Lonely Heart

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Lonely Heart Page 23

by M.J. Kane

  She was right. Some weren’t, others were.

  I kept an eye on her face as she applied the Band-Aid and gathered the bloody towels. “Why did you freak out about the condoms?”

  Her eyes shot to mine. “Oh my God…it makes sense now. You assumed I was tryin’ to trap you, too?”

  I studied her face, unsure if knowing the real answer would make a difference. “Were you?”

  Kaitlyn looked me straight in the eye. “No, Antonio, I wasn’t. It was weird for you to be so careful. Luke wasn’t like that, he…,” her eyes went down. “That doesn’t matter. Honestly, the idea a man could love me and want to take on my daughter as his own…how often does that happen? And after my family track record, what were the chances it could happen to me? I thought you were using me to make a family because I have a daughter.” She shook her head. “What’s wrong with me? It seems like all my relationships are a vicious cycle of miscommunication and lies.” She dumped the trash into the garbage, then put the first aid kit back.

  When Kaitlyn returned, she picked up her keys from the tray of tools sitting beside the open hood of my car, and took a deep breath. “Anyway, I need you to understand I’m not some dumb blond who tried to use you. I fell in love with you, Antonio. It was impossible not to.” She smiled a little, reached up to place her palm on my cheek. “I’m sorry I ruined it for us.” Her eyes dropped down as she walked out of the garage towards her car. When she reached it, she opened the door, then paused. “You can stop by and see Chloe anytime you want. I’d still like to be friends.” She stared at me as if memorizing my face before climbing in her car.

  I watched Kaitlyn fasten her seatbelt and crank the engine.

  Why was I letting her walk away?

  My feelings for her were real; hers were too if she came to set the record straight. Even though the romance was over, she wanted to remain friends.

  Kaitlyn wanted me to be a part of Chloe’s life.

  There’s no way in hell either option would ever be enough.

  Neither of us deserved to lose what we gained.

  I walked towards her car just as she turned on the headlights and motioned for her to roll down the window.

  I leaned down, resting my hands on the frame of the door. “Have you ever lied to me?”

  Her gaze stayed steady on mine. “No, never.”

  “Are you and Luke really done?”

  “He’s Chloe’s father and wants to be in her life. But we’re done. I made that clear tonight before coming to see you.”

  My heart rate increased. “Do you really want to do this? Do you really want to be with me?”

  “Yes…,” her voice faltered. “More than you can imagine.”

  I reached in, unhooked her seatbelt while she put the car in park. I had the door open and her in my arms in seconds. I held onto her like life itself.

  “I’m in this for the long haul, you hear me? Nothing is going to come between us again,” I whispered in her hair.

  Kaitlyn clung to me, my shirt wet from her tears. “Oh God, Antonio, I thought you wouldn’t believe me.”

  I pulled back, framed her face in my hands. “You’ve never given me reason to doubt you. I was the one who believed him instead of coming to you for the truth. From now on, it’s just you, me, and Chloe. No what’s his name.” Kaitlyn laughed as I wiped her tears with my thumbs. “Oh man, I’ve got grease on your face.” I pulled away.

  “Oh no you don’t.” She pushed closer and pulled my grease stained hands to her mouth. “I love it. I love you, Antonio.”

  Our mouths fused together in a kiss that promised forever.

  “I love you, too. Let’s go get Chloe. I’ve missed mí familia.”

  Kaitlyn stepped back and appraised her outfit. It was stained with grease from my cover-alls. “We should shower and change first.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that.”



  “Dinner is here!” Tiffany yelled outside my bedroom door.

  “Okay,” I replied. I grabbed my bottle of lotion, then sat on the edge of the bed wrapped in a towel.

  “Need help with that?” Antonio asked. He reclined on my bed. Even though he was fully dressed, he was a feast for the eyes.

  “If I say yes, instead of helping me with lotion, it will turn into sex. Dinner will get cold and Luke will be back with Chloe before we’re done.”

  “Quickies can be fun, but,” Antonio shrugged, “your loss.”

  I laughed, then went in search of something to wear.

  Over the past month we had established a reasonable routine. Antonio was here practically every night for dinner, and more often than not, he stayed over. Every other week, Luke faithfully picked up Chloe on his way home from work for the weekend. I spent those weekends at Antonio’s place, but he insisted we return a few hours before Luke brought Chloe home and that I spend some Mandatory Mom Time, or MMT as he called it.

  It was a requirement. During that time, I was to pamper myself and prepare for the start of a new work week. The idea was amazing and I loved every minute of it.

  The doorbell chimed. A few seconds later, Tiffany knocked on the door again. “Luke’s here.”

  “Shoot.” I was half dressed.

  “I’ll get her.” Antonio rose from the bed, slapped my butt as he walked by, smiling his devilish grin.

  I shook my head. “Thanks.”

  It was hard to believe how cordial the two men were. Shortly after we got back together, Antonio approached Luke and the two had a man-to-man discussion that lasted over an hour. No matter how hard I tried, neither of them would share the outcome of the conversation. Whatever resolution they came to, it appeared to be working.

  Only two things were clear: Luke stepped up to his responsibilities, and Antonio would not be adopting Chloe. It didn’t change the way he felt or how he dealt with her, either. In his eyes, she was still his daughter.

  Luke was opening the front door to leave when I entered the living room.

  “Hi,” he said. “You look well rested.”

  I felt my cheeks blush as Antonio coughed. No matter how much we got along, I always felt awkward in the presence of my lovers, both past and present. “Um…thanks.”

  “I’ll see you guys in another week. Call me if you need anything. Bye Munchkin.” He waved at Chloe who kicked in wild anticipation the moment she saw me.

  The door shut. Antonio peered up at me from the sofa as he unhooked the strap of her car seat. “Rested? He has no idea.” He laughed loudly, then kissed Chloe’s chubby cheeks in greeting. She responded with a bubbly laugh.

  I walked over to where he stood, reaching out to pinch fat cheeks. “How’s my baby?”

  Chloe tried her best to squirm out of his arms and into mine.

  I accepted the precious bundle, covered her with kisses, then did my customary once over anytime she returned from visiting her father. He was a good dad, no doubt, but his mother confided he called her nearly every time she spent the weekend with him with questions.

  I sat on the sofa with Chloe in my arms and waited for dinner. Tiffany carried in the trays of tonight’s take out meal, Chinese food.

  “I am starving.” I sat forward on the couch and balanced Chloe on one leg while reaching for my food.

  “Hold on just a minute.” Antonio disappeared into my bedroom. Tiffany and I watched him in curiosity.

  “Got it.” He returned with two bags. “I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to do this. I think this is it.” He stood before me, then went down to one knee.

  My eyes widened. “Oh my…”

  Beside me, Tiffany clapped. Chloe mirrored her aunt’s movements.

  “Kaity, you and I have spent the year on separate journeys. Somehow, we managed to meet somewhere in-between. Though we fell off the path once or twice, we’re back on and this time, it’s to stay. I want to make this permanent. So, before your sister, and your daugh
ter, I’m asking you, Kaity Lynn,” he emphasized my full name for my sister’s benefit, then winked, “will you marry me?” He flipped open the lid of the large box he held and revealed a ring like nothing I’d ever seen.

  Instead of a simple band with a large diamond in the center, it was wider with a beveled shape resembling the open wings of a butterfly. The edges were lined with sparkling diamonds while the sides boasted elaborate patterns that reminded me of wings.

  “Oh my…” My free hand went to my mouth.

  Tiffany elbowed me. “We heard you the first time, now answer the man!”

  I blinked. “Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you!”

  Antonio slipped the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. I leaned forward to kiss him as Chloe immediately grabbed for the shiny band as if it were a new toy. He stopped me with a finger.

  “One more thing.” He opened the smaller box, which held a much smaller ring. It too had a gold band, and a tiny butterfly sat in its center. He held it up for Chloe to see. She immediately dropped my hand and reached for the box. He laughed. “This one is for you, chica. It’s my promise to be your step-father for as long as you’ll have me. I will always be here for you.” He reached out for her chubby finger, kissed it, and slipped on the band.

  Her hand went to her mouth as she did her own version of acceptance, exploring it the only way a baby could. We laughed.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got a chain to put it on. She will only wear it for special occasions. Once she gets older, it can be worn as a necklace.”

  “Antonio, you are too thoughtful.” My eyes grew wet.

  “Hey, where’s mine?” Tiffany asked.

  “Sister-in-laws get hugs.”

  Tiffany scowled, then laughed. “Fine, but it better be a damn good one.”

  They both stood and hugged. He lifted her from the ground and spun her around; she shrieked.

  “Now,” he reached for Chloe, kissed her cheek, and passed her to Tiffany.

  I smiled, stood, and wrapped my arms around his neck, going in for the kiss of a lifetime.

  “Surprised?” he asked when I let him breathe again.

  “Yes! I knew it was comin’, but figured it would be a few months down the road.”

  “There was no need. Both of our minds are made up. Now all we have to do is plan.”

  “I like that.” And then it hit me. “Oh God, I have to tell Luke.”

  Antonio shook his head. “I already handled that. We’ve come to an understanding.”

  My eyes widened “That’s what took you guys so long to talk about?”

  “And a few other things,” he smiled. “I’m not telling you what else.”

  “Fine, keep your secrets.”

  “It’s not a secret, just a─”

  “Mano y mano, I get it.”

  I studied my ring as he laughed. I couldn’t wait to tell Ebony and Yasmine.

  Finally, my life was where I wanted it to be.

  I found my happy ending.



  “Yo, Tre, what are you doing outside? The party is in there, man.” The groom stumbled, caught himself against the door jamb.

  I chuckled. “Shaun, you’re drunk.”

  “So what? It’s my party.” He raised his bottle and gulped the remaining liquid. “Tomorrow, I’ll be a married man.” He grinned like an idiot.

  “I’m confused. Are you happy about that…or sad? Right now it could be a toss-up.”

  “Happy!” My fraternity brother spied the empty lawn chair beside me and stumbled his way over. “Whew!”

  I inclined my head to study him. His hair was disheveled from the stripper who’d worked her magic in his lap. The frat brothers decided to give him a proper send off by hiring a few girls for the night. Everyone knew his fiancé wouldn’t approve, so we’d gone out of our way to keep it a surprise. The look on his face when the women showed up an hour into what appeared to be a humble bachelor party was priceless.

  “Then if you’re happy, why in the hell are you drunk right now?”

  He struggled to sit up. “Honestly? To keep myself out of trouble. If I’m drunk, I won’t be tempted. I can’t start my marriage with a guilty conscience.”

  His reasoning made a lot of sense.

  “So when are you gonna bite the bullet and find Mrs. Campbell?”

  My eyebrows went up. “Mrs. Campbell? I have yet to find a woman to fill that position.” I tilted my bottle up, and drank deeply.

  “Can I tell you a secret?”

  I glanced at Shaun; his eyes were closed and his words had begun to slur.


  He leaned forward a bit, forcing his eyes open. “She’s not going to be perfect. If that’s what you’re waiting on, you’ll be alone for life. You have to remember…you’re not perfect either. Accept her faults like you want her to accept yours.” He collapsed in the lawn chair.


  That wasn’t new. I knew from the get go no woman would be perfect. God knows I had my own faults.

  What was I looking for? Would I know when I found her?

  My chest tightened at the memory I fought to ignore. The exotic beauty of the woman who stole my heart the moment our eyes connected.

  One night together led to months of searching.

  And when our paths crossed again, she broke my heart.

  Not only had she lied about her name, she forgot to mention a small detail about her life.

  She was engaged.

  To make matters worse, she was engaged to my best friend’s brother.

  Chapter 1

  If my heart beat any faster, it would fly out of my chest.

  Sweat poured over my brow, down my chest and back.

  My arms trembled, my body seized in what had to be the best orgasm a man could ever have.

  I collapsed, fighting to catch my breath, and inhaled the sweetest scent. Sultry, seductive, exotic. Just like the woman who lay beneath me.

  Unable to hold myself up, I rolled off of her to the other side of my king sized bed. My legs hung off. I look around and realized we used every inch of the mattress. Sheets and covers lay on the floor, victims to the hot and heavy sex we had.

  I studied the beautiful complexion of the naked woman next to me. Trying to describe the exact color of her skin would take time. It was hard to place, just as her nationality was. I knew for a fact she wasn’t black nor white. Hispanic? Asian? A fusion of all four?

  At this point, I could care less. Whatever she was, it all came down to one thing: Sexy. As. Hell.

  “Ready for more?” Her sultry voice drew the blood from my brain, causing it to regroup down below.

  “More?” I chuckled. “The question is, are you?”

  The woman of my dreams climbed on top of me. I got lost in the deep, dark wells of eyes so brown, they were nearly black. Long, midnight hair, hung down, nearly covering the swells of some of the most beautiful breasts I had the pleasure of tasting.

  My attention diverted to her hands as she reached back to pull the long strands behind her neck, the peaks of her breasts stood high and proud as she arched. One hand held her hair in place, while the other traveled slowly down her neck, down the middle of her cleavage, then over to one breast, caressing it. My attention went immediately to her fingers.

  “So…you like to watch…” Her voice was smooth as silk.


  She laughed then proceeded to give me a show.

  When I stopped off at the bar for a celebratory drink on my way home, ending the evening like this was not what I expected. One look down the bar at this alluring woman and I was hooked. She didn’t make striking up a conversation with her easy, but once I got her to loosen up, we connected on a level I least expected.


  Despite my efforts to learn her name, she refused, suggesting I earn it first. Yet, she had no problem coming ho
me with me. One night stands were nothing new, but not knowing her name was driving me insane.

  “Now are you going to tell me?”

  She tilted her head to the side; bit her lip as if contemplating whether or not my performance earned me that precious gift.

  “Why do you need to know my name?”

  “Because this time I want to be able to say it…”

  Her sexy slanted eyes lowered before she looked me in the eye.

  “My name is…Devon.”



  I slapped the alarm off and tried my best to ignore the hard on…again.

  Eight months later and the chance encounter had yet to be forgotten. For two months I searched for her, not knowing anything but her first name, which of course made it damn near impossible to do on social networking sites.

  Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn…

  Inputting her first name and searching the list of pictures yielded no results.

  For the life of me, I couldn’t understand what captured me. It had been just sex.

  Hot, heavy, mind-blowing….sex.

  A one night stand shouldn’t leave me feeling desperate.

  And then I found her the moment I stopped looking. To make matters worse, the perfect image I’d built up in my mind after months of desperation proved to be a lie.

  Her name wasn’t real. Her profession wasn’t real. Yet deep in my heart I knew the connection we’d made that night had been real.

  Not that it mattered. She was spoken for and my future lay elsewhere. The decisions of my past now dictated my future. And my future expected me to arrive in two hours.

  I pulled myself out of bed and headed for the shower.



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