Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 5

by William C. Cole

  “How does he feel about this? I mean David.”

  “I don’t know. We haven’t told him yet. Actually I haven’t seen him today. I will inform him when he arrives. I’m sure he will be okay with it. He speaks highly of you and believes in your capabilities. But that said I’m the head honcho of this barn and I have decided you’re going. He won’t question my decision.”

  “This brings me to the second item I wish to discuss with you,” changing the subject. “As we speak David is at his residence meeting with Mr. Watson and Special Agent Scott. Renée, the fire was deliberately set. It was an act of arson. This is disturbing news. We’ve been asked to jog our memories. See if we can recall anything that seemed out of the ordinary within the past two months. Give it some thought. Ask around.”

  “How could that be? As of late last night it was believed to have been ignited by natural causes.”

  “I don’t have any more information at this time. When I last met with the FBI Agent he confirmed the findings. I was not privy to anything further. He was heading to the ranch to brief David and his father in-law. There is nothing more I can tell you.”

  “When is David expected?"

  “I’m not sure. But I would think sometime this afternoon. We will be updated then. But right now, we need to keep our minds focused on winning that race this weekend. You with me?”

  “Okay, let’s do this,” she stood up quickly, confidently leaving the room ready to take a giant leap in her career.


  Jacob and David listened intently as Special Agent Scott apprised them of his findings.

  “So remember when you were a kid and playing with alleys, or as some call them marbles. Imagine spreading half a dozen of those in piles of hay throughout the stable. That’s exactly what happened. The difference here is the marbles actually had a tiny, powerful computer chip in them. Once the device is activated electronically by a cell phone or a computer, they heat up to an extremely intense temperature similar to a stove top element on high. They do not explode or burst into flames. However, placed under a light dry material they will ignite it. In this case it was hay. I would think this is the reason the local fire investigator determined there were multiple areas of origin for the fire.”

  He sat quietly for a moment anticipating questions. None were forthcoming.

  “This method of arson is rare and expensive. Coined a Marble Burn, it can be activated from any location in the world. Gentlemen, you have been targeted and we need to look at reasons why someone wishes to inflict this kind of damage on you. We only know of two individuals that produce this sort of system. They are secretive as to whom their clients are. Both live in Europe. The world is a large geographic area to begin a search such as this, so we need to begin narrowing it down by determining motivation. It was not meant for mass destruction. The rare times we have come across it, its purpose was one of distraction, rather than damage.”

  Without responding to the Special Agent’s explanation, Mr. McGinnis picked up the phone and tapped the intercom.

  “Yes, Jacob,” his executive assistant Brooklyn Albright immediately answered.

  “Would you step into my office for a minute?”

  Seconds later the office door opened and she entered with her iPad in hand. She appeared so quickly it was as if she was waiting outside the room with her hand on the door knob. Brooklyn was a brilliant woman in her mid-fifties. She was Harvard educated, attractive, fit, a professional married to her career. Jacob had enticed her to move from Washington DC to become his executive assistant a number of years ago. Brooklyn had been the private secretary to the President of the United States for eight years prior to joining Jacob. She was compensated with a very generous high six figure salary and a private residence on the ranch. Intelligent, dedicated and by spending two terms sitting at a desk adjacent to the Oval Office, she was well connected. Brooklyn was the President’s Rock of Gibraltar. If you wanted to enter the most elusive office in the world, you had to make your way past her. No one, even the First Lady, entered that room without her authorization. She had approved Jacob’s access on more than one occasion. Now here she stood, saying nothing, waiting for instructions from Mr. McGinnis.

  “Brooklyn,” he began, “Agent Scott has determined that the fire at our stables was intentionally set. We need to assist him in any and every possible way to ensure a speedy conclusion to this situation. Please provide him with all the material or information he requires.”

  She said nothing, nodding that she understood. The actual meaning to his instructions was to allow Agent Scott access to most files, not all. Certain files would never to be seen by anyone, other than herself and her boss.

  “Special Agent Scott if you would follow Miss Albright she will assist you immediately. All of her other business matters will be put aside until you are satisfied with your examination.” He had heard enough, now he expected that the situation to be fixed.

  “Miss Albright will fill you in on any threats we may have received, or any disgruntled persons or employees we may be associated with. She possesses far more knowledge of this kind of information than I do. I would appreciate you informing me when you've apprehended the persons responsible for this.”

  At that the men stood, shook hands and the FBI Agent left the room with Brooklyn.

  David spoke for the first time since the meeting commenced. “When they do determine who did this, I’d like five minutes alone with them.”

  Jacob addressed him, “David this is not hockey game. The FBI will find our culprit and they will be brought to justice. Now, don’t you have some business to attend to at the stables? This is a big weekend.”

  “You’re right I do need to get going. Are you coming to California tomorrow?”

  “That will not be possible. I will take in the races here. My schedule is full,” he said as he spread out his hands referring to the files lying on his desk. “Besides I don’t have a plane. Your wife has hijacked it once again. Speaking of planes, Brooklyn has your tickets on her desk. She booked two tickets thinking Sandy was going to accompany you. Maybe you could offer it to Serge. That would make for an interesting flight.”

  “I’ll ask if he is interested.”

  They both had a little chuckle then David made his exit. Jacob sat back at his desk. The smile disappeared. An eerie facial expression crossed his face. He would allow no more than one week for this investigation to conclude before he picked up the phone to ruffle some feathers. Someone was going to pay dearly for this attack. They had targeted the wrong family.

  David arrived at the stables. All seemed well. The construction crew repairing the damage caused by the fire was moving at a nice pace. Everything else was quite normal. Some of the horses had been returned. They were being walked and groomed. There were a number of horses from other stables being put through their paces on the track. It was a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. Even with the events of the last few days, he felt revitalized once he entered the area where the horses were housed. The smell, the people, the innocence of the animals all made for a peaceful environment. At this instant there was nowhere else in the world he’d rather be.

  He walked along the outside of the stalls and said hello to any stable hand he came across. In search of either Serge or Renée he was making his way to the lunch room/office. They had a busy weekend ahead of them, and he wanted to make sure preparations were on schedule.

  “David, wait up.”

  Turning to the direction of the voice, he saw Renée jogging to catch up to him. He stopped and waited for her. Always brightening his day, always in good spirits—at least on the outside no matter what challenges she was facing, was an attribute he admired. She caught up, out of breath, but still smiling. His day just got better.

  “Hey Renée, how are things going around here? I’ve been gone less than two days, but it feels like a lifetime.”

  “Everything is fine. Serge told me that they suspect that the fire was set
on purpose,” changing the subject.

  “That seems to be the consensus. I’m sure the FBI will figure it out. However young lady, we need to concentrate on our upcoming races.”

  “All seems to be running smoothly and on time,” Renée answered. “Serge has made a few changes to our schedule, but I think it would be best if you discuss it with him.”

  “What changes?”

  “I’m sure he would rather explain it himself. I’m good with whatever you two decide.” Then she added in French, “si c’est okay avec toi,” meaning if that’s okay with you.

  “C’est très bien,” he answered.

  “Where is Serge?”

  “I’m not sure, I’ll call him,” reaching for her phone.

  Serge picked up immediately. They talked briefly then she slipped the cell into the back pocket of her jeans.

  “He’ll meet you at the office in five.”

  “Good, I’ll catch up with you later,” then turned in the direction of the office.

  Renée was hoping that he would be okay with her taking Serge’s position in California. Being the head trainer of a favorite in a premiere horse race, would definitely propel her career a notch or two.

  David arrived at the office before Serge. He opened the refrigerator, snatched a bottle of water then sat on one of the rickety chairs putting his feet up on the desk. The majority of his time during the ride to work was taken up by talking on his Bluetooth, arranging meetings for the upcoming trip. So this was his first quiet moment since he touched down this morning. His thoughts drifted to the events which had unfolded yesterday. Witnessing his wife destroy those two thugs was disturbing. Knowing she was a master in martial arts was one thing. Standing beside her as she pulverized them was another. The visualization of the episode was short lived as Serge soon appeared in the doorway.

  “David, it’s nice to see you found your way back,” Serge began with an authoritarian emphasis to his voice.

  Everyone including himself knew David was the boss. But he also knew he was the best in the business. He didn’t like being instructed on how to do his job, and he wasn’t that keen on seeking approval on his decisions.

  David very rarely questioned Serge’s judgment when it related to the training of the horses. Actually he valued his opinions. After all, he was one of the elite trainers in the world. Serge’s ego and his commanding of the spotlight did not bother David in the least. Frankly, he was entertained by it. Yet the trainer was an employee and if push came to shove, David would prevail.

  “Well, I’m glad to be home Serge, although it has been less than two days. It’s nice to see you too,” David replied.

  “Two long days,” Serge added. “Can you bring me up to date on the fire?”

  “The FBI has determined that it was set intentionally. Some sort of computer chip device which heats up to such an intense temperature it ignited the hay. The chips are small much like a marble. It can be activated remotely from anywhere in the world. Someone who had access to the stables placed them in our stalls.”

  “I find it hard to believe a fellow horseman would take that kind of action,” Serge seemed sincerely shaken at this news.

  “I doubt that it was anyone from this track. But the FBI feels confident they will resolve it quickly and prosecute the guilty parties.”

  He then changed the subject, “Are we on schedule for transporting the kid to the West Coast? We need to focus solely on our weekend race. Let the authorities do their job, at least for the time being.”

  “I agree,” Serge replied then hesitated before informing him about who was going to make the trip. “I’m sending Renée to California this weekend, and I will oversee our local races. I think under the circumstances it would best one of us stayed close to home.”

  “Serge this is a stakes race, one of the most important of the year. Why would you not want to be there? If anyone should stay here it should be me. I can rearrange my meetings.” He paused giving it some thought then continued, “do you really think Renée can handle this?”

  “She’s been ready for some time now. I believe you will find her quite prepared for the task at hand,” he was going to explain his decision further but David put his hand up to stop him.

  “I’m okay with it Serge. I appreciate your believing in her. I’m not sure I fully understand why you want to miss it. But it’s your call. Have you confirmed her travel arrangements?”

  “Everything has been taken care of.”

  David stood, shook his hand and patted him on the shoulder then added, “I’m heading back to the ranch within an hour or so. If you need anything call me.” Then both men left the office and went their own ways.

  David had all the confidence in the world pertaining to Renée’s handling of the weekend. Something about Serge passing up an opportunity that would most definitely present him a day or two in the limelight didn’t sit well. These races were heavily covered by the media. Renée could handle the horse just fine, but it was going to be interesting to see how well she deals with the press. David smiled to himself. This was going to make for an intriguing trip. He was looking forward to it.

  After leaving the office, he once again made his way through the stalls chatting it up with the stable’s employees. Spending time around the horses was a gratifying aspect of his job. He had a true love for these animals, cherishing every moment he could spend with them. He stood having a conversation with one of the groomers while rubbing Charlotte’s forelock. Charlotte’s Choice was the horse being transported to California that evening by cargo plane in preparation for the upcoming race.

  Renée came around the corner but stopped when she saw David, and slowly backed off, leaning her shoulder on the wall. She wasn’t hiding, but more observing as she kept herself out of sight, not wanting to interrupt her boss’s conversation. There was something to be said about a man that could treat an animal with such tenderness and care. Renée wanted to savor the scene. When she witnessed David’s interaction with the thoroughbreds, it heightened her admiration towards the man. Her pausing, in part, could also have been her subconsciously delaying the conversation with him—fearing he might have declined Serge’s request for her to take the lead in California.

  The interlude was short lived as he took notice of her, motioning for her to join him. She smiled and walked towards them. David said something to Monica the groomer. She was one of the crew that would fly with the horse tonight. Besides Renée and himself there were three hands that would make the trip. They would chaperon the horse twenty-four seven, never letting him out of their sight. David ended the chat, shook her hand while tapping her on the shoulder, then made his way in the direction of Renée, who was approaching. When they came together he continued walking which forced Renée to make a quick ninety degree turn to keep up with him. They didn’t speak until outside the stables.

  “Did you speak to Serge,” she said expecting to hear bad news about her upcoming travels.

  “I did,” he replied not adding anything further.

  They continued to walk side by side. Knowing she was champing at the bit to find out if he approved the change in schedule, his first thought was he was going to have a little fun with it. Not letting her hang too long, but a few minutes would be enjoyable. Always the jokester he saw no harm in a little teasing. It broke the seriousness of the day.

  When he was playing hockey he had been known to participate in a prank or two. During one of his Junior Hockey years, the team had a player that was always the last out of the shower. On most nights he was the last player to get on the bus, which delayed many departures. One night after a late practice David came up with the idea. During practice they solicited the arena attendant’s approval and verified that they were the last booking on the ice that particular night. There would be nobody in the facility when they were done. So once practice was over they all changed and showered a little quicker than usual. True to form this one player was last to enter the shower. Once he did, they cleared the
dressing room of everything, taking his towel, equipment, clothes and putting them at center ice. The poor guy had to walk out on the cold ice surface butt naked to retrieve his clothing. He was laughing harder than the remainder of the team who were hiding in the lobby peeking through the glass.

  David realizes that type of behavior would not be allowed in this day and age. It would be shunned, labeled hazing or harassment. But he believed it was all in good fun. This was a tight-knit group. These guys would go to war for each other. They were a brotherhood. If you messed with one, you messed with them all. During the next road trip following the practice, they allowed that player to be first in line when the bus stopped for food, a position which was normally reserved for the star of the game or the captain. He got to select the movies for the ride. It had all been in good-spirited fun and the player himself was impressed with whoever thought it up. But it was a team and the whole team took credit for the idea. David did not condone bullying. Contrary to some people’s belief, he felt in this case no harm had been done. It was part and parcel of belonging to a sports team. The razzing was present in this environment. It always had been and would always be.

  “I understand everything is in order for Charlotte’s flight.”

  “We are on schedule and should be leaving within the next two hours for the airport. I would like him to have an hour or so to settle on the aircraft before its departure.”

  “Good. I have to attend to a couple of things this evening so I’m heading out now. If you need anything call me,” he could see she was a confused as to why the subject of her going to California hadn’t been brought up.

  He was right, it was killing her. She didn’t know if he approved of the plan, or had he not and was leaving it to Serge to break the news. Certainly if he agreed with it, he would have touched on the subject by now.

  David started to walk towards the parking lot. As he got about ten feet in front of Renée, he turned back. She was walking away. Taking a second to admire her, he recalled Sandy’s comments from the other day. She does have a great butt.


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