Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 9

by Rose Nickol

  “Yep, brother, you get her first this time, and she just got to the point where she could sit comfortably. We may have to think something else up if she can’t learn to behave.” Kurt grinned evilly.

  “You got it, bro,” Kevin answered.Parking the truck, they ran to find their women.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They found Tina still sitting outside surrounded by several people. She ran into their arms, but stopped short. “I don’t want to get you messy,” she cried.

  Not caring, they grabbed her to them and thanking the crowd, led her to the truck. “We’ll just have to all shower together,” Kevin teased her.

  She smiled through her tears and leaned into him, Kurt was driving and reached over and put one hand on her thigh, high on her thigh.

  She couldn’t believe it. Even though she was covered in this red goo, she was still getting turned on by these two. How could that be? It was like they had a direct path to her clit and all she could think about was being with them when they were around. And it was apparent that they felt the same way. They always seemed to be turned on when she was with them, who else would want to hold someone covered with red goo?

  Kevin and Kurt didn’t want to tell Tina this, but they thought the substance she was covered in was some type of animal blood. As soon as they could, they wanted to get her clothes to the crime lab and have them analyzed. They were just glad she wasn’t hurt.

  Kevin held her tight while Kurt drove them home, still pissed that they had ever left her alone. She would be lucky to pee alone from now on. He was considering having Kurt stay with her all day at the office. Whether she liked it or not.

  When they got home, Kevin carried her through the house and straight to the shower. Kurt was right on their tail.

  They all three stripped and went right into the warm water, the men thoroughly washing Tina. Before the shower was done, they had her so aroused, that she couldn’t think of anything else.

  Kurt carried Tina to the bed while Kevin sacked up the clothes and took them down to the garage and put them in his truck. He would take them to the crime lab while Kurt got Tina to take a nap before the class tonight. This was the next to the last week of the class and things had been going very well.

  After completing his task, he jogged up the stairs to help his brother wear their woman out.

  The class went as expected and the remainder of the weekend was quiet. The trio went to Tina’s house so that she could gather some more of her things on Sunday and so that they could check out the house. When everything appeared to be fine, they got what was needed and returned to Kurt and Kevin’s.

  They spent the rest of the day kicking back and watching movies, relaxing and enjoying the day until Kevin suggested that Kurt stay at Tina’s office while she was working. Tina flat-out threw a fit and refused. Nothing the men could do convinced her, with her telling them, “Nothing has happened at the office, and nothing is going to. Kurt would just distract me and I need to concentrate on my work.”

  The men appeared to let her have her way, secretly agreeing that Kurt would stay in the parking lot for Tina’s building. It wasn’t as good as him being in her office, but that way if she needed him, he would be close. They would also make sure that Margaret, Tina’s secretary, and building security could reach Kurt.

  Monday was quiet days with nothing happening and Tina not having a clue Kurt was there. Tuesday changed everything.

  Kurt was in a bad mood when it was time to take Tina to work. She didn’t know what had happened, but he had been very sharp with her and nothing she did seemed to please him. Frustrated, she called a taxi and took it to work, which made Kurt even madder. He followed her to work and he had almost caused a huge scene in her office, stomping out before things came to a head.

  Tina didn’t know what she had done and spent her morning alternating between being mad at the way he treated her and upset, crying, afraid she had done something wrong.

  Lunch time came and both Kevin and Kurt were there to take her to lunch. Kevin was usually too busy to go to lunch, and Tina was very surprised to see him.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, hugging and kissing both men.

  “We came to take you to lunch and Kurt wants to apologize for this morning,” Kevin said as he walked her to the truck, giving Kurt a glare.

  “Okay, but you never have time to do lunch.” Tina looked at Kevin, something was up.

  “I know, angel, but we wanted to talk to you, and given my brother’s wonderful mood, I didn’t trust him to do it alone.” He glared at Kurt again.

  Kurt had the good sense to look sheepish and actually hung his head a minute, but Tina could see him smiling.

  They all got in the vehicle with Tina sitting in the middle. Kurt immediately put one arm around her and the other hand under her skirt, pulling her close.

  “I’m sorry for the way I behaved this morning, I wasn’t mad at you and should not have treated you that way. I was upset at someone else and took it out on you, forgive me? And if you ever take off in a taxi like that again, I’ll blister your ass, understand?” Kurt said, as he pulled her in for a scorching kiss.

  Tina melted into him. How could she help but forgive him after a kiss like that?

  Kevin took them to a drive-thru for food, then parked the truck by a lake where they could sit and watch the ducks while talking.

  “Angel, we’ve found several more packages at your house and today one was delivered to the security guard at your office. The reason you didn’t know was that we are trying not to worry you, but there are no clues on the packages and we can’t manage to catch anything on the cameras at your house. Do you have any idea who might be doing something like this? I think it’s more than kids, are there any patients or anyone else that you think might want to do these types of things? We are getting the police involved and they are going to want to go through your patient records.”

  “I don’t know if I can allow that, patient confidentiality laws protect the client. I’ll have to check with my attorney,” Tina said automatically, then realizing what she had said and who she was talking to, laughed. “I guess I am talking to my attorney, what does he recommend?” She smiled.

  “Tina, I recommend that you cooperate fully with the investigation. We want to find out who is doing this before it escalates anymore.”

  “What do you mean, ‘escalates’? What is going on, it’s just dead animals, isn’t it?” Tina was starting to freak out a little.

  Taking a deep breath and looking at Kurt, who nodded, Kevin told her, “The packages have started arriving daily now, and the animals inside are mutilated. I really don’t want to tell you this, but the substance that was thrown on you was pig’s blood.”

  Tina visibly shuddered and Kurt held her closer.

  “Why would anyone do this to me?” she asked, tears running down her face.

  “Why don’t you call Margaret and cancel your appointments for the rest of the week. We’ll all go to the cabin after we talk to the police and take a few days to relax.”

  Tina mentally went over her schedule. It would be a push, but everything could be rescheduled for next week, and if needed, she could work late a few nights. Getting away sounded wonderful, and in a snap decision she did something she had never done. Took a few days off for fun.

  “Yes, I will. Let’s go back to the office, I need to work for about an hour and take care of a few things, then I will take the rest of the week off. What do I need to do for the police?” she asked, her mind made up.

  “I’ll call and have an officer meet us at your office,” Kevin answered her, and he and Kurt both had big smiles on their faces.

  Chapter Fifteen

  By the time Tina and the men were done dealing with what she needed to do and dealing with the police, it was too late to leave for the cabin. So they decided to wait and leave the next morning, which would give them Wednesday, Thursday, and most of Friday before they had to be back for classes.

��s cabin wasn’t really a cabin at all. It was a huge two-story, a frame with lots of window and very spacious. The outside was amazing, but inside it looked like something from House Beautiful. The décor was something else. Along with all the usual room and accommodations, there were several special fixtures for BDSM play including a fully stocked playroom, which the boys promised she would spend several hours in. Kurt had the evil glint back in his eyes when he made the promise.

  Kevin proudly led her around his “weekend” home, making sure she saw everything. Taking her out back, he proudly showed her the deck he and Kurt had built and the hot tub that was back there, “perfect for watching the stars from,” he told her with a promise in his voice.

  The back of the cabin was all windows, and Tina was sure it would be amazing at night.

  Since they had left early in the morning, after getting settled and having an early lunch, they decided to take a nap before hiking to the lake.

  When they woke, they all had a snack before packing some water and heading for the lake. It wasn’t a long hike, and they were there in no time.

  “This is amazing. I never want to go home,” Tina announced when they arrived. She walked around the lake, laughing at the animals and in awe of nature.

  The boys walked with her, enjoying her reaction to everything. After they had walked around the lake and explored, they all headed back to the cabin. The men wanted to get her ready for the evening. Kurt had packed several of the outfits they had bought for her, and he wanted a fashion show, then maybe a striptease…if he let her wear enough clothes.

  After a long shower where the men teased Tina mercilessly and refused to let her orgasm, they all went to fix dinner. The men were keeping her on edge the entire time. They wanted her hot and bothered for the evening’s activities. They planned on starting in the playroom and possibly advancing to the hot tub later, but weren’t sure of that part of the plan. They could always play in the hot tub tomorrow.

  After dinner, the men took her to the playroom. Kurt had already prepared it for what he wanted.

  “First we both owe you a punishment. Kevin is going to punish you for not calling us Saturday when Sadie bailed on your shopping trip and going off on your own, and I am going to punish you for taking off in a taxi yesterday, any questions?”

  Tina didn’t think it was fair, but knew if she said anything, they would just punish her more. “Wasn’t I already punished this afternoon when you wouldn’t let me come?” She pouted.

  “No, that was teasing to get you ready for tonight, and the rule is still in effect, now strip and go stand in front of the cross.”

  “Yes, Sir!” she answered with attitude.

  “Oh, and Tina, we’ll both be adding five to your count for bitchiness.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She answered dejectedly. She couldn’t get away with anything, all she could do was hope it wasn’t as bad as last time, her ass was black and blue for days after the last time.

  Stripping, she walked up to the cross and stood facing it.

  “Now turn around and face us,” Kurt instructed.

  Huh? Facing forward? What the hell were they planning?

  Turning and complying, Tina started to quiver with fear.

  Kevin immediately noticed and walked over to reassure her. Cupping the back of her head, he gave her a deep, scorching kiss and asked, “Do you remember your safe words?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered shakily.

  “What are they?”

  “Yellow to slow down and red to stop, Sir.” He voice was steadier now.

  “Good girl,” Kevin told her, kissing her again. “Now, I’m going to fasten your arms and Kurt will do your feet. This will help you stay still and not hurt yourself.”

  Kurt knelt at her feet and spread her legs the way he wanted, attaching cuffs to each ankle and fastening them to the cross. Kevin did the same with her hands.

  When Kurt had her feet where he wanted them, he ran his tongue from the inside of her ankle up her leg to the back of her knee, where he gently nipped the skin, then continued up the inside of her thigh to her core, taking her clit in his mouth and biting gently.

  “Oh my God,” she cried, arching off the cross.

  Kevin had her hands fastened above her head and also spread apart. Seeing her arch, he grabbed a strap and fastened it just below her breast, so that she couldn’t arch again. The only thing she could move was her pelvis a little.

  Once she was restrained to their satisfaction, Kurt and Kevin walked over to the toy chest and got what they needed for the evenings activities. Tina couldn’t see everything, but did see a tube of lube and a very large butt plug.

  “You are so not putting that thing in me,” she said.

  Kurt turned, gave her a dirty look, and went back to the toy chest.

  “You are going to be sorry you said that, angel,” Kevin told her.

  Hiding what he had gotten, Kurt walked back to her.

  “What did you say?” he asked, his infamous evil glint back.

  “Well…umm…I…sorry, Sir,” she finally spit out.

  “Yeah, you’re gonna be sorry,” he said, and pulled a huge butt plug from behind him.

  “Oh shit!” Tina said softly.

  “Don’t worry, it’s still not as big as we are and you’ve taken both of us. You’ll be fine, angel.” Kevin tried to reassure her.

  “Yeah, but if she pisses me off any more, I’ll find a bigger one,” Kurt laughed evilly.

  Kevin gave him a dirty look, and said, “Angel, remember your safe words. If it gets to be too much use one.”

  Kurt just grinned wickedly and went back on his knees. Spreading her folds, he went back to licking and sucking her clit, until he had her dancing on the cross.

  When she was on the verge of coming, he stopped and took the tube of lube. Applying it liberally to her puckered hole and the plug, he slowly started to insert it.

  Tina tensed up and a tear ran down her face. Seeing this, Kurt, stopped what he was doing and went back to her clit. Kevin knelt on the other side of her and took the plug from his brother, and slowly started inserting it.

  When they had Tina focusing on something besides the plug, it was easier to insert. Once Kevin had it fully seated, he twisted it a little and slowly fucked it in and out a few times.

  All the while Kurt continued sucking and licking her little clit. Once the plug was in place, Kurt stopped what he was doing and took a butterfly vibrator and attached it to her clit. Starting it at the lowest speed, he also turned on the plug, which was also a vibrator.

  Once they had her clit and bottom humming, they each took a nipple in their mouths and started sucking and licking.

  Tina was in living hell. She couldn’t move, and she couldn’t come. She was writing and grinding on the cross, trying to get relief. Begging wasn’t helping either. “Oh please, oh please,” she moaned, “please, I’ll be good, I won’t be bratty anymore. Please.”

  Kurt stopped what he was doing and looked at Kevin. “I don’t believe a word of it, do you, brother?”

  “Nope, not a word, but you know what, brother?”

  “No, what?”

  “I think we found a good punishment for our angel, don’t you agree?” he asked, pinching and pulling the nipple he had been sucking and licking.

  “I agree,” Kurt responded, giving the nipple on his side the same treatment.

  They both started rolling her nipples between their fingers, until the little nubbins couldn’t get any more distended, then Kurt took two clamps out of his pocket and handed one to Kevin. Simultaneously they both applied the clamps, and when she moaned and whined they were too tight, Kurt laughed and tightened them.

  “Holy fuck, my nipples are seriously going to fall off,” she muttered.

  “What was that?” Kurt asked.

  “Thank you, Sir. That feels wonderful. Can they be tightened anymore?” she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  She was going to be so sorry. The one person
you didn’t antagonize during a scene was Kurt. He was very strict and topping from the bottom was a big no-no in his world. Kevin just shook his head and stepped back to watch the show. If she wanted to play it this way, he was going to let her see what kind of game she was really playing.

  He knew Kurt wouldn’t do any permanent damage, but he needed to let Kurt handle this and stand back so he could pick up the pieces. He didn’t want her to be pissed at both of them and he was going to have to be the peacekeeper.

  He had always been the level-headed one and Kurt was faster to punish and take offense. Not that Kurt had ever hurt anyone or done anything Kevin wouldn’t have, he just came off harsher.

  “What was that, baby, you want them tighter? No problem.” And he reached up and tighten the clamps as tight as he dared. He knew they would be very uncomfortable, but would not do permanent damage. Her nipples would be sore for a couple days. He also needed to get things moving along, the clamps would have to come off sooner than he had originally planned.

  “Now baby, do you have anything else you want to say to me?” He asked, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “No, Sir, I’m sorry I was mouthy, Sir, please loosen the clamps, they really hurt.” She sniffled.

  “They will stay like that for a while, baby, maybe then you’ll remember not to be so mouthy.” What she didn’t know was that the clamps also vibrated. She was going to experience that soon.

  Kurt walked up to her until he was standing so close they touched. Using his chest, he moved back and forth, letting the friction rub her little nipples.

  “Oh, God, don’t,” she moaned as they upped the speed on the plug and the butterfly, then started the nipple clamps vibrating.

  Kurt cupped her breasts, lifting them so that the rubbing of his chest applied more pressure, and took her lips, bruising them with the intensity of the kiss. When she slightly parted her lips, his tongue dove in and took over her mouth, searching every corner.

  When Kurt pulled back, Tina almost collapsed. If the restraints hadn’t been holding her up, she would have fallen.


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