Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World) Page 13

by Unknown

  The weekend of the funeral I stayed a night at my brother's house, and slept in the very same upstairs room I'd had as a teenager. It brought back a LOT of memories. While there, I couldn't help but step into my younger niece's old bedroom. And for the first time ever, it felt to me like she was actually present... as if something about her truly existed and was present at that very moment. I never felt that with her while she was alive. Alive, she felt to me as if she were nothing more than an object. This wasn't a creepy feeling; it was simply an unusual feeling. I didn't care if she had a spirit that returned. Not then, anyway. That was 30 years ago.

  Two weeks ago I returned to my brother's house for a short visit. I pretty much wasn't allowed back until now, so it was the first time since the funeral that I'd been back there. I again stayed in my old upstairs bedroom, and again I stepped into my deceased niece's room for a moment. The room was uncomfortably cold. I stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind me. Across the hall I got into bed and quickly fell asleep. During the night I was awakened by a long, low-pitched crying sound. I strained to listen. It continued. I got up and moved to the doorway. The crying continued. I was certain it was coming from my dead niece's room. I immediately assumed it was the older niece in there crying about her younger sister being dead (even after all these years. She kind of feels guilty, too.) So, I went to comfort her. But, opening the door, I found nobody there. There was just enough moonlight coming in through the window on the opposite wall that I could see where I was going. I walked around to the other side of the bed and stood in front of the window. But, there, on the floor, wide-eyed and shaking in the corner was my dead niece. She looked up at me, and seemed to be screaming frantically although there was no sound coming from her. Actually, I don't remember ANY sounds whatsoever once I entered the room. Then she just vanished. I hurried out.

  Now it seems to me that it just may be that the spirit of my niece has, perhaps for the last 30 years, been continuously reliving that ordeal I placed upon her. The axe murderer in the house, hunting each of us down one by one, had, to her, been a frightening reality. One that resulted in her death, even if indirectly. I put that reality in her feeble mind, am I responsible for her death? More than that, though, am I responsible for 30 years of her continuous torment even after she's long been dead? I don't know yet what to make of that possibility, nor if I'm even ready to acknowledge this at all. Why does this have to happen to me?

  Children of the Railroad

  San Antonio, Texas

  This story is completely true and bizarre. You can even research it for yourselves.

  Years ago, a school bus full of children was hit by a train in a terrible accident.

  Apparently the bus had stalled on the tracks. I'm not sure how this started but, if you go to this crossing and put your car in neutral the car will move over the cross on its own. Or so it would seem.

  Many people have done this, and all with the same result. They have put baby powder on the trunk of the car, and you can see the handprints of children pushing the car to safety, so as to save them from the fate they suffered.

  It pains me though, because people do this for amusement, especially on Halloween. Their souls will never be given the respect and rest they deserve, because the living don't care about the children of the railroad.

  It Wasn't Her

  Lake Jackson, Texas

  It was quite a few years ago, maybe when I was eleven or twelve, when I had my encounter. It didn't seem so troubling then, but now I'm always wracking my brain for some sort of explanation.

  I was sleeping over at a friend's house, like I usually did every weekend. There was the occasional bump in the night and unexplained noise, but I always dismissed it. I was young, and what didn't scare me then frightens me now.

  It was around five or six in the morning, just at the peek of daylight, when I woke up to see my friend wasn't beside me anymore. Still somewhat asleep, I got up to see where she had gone. In my friend's house, they had sort of a 'junk' nook, where everyone just kept their things in. It was still dark in the house, but in that room nestled in the nook I found my friend. I crouched down next to her and asked what she was doing. Slowly, her head turned and she looked at me. Finally, she replied, "nothing". I shrugged it off and left her, I was cold and wanted to get back to bed.

  I went back to her room to see that she was still in bed, sound asleep. Still half asleep, I thought nothing of it and crawled back into bed and fell asleep. There were no other kids in the house, and there was no way she could have sneaked by me to get back to her room. I always thought nothing of it when I was younger. But as I grew up, that memory has always stuck with me, and always made me wonder, just who exactly was I talking to?

  Angels Everywhere

  Denton, Texas

  I have had a lot of very strange things happen that have saved my life at least 30 or more times in the 50 years I have lived.

  The only explanation is the feeling I get just after each time it happens. I get this very emotional feeling and many times a picture in my mind of the relative who just snatched me out of the jaws of death. It is always a relative who is already dead.

  The most memorable one:

  I was 19, and stepping off a curb to cross a street late at night. I was all alone, or so I thought. Suddenly someone grabbed the back of my coat and dragged me backwards onto the curb - just having seconds to save me from a speeding car that was coming down the street at about 70 miles an hour. They were drunk and swerving badly.

  As I stood on the curb, in shock, I turned around to see who had grabbed and pulled me back. No one was there! At first I felt a chill, but then I felt this strange warmth and saw an image of my grandfather deep inside of me. It was very strange but not scary. Since then, someone has yanked the steering wheel of my car, saved me from a carjacking, and dozens more incidents. These have assured me each time that I am supposed to stick around awhile longer.

  In The Dark

  San Antonio, Texas

  This story doesn't have a time because it still goes on. But it all began when I was 14 and my cousin moved in for her senior year while her mom moved to another town for a new job.

  My cousin moved into the room across from mine, and every weekend my aunt would come down so they could spend time together until she went to college. When she graduated and moved out, that's when I decided to move into her room, because it was bigger.

  Well my parents decided to buy me new stuff, so while we were moving things I stayed in the room my aunt used for the year. And weird things happened. First I'd get these sick disturbing images of my dog being ripped to shreds and me being forced to watch it, or my worst fears coming to life.

  Then it just stopped and my vision would go. My voice would go, and then I was paralyzed. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, but fear took over my body. And then I could see again.

  Black figures were floating above me, laughing and taunting me as if they’d won. I was raised in a religious home and I tried to remember verses, but they were all jumbled up and I couldn't say anything.

  I tried screaming for my mom with nothing coming out. So I decided to just scream in my head things I learned at church or from my parents, then it would be over. And I wouldn't be able to go to sleep for the rest of the night.

  It happens still to this day, and I'm grown now. I only get these experiences in my aunt's room and my new room. Nowhere else in the house do I feel this uneasy feeling or fear of what's lurking in the dark. Whatever it or they are, they aren't going away, no matter what my parents or I do. I sleep with a Bible every night, hoping it will help, but mostly I've become an insomniac.

  The Non-smoker

  Houston, Texas

  I was only fifteen years old and I lived with my parents.

  I should mention that, at only fifteen, I had a very bad smoking problem. Yes, I did consider myself to be addicted. I am very ashamed, I will admit. My parents did not know that I smoked. I usually did it when they wer
e in bed and I was in my bedroom.

  On our first night in this house, I was kind of nervous, to say the least. I mean, new house and all... you can't help but feel a little weird. So, I decided at about 1:00 in the morning to have a cigarette... I sneaked one from my mom's pack, and took it into my bedroom. I lit it up and started to relax, when all of the sudden my door started to open! Thinking it was my parents, I quickly put the cigarette out and ran to the door. But, when I opened it up the rest of the way, no one was outside.

  I figured, "Great, now I have a broken door."

  I shook it off and was kind of scared to go out and get another cigarette, so I didn't smoke that night.

  The next night came around, and I did my usual sneak and smoke. It happened again. Now, this time I thought it was weird because I saw the doorknob turn. Thinking it was my parents, I again put it out quickly and ran to the door. And again, no one.

  Shaken up this time, I wasn't about to go back out and sneak another one. So, once again, for the second night in a row, I went cigarette-less! Now, this same thing happened every night that I did the sneak and smoke for almost two months. And, for a whole two months I didn't get to have one cigarette and I finally dropped the habit.

  I later got some information about that house. The lady that lived here before us was about fifty-four years of age when she died. And, here is the freaky part: She died of lung cancer from smoking.

  Here is my one question. Could the dead lady have helped me drop my smoking habit by opening my door just a little to make me think that it was my parents, that way I would quit? I like to think so.

  A Face in the Mirror

  Houston, Texas

  When I was young I would visit my grandmother's house a lot. Once when my brother and I were spending the night, something happened that I will never forget.

  I was about twelve years old and my brother was ten. I woke up Sunday morning around 7:30 and was just laying in bed daydreaming. My brother was still asleep in another bed next to mine. I could see inside the bathroom from where I was laying, and I was kind of looking at the ceiling when something caught my eye. I looked at the bathroom mirror and saw nothing. I told myself that my mind was playing tricks on me.

  My gaze drifted for a minute, and when I looked at the mirror again my heart missed a beat. There was a new reflection in the mirror now, but the strange thing was that there was no one to make the reflection. I saw some brown curly hair on the side of the mirror. I shut my eyes for a couple of minutes and told myself that when I open them it will be gone. I opened my eyes and there was someone looking at me in the mirror. If you ask me details I have none to give you because I jumped out of bed so fast and screamed so loud the neighbors came to see what was wrong.

  I only know that the face was a young girl, with brown, short, curly hair in sort of an old fashioned cut. I never slept in that room again.

  Ghost in the Oven

  Corpus Christi, Texas

  Our family, all ten of us, went to Corpus Christi, Texas for a weekend and rented a room in a new-looking hotel.

  We hadn't planned to get a room since it's more expensive to rent on the spur if the moment. But, we didn't want to do eight total hours driving to go home and come back. We started checking rates along the route. Prices were pretty much equal. We chose this fabulous suite that had room enough for all of us.

  It had a separate bedroom with a king bed for me and hubby, a queen bed in main room for daughter and her hubby, and for kids. It had a kitchenette complete with a mini dishwasher, fridge, and microwave, even a full sized stove. Both rooms had their own television.

  This suite was so nice, so I decided to take pictures. I'll include one so you can judge for yourself or tell me what you see. It was just weird.

  Later on that night, we ordered pizzas and then my ten-year-old granddaughter and I went out to the pool and sat in the hot tub. It was heavenly and relaxing to stare up at the beautiful night sky. A million stars overhead, even with the ambient lighting you could still see the stars. A cool sea breeze wafting over us made it perfect.

  We got up bright and early the next morning, ate a delicious continental breakfast with so much food that it made the cost of the room worth it. We then checked out and went back to the beach for a second day of sun and fun.

  During that previous night, however things weren't so fun. Strange noises kept waking me up.

  At first I thought it was the grandkids, but they were all sleeping, as was my daughter. I kept hearing strange popping sounds all night. Finally I gave up trying to sleep and decided to watch television, but it kept changing channels. I figured maybe someone in the room above us was changing their channels and their remote was messing with our television. I finally gave up, switched it off and lay back down on the luxurious cotton sheets and fluffy comforter.

  One thing I can say for sure is that hotel chain, they had the best quality bedding of any hotel I've ever been in. Just wish the other stuff wouldn't have happened,

  When we got home I downloaded all the pictures and was surprised to see what looked like a face in the oven door.

  You just never know who or what is sharing the room with you, do you?

  House of Horrors

  Denton, Texas

  My uncle lived in a house in Denton some 26 years ago with his good friend. The house was at the corner of Ponder and Scripture streets. Odd? When they began to fix the house up, things started happening. One day they heard all sorts of banging and crashing in the shed out back. When they got out there, nothing was awry, except that all the paint cans were tossed onto the floor while not even dust was disturbed.

  Faucets would turn on full blast, lights would switch on and off where you could see the switch flipping up and down, radios and TVs would come on.

  One day they came home and the dog was inside shaking uncontrollably. The dog hated to be in the house, but refused to go out back. Just then every window flew open, mind you they had all been stuck shut from paint and nails. A huge, loud wind howled through the house. When it settled down, they went out back and found a perfect rectangle sized grave for the dog. But the missing dirt was nowhere to be found.

  Years later when he married and my aunt moved in, the terrifying things continued. They would hear a loud thud and find the keys on the other side of the room from the hook they were hanging on. One day they heard commotion outside and peeked out the window. Some kids were pointing, scared and talking and then took off.

  When they went outside, a blood-like substance was dripping from all of the eaves.

  The final straw happened one night when my uncle was watching TV in the dark living room. He heard footsteps approach him and then something blew the foulest breath in his face. Not knowing what else to do, he rebuked the spirit in Jesus’ name and demanded it to leave. My cousin, who I am close to, was a baby at the time, and my aunt and uncle thought the house was too unsafe, so they moved.

  My cousin and I are in our mid to late twenties now and her dad still hates to talk about that house. These were the only stories he would share with us. I often wonder who else has lived there since and what they may have experienced.


  Keller, Texas

  My mom killed herself a year ago with a gun. I was sad and I wanted to talk to her again until one night. My mom killed herself in the house we lived in, and one night I was laying in my bed when the light of my digital clock went off. I sat up. Then, my bedroom light turned on for a second and turned off. I heard breathing beside me. I was too scared to move.

  The lights turned back on again and at the same time I heard a gun go off. I turned my head to the side. My mom was lying next to me with a bullet hole in her head, and a gun in her hand.

  I screamed, and then she said, "What's wrong?"

  The lights turned back off again and then turned on. When they did, I was alone in my room as if nothing ever happened.

  Baptize me, PLEASE

  Austin, Texas

  I use to
not believe in ghosts, until I stayed at my grandma's house to work on my memory book. In the memory book, I included a picture of my family tree. When we came to my great grandma Frieda, who died of tuberculosis in 1941, my grandma told me a story of an encounter my Aunt Diane had with her.

  My Aunt Diane kept seeing a woman in the middle of the night, standing at the foot of her bed, looking right at her. The woman's mouth was moving, but she wasn't making any sound. This went on several times a month for years. Aunt Diane was terrified, but there was nothing to be done except to pull up the covers and shake in fear. She saw doctors, she even saw a psychiatrist, but nothing helped. Nothing stopped the visits.

  Then one day Aunt Diane was going through an old family album. She suddenly nearly fainted, and had to lie back on the couch for several minutes. She had recognized the woman from her midnight visits. It was Great Grandma.

  When my great-grandma died in 1941, she was unbaptized. In my religion we can go and get baptized for the dead. So she went to the temple and was baptized for her, and never saw her grandma again.

  When Great Grandma was mouthing silent words, standing in that dark bedroom over a period of years, she wanted to be baptized. I wonder why? What was there out there, after death, that caused her to spend years seeking baptism?


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