate while Adira watched via Skype. It comforted her to know that her best friend was taking part, even if it was in a small way, though Adira had sent lots of gifts and box after box of baby clothes.

  She’d heard about Lola’s arrest and the community center Remy had started, but Adira kept any talk of Remy to a minimum. The soul-crunching nightmares she had left weeks after she moved to Salcombe. Walking on the sand, soaking up the sun, watching kids play in the surf, and eating ice cream, she felt her fear and panic and the sense of being caught in someone else’s game drift away on the breeze. Her anger at Remy also disappeared but she knew she couldn’t go back to New York, not to his condo and pretend like nothing ever happened. She stopped for a moment and rubbed the scar on her shoulder and then her belly as the baby kicked.

  “Okay, little lady, dinner first then cookies,” Lynette said gently. “Even from the womb I need to teach you good eating habits. Even though sometimes I let you have ice cream for lunch.”

  Outside, the wind had picked up and the foam-capped waves beat at the shoreline. It was only three in the afternoon, but it was already getting dark as the clouds rolled in and the temperature was dropping. As with cooking, she had become proficient in making a fire in the big stone hearth. It gave her home an old-world feel and she loved it. She was looking forward to her dinner in front of the television, an afghan and a fire to keep her warm.

  She had just set the stew to simmer when she heard a knock on the door. She frowned. She didn’t expect Tessa or Margret tonight. They had told her it would be stormy and she told them she’d be fine. She’d bought a satellite phone in case her landline and cell would not work during a storm and/or power outage.

  She took off her apron and set it aside before going to open the door. Swinging the door wide, she was taken aback. There stood Remy, in the rain. He was completely soaked and the rain ran in rivers down his leather coat. Even soaking wet, he was so gorgeous she felt her mouth go dry. Could she send him away? She had always wondered what she would do if he showed up like Favian had done with Adira, and now the time was here and she had a choice to make.

  * * * *

  Remy saw the emotion play across her face when she opened the door. He parked on the street since her house had no driveway, just a walking path through the garden that was now withered by the cold. Even though he and Favian had put Lola and Alex in jail early on, he wanted to give her time alone, several months’ worth, until he couldn’t stand it anymore.

  He knew it was almost time for the baby to be born and Adira showing him picture updates via Skype weren’t cutting it. He needed to physically see her and hold her. It was go time and his heart ached wondering if she’d actually send him away. He wished and prayed and hoped to everything he held dear that she’d let him back into her life. He refused to think of what would happen if she sent him away. He wasn’t ready to face that reality even though he was standing in front of her now.

  “W-what are you doing here?” Incomprehension showed on her face.

  “Are you going to let me in?” he asked with a crooked grin, rain still pouring down in torrents.

  “How did you find me? I know Adira never told you or Favian.”

  “I knew where you were as soon as Dr. Schiller sent your files to your computer,” Remy answered. He watched recognition of what he did bloom on her face and he bit the inside of his lip so as to keep from smiling. It was his good luck that she didn’t remember to block him that way. He had found an opening and took it gratefully.

  “Tracer program. I should’ve thought of that,” she muttered. “Then why did you wait so long to come?”

  “I had things to fix in myself as well as in my past before I was even worthy to show up here,” Remy said. He opened his hands. “I don’t have any walls up. And I don’t have pretty words to make things better. Hell, I probably won’t even say the right things, but I know what I did messed us up big time. I know it scared you, and I am so very sorry. I can only ask for a chance to show you how good we can be together. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve missed our baby so much. Lynette, I could never stop loving you even if you sent me away right now.”

  “Would you go if I sent you away?” Lynette asked softly.

  “I would, but I’d find another way and another until you would see that we were meant to be,” Remy said truthfully.

  He hoped that Lynette didn’t doubt what he said. He could have been here months ago but instead gave her space. He had her best interest at heart. Even now as he was standing in the cold soaking rain, as soon as he saw her face, his world felt as if it became right on its axis again. The ache to touch her, to wrap his arms around her, became almost unbearable. God, he hoped she wouldn’t send him away.

  She stared up at him and felt the words come out of her mouth. “Come in.”

  He stepped through the doorway and felt as if he was always meant to be there. He was home as much as the house was. Remy dropped to his knees in front of her and kissed her belly as the door closed behind them. He felt the warmth of her skin though the top she was wearing. She didn’t seem to care that his face wet her soft knit top.

  “It’s a girl,” she whispered.

  “I know, I’ve always known.” He chuckled and pressed another kiss to her stomach. “Hey in there, my little princesa, my princess.” He got a kick in response and then two more in succession. “Whoa, you are strong in there.”

  Lynette laughed. “She likes to do that in the middle of the night, and I end up eating ice cream at two in the morning.”

  “I’m sure she enjoys that.” Remy grinned up at her.

  “I should get you some warm towels and let you get out of those drenched clothes before you catch your death,” Lynette said.

  “I bought a house,” Remy said as he got to his feet.

  She turned to face him. “What?”

  “I sold the condo and bought a house in Connecticut,” he explained. “It’s yellow and it has a wooden swing set in the backyard. It also has a playhouse for a little girl. I painted flowers on it for her.”

  “Why did you give up the condo?”

  “Bad memories. It wasn’t the same without you there. I want a fresh start for us and it was always my dream to get out of the city,” Remy said. “You’ll love it.”

  “What if I want to live here?” Lynette asked.

  He stepped close. “Then we live here, mi amor.”

  Lynette smiled and stuck out her hand. “How about we go half and half?”


  He took her hand and pulled her against his wet body. Remy noticed that she didn’t seem to care that he was getting her as wet as he was. Elation filled him when she was in his arms and nothing ever felt as right as that. He took her lips in a kiss and she moaned, gripping the material of his leather jacket.

  He broke the kiss and cupped h
er face. “God, how I’ve missed you, your taste, the feel of you, your scent. I was so lost, so lost when I couldn’t have you.”

  “I’ve missed you too. Each time I reached another pregnancy milestone, I wanted to share it with you. I ached and I cried, but couldn’t bring myself to call. I’m sorry my choice put this distance between us for so long.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I didn’t expect you to leave, but I was wrong to think you would stay. My past caught up with me and it got you hurt. I should’ve protected you better, mi amor. You have nothing to explain or apologize for.”

  “We should both go upstairs and get out of these wet clothes,” Lynette murmured sensuously.

  The feeling of her being in his arms brought back how much he’d missed her these long months. The gut wrenching desire for her came back full force.

  “Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch until you feel comfortable.” His eyes darkened with passion. “I love you, Lynette. I love you with everything in me. While we were apart, my every thought and every action was for you.”

  “I don’t need time. I only need you.” Lynette took his hand and led him up the white banister staircase. In her room, she took off his wet jacket and he stripped his shirt off. “Time didn’t make me love you any less, it just made me want you more and made me realize how deep my love for you really is.”

  “Does this mean you’ll marry me now?” Remy asked with a wide smile.

  “Yes, I will, after the baby, of course,” Lynette said. “I want to have my birth here. Everything is set up.”

  “Um, yeah, about that, Favian said something about a water birth?” Remy said dubiously.

  “We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Right now, how about we make that love magic we do so well?” Lynette said. “My body has gotten bigger. I hope that doesn’t turn you off.”

  “Undress for me,” he said huskily. “Let me see you.”

  She did so slowly, peeling the socks and tights down her body and then lifting the light sweater over her head. Next, she moved to her panties, sliding them over her hips and down her legs, then moving her hands to her back, she unhooked her bra, letting it slide down her arms and over her breasts slowly. Dropping her bra to the side, she then stood completely nude in front of him. His gaze caressed her and she waited for him to make the next move.

  “You are so amazing, so beautiful and full of my child.” Remy stripped the rest of his clothes off and came close until not even a breath of air could pass between them. “I will always carry the way you look right now in my mind.”

  “You always say such bloody nice things.” Lynette gave him a saucy grin. “Now love me and let’s make up for the time we’ve been apart.”

  That was it, no more words were said. He kissed her with such passion yet care and he was stunned when she moaned and deepened the kiss. It became unrestrained until they were gasping and trying to take more yet give at the same time.

  He cupped her breasts and moaned against her mouth. “Your body is so voluptuous and beautiful.”

  He caressed down her body slowly and felt her shiver when he cupped the mound of her sex. She shuddered as he seduced her mouth with kisses while touching her sex. Remy wondered if there was anything more beautiful than a pregnant woman, his woman, and came to a firm no.

  “I could spend forever touching you,” he whispered. “I thought I’d never get to do it again.”

  “I dreamt about you touching me almost every night,” she admitted, and his heart soared with joy.

  He kissed her again and moved his hands to slowly knead her back. Remy never knew that it could be so arousing to touch a woman carrying his child. He wanted to make her feel so much pleasure and show her how much he cherished her love. His lips sucked and nibbled at the sensitive skin of her neck. He bent to trail his lips down to her breasts until he was on his knees in front of her. Instead of a gentle lick or kiss, he pulled her nipple deep into his mouth and sucked it hard. Lynette cried out and he felt her fingers dive into his hair, holding him to her breasts. He moved to the next breast and gave it the same treatment. He felt something warm squirt in his mouth and tasted something sweet.

  He looked up at her in surprise. “I, um, tasted something…”

  Lynette laughed huskily. “That’s first milk or colostrum. It contains antibodies for the baby.”

  “Is that supposed to happen, or did I do something wrong?” Remy asked hesitantly. Instant worry bloomed inside of him.

  “It’s fine, love, my body is just reacting to your sucking on my nipples. You don’t have to do it again if it makes you uncomfortable,” Lynette said.

  “No, I liked it,” he said honestly. “Is that weird? Oh, crap, it’s weird that I liked it, right?”

  “No, tons of men do.” Lynette laughed huskily. “Don’t worry, and I’d love if you did it again.”

  Remy went back to worshiping her breasts. His cock jumped in anticipation when she cried out as he sucked as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. He moaned gutturally in response to hearing her pleasure and tasting the milk at her breasts. Remy got up from his knees and lifted her into his arms easily. He held her for a moment, loving the feel of her against him before he laid her gently on the bed.

  As they kissed, his hips moved against her, and she reached between them to stroke his cock. Remy prayed for control. He wanted to be inside her so badly he ached. He thrust himself between her grasp hoping to relieve the ache, but it only made him want her all the more. He imitated the movement with his tongue in her mouth. She followed suit and burrowed her tongue between his lips. His temperature went up from the excitement and pleasure he was experiencing. He felt as if he was on fire. Remy groaned and took the kiss deeper.

  Remy ran his hands down her body feverishly until he was at her pussy. His fingers tenderly probed the flesh of her sex and found her slick and wet. He rubbed her clit in slow delicious circles and her hips rose reflexively. He dipped his finger inside slowly, wanting to tease her, and when she begged for more he groaned in satisfaction. But he resisted, and Lynette whimpered in frustration. He suckled at her breasts again and kissed his way down her body, stopping to lap and suck at her clit. He never knew he could miss someone’s taste and crave it as though he was dying of thirst. He could hear every breath she took, and every whimper and moan drove him higher. She grabbed his head and writhed wantonly. He wanted to see her fall apart in his arms. He penetrated her with his fingers and used them to fuck her all the while sucking on her clit.

  “I’m going to come,” she whimpered.

  “Yes, mi amor, come for me,” he commanded.

  He continued pleasing her and watched her body arch as she gave into the sensations he was creating. His groan mixed with her cry as her body released a gush of sexual fluid. He lapped at her aroused sex eagerly as she came.

  “I love the way you come,” Remy said excitedly.

  “I want to feel you inside me, please,” she begged.

  “How do we do this so I don’t hurt you?” he wondered out loud and with concern.

  Lynette lay on her side and patted the bed behind her. “Like this. I read up on this part too.”

  He kissed her nose. “I love that you are a bookworm.”

  He was taller than her so it was easy to get into position behind her. He rubbed the top of his cock against her sex and she shivered. Remy slipped into her easily and closed his eyes as pleasure washed over him. He moved between the velvety folds and she whimpered in response. He lifted one of her legs and draped it over his own thigh as it gave him more penetration as he thrust. As they made love, Remy caressed her belly and cupped her full breasts. Impulsively, he leaned up on his hand over her and sucked at her nipples. It made her cry out and his cock thickened inside of her at her response.

  “Remy, I missed you so much. I love you. Come with me,” she said urgently.

  He kissed her fiercely, almost savagely, as he felt his balls tighten in readiness for release. “I’m with you. Let

  She cried out and whispered his name over and over again as she fell over the precipice into her release. She arched and shuddered, her pussy milking his cock until he closed his eyes and let the passion consume him. His hot seed filled her core and Remy kept up his thrusts as he tried to prolong the sweet pleasure.

  He pulled her close when he slipped his cock from her body. “Sweet tentadora, how you drive me wild. Tu eres mi todo.”

  “I may need to add that translation app to my phone to keep up with you,” she murmured.

  “No, you won’t, I’ll translate,” Remy replied. “I basically said you’re my temptress and my world.”

  “Ah, I like that.” She snuggled closer. “I’m hungry. Luckily, my stew is slowly cooking in the crock pot and I have a loaf of bread rising before it bakes.”

  He lifted his head and said incredulously, “You’re cooking, and it’s actually edible?”

  “Hey!” She poked him in the side.

  “All I’m saying is that Adira told me about your food disasters,” Remy said.

  “I’ve had months of practice. You’ll see,” Lynette said primly. “Now let’s find you something to wear, probably a bathrobe or something. I took some of your shirts when I left so I could sleep in them. I can’t sleep without your scent it seems.”

  “I have my luggage in the car,” Remy offered up. “It’s kinda sweet you stole from me.”

  “Good, you can grab them after dinner. I’ll tell you while we eat about my birthing plan,” she said. “And it’s not stealing when you’re in love.”

  “Good point,” he said.

  His heart filled with love and joy knowing that their lives and plans were traveling in the same direction and on the same road again. He saw the light of mischief in her eyes as she talked to him over dinner and noticed her watching his face as she explained her birthing plan. Remy couldn’t help it, but at some points he just sat there, with his mouth agape, staring at her. Remy Sanchez wondered if he’d met his match when it came to a home natural birth. It sort of scared him, but he was still excited and anticipated the big event. The birth of their daughter would be special because they were all three together again.


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