Modern Girls

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Modern Girls Page 9

by Gary S. Griffin

  OK, I thought out a plan. Over breakfast we would get through the names and stories of her other lovers. Then, I’d review other events in her life.

  Suddenly, I was brought back to that pink bed. “Stevie, I love you. Do you know that?”

  Andi was awake and holding my right hand to her left breast.

  I whispered, “Yes, I do.”

  Before I could answer, she turned quickly towards me, kissed my lips, and said, “Are you thinking of me, I hope?”

  I answered, “Maybe, too much.”

  “Oh, I want you to.”

  “I know. But, we must work on your problems, too. OK?”

  “Can’t we do both?”

  “Yes, we can, but, today, while we’re together all day, promise me that we will work hard on the case or I’m going to get my own hotel room.”

  She gasped and held me tight. “No, don’t leave me. I will work hard. But, I thought you were really enjoying loving me?”

  “Andi, I’m enjoying this so much that I’m not thinking clearly. And, that’s not helping to prove you’re not guilty or making you safe. Don’t you see?”

  “OK, I understand. But, let’s hug for a few minutes before we get up. It’s still so early. OK?”


  “Plus, it’s so warm today, I want to go to the beach and show you around. We can take a long walk and I’ll talk as much as you want. OK?”

  “It’s a deal.”


  Andi attracted attention, lots of attention. Looking back now, I can’t be certain if she realized the stir she created, and if she sought it. I do know that some of that attention was good, some was bad, and some was ugly.

  I hadn’t seen her bikini until we were at the beach. Back at her apartment, Andi got dressed in private and her swimsuit was hidden by a t-shirt and short shorts when she walked out to the living room.

  Now, sitting on our blanket at Redondo Beach, Andi had removed her shorts and top and I was fully taking in Andi’s beach attire, and her nearly unclothed body. The beach was getting crowded, and it was only 11AM. There were already hundreds of people and blankets, some less than ten feet from us.

  Yes, Andi’s swimsuit was a white string bikini, if you consider three cotton triangles measuring three inches per side, and one fourth triangle measuring one inch per side a bikini. Eyes were drawn to all of Andi’s lines and curves; long legs with clear, natural muscle definition, round but small behind, visible hip bones, flat stomach, large, round breasts, and the very long straight blonde hair.

  “Andi that is a tiny swimsuit. Are you sure you can wear that in public?”

  “Oh, Stevie, it’s the new style.”

  “I’m not going to let you off this beach blanket in that suit.”

  “God, Stevie, this is L.A. It’s not that bad!”

  “Yes it is. I’m serious. I don’t want you lying on your stomach. If you do, I’m covering your behind.”

  “Oh, Stevie, you can’t do that.”

  “Watch me. I don’t want everyone seeing every part of my girlfriend, I mean, my, my…” I stopped short.

  “No, don’t stop. I like that. I want to be your girlfriend. Please think of me as your girl.”

  “Andi, we just met, I mean, we’ve only just started dating, I mean we’ve only had sex…” I stopped short, again.

  Andi interrupted, “Don’t stop, I love hearing you talk about us.”

  “Oh, you, you are something, you know that?”

  “Yes, I am. And, I’m yours and you’re mine; right now. I hope it’s for longer. I want you.”

  “Well, whatever I am, I don’t want you showing off your body to everyone on this beach today. OK?”

  “I’ll make a deal with you. When I’m off the blanket, I’ll put on my shorts, OK?”

  “OK, but, I still might cover your behind when you lay on your tummy.”

  “Oh, you’re so silly. You can do whatever you want with my behind.”

  “Andi, you…”

  She lay down next to me, on her side and gave me a big kiss. While we were hugging and kissing, I grabbed her towel and held it against her behind.


  We were walking south on Redondo Beach, looking at the cliffs of Palos Verdes a mile or so away. With each step we left the crowd of people farther and farther behind us. Andi was in that tiny bikini top and her short shorts and we were walking slowly on the wet sand.

  “OK, Andi, before you tell me about the other people in your love life, let’s talk about Sid again, briefly. So, you met Sid through Shayna, right?”

  Andi answered, “Yes, he was her agent. I had a modeling agent – but he couldn’t get me any acting jobs. That’s what Sid would do. So, Shayna connected us. Like I said last night, within a few weeks he got me my first job. It was a real movie too, even if it was only direct to video.”

  She continued, “It has a few nude scenes of me, but nothing graphic. That one was made before I dyed my hair and got my implants. It had kind of a sappy ending, but, I don’t know. I think it’s the best of my movies.

  “Anyway, I really thought I was on my way. I had the leading role in the movie, and was so happy that I really let my affair with Sid grow. Then, I discovered he was into weird sex and didn’t want to be faithful or exclusive with me.

  “As soon as that movie was finished Sid got me a part in the sequel, Undress for Success. My character is in it, but she has a smaller role. My scenes are so embarrassing. It was stupid, all about games where the two leading ladies take off all their clothes; a real dumb male fantasy. It’s the one I like the least of the four I’ve made.”

  As she spoke, I thought about these movies and Andi’s roles and how they played off her vulnerable personality. But, I soon tried to refocus on Sid and his murder. I asked, “So, who else were you involved with?”

  Andi thought for a second, and said, “Well, I met Edie through Sid.”

  Andi saw me raise my eyebrow at the thought of her lesbian sex.

  “Oh, Stevie, I’ve only had sex with girls a few times. But, all the times with Edie were with Sid too. We had sex together.”

  I asked her “You said Sid was into weird sex. Was Edie involved in that too?”

  Andi answered in her rapid way, “I’ll tell you how weird it was with Sid. Here’s the truth. That first morning after the day I met Sid, when I woke in Sid’s bed in his mansion, and Edie was standing there, next to the bed wearing only a slip and heels, I was so shocked and pissed at Sid for having another girl living right on his estate. Edie was also shocked and mad too. She said she wanted to surprise Sid and found the surprise was on her. Edie told me this is how it would be with Sid. So, we decided to get back at Sid. That’s when she slipped into bed with me. When Sid walked in we pretended to kiss each other. Sid was shocked, but, to our surprise, he got in bed with us, too. That’s how it started. I never had a threesome before, but it was so cool at first, having two people love me. It was sexy and wild and a huge turn-on. But, then I found out Sid was into rough, weird sex. I mean he had Edie and me wear real provocative clothes, he would pull our hair and spank us and make us do things…”

  Andi stopped talking and looked away from me.

  Then, she began again, “I got into it for a while, but it made me feel bad about myself, so I stopped seeing them. We haven’t been together since.”

  I asked, “So, where is Edie now?”

  “I’m not sure, Stevie. I haven’t seen her for months. We weren’t close friends, so I didn’t keep in touch with her. Sid said she was going to move. But, knowing how Sid lied, Edie still could be living in Sid’s pool house.”

  “Was Edie mad at Sid?”

  Andi answered, “No, well, like me, she got pissed when she discovered that Sid cheated with women for a living. But, she understood that’s how he was. I mean, five months before we started our ménage a trois they had stopped seeing each other. Edie moved out of the mansion and Sid let her live in his pool house.”

d like to talk to Edie. Can you help me find her?”

  “OK, but I’m not sure where she’d be if she’s still not at Sid’s mansion.”

  I said, “Well, let’s start there. Let’s take a ride there and visit, OK?”

  “Sure, when?”

  “Now. Why don’t we leave here and go back and change?”

  “Sure, OK, Stevie. But, let’s finish our walk, first.”


  We were only a few hundred yards from the brown, sandy cliffs of Palos Verdes. I wanted to use every minute I had available today. So, I said, “OK, so counting Sid, that’s three, now tell me about the other three lovers.”

  “Stevie, I don’t consider those ones lovers. I had sex with them.”


  Andi continued, “I had one-timers with two guys at work. One was a manager; not mine, but the head of security. Plus, I had a fling with one of his guards. I don’t know maybe it’s the uniform that turned me on.”

  “What we’re their names?”

  “Bruce and Vic. Bruce is the manager.”

  “Do they still work with you?”

  “Yes, I see them at work, but not often, and I don’t date either of them.”

  “Does either of them know that the other guy slept with you?”

  “Why do you ask such a thing?”

  “Because they could be jealous or mad at the other one, that’s why.”

  “I didn’t tell them. So, if they know, they had to talk. But, I doubt it. The two times happened a month or two apart.”

  “OK, so who was the person you dated seriously?”

  She frowned at me. “We weren’t serious, Stevie. We didn’t even date much, we just had sex.”

  “What was his name and where did he live?”

  “Mike Reese. He lived at the apartment and we were hot for a while, but we ended our affair two months ago when he moved to the Valley. We usually connected when we saw each other at the pool or in the laundry room.”

  I asked, “What kind of guy is Mike?”

  “Naughty, fun, he loved to fuck. Oh, I’m sorry, Stevie. I just got so horny after things ended with Sid.”

  “But, things really didn’t end with Sid, though. Did they?”

  “Well, no, but, we weren’t serious or intense, like before.”

  I asked, “OK, that’s all six. Was there any one else?”

  “No.” Then, she said, “Oh my God, Stevie, let’s get out of this sun. It’s so hot today.”

  “Sure, do you want to take a swim?”

  “What I want to do first is take off these shorts. No one’s around here, so no one will see me. Please?”


  We were far south from our beach area, and the sandy, rocky cliffs of Palos Verdes had started. Wow, they had a stark, impressive beauty. These cliffs rose right out of the ocean. I noted a few small caves and depressions in the cliff walls. The mid-afternoon sun beat down on us. Andi pulled off those tight little shorts, tossed them above the high tide line on the sand, and turned back to me.

  “Oh, Stevie, come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere where no one will see us.”

  She led me back to the sand cliffs, straight into a small cave, really a concave depression where we were out of sight of any one on the beach, even though the closest person was a half mile away.

  Once we were concealed, Andi walked over, and told me to give her a big kiss.

  “Pull me close, Stevie.”

  We kissed for a long time.

  A half hour later, we let the ocean rinse the sand out of our hair and bodies.


  We were on our way to Beverly Hills in my Mustang. Andi was in black. I assumed it was out of respect for Sid or whoever in his family we might see. Yes, she wore basic black, but a mini-skirt, a tight, cropped, cotton shirt, and big-heeled pumps didn’t look too conservative to me. Yet, she did look more serious and concerned, even frightened, with each mile we drove north. She became quiet too, her mind filled with thoughts, thoughts of what had been, what would never be, and what was going on this day.

  Thoughts filled my mind too. One was that Andi should show me the way to Sid’s mansion, but then she should stay in the car or go somewhere else. I couldn’t imagine any of Sid’s family or friends would want to meet the woman charged with his murder. Our plan needed to be changed.

  I began to explain my concerns to her.

  “Oh, OK, but, God, Stevie, I wish I hadn’t dressed in these black clothes. They’re making me hot and I look like I’m going to a funeral.”

  I looked at her almost uncovered legs below her mini-skirt and her braless chest nearly bursting the buttons of her blouse, and said, “I wouldn’t want you to wear that to my funeral!”

  “Why not?”

  “You look too sexy, Andi.”

  “No, I don’t. I have my hair tied back in a ponytail and I’m hardly wearing any make-up.”

  I reached over and put my hand on Andi’s left thigh, and spoke softly, “You’re also hardly wearing any clothes! And, that shirt is too tight for your new chest.”

  Andi blushed. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve had this blouse since before my surgery. I don’t have any other black ones. Does it look bad?”

  “Andi, it looks too small. You’re showing all your cleavage because you’re unbuttoned almost to your belly button.”

  “I can’t button any more or it would burst open.”

  I said, “I know. That’s why I said it’s too small for you now.”

  Andi nodded. “I should have worn my black dress.”

  “But, that’s not the biggest problem. I just realized that it would be stupid for you to strut up to the mansion. Everybody there must think you’re Sid’s killer.”

  Andi looked crushed.

  I quickly added, “They’re wrong. But, they don’t know that. All they know is that the police think you did it and you’ve been charged with Sid’s murder! So, it would be crazy for you to go there.”

  “You’re right, Stevie.”

  “Look, drive me past Sid’s home, and drop me off a little down the road. Then, I’ll meet you afterwards, somewhere. Is there anything close to Sid’s mansion?”

  “Not real close, maybe a mile away is a shopping area with a Starbucks. It’s down the hill from Sid’s mansion.”

  I said, “That will work. There are two things you need to do while I’m at Sid’s.”


  “Call your attorney and set up a meeting for me tomorrow morning, OK?”

  “Sure, that’s right, what time?”

  “As early as she can make it. I’m still a little jet lagged, so I’ll wake up early.”

  Andi asked, “You said there were two things I could do. What’s the other?”

  “Call the police. Aren’t you supposed to check in daily?”

  “Oh, God, I almost forgot. I’m late already. I should have called by now.”

  “Well, do that first.”


  On the way up Sunset Boulevard Andi showed me the Starbucks, and explained how to get there from Sid’s mansion. We drove up the winding, residential hills, passing here and there the brown shield-shaped roadside signs that indicated we were in the exclusive neighborhood of Beverly Hills. The homes became larger, wide-spread, and set back from the road, mostly secluded behind hedges and fences and trees.

  Andi knew the way, and after a left and right turn, we arrived at Sid’s two-story, Spanish-style estate. It was on a dead end road. I drove past, turned the car around at the circle and moved the transmission into park. I kept the motor and air conditioner running on this hot afternoon as we looked back down the road at the large, private property. We had a pretty good view of the estate, including a glimpse of the pool house roof in the backyard. There were no cars visible in the long driveway out front.

  I explained my plan to Andi. We agreed that she would come back to this cul-de-sac in one hour. If I didn’t appe
ar within ten minutes after she arrived, she’d leave and drive back to her apartment. I’d walk back to the center of Beverly Hills and get a taxi.

  Then, it dawned on me, “Andi, when was the funeral?”

  Andi answered, “Friday at noon.”

  “Did you go?”

  “No, I was just getting home from jail and felt wiped out.”

  “I think it was a very good thing that you didn’t go.”

  I paused to think and focus. “OK, Andi, what is Edie’s last name?”


  “OK, umm, and Sid’s son’s name is Troy, correct?”


  “And, Sid’s ex is Lana.”

  Andi answered, “That’s right.”

  “And, she lives in Malibu?”

  “Yes, you have a good memory.”

  I asked, “Did Lana ever remarry?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Did she keep Gabriel as her last name?”

  “I’m not sure, I think so, though.”

  “OK, thanks, I got it.”

  I turned and kissed Andi good bye. She gave me a big hug and told me to be careful.


  I stepped out of the car at 6:15PM. It was very hot, over 90 degrees, with not a hint of wind. Andi got out of the car too and walked around to the driver’s side. The only sound was her heels on the hard road surface.

  I couldn’t resist; I gave her another hug, with my right hand on her behind and my left up higher touching her long blond hair, as we shared a long kiss.

  I whispered, “Good-bye”, and let her go.

  She blew me a silent kiss and got in the Mustang. Andi started the car after I had walked about ten feet. She glided past a few seconds later, waived and continued to look at me in the rear view mirror.

  I refocused and continued my long walk down the slight rise, past the entire front of the estate. Pleasant aromas of flowers and trees hung in the dry air. Late day sun warmed the back of my navy-blue shirt and khaki pants.


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