G-Force (Book 1): G-Force

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G-Force (Book 1): G-Force Page 18

by Nye, Laine

  He was still trying to understand the thing with his car door. It was like Brad knew what was happening when he asked him in a sarcastic manner if something was wrong with his car. Brad knew there was something going on. Greene was beginning to believe Mack and Sherry's story just a little bit more. He wanted to find out for himself what, if anything it was that Brad could do. It was certainly strange.

  He decided he was going to contact Mack Rowley and see what the two of them could cook up against Brad. He knew that Mack was strongly interested in getting with Sherman so that Mack would have the police on his side. They finally decided to meet and talk over the details of their plans. In the meantime, he needed to find out more about this thing Brad Shaw did to Sherry. Her brother told Mack that Brad had done the same thing to him.

  Since he could not sleep, he might as well go see what he could find out. He got his uniform back on that gave him such a sense of power and drove over to the high school. He went inside to the front desk and told them he was conducting an investigation. He needed to see one Sherry Rowley.

  Sherry was brought down to the office area while Greene impatiently waited in a private office area.

  When Sherry finally arrived, moving slowly on her injured foot that was indeed in a cast.

  “Are you Sherry Rowley?”


  “I am here to learn what happened to you when you were with Brad Shaw. How did you injure your leg?”

  “I didn't. Brad Shaw did,” Sherry told him through angry eyes and a demanding voice. “Are you going to arrest him?”

  “I'd like to. But I don't know yet if he actually broke the law. That's why I need to talk to you. To be honest with you, the story I'm hearing sounds just a little too strange. He picked you up off the ground? He didn't use his arms to lift you from what I understand. He just lifted you high in the air?”

  Sherry sat forward on her chair, her face screwed up into anger and forcefully said, “What you have heard is true Officer. Brad told me that he could control gravity and proved it to me. I was way up there in the sky and then he just dropped me because I wouldn't give in to his demands. He told me that he loved me right before he tried to do stuff with me. I wouldn't so he dropped me to the ground. That was when my foot was hurt. He injured me Officer. I think he wanted to try again but I hit him and he backed away.”

  “He was up there with you?”

  “Yes! Of course. How else could he try to do stuff to me.”

  “What did he try to do?”

  “You know. Stuff that a girl my age should avoid. I just felt so cheap after he tried that I was embarrassed. The only thing I could think of was to hit him to make him stop.”

  “You really expect me to accept this story that Brad Shaw made you float in the air?”

  “It's true. I swear it,” She said as she quickly whipped up some tears to manipulate Greene with. “He can really do this thing just like I told you. I think he could be a menace to other girls like me.”

  “Sherry, I don't know if I can arrest Brad on assault charges with this story. Even if what you say is totally true, I will not be able to convince a judge that something like this is possible. In fact, no one would believe it. I don't think that I believe it.”

  “You talk to my brother Jeff, Officer. He knows. Brad did something with him also.”

  “This gravity thing?” Sherman asked her.

  “Yes. Exactly! Jeff can tell you what he did with him on a different night.”

  “Sherry, I may have more questions for you later but for now I think I will have you go back to class. Maybe I will talk to your brother.”

  Sherry stood up to leave as she said, “You should do that. My brother, my father and I are all telling you the same thing and I think some other kids can tell you about that night with Jeff too. We are telling you the truth. We need you to help us.”

  He waved her off as he sat there thinking about it. He decided he would talk to Jeff and see if he could learn anything else. Arrangements were made to bring Jeff down to the office to meet with officer Greene. Sherman introduced himself to Jeff to begin his interview.

  “I'm officer Greene from the North Ogden police. I am investigating what happened last night with your sister.” Greene stated, “Do you know Brad Shaw?”

  “Yes. He was my friend.”

  “Was?” Greene asked.

  “Yes. Was. He hurt my sister and his dad hurt my father. Some friend he is.”

  “Well I hear that Brad has the ability to lift people up off the ground or something. Is that true?”

  “Yes. It's true,” Jeff said nodding emphatically. “He did it to me and my friends just two nights ago.”

  “What is it he does?”

  “He said he can control gravity.” Jeff stated. “He took us up into the air about two hundred feet or so and left us up there spinning around and stuff.” It was really scary but he wouldn't let us go back down.” Jeff was starting to build a story against his once close friend. He had trusted Brad to be with his sister. He had even promoted it. Now Brad had shown that he would hurt people with this ability just as Sherry reported to him when she got home from the hospital. He was just like his sister that way. He wanted revenge on Brad for his father and for Sherry.

  “Now Jeff. You know how outlandish this sounds, right?” Officer Greene questioned. He was trying to provoke Jeff into giving him a strong testimony of these strange events. He needed to learn all that he could. “I mean, when have you ever heard of anyone doing anything like this?”

  “Hey, I know it sounds strange and all. But I witnessed it. It happened to me. This guy is dangerous.”

  “Who were the other kids that were caught up in this situation?” Greene asked.

  “Rudy Van Buskirk, Allen McAllister, and Brent Dixon.” They were all there too.”

  “Do you think I should interview them also?”

  “I sure do. I want Brad to face a little justice over this. What he did to my sister was wrong.”

  “Okay Jeff. Thank you for your cooperation. I think you can go back to class now. I will do what I can about Steve and Brad Shaw. I think they have both broken some laws but I need your friend's testimonies too. I may need to talk to you or your sister later.”

  Greene got up and opened the door to let Jeff out first then he followed asking to see the other three people that Jeff had named.

  They were all brought into the room together. Greene sat down with them and told them what happened to Jeff's sister and told them everything Jeff had said.

  The three of them just sat there looking startled and shocked. A police officer was investigating their friend for something he was supposed to have done with Sherry Rowley?

  “Can you four tell me what happened the other night at Rainbow Gardens?”

  Brad's friends just sat there looking at Greene not knowing what to do. They were being questioned by the police for an incident that they had promised Brad they would never reveal to anyone.

  “Come on guys. Jeff already told me what happened. I need you four to corroborate his story.”

  Finally, Allen spoke up. “Jeff is crazy Officer. How could such a thing ever occur. There is no way that he could throw us into the air two hundred feet. That's just not even possible.”

  “Jeff Rowley told me that he took you guys up in the air and wouldn't let you down.” Greene said pointing his finger at Allen. “He says this kid can control gravity and that you guys were helpless. That Brad had complete control of you just like he did Sherry. Only she got hurt and you guys didn't. Now I need you to tell me what happened. It looks to me like the three of you are too intimidated to tell me what is going on. Has Brad threatened you?”

  Now Brent was emboldened to speak. “Brad is our friend and would never do anything to hurt us. He didn't hurt Jeff either. We were all having a good time that night. Gravity Control? That sounds really weird even for Jeff.”

  Greene glared at the three of them trying to intimidate them.

  “I didn't say he hurt you guys. But he did hurt Jeff's sister Sherry. She is in a cast now. If you guys will stop being a bunch of chickens and come out and tell me what Shaw did to you I can go arrest him.”

  “We don't know anything about him hurting Sherry. That just doesn't sound like Brad, does it guys?” Allen said.

  “Brad is not like that,” Rudy added finally finding his voice. Brent just shook his head vehemently.

  Greene blew a breath out hard through his O shaped mouth. His frustration was mounting very fast. He still struggled to believe what the Rowleys had told him and he needed these kids to give credence to the bizarre information he was getting and they were not cooperating.

  “So, you all deny what your friend Jeff says about Brad Shaw. You are willing for Brad to get away with injuring Sherry.” He stated.

  “I seriously doubt the story that Sherry was hurt by Brad, Officer,” Brent told him sincerely. “Brad is just not the kind of person to go around and hurt anyone, let alone girls.”

  “You guys know something that you are not telling me and I want the truth now!” Greene said forcefully.

  Allen looked at him defiantly, something he had never dared do with a police officer in his life. “You really want the truth? The truth is that Brad cannot control gravity, that Jeff is off his rocker, and we know that Brad is not vindictive or mean in any way.”

  Greene pointed his finger at the three of them and said through gritted teeth, “If I find out you guys are holding out on me you will all be in a lot of trouble. Now get out of here. Go back to your classes. Now!”

  They got up and left quickly. In the hallway Rudy began to speak about the interview and about Brad's ability they had defended. The others shushed him and whispered to him to not say anything at all until they were out of school and alone from all others. They wanted to warn Brad of what was going on and ask him what happened with Sherry.

  Greene got up and left the small room and saw another student stepping into the office area holding his elbow. The school nurse was nearby and asked, as Greene was leaving “Is your arm still hurting Rodney? You should not have tangled with Shaw I suppose. I guess that is what happens when you try to use your martial arts at school. Let's keep such activity out of the

  school and at your little dojo, huh? Haven't you seen a doctor?”

  Greene stopped exiting the office and turned around. “Did you say Shaw?” he interrupted.

  The school nurse turned to Rodney and said “Tell him what happened.”

  Rodney was embarrassed about getting beat in a fight and did not say anything. The nurse waited for Rodney to speak up.

  When he did not, the nurse explained. “This young man has taken Kung Fu lessons for the last few years and has been known to pick on other students. This time he tangled with a student who used some kind of strange defense techniques that easily whipped Mr. Blake here. “It's what you told me isn't it Rod? Anyway, he has been complaining about a sore elbow ever since it happened.”

  “You said the other student's name was Shaw. Was it Brad Shaw?”

  “Yes. He's the only Shaw we have in the school.” The nurse told him.

  “I am investigating Mr. Shaw for an assault on another student. Tell me what happened Rodney.”

  So it was, that Rodney revealed something to Officer Sherman Greene that he had told no one else. Rodney admitted that Brad had beat him but it seemed to Rodney almost like Brad had somehow lifted Rodney in the air higher than Rodney had jumped and maybe slammed him to the ground harder than he should have fallen. Rodney added the same words that Linda Day had said, “I felt some kind of energy coming from him.” He told the police officer. “I think it must be some kind of new martial arts discipline that I have not heard of.”

  Greene listened intently then nodded his head. “Thanks. You have been a much bigger help than you realize.” With that Greene left the building.

  On his way back home, he was beginning to believe everything he had heard about Brad, strange as it was. He thought about Sherry and Jeff's stories. He thought about the way his car door would not open and then threw itself open violently. He thought about what Rodney had just told him and he was more-sure that something very strange was happening with his enemy's son that could not easily be explained. These thoughts hardened his heart against Brad and Steve even more. He wanted to stop this kid no matter what it took and that would be sweet revenge on Steve.

  A little while later, Brad ran into Jeff in the hallway at school as they were both heading to their fourth period class.

  “Hey Jeff,” Brad greeted him “Are you ready for our camp-out tonight?”

  Jeff spun around with an enraged look on his face. “Stay away from me Brad. I don't want anything to do with you.”

  “Hey, come on Jeff,” Brad implored. “It's me, buddy. I didn't mean to scare your sister last night.”

  “You hurt my sister last night, and you scared her half to death. What is the matter with you?”

  “I don't think I did hurt her Jeff,” Brad said. An incredulous look appeared on Jeff's face. “No, I mean it. She was fine when I helped her up after she fell, but she took a swing at me and that's when she yelled like she was hurt. I think she sprained her ankle by the way she spun around on it.”

  “Sure Brad. Blame it on her! Was it her fault you took her up into the sky and dropped her?”

  “I admit I made a mistake last night. But I stopped her from hitting the ground hard just in time.” Brad defended himself. “Jeff, I would never have deliberately hurt her nor was I trying to scare her. You know how much I have enjoyed her since I came back.”

  Jeff stepped in front of Brad stopping his progression. “My father was hurt in your home last night after you hurt my sister. Am I next Brad? Are you going to injure me like my dad and sister?”

  “Jeff, you're not listening to me. I did not mean to hurt her. And your dad came to my house and tried to attack my dad. But my dad has martial arts training unlike anything I have ever heard of. He defended himself, and it was your dad who got hurt. I didn't want any of this to happen.”

  Jeff put his hand out and shoved Brad backwards. “I said stay away from me!”

  “Come on Jeff. Knock it off.” Brad said starting to feel anger building in him. Then Jeff took a threatening step towards him, and Brad felt his spine start tingling. No! I will not attack my friend, he thought. He brought the self-preservation instinct under control. His spine stopped tingling.

  “What are you going to do Brad? Slam me into the floor like you did Rod Blake?”

  “No. I would not do that to you.”

  Jeff snorted. “Of course not! Just my sister. Now just back away and stay away. You are no friend of mine.”

  “He didn't bring his gear with him Brad,” Rudy told him later in the day. “Jeff has no intention of coming with us now.”

  It was near the end of the day, and Brad was still thinking about the loss of his friendship with Jeff and Sherry. He had been unable to concentrate on his studies all day. “Is everyone else still coming?” Brad asked.

  “Yes. Everyone else brought their gear and they're coming with me to your place after school. You might as well come with us so that you don't have to ride the bus and we'll all get there at the same time.”

  “I have my car here, so you guys can follow me home. Okay?”

  Only three weeks left before school let out and now it seemed like an eternity to Brad. He could not wait to get away from Sherry and Jeff for three months. Maybe things would calm down over the summer, and they could be friends again in the fall.

  After school was over, the friends hurried to Brad's place ready and eager for their weekend.

  “Did you know that a cop was at the school asking about you today Brad?” Brent asked.

  “No, I didn't. What happened?”

  The cop had the three of us pulled from our classes and tried to get us to tell him all about our night at Rainbow Gardens. None of us would tell him anything. Bren
t said. “I guess he talked to Jeff and Sherry before us.”

  “Oh great. Now they’re going to come and shoot me or something,” He said facetiously. “Things just keep getting better with the Rowley bunch. Jeff was acting all hostile towards me today too.

  “So, tell us what happened, Brad?” Brent asked. Why is everyone so ticked off at you?”

  “I blew it guys,” Brad told them honestly. “I tried to impress Sherry last night with my gravity thing and darn near killed her. Then her dad comes to my house all mad, and then he tries to fight my dad. My dad kicked his butt and now Jeff hates me for it.”

  “Well, how come she got hurt?” Allen asked. “Did she fall?”

  “Yes. I took her up into the air and got all interested in smooching her. The next thing I knew, I was floating alone and she was screaming on the way down.”

  “Why didn't any of us fall then?” Rudy asked. “I mean you took us up several times and put as back on the ground. None of us fell.”

  “I know. I guess I was not paying attention when I thought about kissing her, and she fell. I caught her before she hit the ground, but it scared her real bad.”

  “What about her ankle?” Rudy asked. “It was in a cast today. Did you do that?”


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