Wolf Watch (The Madison Wolves Book 8)

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Wolf Watch (The Madison Wolves Book 8) Page 17

by Robin Roseau

  Elisabeth studied Angel. She didn't take her eyes from her cousin, but she said, "Eric, what do you say?"

  "I say I'm happy to guard this door. Angel is going places I don't want to go. I think you should invite her inside. I can handle this door. And if Scarlett arrives, I'll show her in."

  Elisabeth still didn't answer.

  "Head Enforcer," Eric said after a moment. "They have the alpha's ear. She has a better chance with Angel and Scarlett in there."

  "Yeah," Elisabeth said. "I know. But I'm not thinking clearly."

  "Then you need me in there," Angel said. "And Scarlett, too."

  Finally Elisabeth nodded. "Come in. Call your mate. Eric, send her, Portia and Karen in. I presume Serena is already inside."

  "Yes," he said. "And the alphas."

  "Show us in, Angel," Elisabeth said.

  Angel didn't smile, but she stepped ahead of us, then held doors for us.

  The Alphas

  We stepped into what was for all appearances a conference room, although there were no windows. There was a long table that looked able to seat fifteen or twenty people. Waiting at the end to the right were Lara, Michaela, Serena, and a female wolf I didn't know. They all turned to us as we stepped in.

  "Thank you, Angel," Lara said. "Send Portia and Karen in when they arrive."

  "I invited her to stay," Elisabeth said, "And she's calling Scarlett."

  Lara paused for just a moment, then she nodded. I wasn't sure if she agreed, or if she just wasn't going to override her sister. Angel pulled out her phone and spoke quietly, moving away from me as she did so.

  Elisabeth pulled me forward, and we came to a stop about five feet from the others.

  "I haven't said a thing to anyone," I said.

  "No more until everyone is here," Lara said. "You know my name. My title is Alpha. I am the pack leader. My word is law."

  "Yes, Alpha," I said. "I understand."

  "Michaela is my co-alpha. Her status is not quite as clear for reasons that do not matter today. What happens today will be my decision, but you can bet I will listen to my mate."

  "Of course."

  "You may address us by our names or our title, although it can be confusing to say 'Alpha' if it's not clear which of us you are addressing."

  "I understand."

  At that point, Elisabeth unlimbered my computer bag from her shoulder and set it on the table, sliding it across until it rested in front of the wolf I didn't know.

  "This is Gia," Lara said. "She is Angel's older sister."

  "She works for me," Elisabeth said. "Do not ask what she does."

  I nodded.

  Gia sat down at the table then looked at the computer bag. "This is yours?" she asked.


  "Do I have permission to go through it?"

  "Yes. The password is bang-meat."

  She nodded and then unzipped the bag. She opened every compartment and pulled absolutely everything out. She went through the bag carefully, then she looked up at me. "Is there anything in the bag I haven't found?"

  "I do not believe so."

  "Are there any recording devices hidden in this bag?"

  "No, nothing like that anywhere."

  "GPS receivers? Anything?"

  "No. My phone has a GPS receiver, and I have one in my car. I have a few at home; I use them for work. But I didn't bring one."

  "Give me your phone."

  I pulled it out of my pocket and slid it across the table to her.

  "Empty your pockets," Lara ordered.

  I didn't have much more: my keys, wallet, and a little change. I dumped it all out. Everything moved to sit in front of Gia, who was going through my papers slowly. She hadn't opened the computer yet.

  "I am going to ask you several very direct questions," Lara said. "If you lie to me, I will know, but if you manage to fool me, we'll find out eventually. You know what happens if you lie."

  "Yes, Alpha."

  "Are you carrying any sort of listening device at all? A recording device? IPod? Tracking device? Anything electronic at all?"

  "The computer and phone," I said. "And my car key is electronic, but I don't know how it works. It lets me drive the car without actually touching the key."

  "Please state clearly that is all."

  "That is all, Alpha." I paused. "Alpha?"


  "You know what I do. You know the lengths that corporations go to about people like me. If there are listening devices, they aren't mine. I'd be shocked if my apartment wasn't bugged. I would be shocked if the FBI doesn't listen to my phone calls. I'm on the do not fly list. I have an arrest record for trespassing at a Nuclear Power Plant."

  "I'm sorry, Zoe," Michaela said. "I want her stripped. I want all her shit out of here before we say another word." She raised her voice. "Angel, call Scarlett back and tell her to bring some clothes. They'll be too big, but they'll have to do."

  "Yes, Alpha," Angel replied.

  Gia was still going through everything, but she began putting it all back into the computer bag. She was gentle about it.

  "Leave the papers," Michaela said. "Let me see them."

  Gia collected the stack and slid them across the table. Michaela stepped forward and began looking through them.

  "I should strip?" I asked.

  "You may take her somewhere for privacy," Michaela said without looking up. "But I want her searched, Head Enforcer. Thoroughly. If she's got anything hidden anywhere, don't bother bringing her back."

  "If she's using some of your tricks," Lara added, "We don't need to be rash."

  Michaela looked up.

  "What tricks?" I asked.

  "Elisabeth sews tracking devices into my clothing," Michaela said.

  "Oh. If I have any, I don't know it. I wouldn't know what to look for. I have not deliberately hidden anything."

  It all remained surreal. We were talking calmly about whether I was bugged, and what would happen to me if I were. But the thing is, it didn't scare me. I hadn't done anything wrong, and I think they understood.

  Years ago, it had bothered me, knowing I was under surveillance. It hadn't always been subtle. I'd had vans parked outside my apartment with people in them. I'd been followed. I'd been accosted. I'd found bugs in my house, placed where any idiot would stumble across them. I'd had clear break ins. I'd had computers destroyed and papers shredded. I'd had my home ransacked and my things trashed.

  For a long, long time, that had all bothered me.

  But then I realized: if they were trying to intimidate me, then it meant I was doing something right.

  "Angel," Elisabeth said. "You're on duty with me. Come." She took my arm again, and when she tugged me towards the door, I let her take me. We passed Eric, and he stiffened.

  "Relax, Enforcer," Elisabeth said. "We're just taking her down the hall to change. Send Scarlett when she gets here."

  "Yes, Head Enforcer," he replied.

  She tugged me to the right, and a moment later we were in a bathroom, the sort you might find in a school or public building, I suppose.

  Elisabeth released my arm, pushing me, gently, a little deeper into the room. "I'm not thinking clearly. I should have handled this before I let you say a thing at my house."

  "I used to get bugged all the time, but I think everyone has gotten bored with me, or else they are a lot more subtle than they used to be. I've never found anything in my clothes, but you should assume my apartment and car are bugged. I'm sorry. I should have said something sooner."

  "I need you to strip," she said. "Angel, watch from there." She pointed to her left. "If she tries to destroy anything, stop her."

  "Yes, Elisabeth." Angel moved into position.

  "You," Elisabeth said, pointing to me. "Do you know of any listening devices?"

  "No. I already told you that."

  "I have been ordered to perform a very thorough inspection. Do you understand what that means?"

  I closed my eyes and nodded. I'd
been strip searched before.

  "I will give you the choice of having me to it or asking either Portia or Karen to do it," Elisabeth said.

  "What does it matter?"

  "If we find anything, it won't matter in the slightest," Elisabeth replied. "If today goes as well as possible, then you may not want memories of your girlfriend doing this to you, although I don't know if you're going to ever want me to touch you again."

  Hope flared. "And are you going to want to touch me again?"

  She studied me. "Yes. If you haven't been lying. Yes."

  I thought about it. "The last time. Um. It hurt. And her hands were smaller than yours."

  "I did not realize they were that invasive in jail," Elisabeth replied.

  "All part of the intimidation, I suppose," I replied. "Whatever you think is best, Elisabeth." I began undressing, folding my clothes as I took them off and setting them in a neat pile on the edge of the sink. It just took a few minutes before I stood in front of them, entirely naked. I turned a little sideways and covered myself, very self-conscious.

  "If you were anyone else," Elisabeth said, "I would use this as a training opportunity for Angel. Angel, take everything and step outside. Knock when Scarlett arrives with the clothes, and then I want the two of you guarding the door. Get the clothes to your sister."

  "Yes, Elisabeth." She stepped forward and collected my clothes and shoes, and a moment later, I was alone with Elisabeth.

  "I'm sorry," she said. "I need you to face away and put your hands against the wall. Spread your legs."

  I nodded and assumed what is known as "the position". It wasn't the first time. Elisabeth stepped up behind me and began touching me. She started with my hair, examining carefully. She worked her way down my body, examining every inch. Then she pulled me away from the wall and put my hands on top of my head before turning me around and repeating the inspection down my front.

  I blushed, but I stood there stoically.

  She stood back up. "Open your mouth. Stick out your tongue and curl it upwards."

  I did that the best I could. She looked carefully.

  "Stay there."

  She stepped to the sink, opened the cabinet underneath, then pulled out a pair of latex gloves. "Are you allergic?"

  "No. Thank you for asking."

  She stepped back up to me, pulling on the gloves. "Open your mouth again." I did, and she stuck two fingers inside, probing briefly. I stared straight ahead, not saying anything.

  Then she paused. "I'm sorry."

  "It's fine, Elisabeth," I said. "I understand, and I don't blame you. Please, don't worry about it. Do what you have to do. I want you to go back in there and tell the alphas that I wasn't trying to hide anything. If you have an x-ray machine, wheel it out."

  "Oh hell," she said. "You know, we do."


  "I'm really sorry. Oh my god, I am not thinking clearly. I bet that's what Gia does with your clothes."

  "You still need to look," I said. "Where do you want me?"

  "Across the sink," she said.

  So I moved there and then bent over, spreading my legs wide.

  "I'm sorry," she said again.

  "Just do it, Elisabeth. It's fine."

  She slipped a hand between my legs, and then two fingers invaded me.

  "I've been thinking about you doing that all week," I said.

  She laughed once. "Shut up."

  "Right there," I said. I wiggled.

  She laughed again. "Stop it, Zoe. This is serious."

  A moment later, she withdrew her fingers. "You missed a spot," I said, "and that wasn't remotely long enough."

  "You know what's next," she said.

  "If you apologize again, I'm going to..."


  "I have no idea. I'll think of something."

  She spread my cheeks.

  "I'll just think of it as foreplay," I said. "Are you kinky, Elisabeth? Do you think about playing there?"

  "Please, Zoe..."

  "Uh, uh," I said. I felt a finger enter me. "Oooh," I added. I faked a moan.

  "Stop it!"

  Of course, there wasn't anything to find except, well, the usual. Finally she withdrew.

  "Stand over there," she said, gesturing to the end of the room. I straightened and moved away from her, turning sideways.

  I felt violated. Of course I did. But making a joke about it had helped. The fact she clearly cared helped a lot, too.

  I watched as she watched her hands before peeling off the gloves and throwing them in the trash. She leaned on the sink for a minute before turning to me.

  "Find anything?" I asked.

  "Of course not. I knew I wasn't going to."

  "You had to check," I said. "Now listen to me."

  She straightened.

  "Get your head on straight," I said. "I need you in there."

  "I'm not necessarily on your side, Zoe."

  "If the alphas don't think you've got your shit straight, then they won't listen to you. And they might worry that all your employees stick up for me just for you. You need to be as hard on me as anyone else. I have nothing to hide from you. I didn't intend to get video of a werewolf. I was trying to stop poachers. I believe you can appreciate that goal. At no point did I intentionally invade your privacy. The worst I did was take photos while parked on a public road, and I've told you everything."

  "Not everything," she said.

  "But I will, and we both know it."

  She smiled and nodded.

  There was a knock on the door. "Stay there." Elisabeth moved to the door and opened it slightly. Someone handed a shopping bag in, and I suppressed a laugh.

  It was a GreEN shopping bag.

  "Someone has a sense of humor," I said.


  "I hope she's not trying to give it back. She paid good money for it."

  Elisabeth stepped forward and set the shopping bag on the floor in front of me. "Go ahead. I'm sorry. I have to watch."

  I dressed slowly. I found my own undies but everything else was new. There was a wraparound skirt. It would be short on Scarlett, but it came below my knees. The blouse was far too large, but it was short sleeve, so I didn't completely drown. No socks, but there were a pair of flip-flops.

  No bra.

  "Do you like your girls braless?" I asked. "Mine are kind of small."

  "Yours are fine. Finish dressing."

  I finished then turned to the mirror. I washed quickly then turned to her. "Ready."

  "I'm sorry about all this, Zoe."

  "Don't worry about that. You need to do what's necessary now."

  She nodded. I picked up the empty shopping bag, and she took my arm.

  * * * *

  Once we were back in the conference room, she released my arm. Gia was gone, but the room seemed awfully full. Karen and Portia were back in human form; I had expected them as wolves, but I supposed they couldn't offer much opinion that way. I turned to Portia.

  "Thank you for earlier."

  She nodded.

  "Head Enforcer," said Michaela. "Report."

  "You already know the answer, Alpha. Clean. I don't know about her clothing. She suggested we x-ray her."

  "Later," Michaela said after a moment. "Zoe, we have various refreshments in the refrigerator there." She pointed. "I do not recommend you drink alcohol at this time. Help yourself."

  "I am fine right now, but perhaps later," I said. "Thank you."

  Have I mentioned the surreal nature of this conversation?

  "All right. I want you here at the end of the table. For now, you will stand. We may later offer a chair."

  Elisabeth took my arm and moved me where they wanted me, and then all of them took seats, watching me carefully.

  "Elisabeth," said Lara. "Report."

  "We all know most of this story," Elisabeth said. "Beginning early on Monday morning, two and a half weeks ago, Zoe Young began clumsy surveillance of Lycaon. She was noticed immedia
tely, and I was informed approximately thirty minutes after her arrival. I had her vehicle identified then we began a dossier. We verified the driver of Ms. Young's car was Ms. Young herself. We retrieved her driver's license information then began a background check. We discovered a rather colorful arrest record for a variety of charges, none of which anyone in this room will fault."

  I saw a few nods. I thought this was review for them, and perhaps was all meant to let me know how thorough they had been.

  "She continued to post herself outside Lycaon for most of that week, photographing every car, coming and going. We have extensive photos of her, but I don't believe we need them. They don't show us anything we don't all know."

  "That's fine," said Lara.

  "Lara and I allowed ourselves to be photographed on Wednesday, and then we lingered until late after hours. Ms. Young stayed much later that night than she did the other nights, and she left her post only shortly after we finally left. At this point, we felt sure she was after Lara. We were mistaken. She was looking for me."

  I stared at her. "I'm sorry. I didn't think about the trouble I was causing you."

  "Don't interrupt," Lara said.

  I nodded.

  "It was only chance that provided an easy introduction. We knew of Ms. Young's association with GreEN, and from their web site, we knew where she would be on Friday and Saturday. And so we sent Angel and Scarlett to check on her. We'll hear from them later, if it becomes necessary. They reported to us Friday afternoon, and we made the decision to see what Ms. Young would do if she came face to face with our alpha." Elisabeth paused. "You can imagine my surprise when she couldn't take her eyes off me, and my even greater surprise when she attempted to ask me on, of all things, a date."

  "You were stunning," I said quietly.

  No one chastised me.

  "Ms. Young displayed herself as a passionate environmentalist, exactly in keeping with what we expected. What wasn't clear was what she wanted. But as her interest in me became, well, beyond obvious, we decided to make use of that."

  I hung my head. It had been an act.

  "What I hadn't counted on was my own fascination. Alphas, I will not be objective. I am sorry."


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