culture and, xxxiv, 126
in family background, 5, 8, 17
One-Eyed Jacks and, 147, 153, 155
Streetcar and, 81, 126
in Ugly American, 187, 188
Hungary, 103
Hunter, Kim, 25, 75
Hussein, Saddam, 250
Huston, John, 90, 140, 153, 330
Reflections in a Golden Eye and, 204, 205, 208, 210
Hutton, Bobby, 175, 335–36, 396n , 423n
Iain Johnstone Show (TV show), 322
idealism, 96, 103, 240, 266
of Brando, 103, 117–19, 158, 179, 180, 214, 264, 265, 275, 391n
in family background, 2
idolatry, Brando’s view of, xvii
actor’s enslavement to, xv
of Brando, xv, xviii, xxii, 174, 253
recognition of, xviii
imagination, 223
civil rights for, 5
illegal, 195
imperialism, 185–86, 211
improvisation, xxvi–xxvii, 81, 110, 147, 187, 245, 255, 262, 298, 305, 356, 389n, 423n
for Apocalypse Now, 274
for Chase, 196, 399n
for Godfather, 243, 245
In Cold Blood (Capote), 403n
India, xxv, xxxvi, 133, 340
caste in, 192, 340, 342
Indians and Other Americans (Fey and McNickle), 328, 398n–99n
Indian Tribes of the United States, The (McNickle), xxii, 369n
Indonesia, 339
Infinite Jest (Wallace), xxvi, 370n
In-Laws, The (film), 287
innovation, 257, 265
Brando and, xxxvi, 125, 153, 165, 310, 347–48, 372n, 415n
in Chase, 197–98, 399n
color movies and, 106
see also technology
Inouye, Daniel, 323
interracial romance and marriage, 117, 128–31, 169, 338, 360
In the Minds of Men (Murphy), 133
Ireland, 311, 316
I Remember Mama (Van Druten), xix, 49, 51, 368n
irony, 97, 127, 224, 235, 241, 404n
Isabella, Queen of Spain, 294
Islam, 266, 271
Island of Dr. Moreau, The (film), 102, 256, 297, 298, 299–303, 300, 311, 381n, 398n
Island of Lost Souls (film), 302
Israel, 58–59, 63–64, 66, 168, 382n
Istanbul, 311
Italian language, xxxvi
“It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees,” 93, 386n
Jackson, Anne, 52, 380n
Jackson, Henry, 320
Jackson, Jesse, 336
Jackson, Michael, xvi, 21, 33, 331, 375n, 376n, 383n
James, Henry, xxii, 220
Japan, xxxvi, 133, 339, 373n
Brando in, 119, 127–31, 311, 410n
Japanese language, xxxvi, 128, 129, 389n
Jaques, Ronny, 20
Java, 119
Javits, Jacob, 64, 382n
Jay, John, 192
jazz, 71, 90, 331
jazz clubs, xx, 114, 369n, 376n
Jericho (script), 276, 283, 296
Jews, Judaism, 4, 35, 45, 131, 210, 271, 294, 334
Brando’s views on, xxxii, 48, 62–64, 382n
Flag Is Born and, 58–66, 310
at New School, 46, 48
“Shylock,” 38–39, 377n
Jimi Hendrix: Electric Gypsy (Shapiro and Glebbeek), xxxv
job discrimination, 200
Joey Bishop Show, The (TV show), 336
Johnson, Ben, 27, 146
Johnson, Lyndon, 334
Johnson, Malcolm, 107–8
Johnston, Robert M., 120
Jones, Quincy, xx, 114, 283, 296, 331, 369n
Juarez, Benito, 91
Julius Caesar (film), 82, 95–99, 98, 131, 387n
“Mark Antony” in, 28, 96–99, 245, 351n
Jumping Bull, 295
Jung, Carl, 85
justice, 218, 250, 256
Kael, Pauline, 213–24, 234, 240, 380n
Kanter, Jay, 284, 329, 370n, 372n, 398n
Kaplan, E. Ann, 402n
Kashfi, Anna, 92, 131, 158, 174, 181, 338
Kassar, Mario, 309n
Kastner, Elliott, 283
Kauffmann, Stanley, 45, 137
Kaufman, Boris, 159, 160
Kazan, Elia, 40–41, 51, 80–81, 123, 376n, 380n
as Brando’s ideal director, 71, 81
HUAC and, 104–6, 108, 114, 116, 386n
On the Waterfront and, 103–6, 108, 110, 113, 116, 387n
Streetcar (movie) and, 69, 81
Streetcar (play) and, 67–72, 74, 75
Viva Zapata! and, 69, 88–90, 92, 93, 94, 386n
Keaton, Diane, 239
Keesing, Felix, 128
Keith, Brian, 207
Kennedy, John F., 182, 183, 321
Kerr, Deborah, 131
Kiliç, Altemur, 342
Kilmer, Joyce, 264, 407n
King, Alan, 380n
King, Coretta Scott, 336
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 191, 332, 333, 334
King Rat (film), 287
Kitt, Eartha, 333
Klee, Paul, xxix
knots, 220, 221, 401n
KNXT, 315
Koster, Henry, 120
“Kowalski, Stanley,” 28, 67, 69, 71–79, 77, 82, 124, 138, 384n
humor of, 81, 126
Kramer, Stanley, 83–84, 99
Krishnamurti, 50, 50, 271
Kubrick, Stanley, 151
Kunstler, William, 291, 322
Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 284
Lake Zurick Playhouse, 24, 25, 31
L’Amour, Louis, 143, 144
landscape, 260
Lane, Mark, 322
Lang, Charles, 143
language, 25, 26–27, 57, 243, 314, 396n
in Fugitive Kind, 159–60
in Mutiny on the Bounty, 162
invention of, 15, 149
in Julius Caesar, 95–99
in Mutiny on the Bounty, 163, 165, 393n
in One-Eyed Jacks, 149, 150
in Streetcar, 71
in Wild One, 95, 96, 99–101
words vs. silence and, 5, 79, 94, 110, 111, 136, 169
see also accents; specific foreign languages
Lao Tzu, 270
Larkin, Philip, 293
Larry King Live, 382n
Lash, John, 490n
Last Tango in Paris (film), xiv, 78, 219, 223–34, 229, 231, 255, 256, 305, 408n
Algerian connection in, 227–29
Lathrop Junior High School, 22, 375n
Latin America:
history of, 26, 90
music of, 34–35
Laughton, Charles, 161, 162, 302
Laurel and Hardy, 126
Laurence, John, 167
Lawrence, T. E., 160–61
Lawrence of Arabia (film), 160–61, 314
Lean, David, 160–61
Léaud, Jean-Pierre, 224
Lebanon, 340
Lederer, Charles, 161
Lederer, William, 182, 184, 397n
Legion of Decency, 82
Leigh, Vivien, 76
Leonard, Herman, 311, 313
Leone, Sergio, 153
Leventhal, Larry, 322
Lewis, Robert, 42, 43, 123, 379n
Lewis, Robert E., 393n
libel, 174, 176, 396n
Liberty Canyon, 322, 323
Libertyville, Ill., 22–25
Libertyville Township High School, 23, 25
libraries, 388n–89n
Life, 84–85, 232, 239–40, 249, 402n, 407n
Life on the Stage, A (J. Adler), 38
Light in August (Faulkner), 85
Lincoln Elementary School, 13–16, 14, 374n
Lindsay, John, 334–35
Lindsey, Robert, 382n, 383n, 407n, 410n
lists, Brando’s passion for, 26, 149, 391n
rature, 96
see also poetry, poets; specific authors and books
Littlefeather, Sacheen, 250–52, 322, 324, 405n
Lives of a Cell (Thomas), xxxiv–xxxv, 372n
Living My Life (Goldman), xxxv
Lloyd, Kathleen, 259
Logan, Joshua, 129
of Brando, xx, 23, 44, 53
in films, 108, 154, 202, 207
Lopez, Miguel, 300
Loren, Sophia, 140
Los Angeles, Calif., 15–16, 92, 119, 237, 369n
Mulholland house in, xxxiii–xxxiv, xxxvii, 16, 235, 265, 276, 277, 370n, 375n
Watts riots in, 199–200
see also Hollywood
Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 210
Los Angeles Police Department, 175
Los Angeles Times, 174, 275
love, 21, 39, 49, 169, 202
in Mutiny on the Bounty, 165, 171, 395n
in One-Eyed Jacks, 146, 151, 154
in On the Waterfront, 107, 108, 109
in plays, 52, 53
in Sayonara, 129–31
in Ugly American, 187–88
Love Medicine (Erdrich), 325–26
Loving, Frances Brando, 287, 373n, 377n
childhood of, 6–9, 8, 11, 12, 13–17
education of, 31
inscription of, 16, 374n
in New York, 31, 32, 33, 36
Loving, Julie, 155–56
Loving, Richard, 36, 377n
Luhrmann, Baz, 303
Lumet, Sidney, 158
Lummi Indians, 346
Lunt, Alfred, 69
lying and fabrications, 154, 251
of Brando, xix, 24, 46, 82, 230–32
“Lying for a Living” (acting classes), 232, 355–56, 371n, 384n, 406n
Lynch, David, 303
lynching, 105, 330–31
Mabley, Moms, 306
MacArthur, Charles, 59
Madison, James, 192
magazines, 174, 176, 248–49
see also specific magazines
Magnani, Anna, 140, 158–59
Mailer, Norman, 35, 377n
makeup, 38, 54–56, 54, 55, 121, 123, 128, 235, 381n
Malcolm X, 338
Malden, Karl, 107, 108
One-Eyed Jacks and, 144, 146, 147, 154, 155
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 169, 271, 395n
Mankiewicz, Joseph M., 96, 191
Mann, Abby, 326, 329
Mann, Marty, 410n
Man of Steel (film), 264
Manso, Peter, 396n
Manvell, Roger, 168
Mao Tse-tung, 183, 397n
Marchak, Alice, 382n, 404n
“March on Washington,” 336
Marquand, Christian, 285
Marquez, Evaristo, 211
Marrakech, 313–14
marriage, interracial, 129–31
Marshall, E. G., 196
Marshall Islands, 192
Martha Raye Show, The (TV show), 384n
Martin, Dean, 132
Marvin, Lee, 100
Marx, Karl, 63
Marxism, 40, 214
masculinity, 227, 378n
American norms of, 248
of Brando’s characters, xiv, xv, 68, 74–76, 78, 154, 171, 201, 207, 208, 233, 240, 244, 248
masks, xxix, 225
Maslin, Janet, 276
Mason, Jackie, 287
Mass Psychology of Fascism, The (Reich), 132–33, 390n
“Masterson, Sky,” 124–25
materialism, 177, 240
Maysles brothers, xviii–xix, 368n
McCain, John, xxiv, 370n
McCarthy, Joe, 73, 102, 383n
McCarthy era, 73
McClintic, Guthrie, 52
McCullers, Carson, xxii, 140, 201, 208
McGuane, Thomas, 406n
McLiam, John, 258
McNamara, Robert, 273
McNickle, D’Arcy, xxii, 317–18, 319, 319, 320, 328, 369n, 391n, 398n–99n
Mead, Margaret, xxiii, 47, 345, 369n, 402n
Means, Russell, 322, 324–25
Medavoy, Mike, 303
media, 174, 203, 230–31, 250, 261, 396n
political role of, 174
see also press; television; specific publications and shows
Meet Marlon Brando (documentary), xviii–xix
Meisner, Sanford, 42
Melanesia, 169
Mellen, Joan, 216
Men, The (film), 11, 28, 83–88, 86, 87
Mencken, H. L., 326
Menominee, Wisc., 295
Menominee Indians, 325
Merkin, Daphne, xvi
Merton, Thomas, 260
Message from Khufu, A (Cottman), 30
Chase and, 193, 195
in West, 142–46, 150, 155
Mexico, xxv, 90–92, 316, 317
Mexico City, 303
Mexico South (Covarrubias), 90, 91, 317
MGM, 88, 96, 161, 286, 387n
Michener, James, 128, 129
Michi, Maria, 224
Milar, Mildred, 16, 374n
Milestone, Lewis, 173
in Last Tango in Paris, 227–28
see also paraplegic war veterans; Shattuck Military Academy
Miller, Arthur, 70, 75, 141
mind, 5, 374n, 403n
mindlessness, 73
ministry, 230
misogyny, 207, 208
Missouri Breaks, The (film), xxv, 202, 252, 257–63, 258, 259, 283, 325, 416n
Mittelmann, Bela, 105
mob, Mafia:
as diabolical mirror for established institutions, 239–40, 249
in Godfather, 235–49
in On the Waterfront, 107–13, 116
Modisane, Bloke, 337–38
Mokae, Zakes, 284
Moliere, 30
Mona Lisa, with card, 150, 152
Monaster, Nate, 333
Monroe, Marilyn, xvi
Montana, 257, 262
Montevecchi, Liliane, 135, 136–37
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 333
morality, 73, 100, 114, 132, 139, 141, 193, 199, 216, 258
Moreno, Rita, xxiii
Morituri (film), xviii–xix, xxv, 396n
Mormonism, 271
Morricone, Ennio, 140
Morris, Desmond, 315
Morrison, Temuera, 300
Morrison, Toni, 283, 337
Moscow Art Theatre (MAT), 42
Motion Picture Association of America, 205, 400n
Motley, Mary, 137–38
motorcycling, 99–102, 123, 136
Mr. Peepers (TV show), 36
multiculturalism, xxiv, 71, 130, 193
mumbling, 88, 385n
Mundelein, Ill., 377n
Muni, Paul, 35, 54, 56–61, 64, 65, 376n, 379n, 381n
murder, 167, 202, 204, 209, 266
in Chase, 198, 199
Christian and, 265
in Godfather, 238, 239, 250
in Julius Caesar, 97
in Last Tango in Paris, 226, 231
in Missouri Breaks, 102
in On the Waterfront, 107, 111, 112, 113
Murphy, Gardner, 133
Murphy, Mary, xxvi–xxvii
Murrow, Edward R., 18, 73, 291, 291, 383n
music, xxx, 216, 234
Brando’s knowledge of, xx–xxii, xxi, 22, 34–35, 369n, 376n
Dodie and, 34, 376n
Fugitive Kind and, 158–59
jazz clubs, xx, 114, 369n, 376n
Latin American, 34–35
for plays, 58, 377n
scores, xxii, 71, 116, 127, 140, 369n
musicals, 125–26
mustache, 56, 56, 381n
“Mutiny of Marlon Brando, The,” 173–74
Mutiny on the Bounty (film), xiv, xxv, xxvii, xxxviii, 28, 160–79, 170, 314, 343, 393n–98n
Bounty ship in, 166, 172, 174, 175
expense of, 173, 395n
“Fletcher Christian” in., 28, 160–65, 169–73, 214, 388n, 393n, 394n, 398n
major consequences of, 174–77
1935 version of, 92, 161, 162
On the Waterfront compared with, 114, 388n
Pitcairn Island sequence in, 139, 161–64, 168
research for, 161, 165–69, 393n
reviews of, 88, 385n
Myers, Betty, 7, 17, 31, 84–85
Myers, Elizabeth Gahan (Bess), 2–8, 8, 11, 16–17, 31, 84, 191
Brando’s correspondence with, 26, 27–28, 50, 375n
marriages of, 4, 5
Myers, Frank, 5, 6, 7
My Life in Art (Stanislavski), 381n
NAACP, 322
Napoleon (Johnston), 120
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 28, 117, 120–24, 122, 404n
Napoleon’s Victories (Parquin), 120
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), 321
National Geographic, 311
National Guard, U.S., 295, 325
National Indian Youth Council, 319–20, 330
nationalism, 227–28, 240
National Theater for the Deaf, 79
Nation of Islam, 266
Nation on the Flying Trapeze, The (Childer), 182, 397n
Native Peoples of the Pacific World (Keesing), 128
nature, 200
Brando’s feeling at home in, 15–16, 19, 301
Dodie and, 155, 156
state of, 226
Nature of Prejudice, The (Allport), 338
Navajo, 156
Nazis, 274
Brando’s portrayal of, 68, 72, 117, 126–27, 132–38
humanizing of, 68, 126–27, 132–38
see also Germany, Nazi
Nebraska, 316
Neider, Charles, 143–44, 146
Neusom, Tom, 333
New Republic, 137
New School for Social Research, 32, 37, 44–50, 54, 96, 331
newspapers, 176
see also specific newspapers
Newsweek, 232
New York, N.Y., 4, 30–83, 252
attention attracted by Brando in, xviii
Brando’s book buying in, xxxiii, 161, 166, 371n
Brando’s girlfriends and dating in, 32, 33, 38, 39–40, 49, 376n
Brando’s move to, 30–31
Carnegie Hall apartment in, xxiii, 369n
jazz clubs in, xx, 269n, 331
Stonewall riots in, 202–3, 204
see also Broadway
New York Daily News, 153
New Yorker, 153, 168, 173, 174, 190, 216, 232, 240
New York Post, 210
New York Sun, 107
New York Times, 59, 105, 153, 173, 189–90, 251, 263, 270, 275
New York Times Magazine, 367n–68n
Nicholson, Jack, 257, 259, 262, 416n
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 316
Niel, André, 168–69
Nightcomers, The (film), xxv, 181, 219–23, 253, 258, 283, 401n, 404n
Night of the Following Day, The (film), xxiii, xxv
Niven, David, 127, 287
Nobody Knows My Name (Baldwin), 332
nonconformity, Wild One and, 99–100
nonviolent protest, 333
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