Love Lonely

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Love Lonely Page 23

by William C. Cole

  “You’re not the only famed person in the family,” smiling as he showed his guest the article headlining the political page of a news site.

  The caption read, ‘Prominent world philanthropist receives royal treatment from President.’

  There on the South Lawn of the White House stood his wife and the President of the United States posing for the media. They were shaking hands in one of the photos and in the other stepping aboard Marine One. The article went on to describe his wife’s meeting with the First Lady. It briefly outlined the plan to provide assistance to the youth of the world.

  “She is a busy lady,” was David’s comment.

  “I’ve read about her work. She has achieved a lot of good. Tell her if she ever needs our assistance we would be more than happy to do what we can. We can give her organizations a shout out. Better yet, a benefit concert,” he offered. “We could arrange that, right Bob,” directing the question to their manager who stood beside him.

  “Absolutely,” he agreed, handing David his business card.

  “Have her call me anytime.”

  At that point, the other half of the duo joined his partner as did Renée with David. Show time was nearing. Technicians adjusted equipment placed on the band. The group of businessmen were about to make their way to the private suite to take in the show when one of the stars turned to Renée.

  “Do you work with David?” he asked.

  “I do, I train our horses.”

  “I’m Tyler, this is the other half, Brian,” introducing himself and his partner.

  “Please to meet you, I’m Renée.”

  “So are you a country music fan?”

  David held his breath anticipating her answer.

  “My boss here has assured me by the end of your performance tonight I will be,” she paused, “how did he put it, oh yes, a die-hard fan.”

  “Your boss is a smart man. You should listen to him. II est correct,” he ended in French after overhearing her speaking with his guitar tech who had been teaching him the language.

  “Maybe I could borrow you sometime. I have some horses on my ranch that have absolutely no interest in listening to me. They prance around like they own the place.”

  “I’m sure something could be arranged,” she offered with a touch of flirtatiousness to her words.

  In the background someone yelled out show time in five.

  The group dispersed. The area became silent for a second until the music began to blast from the towers of speakers. David and Renée followed the entourage that extended the invite to the elevator, delivering them to the suite. While waiting for it Renée whispered to David.

  “ll fait chaud David. You might be right.”

  Once they settled in, waiting for the concert to begin, David took out his cell phone and text his wife.

  “Really S, the W H, Marine 1.”

  He put the phone back into his pocket. The arena went dark. The drummer began pounding out a cool beat. The crowd burst with anticipation. Screaming, singing, cell phone lights flickering everywhere, the show was going to live up to its hype. The event was sold out. Yet every seat in the building was empty, but only because every person in the building were on their feet. The duo stepped on stage and what one would think couldn’t get louder, did.

  The stage went black. No sound. Then the thunderous sound of a jet panned from right to left vibrating all in its path. The booming subsided, replaced by the twang of a banjo being plucked taking the band into one of its number one hits.

  The ambiance of the concert was contagious inclusive of those watching from the private suite. David was impressed by the ease in which Renée was embraced by anybody she encountered. They had barely said a word to each other since entering the room yet she had not stopped chatting with everyone else. You would have thought they were all her best friends.

  It was about a half hour into the performance when Tyler spoke into the microphone.

  “I would like to dedicate this next song to my new best friend. Backstage she told me if I played my cards right she would,” he paused for a second then continued slowly drawing each word out, “train my horses.”

  The crowd erupted sending the decimal readings off the charts.

  “This one’s for you Renée,” he announced while pointing up to the suite in which she was standing forefront with a few of the other ladies.

  The decimal reader surely broke.

  Renée sported an ear to ear smile. She let out a high pitched ‘eeee’ sound that couldn’t be labeled a word. The women lauded her. David received a couple of elbow jabs from the men expressing their approval.

  The girls stood with their hands in the air rocking their body’s back and forth grooving as the band went on singing the song “Tell Me How You Like It”to their guest.

  The ladies, except Renée, sang along knowing every word to the tune.

  Tyler glanced up to the suite that housed Renée and her newly found friends.

  During the remainder of the song he nodded and pointed to her several more times.

  This was flirtation at its finest. Anyone within sight of her noticed the wooing. Some from the crowd below the box seats yelled “you go girl” while giving her the thumbs up.

  By this point in the concert, Renée had completely embraced country music. If a guy wanted to make a girl’s heart miss a few beats, this had to be near the top of the list. Being serenaded in front of twenty-one thousand devoted followers set the bar close to unreachable for any other to compete with. A new fan was born. She would find time to train his horses.

  The concert was a huge success. All in attendance would remember it for a long time. No one from the private suite made it back stage at the end. David and Renée uttered their farewells promising to keep in touch. Their car was delivered to them at a special exit at the rear. They tipped the valet generously and began the drive back to the hotel.

  After a few minutes of a silent ride David asked, “So, did I convert you?”

  “No David I’m sorry you weren’t successful.”

  “Ah, that’s too bad. It looked like you were having such a good time.”

  “Oh I was. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. They were great.”

  “You just said,” he went on before being cut off by Renée.

  “I said you were not successful in turning me into a fan. And you weren’t. But, Tyler completely sold me. He has transformed me into country music’s number one admirer.”

  “I got to give it to him. He sure knows how to sweet-talk a girl. It makes it challenging for us common folk.”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You have your way with the ladies. I can attest to that. I’m not sure you can sing as well as him though.”

  “Easy now,” he cautioned as he smiled at her.

  “Besides you’re the one who gets to sleep with me tonight, if you’re interested.”

  “I’m there.”

  Once the drive was completed, they found themselves going directly to David’s room. Getting undressed, jumping into the shower was the first priority. Soon both warm naked bodies were snuggled under the blankets. Opposite of the previous night, this evening’s lovemaking was tenderly slow, a sensual waltz.

  Morning arrived too soon. Not wanting to come up for air from the comfort of the covers, room service and breakfast in bed seemed the likely choice. They sat leaning on the backboards savoring the flavorful feast.

  “Renée, I really care for you. I can’t get the thought of you out of my mind,” he admitted out of the blue taking her by surprise.

  Wanting to understand more of what he was getting at she remained silent.

  “For the first time in my marriage, I’m beginning to question my life with Sandy. I love her, yes. Raising a family with her is another question. She’s so caught up in her jet setting lifestyle, being part of a family is the furthest thing from her mind.”

  Renée remained mute.

  “When I’m with
you I feel alive. You make me realize how much I’ve accepted being lonely. Do you suppose a person can be in love with two people at the same time?”

  A clear picture was emerging. It was time to interject. Slow things down.

  “David, I’m not prepared for this. We are enjoying each other tremendously. It’s complicated, wrong, immoral, but most definitely enjoyable,” she began.

  “Although, I believe we both had thoughts that this might happen, we did just fall into it that first night. But David, I am not ready for a relationship. That’s the furthest thing from my mind. My career is flourishing thanks to you. That needs to be my focus. I care for you a great deal or I wouldn’t be sleeping with you. But I’m not ready for more,” she paused.

  He sat silent. It was his time to listen, knowing exactly what was to be said. Realizing it was a mistake to touch on the subject, a weak moment allowing a truth from within to surface.

  “I’m not in this to break up your marriage. Sandy is a beautiful person. You are a lucky guy. Don’t throw it away.”

  Renée looked away from him towards the window as she collected her thoughts. He watched her, mindful of the fact that she wasn’t finished. The bedroom remained hushed for a few minutes. He wanted to hear her out.

  “David I don’t feel guilty for making love to another women’s husband. I don’t know why. I should. What type of person am I? Maybe there is some dark reason from my childhood buried somewhere within me. The fact remains, I feel no remorse.”

  She adjusted the blankets. Turning towards him she placed her arm on his chest. With her bent leg positioned on top of his she snuggled up against his naked body. David’s arm made its way around the back of her shoulder. They hugged.

  “Whether or not we have this again, it can’t be more. You have to accept that. If you can’t David, this has to be our final get-together.”


  There was no doubt that both wanted to continue the relationship, albeit both viewing it differently. Two distinctive needs, same solution.

  Sandy wrapped her visit to headquarters. She satisfied the agencies queries. Now that her jet was touching down at Miami International Airport, the activities of the past few weeks would be stored in the back of her mind. At the forefront was reconnecting with her husband. It was late morning, leaving plenty of time for a full day of beach. She knew how much David enjoyed the ocean.

  Arrangements were made to have a car waiting for her upon arrival. It was parked beside a hanger that serviced private planes visiting the airport.

  “Guys I’m not sure how long our stay will be. I do know we are here at least until tomorrow, so why don’t the two of you have some fun. Get in a game of golf. Go relax on the beach. I’m going to meet up with my husband and do the same. We have earned a break. I will give you plenty of heads up time before our departure.”

  The officers nodded their approval. Their duty wouldn’t allow for that. They would remain out of sight but always close by. Being the protectors of Sandy left little time for relaxation.

  With breakfast complete, the end of the discussion reached, David flung his feet out from under the covers finding the floor. He bent over and gave her a kiss on the forehead before making his way to the shower. Renée pulled the covers up to her neck electing to prolong her stay in the warmth of the bed.

  Around the same time as David finished his shower Sandy was parking her vehicle in the hotel parking area.

  “You plan on spending the rest of the day in bed? We do have reservation for a flight home later this afternoon.”

  “I know. Just give me a few more minutes. It’s so warm. Why don’t you come back to bed,” she extended an invitation while patting her hand on the covers.

  David smiled, “I’m going to take a walk and find us some fresh coffee. You enjoy.”

  He dressed, grabbed his card key then made his way to the door.

  Sandy entered the lobby going directly to the registration desk. Since she wasn’t expecting to visit her husband, she hadn’t asked for his room number. An establishment such as this hotel prided itself on discretion so a request for his suite number would fall on deaf ears. She could use her financial or celebrity clout to demand the information but what was the sense.

  “Good morning, may I help you,” the grey haired gentleman behind the counter asked her.

  “Yes, I believe you can,” giving him a pleasant smile.

  “Could you please ring David Watson’s suite to inform him that a package has arrived,” she asked, then went on, “Please don’t mention to my husband that I am here. I want to surprise him.”

  Pointing at the grouping of plush couches occupying the lobby she said, “When he arrives please tell him his package is sitting over there.”

  She slipped the man a nice tip then found a seat in the sitting area.

  As David put his hand on the door knob the hotel telephone rang. He turned, but before he reached for the phone in the living room, Renée answered the one on the night table beside the bed.

  As he entered the bedroom he heard her say, “Thank you, we will pick it up shortly.”

  Hanging up she looked up to see David standing there with a curious look on his face.

  Before he could ask, she offered, “A package has been left for you at the desk.”

  “Ok, I’ll pick it up. It’s time to rise and shine young lady.”

  “This is your last offer boss. Once I’m up and around I’m not coming back to bed.”

  “I’ll be back shortly.”

  He turned making his way to the stairwell on a mission to seek out a couple of freshly brewed coffees, take a peek outside to test the weather and then retrieve the package. After descending down the stairs he zoned into the hotel’s café. As he passed the desk, the gentleman behind the counter spoke his name.

  “Mr. Watson, your package.”

  “Yes, thank you, I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Sir,” the man was being slightly overanxious about the delivery.

  “I’m just going to grab a couple of coffees then I’ll be right with you.

  Being persistent, the employee once again said, “Sir,” with more urgency.

  All the while Sandy was entertaining herself watching the interaction.

  This time David approached the man wondering what could be so important that it couldn’t wait until he had his and Renée’s coffee in hand.

  “Sir, I apologize for being so insistent. I believe you would want to be informed forthwith prior to your purchase for you and your associate that the package we speak of is sitting directly behind you.”

  He turned to see Sandy sunk into one of the lobbies over sized chairs smiling at him. His legs didn’t seem to want to move, they were frozen to the floor. Startled, it took him a few seconds to react. Trying his utmost to act cool, calm and collected on the outside, his brain was racing. He was in search of a solution to avoid her walking into the room being greeted by Renée lying naked in his bed.

  The discreet and well seasoned resort representative knew what predicament his guest was facing and was prepared to offer a solution.

  “Sir,” he once again drew David’s attention.

  “Yes,” David turned his head back to the man.

  Then whispering he asked, “Sir, if you would like, I could inform your associate to prepare the room for the arrival of your guest.”

  “Thank you, that would be wonderful,” David breathed a sigh of relief then handed the man a hefty token of his appreciation.

  He walked over to his wife, head still spinning. He wasn’t out the woods yet, but the forest just got a touch brighter.

  “This is a surprise. I thought you were heading home.”


  “Are you kidding me, come here,” he held out his arms to give her a hug.

  She wrapped hers around him while offering an overdue kiss.

  “That seemed like a secretive conversation. Are you and the clerk hiding something from me?” />
  “You have a suspicious mind. He was asking if we would like a complimentary bottle of champagne sent up to the room.”

  “You said yes I hope.”

  “I said no. It’s morning. Coffee is what we need to be drinking. Our flight home leaves in a few hours”

  “Oh yea, I forgot Renée is with you. She can catch the flight. You and I are going to spend the day on the beach. No phones, only sun, sand, and the ocean. We can head home tomorrow or the next or the next.”

  Meanwhile the man behind the counter had disappeared into his office, closing the door behind him. He dialed the suite’s number.

  Renée had arisen from the dead and was making her way to the shower. As she turned on the water tap she heard something. Turning the water off she realized the phone was ringing once again. Presuming it was David she walked naked to answer it.


  “Ma’am this is the front desk. I wanted to advise you that Mr. Watson will be momentarily returning to his room. Ma’am the package in his possession is a woman by the name of Sandy. I believe it is his wife.”


  “Pardon me,” the man replied.


  “I assumed prior notification of their arrival would allow time for preparations you may require. If you would like, I could have housekeeping immediately dispatched to toss the bed and tend to the room.”

  “That would be awesome. Thank you. I owe you one.”

  “All in a day’s work ma’am,” he hung up.

  Focus was the only thought that crossed her mind. Anything that would indicate her presence in the bedroom or bathroom had to be dealt with first and foremost. Although her being in the living area was easy to brush off as a business meeting, the less implication of her company was for the best.

  She rushed from room to room first tucking in the bed covers in on one side depicting a single occupancy. Picking up her panties along with her jeans and shirt was second on the list of attempting to stay incognito. Three items of clothing were all that needed to be gathered. She seldom wore bras, didn’t like them. Living in the sixties, seventies, the hippie days she thought might have been a better fit for her than today’s electronic society. Also, she was barefoot, so the only remaining item was her shoes. Satisfied she took a moment to scan the suite then entered the hallway.


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