Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 11

by William C. Cole

  “Gentlemen,” Sandy said before the next hand was dealt, “I believe it is time to retire for the evening. Tomorrow will be a wonderful day. We will witness Fyad enter into a new chapter of his life.”

  She collected her winnings then stood. Everyone was quiet. The King smiled. He was enjoying this. With her announcement of departure you could feel the tension in the room ease. The men could now act as men.

  “My dear Sandy, we have only begun,” the King wheedled.

  “I appreciate your company gentlemen but you know us women need our beauty sleep,” she said taking a jab at their characterization of females. She went on, “The Save the Children Foundation will appreciate your generous donation,” informing them that her winnings were earmarked for the less fortunate.

  Security flung open the massive wooden doors before she had reached them. She disappeared into the hallway. The card game would continue for another couple of hours if not longer which allowed her ample time to complete the next phase of her evening.


  Eight thousand miles away Renée and David were settling in for dinner after finishing up at the track. Both saw very little of each other during the day. Renée spent the past several hours putting Charlotte’s Choice through his paces and grooming the horse. David attended a number of prearranged meetings. The upcoming race day brought together a number of the important players. Breeding contracts were a very lucrative aspect of the industry. He finalized three agreements collectively worth over a million dollars.

  Unlike the previous night's discussion there was no flirtation. The focus was solely on the race. Renée noticed the change in David’s demeanor early in the day. She assumed it was due to the pressures of the business he was overseeing.

  David was making a conscious effort not to get personal with their exchange and focus on tomorrow. Last night was still playing on his mind. The more he reran the events the more curious he was about which room Gabriela came out of. He was disappointed in himself, a grown man who loved his wife, considering crossing the line of infidelity. From this point on he intended on doing just that, controlling his emotions.

  They finished eating, feeling comfortable with the plan of attack for the next day. The walk back to the hotel was a quiet one with a polite exchange of goodnight at the end of it. Then both retired to their respective suites. They would regroup early in the morning for race day.


  Sandy swung a small athletic bag over her shoulder. It contained everything required for the task. Her objective was to gain access into a pair of the guest rooms. They were being occupied by leaders of Middle East countries who were not that cozy with the Americans. At the beginning of the day she wasn’t sure who her subjects would be. After observing the visitors she decided on the targets. Her allotted time only allowed for two. The ones chosen displayed a false self-importance throughout the day. They were loose-lipped, arrogant, wanting to be noticed by the other guests, perfect candidates and also on the CIA’s preferred list. With their self absorbed attitudes, chances were little thought had been put into the security of sensitive information they may have left behind in the suites. Their mindset would have been all was secure within the Palace.

  She would spend a maximum of ten minutes in each of their accommodations, gathering as much intelligence as she could. A decision was made to enter each room from the hallway. Picking the locks would be a breeze. The Palace’s exterior security system was as sophisticated as any USA government facility. It was so secure that there was little need for an elaborate interior system. If all went as planned, the security cameras would witness her knocking at a door and being let in by the occupant. The guards who normally patrolled the halls were gathered in the room across from the library with their counterparts. The guests not involved in the poker game would be retired by this time of night. Sandy knew she could roam freely within the complex without suspicion. What she wasn’t expecting was the person sitting in front of the security monitors being Fyad.

  She stepped into the hallway, walked casually to and up the staircase arriving at the floor above hers. Within a minute she was standing in front of the first suite. Knowing it was not occupied she looked to her right then to her left, then knocked with her left hand. With her back to the hall camera she swiftly used her right hand to swiftly pick the lock with a tool she earlier retrieved from the packsack. She was inside the room as quickly as anyone holding the key could have entered. Those monitoring the security cameras would believe she was visiting one of the guests. Fyad knew better.

  Once inside, from her bag she took out what looked like a small pair of dark sunglasses. They were night vision goggles. The gym bag contained a number of highly technological advanced devises. The equipment was developed for the US military. Each item was then refined by the CIA, specifically designed for spying.

  She immediately found the object which topped her list, a laptop. In her arsenal she possessed two pieces of equipment which when attached to a computer could extract the full contents in less than a minute. What surprised her was this particular laptop not being of military grade. It was one that a student might own. It could be bought in any of the large electronic chain stores throughout the world. She expected the leader of a country to possess a more secure system. One without USB ports, so information could only be downloaded from a main frame at headquarters. That is, unless one was equipped as she was. But hey, who was she to complain. This just made her job that much easier.

  She attached a small box measuring two square inches to the USB input. Then enclosed the computer in what looked to be a clear freezer bag. Once the laptop was secured, it prevented transmissions from entering or leaving the bag. The computer was turned on and the small black box began to run millions of sequences until it broke the password. It would proceed to copy all its files. It would then, and more importantly, embed a program that would allow the agency access to all future activities of the computer. By blocking any internet waves, monitoring of the unit from its government would not pick up the intrusion. It was highly unlikely they would ever realize the security breach. Sandy touched a button. The rest would take care of itself.

  She allowed herself the next five minutes for an expeditious examination of the room. The bathroom would be the first area. Her interest was in medication the subjects were prescribed. In some cases not prescribed. Knowledge of addictions or ailments of an enemy could become a beneficial weapon. She gave herself two minutes to complete the search. Next was to extract finger prints from drinking glasses, one sitting on the bedside table and two on the coffee table. Taking out what was not your everyday camera from her bag, she focused it at the glass. It then produced a picture of the finger prints that could instantly be inputted into a database search such as Interpol, but that procedure she would leave to Langley. It worked similar to an x-ray. There was no need for messy powders. Police departments would be in awe of the arsenal she had stored in the bag. The information would be stored in the CIA computers. Should whoever the prints belong to surface in any allied countries systems, the agency would be alerted. Also, thanks to the advancement of today’s technology she was able to swab the glass lifting the DNA of those who held it. She then inserted it into a tiny cylinder which immediately analyzed and stored the genetic material. The swab could then be discarded. It would also find its way to the Agency's database.

  Time was up. She turned the PC off then returned it to its original position. Sandy stood at the door for half a minute, listening acutely until she was certain the hallway was unoccupied. After cracking the door open an inch to confirm this, she left and walked down the hall to the other accommodation on the list.

  Sandy repeated the same entry procedures. Again the computer was in plain sight, but this model was what she would expect a leader of a third world country. There were no USB ports. The only input on it was the A/C plug in the back. She was prepared for this and equipped to remove the stored data. It would take longer than the previous download. She w
ould not have the same time frame to comb the room. This computer belonged to the leader of a country that was suspected of harboring terrorists, although it had repeatedly denied those allegations. The data collected outweighed any other information she might discover in the room.

  She sealed the computer in the same sack as she did in the previous room. The only difference in this procedure was the connection. The Agency developed a sophisticated method of extraction from such a highly secured system. Since there was no USB port, the hard drive could be accessed by plugging the black box into the power input. Her unit would worm its way in performing the same functions as it does by way of the proper inputs. The only difference was the handler would have to monitor the progress as the unit would have to be prompted a few times during the process.

  The download would soon be complete so she quickly scanned the restroom but found no medicine. There would be no time to take prints. One minute remained until she would disconnect from the computer, pack up, and leave. She gave the room a once over. Placed in the closet sat an attaché case. She knelt, put one hand on it and was surprised it wasn’t locked so she opened it and browsed through the files. Retrieving another tiny camera from her packsack she prepared to snap pictures of the documents deemed important. There would not be time to take a photo of all of its contents. The papers seemed immaculately organized. They were properly labeled and placed in the briefcase alphabetically except for two. Those had no identification and had been recklessly tossed into it. One explanation was that they had been handed off to the owner of the case at some point during the day. Her suspicions were confirmed as soon as she opened the files. What they contained was information passed on from one leader to another. The reference to the United States was enough to peak her interest.

  Although the documents only contained one sheet of paper each, she did not take the extra time to read them. She snapped a picture and returned the case. It was time to dismantle her electronic apparatus. Sandy slung the packsack over her shoulders and once again put her ear up against the door to confirm the hallway was void of any activity. This time she heard, or more like felt movement on the other side of the door. It was highly unlikely that it was the Head of State entering. He would still be fully engaged in the poker game. Chances were it was one of his assistants retrieving something for him.

  One of the drills required of the participants in that yearlong exercise, had them blindfolded for a period of each discipline they partook in. If a month was dedicated to the wilderness jungle survival you would be blinded for one week of it. They parachuted blind. They swam blind. They climbed mountains unsighted. It is a well known fact a blinded person’s senses were intensified to compensate for their lack of vision. When Sandy closed her eyes, she recalled this heightening awareness. What she perceived now, was someone nearing the door. At the moment she couldn’t hear, but could feel the pressure of a person closing in on her.

  She crouched low and tight against the opposite side of the wall of where the door would swing. Contrary to what people see in the movies, hiding on the side the door opens leaves you trapped behind it. Also, the vision of a person entering has a tendency to follow the door's movement to the right. It gives the person bent low on the left wall that split-second to exit without being noticed. Failing that, it provides the fraction of time an intruder required to have the advantage of surprise. Sandy’s instincts kicked in. She was aware there were very few people in the world that she could not dominate in hand to hand combat. Within seconds she ran numerous scenarios through her head, how to proceed whether or not she was noticed. If she could not escape unscathed, she would have to incapacitate the intruder, most likely meaning the end of the person’s life. It wouldn’t be the first, but she preferred a clean escape, leaving no collateral damage. If force was necessary, she would debilitate him with a blow to the precordial region of the chest. If executed properly it would cause a Commotio cordis (agitation of the heart). His heart would fail. Any death in the Palace would be automatically examined by the King’s doctor. Should an autopsy be performed, which was unlikely, the conclusion would be death by heart attack. She would have Fyad arrange to make sure the certificate read as such.

  Her attention was focused on the door knob. She slowed her breathing. Her hands were in an attack position ready for whoever entered the room. The door handle slowly began to move. She was braced, prepared for the inevitable. Then voices were heard of what seemed to be a conversation. The person entering was not alone. There was no doubt in her mind that she would prevail if multiple persons entered. A bit messier, but she would succeed. Suddenly the door handle stopped turning. The volume of the exchange in the hallway intensified. As if an argument was taking place. Then the door knob completed its turn. It swung open.


  In the hallway, a personal guard to one of the visiting country's leaders, whose room was presently being infiltrated by Sandy, was running an errand for his boss. The protector was instructed to fetch cash from the safe. The poker game was getting the best of his boss. He required a restocking of chips.

  As he was about to enter, he was interrupted by Fyad. Over the years the Prince developed an inclination to casually walk the halls of the Palace before he retired for the evening. He would not sleep sound unless he had seen to it firsthand that the Palace was secure of any oddities. Tonight after watching Sandy on the security cameras he concentrated on the floor she was rummaging through. He stayed out of sight. She hadn’t seen him. When he saw what unit she entered he knew exactly what the agenda was. Feeling compelled to oversee Sandy’s safety, he would monitor her movements until she was safely tucked away for the evening in her suite. Their steadfast relationship was one whereby her motives would never be in question. A bond very few people experience.

  Fyad approached the guard. He greeted him with some small talk, inviting the guard to join him for a night cap. Telling him how pleased he was they bumped into each other, as he was planning on reviewing the security details of tomorrow’s wedding with the visiting dignitaries teams. The guard was having nothing of it. In fear of being reprimanded he needed to immediately return with cash. His employer expected orders to be carried out in a meticulous manner. Anything short of it was not acceptable.

  When the guard proceeded to open the door Fayd moved to his left. Fyad continued the conversation with him. He put his right arm on the guard’s right shoulder. His actions were similar to buddies parting ways, wishing the other good luck. He acted as if he conceded to the guard’s rejection to join him. Fyad would take a step or two into the room with his arm on the shoulder of the man, making a point to continue the conversation speaking louder than what might be considered normal, to alert Sandy of his presence.

  Fyad knew exactly where she would position herself. By entering the room simultaneously on the left of the bodyguard, with his arm on his shoulder, he was confident of concealing any vision of Sandy. It would allow her that split second to escape into the hallway. Once outside the room she would not attract any suspension as guests were allowed to roam freely throughout the Palace. Then he would wish his counterpart a nice evening, leave the room, and all would be well. If the man observed Sandy, Fyad would snap his neck. No witnesses. The man would be stripped and one of Fyad’s details would dress in his clothing. He would be recorded walking out of the Palace, never too be seen again. His country would label him a deserter. His family would most likely be punished in some way. That was not Fyad’s concern. Sandy’s safety trumped all.

  Sandy immediately recognized Fyad voice. Right away she knew he was purposely acting as a decoy to allow her time to exit unnoticed. The two of them were in sync. She also knew what the outcome would be if the guard did see her.

  Fyad’s diversion worked like a charm. Within a fraction of a second she was in the stairwell making her way back to her suite. Fyad himself only took three steps through the doorway before saying his goodbyes. After, he made his way to Sandy’s room, knocked on the door. She had bee
n expecting him

  “Are you okay,” he asked.

  “I’m fine. You realize I could have handled it on my own.”

  “Sandy, it’s me. I of all people am acutely aware of the damage you are capable of rendering,” assuring her he hadn’t forgotten about the credentials she possessed.

  “Thank you,” was all she said.

  “Kind of like old times.”

  “We did have some moments, didn’t we?”

  “We did. Well seeing you’re safe and sound, I should be retiring. It’s been a long day.”

  “That is a good idea. After all we have a wedding to attend tomorrow.”

  He was about to open the door when he turned and asked her, “You are done for the night, aren’t you?”

  She didn’t speak, just gave him a devilish smirk.

  “By the way, if you feel any of the information you’ve come upon this evening may be of interest to us, you know where to find me.”

  She winked at him. He turned and made his way to his residence. They were both feeling the exhaustion of the day. The only thing on one another’s mind was sleep. They accomplished more in the past day than most would in a week.

  Tired, Sandy crawled into bed. She would review her evening findings in the morning prior to partaking in the wedding festivities. But first, she couldn’t resist reaching over to have a quick look at the snapshots of the two pages found in the files. At first it wasn’t clear what the photos were. Once she pressed the zoom, it was apparent that what she had discovered could not wait until morning. She picked up her phone and dialed Fyad. He answered before the end of the first ring.


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