Woman of the House: A Dark MMF Romance

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Woman of the House: A Dark MMF Romance Page 53

by Abby Angel

  I try to keep my head in the game for the next plays, but that girl has made a home out of my mind and I can’t focus right now. I’ve already made a fumble, and that’s my first one in the entire season. Fuck. And these two girls keep on talking about everything except the game. Now that my brain has been tuned to their voices, it seems that I can’t stop myself from hearing what they’re saying.

  “How big do you think he is?” I hear the blonde girl’s friend ask, and I’m pretty sure they’re talking about me. Momentarily forgetting where I am, I turn my eyes toward the girls and that’s when someone screams my name; I turn just in time to see the ball flying toward me, and I somehow manage to catch it. Except it’s too late now; two of the MILFs' linebackers are already coming toward me, one coming from the right and the other from the left, and they’re more than ready to steamroll me. Lucky for me, my body acts on muscle memory alone, and I take a fast step back; then I make a quick turn to the right, and the linebackers crash against each other.

  There’s a loud ooh and then a relieved aah coming from the crowd, and I jump back into action. It’s time to finish off these pussies for good. I start running down the field as fast as I can, trying to see a clear line of pass while trying to survive a whole team that wants to stomp me down. I’m running past the 50-yard-line, just a few feet away from the sidelines, when I notice that Anderson's open on the far end of the field. I cock my arm, ready to make another glorious winning pass, when a bright voice shoots a hole in my concentration.

  “I’d totally fuck him if I had the chance,” I hear her say, and I instinctively know it’s that blonde girl from before. Fuck, I lost the moment and Anderson is down on the ground now. And to top it all, there’s a lineman headed straight for me, and another two blocking my path to the right. When I hear one of the MILFs' players coming from the right, completely blindsiding me, I try and pivot to the left to avoid a sack.

  “Oh, crap!” I hear one of the photographers cry out, but by then it’s already too late. I step off of the field, crashing through the line and the photographers, and stumbling my way off of the field like a raging tornado. I’m heading straight to that blonde girl and her friend, but I can’t stop my trajectory now. Step out of the way, ladies—incoming.

  They jump out of their seats just in time; I crash on my back, right against where they were sitting, the ball still pressed tight against my chest. The seat under me seems like it’s broken now but, on the bright side, it seems like I got out of this in one piece.

  I take a deep breath, ready to go back to the field, when my eyes find that blonde girl. She’s staring at me, her mouth hanging open as if she still hasn’t processed that I almost crashed into her.

  Well, fuck it, I might have ruined the play, but I’m not going to ruin this: still lying down on the ruins of the broken seats, I flash her my game-winning smile.

  “Danny Manning, nice to meet you.”

  Extended Epilogue for Woman of the House!

  Next page, babe!



  Do you know hard it is to find a bed for three? And I’m talking quality here, which makes it all harder. In the end, we settled for something custom made. The moment we set up in the master bedroom, I was one impressed gal - forget about King size, our bed is Emperor size.

  Of course, I took the middle spot - easily the best one. Sure, I wouldn’t mind trading places with Drake and Sloane every now and then, but they insisted that the middle was mine. Mommy’s place.

  It’s where I’m lying now, their shirtless bodies next to mine. They’re fast asleep but, even though it’s 3 am, I’m wide awake. Since the baby came that my sleeping cycles are all out of whack - sometimes I’m like a zombie at three in the afternoon and, other times, it feels like I drank a gallon of coffee at one in the morning.

  And that’s one of these days.

  Feeling restless, I sneak out of the bed. Sloane stirs in his sleep but, in the end, I manage to tiptoe my way out of the room. I head straight to the room next to ours and step inside, doing my best to be as quiet as possible.

  Even though we have these two-way audio systems and a tiny video camera so we can check in whenever we want, I think nothing beats checking with your own two eyes.

  I walk toward the crib in the center of the room and, laying my hands on the bar, I peer into it. Sophia’s fast asleep, her hands clasped together in the sweetest pose. Can you believe it has already been one year since I held her in my arms for the first time? She was so tiny but now, look at her…

  Leaning into the crib, I caress one cheek of hers with the back of my hand, feeling her smooth baby skin under my fingers. I always thought that clichés abounded when people started talking about their babies, but only after Sophia’s birth did I realize that clichés exist for a reason: they’re a way to tie together all the similar experiences people have.

  So, forgive me if I’m about to go all cliché on you, but Sophia’s the one I live for. Drake and Sloane feel the same. From the moment I told them we were going to have a baby that I knew they were going to be the most caring fathers the world has ever seen.

  And when I figured out that our baby was a baby girl… Well, that flared up all their protective instincts. Sure, she’s still a girl, but when she’s all grown up and beautiful (like her mother), Drake and Sloane are going to terrorize her boyfriends. Yeah, prom’s going to be fun.

  “Hey,” I hear a careful whisper coming from the doorway, and I turn on my heels to see Drake leaning into it. He’s wearing pajama bottoms, but no shirt, his ripped muscles even more pronounced under the shadows of the night. No ‘dad bod’ for him, that’s for sure.

  “Hey,” I whisper back at him, and he tiptoes his way into the room, standing by my side and peering down in the crib. We stand there in silence, just watching our baby girl, and he lays his hands on top of mine.

  “Is everything okay?” I hear Sloane whisper from the door, a yawn taking over the end of his sentence.

  “Yeah, shh,” I hush him with a smile, and he just ambles to our side, his eyes still dancing in a mist of dream and sleep.

  We stand there for almost a minute, just looking at our baby girl. She’s the product of the love the three of us feel for each other, and she couldn’t be any more perfect. I’m betting she’ll be a real tough girl when she grows up - she’ll turn out to be a beautiful woman and, with two fathers like hers, she’s going to learn how to not take any shit from anyone.

  And we’re going to make sure she’s the happiest kid. I want her to have the kind of childhood I didn’t really have but, more important than that, I want her to know that her mother loves her.

  “Let’s go back to bed,” Drake whispers, placing one arm over my shoulders. I just nod and, grabbing Sloane’s hand, the three of us tiptoe our way out of the room. Like most babies, Sophia really enjoys keeping her parents up at night - her being asleep like this is a true miracle, at least this week.

  The moment I’m in the hallway, Sloane sweeps me off from my feet and carries me in his arms all the way to the bed. He lays me on the mattress gently, climbing on top of me and gently kissing me on the lips.

  “I love you so fucking bad,” he whispers, running his fingers through my dishevelled hair.

  “Hey, now, don’t try to steal my girl,” Drake says, grinning as he lays down by my side.

  “Don’t be jealous, old man,” Sloane smiles, his eyes locked on Drake’s. “You know I love you too,” he continues, this time leaning into Drake and kissing him.

  “Look at you…” I tell them with a chuckle. “Soon enough you’ll be writing poetry and drawing hearts on each other’s notebooks,” I tease them, smiling as they turn to me.

  “Got a problem with that, lady?” Drake says, his fingers trailing down the side of my body.

  “I think she’s mocking us, Drake,” Sloane whispers, looking from me to Drake. “I think some punishment might be in order…”

  “I’m thinking the same.”

/>   “Oh, no,” I cry out with a whisper, mockingly throwing my arms up in the air. Then Sloane’s lips fall on mine, and silence takes over our bedroom again. I can only hear the mattress shifting under our weight, and the sheets rustling as we move. And we move - a lot.

  I was afraid that, after more than a year of being together, that our sex life would end up changing. I was half-right about that - it changed for the better. Sure, you know, managing three companies and taking care of a baby is hard work, and we might not have sex as much as we like (which would be at least four times per day) but, whenever we have the chance, we always make sure we go the extra mile.

  We’re still as crazy as we were, though we now are more careful about it. Since Sophia entered our life that we became more responsible, and now we keep our craziest antics behind a closed door - no more Python, you know?

  And, more important than the sex, it’s how we feel about each other. It seems that the love we feel for each other keeps on growing and growing, and I can no longer imagine what it’d be like if the three of us weren’t together. I think that, if destiny separated us, we’d just wither and die. We’re one and the same now.

  We’re a family - and, now that Sophia is in our lives, that more than ever.

  Ah, happiness… I thought I needed money, adventure, sex, fame and all these things before I could consider myself happy. But now I see that all I really needed was just a lil’ love.

  Yeah, cliché or not, sometimes love really is the answer.

  At least it was for me.

  Also by Alexis Angel

  Wicked Lil’ Brat

  Man Chaser

  Red & Blue


  Client 5



  Men of the House

  12 Inches




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