The Deal : Billionaire Romance

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The Deal : Billionaire Romance Page 17

by Rose Cody

  Chapter 6

  Lily shifts in her seat, being extra careful of the warm Pyrex dish bundled in towels and a canvas grocery bag on her lap as her bus hits a pot hole.

  “Why am I spending my day off on this fucking bus?” She whispers, asking herself as she leans over to look out the window. “I’m not a teenage girl, why am I doing this?”

  She hesitates, sighing out deeply as she squeezes her eyes shut before reaching up above her head and pulling the stop cord.

  Her stomach flips, panicking as she feels the bus come to a slow halt before she gets up from her seat and steps out the back door and onto the cracked sidewalk of the street.

  “I think this is the place.” She says, clearing her throat as she walks down the sidewalk, looking at the houses before spotting Jason’s black and white bike in front of a house half a block away.

  She hurries over, her heart fluttering as she makes her way up the crumbled path in the yard up to the front porch.

  “Can I help you?” The same old smoking biker from the night before asks as he leans back in his chair.

  “Hi.” Lily whispers, lifting up the bag slightly to show him. “I was wondering if Jason was here… I have something for him…”

  “Oh, you’re the girl from last night who spent the night, huh?” The old guy says, grunting as he pulls a smoke from out of his pack before bringing it up to his mouth and lighting it. “Yeah.” He says as he exhales. “Jason’s here. Downstairs.”

  “Thanks…” She whispers as she nervously walks up the steps before reaching out to the doorknob of the front door.

  “But be quiet, will ya?” He asks, glancing back at her. “Not off of us can go all night and then wake up with the sun like you guys can.”

  Her cheeks flush as she nods her head up and down, embarrassed at the sounds they must have caused the night before, before pushing the front door open and quietly stepping inside.

  She lets out a soft laugh as she notices sleeping men slouched over on the couch, beer bottles littered all over their area before she continues her way deeper inside the house.

  She meekly steps into the kitchen, looking around before noticing a slightly ajar door beside the fridge.

  Lily walks over to it, opening it up to find a long set of narrowly set stairs.

  She steps down, turning back to close the door behind her as a familiar smell hits her nose.

  “Oh, my God…” She whispers to herself as she continues stepping down the stairs.

  Lily walks across the concrete floor of the unfinished, dark and damp basement towards the sliver of light peeking out from the cracked open door at the other side of the floor.

  She knocks gently against the door before slowly pushing it open and peeking her head inside.

  “Oh!” She gasps, her eyes widening over the piles of green bud before she backs out of the room. “Sorry!”

  “Lily?” She hears him ask.

  She stops, glancing back up to Jason as he sits behind the pot covered table.

  “Get in here.” He smirks, raising his eyebrow as he watches her nod her head before shakily walking into the thick, skunk smelling room. “Sit down.”

  She grabs a black folding chair from the corner, placing it off to the side of the table before awkwardly sitting down.

  “I, uh…” She starts, clearing her throat as she watches Jason weigh and stuff the pot into a little baggie before pinching it sealed a tossing it into a large plastic tub on the other side of him. “I brought you this.” She says, holding up the bag before placing it back down on her lap. “I made you a lasagna. You said you never get home cooked meals and I just thought… that that was so sad…” She smirks, biting her bottom lip as she watches him work.

  “Really?” He asks, his lips curling upwards as she hands him the bag. “That’s so nice of you.”

  She blushes as she watches him place the package on his lap before pushing away the canvas bag and lifting up the towels to take a deep breath.

  “Wow, that smells so good.” He says, licking his lips. “I can’t wait to eat it.”

  “I can put it in the fridge if you want?” She asks, reaching her hands out and taking the dish from him.

  “Yeah, you know what, sure.” He says, smiling at her. “And then maybe you can heat it up for me later.” He chuckles. “Don’t be too long.”

  She giggles, nodding her head up and down as she gets up from her seat before rushing out of the room and across the basement.

  She quickly steps up the stairs, her heart fluttering as she enters the kitchen and opens the fridge before shoving the lasagna onto an empty shelf.

  Lily bite her bottom lip as she walks back down the stairs and over to the room with Jason before stepping back inside.

  “You smoke?” He says, looking up from the table at her as he places two small buds into a silver metal grinder before replacing the top and twisting the lid back and forth.

  “I… have, yes.” She says, raising her eyebrow, hesitating for a second before walking back over to him and sitting down in her seat.

  “And you want to now, right?” He chuckles, opening his grinder up before opening the top drawer of the desk.

  He pulls out an ashtray before pushing the loose bud out of the way and placing it down on the desk before reaching back inside the drawer and pulling out a package of papers.

  “Sure.” She says, her cheeks flushing as she watches him pinch the ground weed between his fingertips before placing it on a single sheet of folded paper. “I mean, if you’re not busy. I didn’t mean to interrupt you or anything, I just wanted to stop by…”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it.” He says, licking the paper. “Time for a break anyway.”

  She nods her head gently as she watches him spark his lighter before holding the flame up against the twisted end, burning away the paper.

  He places it between his lips, inhaling deeply, filling his lungs before exhaling a cloud and passing her the joint.

  She takes it between her fingers, hesitating slightly before bringing it up to her lips and sucking in. Her chest tightens as the hot smoke burns her lungs as she holds the cloud inside of her before choking as she coughs it out, passing the smoldering joint back to Jason.

  He laughs as he takes it from her, bringing it up to his lips again to take another drag before placing it in the ashtray and leaning back into his chair.

  She closes her eyes, breathing out slowly as her body begins to lift and her mind begins to spin as her little buzz begins.

  “You know…” He starts, coughing a little before he picks the joint back up from the ashtray and brings it back up to his lips. “We could use someone like you around here.” He says, smirking slightly. “There’s lots of money to be made here, and God knows that customers don’t want to look at the big scary face of fat Mike out front…”

  “Oh yeah?” She asks, resting her elbow on the table as she leans into her open palm.

  “Yeah.” Jason says, nodding his head up and down slowly. “Maybe it’s not exactly an upgrade from what you’re doing right now, but hey, no late nights!”

  Lily smirks, her head swimming as her high hits her even harder.

  She reaches out for the joint, pulling it from between Jason’s fingers before bringing it back up to her lips and sucking deeply.

  She exhales, coughing slightly before nodding up and down as her head swims.

  “Yeah.” She whispers, clearing her throat before raising her voice. “Yeah, why the fuck not?”

  Chapter 7

  First days on the job are usually rough, but boy, did this one ever take the cake.

  Lily sits at the bus stop, gripping her purse against her chest as she sighs out deeply before letting her head fall against the clear bus stop wall.

  She looks out onto the street as she hears the rumbling sound of a motorcycle drive towards her before watching Jason get closer and closer, closing the distance between them.

  Lily gets up from the bench before steppin
g out of the bus stop. She walks down the street in the direction he’s coming from, kicking at the sidewalk and looking down at her feet as he pulls up beside her on his white and black bike.

  “Hey!” Jason says, turning off his bike and resting his foot on top of the sidewalk. “Good day?”

  “No.” Lily whispers, biting the inside of her cheek as she tries to hide her nervous smile. “Not at all actually…”

  “Well, what happened?” He asks, chuckling as he lifts his hand.

  Lily reaches into her bag, pulling out a small stack of bills before handing them to him.

  He counts the money, shrugging his shoulders as he takes half before handing the rest back to her.

  She grabs it from him, stuffing it back in her purse before wiping her fingers over her forehead.

  “Most people who called me hung up right away.” She says, holding up the phone he gave her. “A lot of people did come meet me, but not many bought. More than a few thought I was suspicious or some sort of cop.”

  “Yeah.” He chuckles. “I can see that. After dealing with us for so long, it’s probably a shock to the system to see a pretty girl selling them dope. Eighty dollars isn’t too bad for just an afternoon, though, especially on your first day.”

  “I’m just not very good at it, I don’t think.” She whispers.

  “Not very good?” He says, shaking his head. “Takes time to learn. I’m sure you weren’t very good on your first day stripping, either.”

  “Hey!” She says, scrunching up her face. “I made four hundred dollars my first night stripping.”

  “Yeah…” Jason says, his eyes trailing over her tight hoodie. “I could understand why…”

  She blushes, biting her bottom lip as she lifts up her bag.

  “So, do you want the extra?” She asks. “I have so many baggies left.”

  “Nah, keep ‘em for tomorrow.” He says, looking down at his hand before reaching over and pinching the ring on his pinkie between his thumb and his pointer finger and pulling it off of his hand.

  “Here.” He says, reaching out and grabbing her hand before placing the ring against her palm. “Wear it. Now no one can tell you you’re not affiliated with the Demonios.”

  She gazes down at the golden ring, her mouth agape as she stares at it in her palm before slipping it onto her middle finger.

  She lifts her hand up to let the emerald in the center of the coin sparkle as she reads the name of Jason’s club engraved in a circle around the stone.

  “Pretty ain’t it?” He asks, watching her nod her head up and down vigorously. “But, hey, hop on. We gotta go. I can take you back to your place, but I just gotta drop you off, I have some shit I need to attend to.”

  “Yeah, sorry.” She whispers, straddling the bike behind Jason as she wraps her arms around his waist.

  “Lily.” He says, glancing back as she feels him take a deep breath, his chest expanding. “I’m gunna take you out tonight.”

  He kicks up the kickstand before revving his engine.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He says, his voice raspy as he raises it over the rumble. “Wear something skanky.”

  Chapter 8

  Lily sighs, wiping the humidity away from her forehead as she steps out of the shower, reaching over to the towel rack to the right before pulling a white, fluffy bath towel off the pole and wrapping it around her, tucking in the loose end under her armpit.

  She reaches for another, pulling a smaller one off the rack before bending over and rubbing it hard over her red curls.

  She wraps her wet hair around itself into a messy bund on the top of her head, securing it in place with a large scrunchy before reaching back down to her bathroom counter and picking up a few strewn about pins to keep her loose hairs in check.

  Lily opens the door, stepping out of the bathroom, the cool air conditioned air chilling the water beads on her legs as she shivers her way down the hall and into her bedroom.

  “Something skanky…” She whispers to herself as she makes her way over to the closet before pulling the double doors open. “Something skanky…”

  She smirks as she pulls out a pair of thin, black lace leggings, holding them up in the light to reveal the floral cut-outs before reaching back inside of the closet for a tight, black tank top.

  She giggles herself as she rushes over to her dresser before opening the top drawer and searching through the garments for a tiny black tong and a dark push up bra.

  Letting the towel fall to the floor, she steps into her thong, pulling it up her thighs into place at her hips before wrapping the band of the bra around her chest and securing in place with the clasps.

  She fixes her chest, massaging the cups of her bra before walking over to the mirror and turning around to look over her shoulder at her plump bottom.

  Lily smirks, swaying her hips as she walks over to her bed, sitting down on the mattress before slipping the stretchy lace of her legging over her feet, the tight ankles wrapping around her thin bones before she stands to pull the floral skin up her legs and over her butt.

  She squeezes into her tank top, pulling it down to reveal the top of the cups of her bra before walking over to her make up stand and sitting down at the wire chair.

  “Braids…” She says to herself as she unwraps the scrunchy from her wet hair, letting it fall down to her shoulder. “Guys love braids.”

  She parts her hair down the center before grabbing strands on one side and quickly French braiding messily before wrapping a small elastic band around the end by her shoulder and doing the same to the other side.

  Lily jumps, her heart beating wildly in her chest as she hears the doorbell ring before getting up from her seat and running down the hallway, stopping to smooth over the fabric on her stomach before reaching to open the door.

  She blushes, trying to hide her smile as she steps aside to let Jason inside.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about…” He whispers to her, looking her up and down as he wraps his arm around her waist to pull her in closer before pressing his lips against hers.

  She pulls away, a quiet giggle escaping from between her lips as she starts to turn around.

  “Just let me put on some makeup…” She says, shaking her head playfully as she tries to make her way back down the hall.

  “No. Don’t bother…” He whispers, his voice harsh. “It’s just going to get messed up later anyway…”

  She lets out a hot shaking breath as she looks towards him with heavy eyelids before shrugging her shoulders in acceptance and stepping into her flats by the closet door.

  “Besides…” He starts as he steps out of the house, watching her lock up. “You look so fucking sexy with a fresh face…”

  A shiver travels up her spine as she watches Jason straddle his bike and kick down the kick stand before he gazes towards her, motioning for her to get on behind him.

  She walks over, sliding herself onto the bike as she wraps her arms around his waist feeling the rumble in her chest as he starts his bike before backing out of the driveway.

  Lily bites her bottom lip, desperately trying to stifle a moan as they rumble up and down the streets, the trembling hog vibrating between her legs, sending tingles throughout her body as she feels her thong dampen against her sex. God, she’s so eager for tonight.

  “You ready for a corn dog?” Jason asks as the bright lights and faint carnival whistles of the fair come into view, the lights colouring the white trim on his bike as they pull into the dirt parking lot.

  Lily giggles, sliding off the bike and clapping her hands together as Jason gets off his bike, too before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and walking her over to the admission area.

  She wraps her own arm around the small of his waist as they wait in line before he pays for two tickets.

  They walk along the sawdust path down the midway, leaning against each other as they snack on vinegar soaked fries, listening to the screams of terror as the zipper beside them tumbl
es people around in cages as it spins up and down.

  “You wanna go on that?” Jason asks, pointing towards the unstable looking machine before snacking on a fry.

  “Not even a little bit!” Lily laughs, shaking her head vigorously back and forth. “You couldn’t pay me to get into that death trap! But that…” She says, turning around to point at the large ferris wheel across the midway. “That I’d like to go on!”


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