Shadow: Satan’s Fury: Memphis Chapter

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Shadow: Satan’s Fury: Memphis Chapter Page 19

by Wilder, L.


  Shadow helped me take the various pies out to the picnic tables, and in no time, Kenedee and Blaze had everything ready to go. The guys were practically frothing at the mouth as Moose placed the meat in the center of the table, and as soon as Gus had given the blessing, they all dove in, piling their plates with food. Shadow and I had just sat down to eat, when Jason pulled up, and to my surprise, he hadn’t come alone. When he started towards us, there was a beautiful, young blonde by his side, and from the look on her face, she was quite taken with him. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them sit down next to us. “Hey. I’m glad you could make it. Who’s your friend?”

  “This is Alice. We met at Newman’s a few weekends ago.” He turned to her and said, “This is Alex and that’s her guy, Shadow.”

  A light blush crossed her face as she looked over at us. “It’s really nice to meet you both. I’ve heard a lot about ya.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  “It took some convincing to get her to agree to come, but once I told her about Moose’s BBQ, there was no way she could turn me down.” He reached across the table and as he started making them both a plate, he looked over to Blaze and Gunner and said, “Hey, guys. How’s it going?”

  With their mouths full of food, they both answered, “Good.”

  Just before Jason sat back down, T-Bone leaned towards him and whispered, “Got yourself a nice piece there, brother. I’m impressed.”

  Jason gave him a quick nod and smiled. “Thanks, man. Just remember she’s taken.”

  “I’ll do my best,” he chuckled.

  Once he’d finished making their plates, he came back over to the table and sat Alice’s food down in front of her and smiled. “See. It looks awesome, doesn’t it.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “It tastes even better.”

  We all started to eat, and as we sat there talking, I quickly realized that Jason had found his perfect match. They both had similar tastes in music, and whenever he got out of hand, she quickly put him in his place. I liked that about her, and apparently, he did, too. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. I’d never seen him so smitten, and it did my heart good to see him so happy.

  We had just finished eating when Jason turned to Shadow and said, “I owe you an apology.”

  Shadow’s eyebrows furrowed as he asked, “What for?”

  “The night after you helped Alex to her car, I told her that she should steer clear of you. I’d heard some things about your club, and I was worried she might get hurt if she got involved with you. After getting to know you and your brothers, I see how wrong I was.”

  “Appreciate that, but it wasn’t necessary.”

  “It was. You make her happy, and nobody deserves to be happy as much as she does.”

  “Couldn’t agree more.”

  As Jason and Alice got up from the table, he turned to me and said, “Well, I hate to eat and run, but we have a concert to get to.”

  I walked over and gave him a quick hug. “I hope you have a great time.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

  “No.” I shook my head and smiled. “We’ll catch the next one.”

  “Okay. Suit yourself.”

  After he said his goodbyes to the others, Jason took Alice’s hand in his and led her back to his car. Once they were gone, Shadow and I helped get everything cleaned up and put away. The guys were all standing around the fire, and I was expecting Shadow to go over and join them. Instead, he came over to me and asked, “You ready to go?”

  “You don’t want to stay?”

  “We could, but I’m not sure staying out late is a good idea. We’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”

  I didn’t realize we had plans, so I asked, “Why? What are we going to be doing?”

  “Moving into our new house.”

  “What are you talking about? We haven’t even bought the house yet.”

  “I made a call to the relator. Offered to pay extra if we could move in right away, and the buyers accepted.”

  “You’re kidding me!”

  “Nope. The house is ours. She’s bringing the papers by first thing in the morning, and once we’ve signed, she’ll hand over the keys.”

  “I don’t know how you did it, but I’m glad you did!” I reached up and hugged him. “Oh, God. There’s so much stuff at my apartment! It’s going to take me forever to pack.”

  “We have plenty of time for all of that.” He pressed his lips against mine, then said, “Right now, I just want to spend the night making love to my girl. You good with that?”

  “Yeah, I’m good with that. I’m always good with that.”


  There’s no better feeling than having her in my arms, listening to the sound of her breathing as she nestles her head beneath my chin. She was perfect in every way. Her rosy cheeks and big brown eyes melted my heart. There was only one other person who could get to me the way she did, and that was her mother. They both filled my heart with a love like I’d never known, and there was nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for either of them. Over the past few months, I’d made a habit of rocking her too long. Alex fussed at me, telling me that I was spoiling her, but I just couldn’t help myself. Emma was just eight months old and still so tiny. I wanted to cherish these moments with her while I still could. It wouldn’t be long before she was crawling, then walking. I knew when that time came, she would want to explore the world, and moments like these would be no more.

  I glanced over at the clock, and when I saw that it was after midnight, I knew I had to put her down. I eased out of the rocker, and after I laid her in the crib, I waited several minutes to make sure she didn’t stir. Once I was certain she was sleeping soundly, I went across the hall to our bedroom. When I slipped into bed, Alex rolled over to face me. “Is she asleep?”

  “Out like a light.”


  As I ran my fingers through her hair, I asked, “Are you going to work tomorrow?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. I was thinking I would let Alice handle things for the day, but I really need to place an order before the end of the week. I should probably run over there in the morning.”

  After we were married, I tried to convince her to move the bookstore to a better location, but that building held too many good memories and she couldn’t stand the thought of leaving them behind. I decided not to fight it. Now that she was tied to Fury, there was little chance anyone would have the nerve to fuck with her, and my brothers and I would make sure that they didn’t. Knowing she would be safe while she was there, I told her, “I’ll be around if you need me.”

  “Okay, but just so you know … I always need you.”

  She eased closer, and an all- consuming need rushed through me as soon as I felt her body next to mine. Even though it was late, I couldn’t resist having her. I eased on top of her, carefully positioning my knees at her side as I hovered over her. A knowing smile crossed her face as I reached for the hem of her t-shirt. “Can I help you with something?”

  “You sure can,” I answered as I eased her shirt over her head.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she teased, knowing we’d just had sex earlier that morning. I widened my gait, giving her room to remove her panties, and once she was completely undressed, she lied still beneath. She looked up at me, so trusting and full of desire, and I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more. Without saying a word, I pulled off my boxers and positioned myself between her legs. She looked up at me with her eyes full of desire as I brushed my throbbing cock along her center, driving us both wild with need.

  “Mason,” she pleaded as she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me forward. A deep growl vibrated through my chest as I thrust deep inside her. She felt so damn good and I couldn’t resist driving into her again and again. My pace became hard and demanding, but she tightened her legs around my waist and rocked against me, encouraging me to give her more. I gr
owled as I ground my hips against her.

  I buried my face in her neck as I growled, “Fuck. I’ll never get enough of you.”

  I thrust deeply, again and again, each move more intense than the last. Her head fell back as my cock raked against her G spot, causing her to tense around me. I raked my teeth over her breast as I took her nipple in my mouth. Every nerve in her body seemed to explode with my touch, and while I was enjoying every single moment of watching her come undone, my resistance was faltering. Her breath quickened as she clamped down around my cock, making it damn near impossible not to come.

  “Oh, God! Mason!”

  A deep groan vibrated through my throat as I continued to drive deep inside her. I could feel her imminent release, so I thrust harder, deeper, forcing her over the edge. Her hands dropped to her side and she fisted the sheets in her hands. Her orgasm took hold and I tried to fight it, but it was futile. With her body spasming around me, she wrapped her arms around my neck, and I felt her breath against my chest as I drove deeper inside her once more, finally giving into my own release.

  Overcome with exhaustion, I collapsed on the bed next to her. Once we’d had a chance to catch our breath, I reached for her, pulling her closer as I said, “I don’t know how you do it. Just when I didn’t think it was possible, you find a way to make me love you even more.”

  “That must mean I’m doing something right.”

  “You’re doing everything right,” I told her as I kissed her on the temple.

  “Well, just so you know … I love you more every day, too. Falling for you was the best thing I ever did.”

  “I guess that means I’m doing something right.”

  “Absolutely … except for one thing … spoiling our daughter.” With a sexy little smirk, she continued, “When she becomes a total nightmare, you’re going to be the one who has to set her straight.”

  “If I can handle the brothers, I can handle her.”

  “I hope you’re right.” A soft smile crossed her face as she said, “Especially since she has a little brother or sister on the way.”


  “Yep. It looks like you’re going to be a daddy again. You okay with that?”

  “Yeah, I’m definitely okay with that.” I placed my hand on her belly as I said, “A little brother or sister. That’s incredible.”

  “Yeah, it is. Our life just keeps getting better and better.”

  “Baby, we’re just getting started.”

  The End

  More from Satan’s Fury Memphis coming soon.

  A short excerpt of Blaze: Satan’s Fury: Memphis Book 1 follows the acknowledgements.


  Natalie Weston –Thank you for being the best PA on the planet. You never cease to amaze me with all the things you do. Love you to the moon chick!

  Ena and Amanda from Enticing Journey Book Promotions- Thank you for being such an amazing promotional company. You guys rock!

  Lisa Cullinan – Thank you for being such an amazing editor. You always do such an amazing job.

  Jen Allen- Thank you so much reading Shadow early for me. Your help meant so much to me, and I had a blast getting to know you at Mobsters, Motorcycles, and Mayhem!! You rock, lady!

  Tempting Illustrations – Gel- thank you for your amazing teasers. I love them all! If you’re looking for some amazing teasers, be sure to check them out.

  Neringa Neringiukas – Thank you for helping to make Shadow the best he could be and for sharing all of my books and teasers. You are awesome! Love you bunches!

  Rose Holub- You are such an incredible proofer. Thank you for being there to catch all my many mistakes.

  Terra Oenning, Amy Jones, and Daverba Ortiz- Thank you for continuing to post my books and teasers. You guys are awesome. It truly means so much to me that you take the time out of your busy day to sharing my work.

  Tanya Skaggs, Charolette Smith and Kaci Stewart- Thank you for reading Shadow early and giving me feedback. Thanks to you, he’s even better. Your support means so very much to me.

  Wilder’s Women – I am always amazed at how much you do to help promote my books and show your support. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I read all of your reviews and see all of your posts, and they mean so much to me. Love you big!

  A Special Thanks to Mom – I want to thank you for always being there and giving me your complete support. You are such an amazing person, and I am honored to call you my mom.

  Excerpt from Blaze- Satan’s Fury: Memphis


  Excerpt from Blaze- Satan’s Fury: Memphis

  Memphis, Tennessee had never been your typical city. While the melody of jazz music played down on Beale Street, tourists visited Graceland, and society folks had a drink at the Peabody, deep within the city, there were infamous gangs and rival MCs fighting to take control. Countless conflicts often ended with death and destruction, but when it was all said and done, there was always one that stood above the rest—Satan’s Fury MC. With blood, sweat, and tears, they’d claimed the territory. In doing so, the club had made quite a name for itself and was considered the most notorious MC in the Southeast. The mere rumble of their motorcycles roaring by would bring a sense of fear to anyone who heard it, for there wasn’t a single soul who didn’t know the bedlam they could cause when they came toe to toe with an adversary. Over the years, these bloody confrontations had become legendary in the city where the King of Rock and Roll had once lived.

  I’d been a member for almost ten years—patched in just after my twenty-first birthday. From day one, I learned that even though we’d won many battles, the war to keep our territory secure was far from over. Every day there was a certain amount of bullshit to deal with: a fight to be had or a trigger to be pulled. It was just our way of life. For us, the club wasn’t just a group of guys who put on second-rate cuts, pretending to be some kind of hotshot on a crotch-rocket. We were family through and through, and there wasn’t one of us who wouldn’t take a bullet for a brother. We believed what we had was worth dying for, and when someone put our family in jeopardy, we didn’t think twice about taking them down—just like the night when we’d discovered that one of our runners had been skimming from the top.

  I’d been asleep for hours when Murphy, our sergeant-at-arms, called my burner. I quickly answered, “Yeah?”

  “Need you to get over to the warehouse. Runt’s on his way to pick up Johnny and bring him over there so Gus can have a word with him.”

  Gus was the kind of president who stayed on top of things, and when it came to his club, nothing got by him—nothing. “At this hour, I’m guessing he’s not wanting to talk about tonight’s Cubs game?”

  “Fuck no. That asshole came up short on this week’s payout.”

  “How short?”

  “Just over three grand.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me.”

  Three grand wasn’t even a drop in the bucket where our drug distribution was concerned. In a week’s time, we pulled in ten times that amount, but that wasn’t the point. Under no circumstances did anyone ever steal from the club—period. As I pulled myself out of the bed, Murphy grumbled, “No joke, brother. Now, get your ass over to the warehouse. We’ll meet you there.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  It was one of those hot, sultry summer nights in July, and even though it was well after midnight, the air was thick with humidity. The wind could do little to keep the sweat from beading across my forehead as I parked behind the warehouse. I headed over to Runt’s SUV and watched as he hauled Johnny out of the back, dragging his feet across the gravel as he took him inside.

  Runt motioned his head towards the truck as he ordered, “Get Terry out of the back.”

  Finding the other man cowering down on the floorboard with a pillowcase on his head, I reached in and grabbed him, following Runt inside. We dumped them both in the center of the warehouse as we gathered around, watching Runt remov
e Johnny’s blindfold. When Johnny finally got a good look at the man who’d kidnapped him, his eyes grew wide with terror. Hell, I couldn’t blame him for being scared shitless. One look at Runt, and any man would be shaking in his fucking boots. He was our club’s enforcer, and at six foot seven and three hundred and forty pounds of muscle, he was the biggest, most intimidating brother in the club. He had a knack for turning a man, big or small, into a pathetic, groveling mass of flesh, and this poor bastard didn’t stand a chance—nor did his sidekick, Terry, who was sitting beside him.

  When I yanked the pillowcase off of his head, Terry lost it. “Please, man. I didn’t have nothing to do with this shit!”

  “Um-hmm,” I scoffed. We all knew he didn’t have anything to do with his buddy’s mishandling of funds, but we brought him along for the show, knowing he’d spread the word about everything that was about to take place. I wasn’t about to let him know that, so with a condescending tone, I told him, “Whatever you say, Terry.”

  “I mean it, man. I got no idea what he did, but I give you my word. I’m clean, man. I wasn’t no part of his bullshit.” He looked over to Johnny and shouted, “Tell ‘em, J. Tell ‘em I didn’t have nothing to do with this shit.”

  He didn’t say a word. He couldn’t. He knew he’d fucked up, and there were consequences to be had—deadly consequences. The second Johnny saw Gus walking in his direction, he nearly lost his shit. The blood drained from his face, and the vein in his neck started pulsing out of control. He knew what was coming. He was well aware that our president had a reputation for dishing out some pretty grim retributions, especially for those who tried to double-cross the club like he had done, so it came as no surprise when the motherfucker started to completely freak out. Like a wild animal, he used every ounce of strength he had to try and break free from Runt’s grasp, but it was no use. He was no match for our enforcer, and he ended up with his face planted on the hard, concrete floor. As Gus approached him, Johnny started to beg, “I’m sorry, man. I’ll get your money back. I promise. Just let me make a phone call and I promise I’ll get it back.”


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