Body Wisdom & Uncompromising Portraits

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Body Wisdom & Uncompromising Portraits Page 13

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Ah, yes, you wonderful man!” she gasped, as her body relaxed with the wave of feeling that washed from her breasts to her belly, into her thighs and on beyond.

  Seeing the sight of Sydney’s satisfied body, Gabriel crawled up next to her, and rested by her side.

  “Don’t do it anymore, Sydney,” was the first thing he said.

  “That’s all you have to say?” she asked. “You’re being much too sensitive about this. I love you and that’s all that matters. Besides, you can’t tell me it didn’t turn you on.”

  “That’s beside the point. I still don’t want you naked in front of a bunch of ogling eyes”.

  “God, Gabriel, you’re so unimaginative. This could really be fun for both of us, and you’re letting jealousy get in the way.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. The discussion is closed.” With that, Gabriel’s barrier of silence went up, and Sydney might as well have been talking to a wall to say anything more.

  The next week, the regular model was back in class, which almost disappointed Sydney. She had thought about her two naked hours many times since that night, and her fingers would find a wet pussy waiting to cum with just a few swift movements. She hadn’t realized what an exhibitionist she was, but the idea of modeling again was a constant thought in her mind.

  Two weeks later, as Sydney was cleaning her brushes after class, Malcolm approached her. He wanted to talk to her, personally. Leading her into his adjacent private office, he motioned for her to sit down.

  The longer Sydney had taken Malcolm’s classes, the more she’d been attracted to the older man. His lively hawk-like blue eyes, slightly graying hair and expressive mouth were quite hypnotizing, and she was not beyond lusting after men other than Gabriel. She decided early in her marriage that it was silly to shut down her natural female passions just because she had made her vows to Gabriel. She wasn’t going to screw around on him, the thought didn’t even cross her mind; but she could still enjoy the active fantasies in her head. After all these months of working with Malcolm, it didn’t surprise her that she was feeling her body respond to him, even though it was rare for her to find a man his age that held her attention.

  “Sydney, you’re developing into quite a talented artist. Your progression is steady and inspired. It’s really been a delight having you in class.”

  “Why thank you.” This was nothing he hadn’t already told her, but it was nice to have him single her out especially for the compliment.

  “You’re a waitress when you’re not painting?” he refreshed his memory.

  “Yes. I guess I’m one of many artists going after that elusive dream. But I do have to help Gabe with expenses. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise. He does support my art, but . . . well you know.” She felt kind of funny going into this with a man she didn’t really know, but he did ask.

  “I have a proposition to make that might suit you,” Malcolm said. “It will put you in the art world more hours a day, perhaps give you a little more liberty, and hopefully, I can replace the funds you’d otherwise make at your other job.”

  Sydney was definitely interested in anything that would get her out of the Cafe’s lunch time crowd; the job had once been a lifesaver, but anymore, it was only getting in the way.

  “I’m considering a major project, a series of nudes, male and female. I found a few weeks back that your body had exactly the shape and lines that I’m looking for in my female model. I’d like you to be my subject.”

  “You’re serious.” Sydney looked at the man amazed.

  “Absolutely. And perhaps you’d even gain some satisfaction being the subject of my work.”

  “And what kind of time are you talking about?” she asked.

  “This would require several hours of posing several times a week. The compensation would be generous. I’ve secured a rather fat grant, that I was not expecting, but I’ll gladly spend it. I’d pay the going hourly rate for models, which would be good part time money, I would think, for twenty hours a week?”

  “It sounds interesting,” Sydney replied cautiously.

  “Then can I count on you, to at least consider it?”

  “Malcolm, I’m floored and flattered, but I have no idea if I could do it.”

  “It is a commitment,” he agreed.

  “How long do you think?”

  “Six months, not less, and it could go on as long as a year. There’ll be more at the beginning, less as things develop, but perhaps it will give you more free time to pursue your own work.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you?” She had to admit her heart was racing, and her sexual juices were pulsing wildly through her.

  “Just tell me yes,” Malcolm insisted.

  “I really should talk to Gabriel about this,” she said, with a look of concern on her face.

  “Will he object?”

  “I’m afraid so. He wasn’t pleased at all with my posing last time.”


  “I guess so. It surprised me, but then he’s from a rather traditional background, and I know he thought it was tawdry, especially for his wife.”

  “Then he doesn’t understand the art world. We’re all tawdry sluts within it,” Malcolm joked.

  Syd laughed. “Yes, I’m afraid that’s exactly what Gabriel thinks.”

  “Perhaps I could talk to him,” Malcolm said.

  “No, if I’m going to do it, I’ll just have to put my foot down and do it.”

  “If it weren’t for Gabriel, would you?”

  “Yes,” she found herself saying so readily, she could hardly believe it.

  “Then I think you should consider what saying “no” would mean.”


  “I’m not in a position to advise you on your marriage, but this is a defining kind of thing, don’t you think?”

  “Like, if Gabriel wins on this, what else will he win on?” Sydney said. “I don’t know, these things are hard for him, but I’m deeply in love with Gabe, and we do have some moments . . . . “ She stopped abruptly.

  She didn’t want to go into this with Malcolm. It was really none of his business, though he’d pretty well defined the problem in a nutshell. She wasn’t in her marriage to have to look out for everything she said and did. She didn’t want to upset Gabriel, but Malcolm’s offer was terrific, both professionally and financially. The only thing that could possibly get in the way was Gabriel’s antiquated idea of women, and she didn’t want to make that a factor in her life. “I’ll give you an answer in a couple of days. It might take a little time to break this to Gabe.”

  “Take all the time you need, I don’t need to get started for a couple of weeks, but once I do, it will be an all out effort.”

  Sydney nodded. There was a very satisfying feeling along with all the sexually arousing ones. This seemed like a piece of a puzzle fitting neatly into place in her life, even if it was fraught with the difficult challenge of bringing her husband’s thinking along with hers.

  Chapter Two

  It took some time to decide just how to break the news of her modeling to Gabriel, but Sydney made plans over the following few days. It wasn’t so much a lot of intricate preparations, as it was getting into a perfectly seductive frame of mind, so that Gabriel would say yes, without so much as a second thought.

  She chose candles, and sensuous music, and his favorite foods, and a seductive teddy to wear. When she wanted a good rousing fuck, it wasn’t unusual for her to ply him with a passionate meal, candlelight, and nothing but a provocative wisp of silk to tease him. She really didn’t have to go to all the trouble, because Gabriel was pretty willing most any time; but she liked the trappings as much as the good hearty sex afterwards. She knew Gabriel liked it too.

  Gabe was traditional in his thinking about husbands and wives, coming from an extensive and very imposing Italian family; but he had always had a hidden, kinky side that he liked showing off to Syd. So, she showed hers back. Unfortunately, he liked keeping most
of it under wraps, behind closed doors, just between the two of them, and on rare occasions.

  As the evening began, Sydney and Gabriel were like lovebirds sitting at the small table by a window, that looked out on the meandering grounds of their apartment complex. Gabriel’s eyes were gleaming lustily as he looked at Sydney’s chest. He watched intently the way her breasts moved when she breathed in and out. He didn’t realize how her simple breathing could seduce him so thoroughly. He loved the way the dark lace of her form fitting teddy covered just enough to make him want get inside the lingerie, as if he’d never seen the flesh beneath it before.

  Eyeing her husband, Sydney could see he was responding just the way she planned. When he stared at her, she could feel her nipples harden in response, like they might be connected to his mind.

  “You’re making it hard to eat, Syd,” he said, as he tasted a mouthful of the creamy pasta on his plate.

  “That’s the point isn’t it?”

  “You have something special in mind?” he asked.

  “Just you.” She wasn’t about to suggest what other things she had in mind, this would be a slow sumptuous seduction.

  Gabriel’s cock was swelling pleasantly in his pants, just a shade before a full erection. He liked it poised and ready, pulsing every few seconds in anticipation of what would come. Sydney had the most tender sweet smile, her eyes dripped licentious lust, sometimes sparkling with fire. Now they were pure sex, and it was eating him away inside.

  Just as he was finishing his meal, Gabriel watched amazed as his wife slipped easily to the floor, underneath the table. She crawled between his legs, and found the zipper on his pants. He helped her out, wiggling just enough so that she could complete her task: opening his pants to find the penis that had already been pleasing him the way it throbbed against the denim fabric.

  “You hot little wench,” he exclaimed, as he leaned back in the chair, feeling his wife’s mouth begin to suck the head.

  He heard her soft moans coming from under the table. She was such a provocative woman, and technique? Woah, he was finding himself well on his way to one fine orgasm, when he made her pull away. He wanted more than just oral sex. He had every intention of plowing into her juicy cunt and rolling around their bed, and on the floor, and everywhere else they happened to land.

  Pulling Sydney to her feet, Gabriel held her close to him, and fondled her breasts through the lace teddy. He wanted to rip the thing away and screw her like mad, but he would wait, be subtle, sensuous. She loved long lovemaking, even when they were crawling madly to get off. She always said that holding off made the finale that much more exciting, and he had to agree. It seemed strange to him that his wife was such a naturally accomplished lover, when he thought he should be the expert. He knew she wasn’t all that experienced when he married her, but she caught on easily to what pleased them both, and wasn’t at all shy about anything sexual.

  At times, he had mixed feelings about her sexual genius, but he certainly wouldn’t tonight. And by the time they got to the couch, he was too far gone to do anything but enjoy.

  Gabriel lay down on his back while Sydney climbed on top. She teased him with her wet pussy, massaging the sensitive head of his penis with gentle in and out strokes.

  “Oh god, Syd, do that more,” he let her know how much it pleased him. She didn’t have to have any verbal encouragement, it was feeling so good for her, she could go on for hours this way; that is, until her mounting orgasm peaked, and she would glide into her own climax.

  They rocked together cock to cunt for several minutes, Gabriel’s hands exploring her, Sydney’s kisses covering his face. He loved being licked and kissed around his mouth.

  Before long, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and he thrust himself deep into her cunt, and pumped her hard. A hand on either side of her hips, grasped her tightly as he worked her body on top of his.

  “Yeeeeawwwwww!” his scream roared in the air, and as his prick shot into her, she squeezed down hard to milk him dry.

  He remained inside her while he recouped. Still hard, he was certain they’d have another go round before the night was over. Now, Syd was enjoying the moment for herself, the slowing diminishing cock was a gentle lover to her tender places.

  When she finally pulled away and collapsed next to him, Gabriel pressed his fingers to her cunt and began to play, finding the little release spots in the folds of her pussy. One finger pressed just inside where the “G” spot made her shoot with a wild burst of pleasure, and in a few short moments, she was churning with a satisfying climax.

  “Oh, my god, Gabe, that feels so perfect.” She rocked against his hand until all the tingling died away.

  “God, I’m lucky to have you,” Gabriel said.

  She could feel the love, an enveloping peace that made her heart as happy as the rest of her.

  “I know. I’m really good, aren’t I?” she agreed with him. She stroked his chest, pulled his disheveled shirt away, and began to kiss his hard pecs and the tiny male nipples.

  “You still horny?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but I can wait. I have a long long night planned.”

  He held her for some time, thinking that there wasn’t anything more blissful than this.

  “Gabe, we’ve got something to discuss,” Sydney ventured after a few moments of calm.


  “Yeah. And I think it’s going be difficult, but I want you to really consider this seriously. Look at all sides of this before you say anything, and just think about it before you make a decision. Okay?”

  “Sure, what’s up?” There was a trace of caution in his voice.

  “You know I’ve been wanting to have more time to paint. I mean, I have the opportunity to show some paintings next month, if I could get some time away from the Cafe, I’d really be able to finish those, and you never know, I might sell a few more.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Gabriel remarked. “But you’d probably need to quit your job.”

  “I don’t think I can, honey. We have the car payment, and the credit cards, but I could make up the money with another job.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Malcolm Eisley, my art instructor. He wants me to pose for him, and he’ll pay me very well. I’d probably be working half the hours, and make almost as much. It would be a terrific opportunity to get everything I’ve been wanting.”

  “Posing?” he queried.

  “Yeah, posing.”


  She took a deep breath. “Yeah, nude.”

  “It’s out of the question.” For a big man, Gabriel popped up from the sofa very rapidly, pushing his wife away at the same time, almost knocking her to the floor.”

  He’d been so supremely peaceful after sex, but it obviously didn’t stick, since his eyes were glaring instantly, and Sydney could read the raging emotion ready to explode. She bristled with the sudden rude turn. At the very least, she expected him to be rational. He stood over her, while she remained slumped against the couch.

  “I forbid you to do it,” he said, with an atypical venom pouring from him.

  “Forbid me?” she blared. She immediately sat up straight and looked him in the eye. “What do you think, you own me?”

  “You’re my wife, I don’t want you running around acting like a common slut.”

  “Is that what you think of me?” she asked.

  “Sometimes,” he admitted.

  “You don’t mean that?”

  “You’re posing nude? That’s exactly what I’d think!”

  “You fuckin’ asshole!”

  Sydney swept up the lace teddy that had fallen to the floor, and stormed into the bedroom slamming the door behind her.

  An hour later Sydney came out, no less angry that she’d been before; though she knew that not talking wasn’t going to get them anywhere.

  Unfortunately, Gabriel was no less angry either. She knew right away that she wouldn’t be getting anywhere with him. That was okay, she’d made
her decision. Malcolm was right, this was a defining moment in her marriage. Was she going to let Gabriel treat her as chattel all their lives, or was she going to be free to pursue what she wanted to do? She couldn’t see it any other way. He was being unreasonable, and she wouldn’t have it. If he had started out a little more understanding, and hadn’t leveled the nasty judgment at her, she might had gone along with him, but now!

  “I’ve made up my mind,” she announced. Gabriel had picked up the dining room, and was doing the dishes in the kitchen, his task punctuated by a stormy cold silence.

  “So.” He barely looked at her.

  “I’m going to do it.”

  He stopped in his tracks as if he really didn’t expect that answer. But once he’d gotten it, he was clear about what he would say.

  “That’s fine,” he answered coldly. “You do that, and I’ll be moving out.”

  “You’ll what?”

  “You heard me.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “I’m not going to have my wife parading her body for god knows who, even if it’s in the interests of art.”

  “Gabriel, this is the human body, it’s not sex and it’s not lust, it’s just the rendering of form and grace and exquisite line.”

  “Well it will have to be someone else’s exquisite line, not yours!”

  “But it will be mine. You’re being irrational and idiotic, and I’m not going to let you get away with it.”

  “You’re putting this all on me. You didn’t want my opinion, you just wanted to butter me up with your nasty hot sex, and then you expected me to agree to anything you wanted. Well go ahead and pose for the entire world, Sydney, but don’t expect me to be here to get you off when you get horny, because I won’t stay.”

  “You’d really break up our marriage over this?” she asked dumbfounded.

  “You’d really challenge our marriage just to make this stupid point?”

  “It’s not stupid. It’s about being true to myself, about my personal freedom. I’m not going screw around, I don’t want that. But I don’t want you imposing this authoritarian crap on me like you were my master.”


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