Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 21

by William C. Cole

  “Bonjour cowboy, I was surprised to see you tonight,” Renée joked.

  Taking a detour on her return from the ladies room, she came up behind him placing a hand on his shoulder.

  Taken by surprise he looked up at her, “as I was to see you, with Gabriela.”

  “A girl’s got to eat.”

  “How true,” he agreed. “I was just about ready to call it a night,” he stood.

  “David, did you drive here?”

  “Yes, but I think I will take a cab home. I’ll send a couple of the guys to pick up my truck in the morning.”

  “Wait, I have an idea,” she put one finger out asking him to sit tight for a minute.

  Renée walked back to her table. Gabriela provided the ride tonight. They had nursed only one drink each during dinner so both were in a safe condition to drive.

  “I was hoping the night wouldn’t end so soon,” Gabriela sounded disappointed.

  “We will get together again. It’s probably for the best as I have to get an early start in the morning.”

  They said their goodbyes. Renée then walked up to the bar to pay the tab with her credit card. Then she returned to her boss’s table.

  “Toss me your keys. I’ll drive you home.”

  “It’s okay Renée. I can call for a taxi.”

  “Keys,” she insisted holding out her hand.

  He complied. They found their way to the parking lot. It wasn’t until they were outside did he realize the effects of the beer.

  “How about I drive you to the ranch, keep the truck and pick you up tomorrow. Then we can head right to the airport.”

  “How about I just come home with you, we will find something to entertain us until I’m sober enough to drive.”

  “Bad idea boss, you’re going home.”

  “Ok then, to the ranch we go.”

  There wasn’t much of a conversation during the ride but they did make it. Renée dropped him off then drove the truck home with plans of picking him up in the morning.

  Sandy’s jet touched down at Washington Dulles International Airport. The aircraft had been given priority landing. Without delay they taxied to a private area where to Sandy’s surprise sat a White House limousine with the Presidential official seal accompanied by two Secret Service Agents.

  It wasn’t long before they were passing through a private entrance at the White House. She was met by a Secret Service Agent who whisked her off to the Oval Office. He escorted her into the room then closed the door behind her. The President was seated at his desk while the Director paced the room.

  The President looked up at her and began, “Young lady, your father is going to withdraw his generous support if I continue to authorize these outings of yours.”

  “Oh, I think you would survive without Daddy.”

  “You’re probably right, but I like the old guy.”

  They both laughed. The Director wasn’t in the mood to enjoy the chitchat. He wanted to get down to business.

  “You look good Sandy. Sometime in the not so distant future we should find time for you to develop an exercise regimen for me. I’m not sure if I will commit to the diet thing, but a good workout routine I can do.”

  “Anytime Mr. President, you have my number.”

  “You’re back to the formality of addressing me as Mr. President. What in the world am I to do with you?”

  “I’m not sure, Mr. President.”

  “Well then, when we train together I expect us to be on a first name basis, deal?”

  “Yes sir.”

  The Director had yet to crack a smile or say anything. He was only interested in jump starting the debriefing session as quickly as possible. The President was mindful of this but the process would begin when the President decided it would begin. This was his office, country, world, determining the order of business was solely his decision. Besides, he relished any opportunity for a little reminder to one of his senior staff members as to who was in charge.

  “I suppose we should dispense with our little chat. We will discuss our plans in the near future. The Director seems to be quite anxious to hear about your assignment.”

  Her boss looked up at the two of them for the first time since she had entered the room and engaged in a conversation with the President. He’d been waiting for her to explain how a covert mission which was to stay highly secretive ended up with an explosion visible for miles.

  “Sandy I want you to begin,” he started but was interrupted by the President.

  “Excuse me Christopher I would like to ask Sandy one question, if that is okay with you.”

  “Absolutely, Mr. President,” annoyed by the interruption he handed the floor back to the Chief Commanding Officer.

  “Sandy, do you believe your actions served in the best interest of the people of the United States of America.”


  “Well then Christopher that’s good enough for me.”

  “Sir,” the director responded seeking clarification as to whether the grilling had ended before starting.

  Both Sandy and her boss were caught off guard expecting to occupy the Oval Office for a lengthy period of time deciphering her every move. That wasn’t to be. The President had heard all he wanted to hear.

  It was suggested the two of them relocate to the privacy of the White House War Room to remain in close proximity of the President should he be needed. Concealing his exasperation the Director of the CIA retreated to the designated chambers along with Sandy after the niceties of their goodbyes. He was thinking I could have done this in my own damn office. This isn’t the only world issue on my plate. What the hell does that man think he is the only busy person in the nation? His facial expression might have hinted to his frustrations but verbalizing it was not an option.

  Once secured in the bunker, the interrogation instantly commenced. They were alone. No recording or video being utilized. Two armed Marines stood guard outside the door. It would only be Sandy and the Director privy to the exchange.

  “What the hell were you thinking, blowing the place to smithereens? This was supposed to be a simple in and out,” the Director lectured.

  “It was our only play.”

  “I should have sent in a unit.”

  “If you had, right now you would be sitting in your office calling their next of kin passing on condolences.”

  “Sandy, there are others quite as capable as you. They would have followed my orders.”

  “They would be dead. The structure was rigged with explosives. The cell was prepared to die for whatever godforsaken cause encompassed them. She knew I was alone which is why I’m here. Emily wanted to talk, rationalize the life she embraced and advocate her revolt,” she paused. “I took her down a fraction of a second before she initiated an explosion. Hers would have left evidence of their existence, mine didn’t.”

  “Do we have absolute proof of her identification?”

  Sandy stood, unzipped the packsack and took out six vials of blood. Each with an attached sheet of paper containing descriptions of the person associated with it. The three laptops which were confiscated also appeared on the table.

  Looking up at her superior she offered, “DNA doesn’t lie.”

  For the first time since she arrived Christopher smiled.

  “I never once doubted you,” was his reply.

  She gave him a look that said, I’m supposed to believe that.

  The session went on through the evening. A couple of times the President dropped in to make sure the two of them hadn’t attacked each other. Christopher analyzed her every move with a fine-toothed comb. Step by step each detail was discussed over and over again. The blood samples and laptop were handed off to one of the Director’s assistant who had been stationed in a separate room, then rushed to the CIA headquarters. It was going to be a day or two before Sandy’s recall of the mission was complete and she would be deemed off duty. When everything was wrapped up, her plan was not to step foot into an aircraft for a co
uple of months. The time would be spent reacquainting herself to her family, basking in the splendor of the ranch.

  Chapter 16

  David and Renée landed in Florida. He booked a hotel on the beach. Growing up in Canada and surviving the harsh winters, the ocean’s serenity became special to him. Since there were no meetings until the next day, he planned to take advantage of the remainder of the day by frolicking in the sand and water. He hoped Renée would join him.

  After check-in was completed they replayed the awkwardness of making their way to separate rooms. This time the suites were directly across the hall from one another. They chuckled realizing the irony of the circumstances.

  “We are not being very fiscally responsible occupying separate suites. We could save your father-in-law some money."

  “Good point. I’ll take it up with Jacob next week.”

  She smiled then swiped the key to enter her suite.

  “Did you bring a bathing suit?” he inquired.


  “Good, get changed. Let’s go play in the waves.”

  “I’ll be ready in five,” she disappeared into the room.

  Within hours, Fyad’s assistant verified the identity of the man in the picture. He was an American living abroad, at least at the moment. His movements would be monitored. All activities would be documented and reported to Fyad’s control room on a daily basis. If it was established this person’s fingerprints were anywhere near the fire, the unearthing would be disclosed to Sandy and only Sandy. What she did with it was entirely at her discretion. Although Fyad would be angered and prefer to settle it in his own way, he would not. This was her ball court and she would control the play.

  Sporting bathing suits, tee shirts and towels wrapped around their necks, the two embraced the suntanned beaches of Florida. David wanted to extract every ounce of sunlight remaining in the day. Walking along the edge of the water their tête-à-tête was peaceful. They were drawn in by the hypnotic side effect the sound of the waves produced.

  “Thank you for this David. How soon we forget the awesome memories nature will provide us, if we take a moment to visit.”

  “It’s nice isn’t it? I’m happy to share it with you.”

  At that he picked her up in both arms and tossed her into the ocean. She was caught off guard. Her body disappeared in the water for a second. A startled face gasping for air emerged, with both hands she wiped her eyes dry. Leaning her head back, she shook her hair then caressed it behind her neck. To his eyes, an angel had emerged from the ocean floor.

  “Is that any way to treat an employee,” she laughed.

  “You looked like you needed to cool down.”

  Renée stepped onto the dry sand and positioned herself on the land side of David. Without even a hint of retaliation, with lightning speed using as much force a hundred pound person could garnish, she wrapped both arms around his midsection and pushed him into the water. They both tripped and fell, Renée on top, with the waves rocking them back and forth. Laughing hysterically their horseplay would have onlookers assuming the two were on a honeymoon. The remainder of the beach experience continued with playfulness.


  The day was soon finding its way to an end when the President once again made an appearance in the war room.

  “Christopher, are you close to bringing this to an end. Sandy must be beyond the point of exhaustion.”

  “Yes, Mr. President. We are entering the final stage and should conclude within the hour.”

  President Andrew Tucker directed a comment to Sandy, “I have arranged for you to spend the remainder of the evening here at the White House. The agents at the door will escort you.” Then looking back at the Director he continued, “When you finish, which I trust will be soon.”

  “Christopher I can arrange for you to stay if you prefer to travel in the morning.”

  “Thank you sir, but I will be leaving for Langley soon.”

  “Sandy, the First Lady and I wish to extend an invite to join us for breakfast. Say seven. When I mentioned to Emma you were here, she insisted. I’ve been instructed not to take no for an answer. You won’t disappoint me will you?”

  “It would be my honor sir. Please pass on to Emma that I will be there at seven,” rather relieved at the invite as she was exhausted.

  “Well then goodnight,” he glanced at his watch, “Christopher, soon.”

  The day after Jacob’s surprise visit to his assistant’s residence all was back to normal. Consumed by work nothing had been mentioned about their talk, albeit, reflections of last night swirled in the back of their heads.

  Brooklyn’s day had come to an end. Her last function each day was to verify her services were no longer required.

  “Jacob is there anything further you require before I leave?”

  “No, thank you. I will see you in the morning.”

  Draping a sweater over her shoulders for the walk, she turned off the office lights. She was surprised to find Jacob standing at the entrance of his office when turning to leave.

  “Jacob is there something I can get you?” she asked.

  “Actually, how about dinner?” he asked after taking a deep breath.


  “Dinner. Would you join me for dinner? I can have the car brought around, your choice of eateries.”

  “I’d like that Jacob. Can I have an hour or so to freshen up?”

  “Of course, take as much time as you’d like.”

  They went in separate directions to prepare for what could be considered the first time either had been on a date in years, if that’s what this was.


  David and Renée found their way back to their rooms. The plan was to order a room service dinner to be eaten in David’s suite. Their intentions were to review the material pertaining to tomorrow’s meetings while they ate. They washed off the oceans salt in their respective suites.

  Renée dried herself then dressed in a black tracksuit. The formalities of the trip had been washed away at the beach. She envisioned a lengthy informal dinner leaning more toward socialization than business.

  Spending the day with David put her in a state of tranquility. She felt refreshed, never more alive. She was aroused. They were going to have sex tonight. There was no doubt about it.

  Renée wasn’t looking for a relationship. That was the last state of affairs she wanted to be dealing with. Sex was a different matter. She acquired a healthy sex drive at an early age. Growing up in a rural area of France there was the occasional barn romp, roll in the hay. Self-confidence allowed her to explore this portion of her life without inhibition. She was raised to be her own self. Never be afraid to go after what she wanted. Tonight she wanted David. When experiencing a craving, Renée seldom let it go unattended. She was inventive with her solo satisfaction but partnering with someone was preferred. Man or women it didn’t really matter. As long as she liked them and they were a nice person. She had a variety of partners throughout her life. Not an enormous amount but enough to have acquired a taste for its pleasures.

  David was about to jump into the shower when his phone began to ring. The caller ID indicated it was Sandy.

  “Hi,” he answered.

  “Hey babe, I just wanted to check in with you to see how you’re doing. I miss you so much. It is going to feel so great to finally get home.”

  “It will be nice.”

  “I know, sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that promise.”

  “What hotel are you staying at?”

  “We’re at Hilton Bentley.”

  “Nice, Renée must be enjoying the luxuries of her new position.”

  “I don’t believe she’s the type that gets hung up on where she stays. I’m sure she would be fine with any hotel.”

  “She is a good kid,” emphasizing her youth. “We are lucky to have her as an employee.”

  The call lasted a few more minutes. Sandy asked about the tw
o horses being purchased. There was some small talk before goodbyes were said. Both affirmed their anticipation of reuniting.

  Sandy had called Renée a kid. Was that a reminder of the difference in age between himself and his head trainer? He began to wonder if he was reading too much into her conversation, it almost sounded as a warning. Did she have suspicions? There was no way she knew about them sleeping together during the California trip. She was on the other side of the planet. He shook his head and wrote it off as being paranoid then made his way to the shower.

  Renée grabbed her room key card, locked up, then knocked on David’s door. There was no answer. She knocked a few more times. Turning off the shower he heard the last bang. He jumped out clumsily balancing with one hand on the wall then popping his head out of the bathroom yelling I’ll be right there. She had just turned to retreat to her room when she heard him.

  David quickly dried the water dripping off him. Still partially wet he wrapped the embroidered white towel around his waist. Making his way to the door, leaving wet footprints behind him, he opened it to find Renée on the other side looking as good as ever.

  “I thought you had forgotten about me,” she teased.

  “Sorry. Sandy called. It delayed my shower.”

  “I can see that. I can come back later,” she offered.

  “No don’t be silly,” he stepped aside. “Come in.”

  She did. He closed the door. Seeing his partially covered wet body escalated her hunger for him beyond the point of no return. Hell she thought, throwing caution to the wind, I need him.

  Renée locked the door, pushed him up against the wall and ripped the towel from his hips. To her surprise he was already aroused. Their lips met. The whole day was foreplay so there was little need for it now.

  She pulled away turning her back to him. With both hands she eased her loose fitting track pants down to her knees. There were no panties being worn. Her right arm reached back to take a hold of his swollen member. She eased it into herself until it disappeared. When he was completely buried inside her she slowly moved forward then backwards. With every backward movement she pinned up against the wall.


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