Urban Prey

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Urban Prey Page 13

by S. J. Lewis

  “Wake up!” He shook her again, harder, and pulled the blindfold off her face. She murmured something and opened her eyes. The lights in the slave pens must have seemed glaringly bright to her. She blinked rapidly, turning her head away.

  “Up!” He slapped her rump hard, making her squeal. She started to rise to her feet. It was a small consolation to him that she seemed even more dragged-out than he felt. She kept blinking and yawning. Though her hair was a tousled mess, she looked gorgeous.

  “Hands behind you,” he ordered once she was standing. She obeyed. She stood with her head bowed as he buckled narrow black leather cuffs around her wrists. The cuffs had small D-rings set in them, suitable for a small padlock. He locked the cuffs together, then standing behind her, he ran his hands down her flanks. She shivered at his touch.

  Identical narrow cuffs went around her ankles. He stood up behind her and reached around to feel the weight, warmth and softness of her breasts again. She moaned, leaning back against him, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

  His hands didn’t want to let go, but he had more to do. He clipped a six-foot long chain leash to The Female’s collar and led her out of the cell. She walked proudly, head up and shoulders back, placing each foot directly in front of the other. It was a trick she’d probably picked up from her runway modeling years. As he led her out into the hallway, he saw Hines staring after her. He looked as if someone had just struck him over the head with a baseball bat.

  As he led her out into the hallway, she seemed content to follow along at the end of her leash. They passed down the hall to another one of those metal doors. He knocked on it before he opened it: Three knocks, the signal to start the show. He led The Female in. As he shut the door behind them, he heard her gasp.

  It was one of the larger rooms, used for training. On the far side was a man in long black robes, his face hidden by a black hood. The robes hung open. He seemed to be naked underneath them. A slender naked woman knelt before him, handcuffed. She was struggling and protesting wordlessly. The sounds she was making were muffled, and it was apparent why. The man’s hand held her by the back of her blonde head, keeping her from pulling away. Her arms, fettered behind her, twisted and writhed as she tried vainly to free her hands from the steel cuffs. Another man, wearing identical robes and an identical hood, stood to one side, watching her performance and waiting his turn.

  The first man brandished a riding crop in his free hand. He tapped the woman twice, lightly, on her hip. She kept struggling, grunting and whining through her nose. Ron could hear small, wet sounds. The Female started to shrink away from the scene, but he brought her back into place with a sharp tug on her leash. He looked to see what effect the show was having on her. She was staring only at the woman, her expression undecipherable, her eyes wide and her mouth half-open.

  The first man reached to strike Lisa’s cute little ass with the riding crop. The hard slapping noise of the impact was followed immediately by a painful nasal grunt from Lisa. When she continued to struggle, he whacked her ass again, harder. Lisa squeaked loudly through her nose. It was a beautiful job of acting.

  He kept his grip on the end of The Female’s leash and stood behind her, close enough to brush against her. He put his mouth close to her ear.

  “Watch,” he said quietly. He felt her shiver. As long as Lisa kept her back to them, there was no chance of The Female realizing that the poor, helpless victim being forced to suck cock was the same young woman who had driven the limo. The man with the riding crop struck Lisa’s ass again and again. Each loud thwack was followed by a loud grunt from Lisa. She stopped trying to pull away. She began sucking desperately, taking her tormentor’s cock in as deeply as she could. She was so energetic about it that the man had to slide one foot back to brace himself. Ron could hear her grunting with effort now as her lips slid all the way down the shaft. He could hear tiny, wet slurps and gasps for air.

  He tugged on The Female’s leash and she followed him back out of the room. He led her across the hallway and through another door into another room. This one was half the size of the first. The far wall was completely covered with mirrors. One of the inevitable thin gray mats lay in the center of the floor. Ron led his captive over to stand on it. He stood facing her, his arms on her shoulders. She looked up at him with her dark brown eyes wide and worried.

  For a moment he thought about telling her what to do, and decided against it. She had to know what he expected. He pushed down on her shoulders, gently but insistently. She didn’t resist at all, which came as a pleasant surprise. She sank down onto her knees, her eyes fixed on his face the whole time. She didn’t even look away when he unbuckled his belt and unfastened his jeans. He wasn’t sure that he could muster an erection right away, but the sight of her kneeling naked and fettered before him worked better than any medical or herbal concoction he’d ever heard of. It didn’t work quite as well as it might have, though. He remembered the cautionary tale of the guy she had bitten years ago. He took his cock in his hand and ran the head slowly across her lips. She kept staring upwards at his face, but her eyes seemed to lose focus. He repeated his act. She shivered and blinked and looked down at his cock, pulling back a little, gazing at it as if it was some sort of fascinating but possibly dangerous serpent. She licked her lips, but it was from nervousness, not anticipation.

  “Lick it,” he told her. She looked up at him for only a moment and then back down at his cock. She leaned forward tentatively, sticking her tongue out. Then she timidly licked the head of his cock and drew back again, as if she was unsure what she thought of the taste.

  “Keep going.” He tugged at her leash, briefly and gently. She shot him a quick look and leaned forward again. This time she started midway down the shaft and worked her way back to the head. She pulled back again, licking her lips. Leaning further forward, she started near the base of his cock and worked her way back with long, sweeping moves of her tongue. Once more, she drew back for a moment and stared at his cock. It was hard enough now that he didn’t have to hold it. In fact, it was standing almost straight up. She seemed fascinated by that and leaned forward again, lapping at the underside of his cock, slowly working her way up. He groaned when she reached that very sensitive spot where the head joined the shaft. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him again. He put his hand on her head and she flinched. But when she realized that he wasn’t going to force her, at least not right away, she started to lick him again.

  He didn’t know how much she knew about sucking cock, but she was doing very well at licking one. In spite of all the exercise he’d given it today, his erection felt as big and as hard as the trunk of an oak. She started nuzzling his balls, undeterred by the coarse, curly hairs that tickled her nose. She seemed to be enjoying herself, licking and lapping her way back up the shaft, making him groan again.

  “Take it in your mouth,” he said. As she rose up on her knees, he watched her open her mouth and groaned yet again as he felt her lips engulf the head of his cock. The heat and wetness of her mouth as she took him in. She made several uncertain little bobs of her head.

  “Slower,” he said. “Deeper.” He kept his hand on her head and she obeyed, cautiously. He saw more and more of his cock disappear into her mouth. Then she coughed and backed off, but not all the way. She took a deep breath and started in again.

  She had no rhythm, no technique, but it was The Female kneeling there with his cock deep in her mouth, and that was more than enough for him. He risked a sideways glance to see how they looked in the mirrored wall. She knelt erect, shoulders back. Her eyes were closed. From this angle she looked as if she was really getting into it. When he slid his hand to the back of her head and gently urged her into a rhythm that he liked, she opened her eyes to look up at him briefly and then went back to her work. He could hear her inhaling and exhaling through her nose as she sucked. Otherwise, she was quiet. It felt good. It felt very good, but it didn’t seem to be getting him closer to release. He turned his h
ead to watch her in the mirrors again. How long could she suck him before her jaws got tired?

  She made a noise, a pleasing little murmur. He stared at her reflection and felt the first warnings that his orgasm was on its way. Normally, he would come in her mouth, but there was a chance that she might bite him if he did. Everything about The Female had been a special case so far. She’d been impossible to grab off the street, but she’d come with him willingly when he told her to. She’d always dressed in a way that concealed her figure, but now she seemed to have no objection to being kept naked all the time, even when other men could see her and drool over her body. She actually seemed to enjoy the carnal attention. She was a puzzle, a mystery that he was nowhere near solving. She murmured again, deep in her throat.

  He felt his climax coming, then at the last possible instant he pulled his cock from her mouth and emptied himself all over her gorgeous breasts.


  Ron awoke in the dark, not sure where he was at first. He could dimly hear noises somewhere in the distance. He listened closely. It sounded like a woman crying out in pain or in ecstasy. Then he remembered. He reached out to touch the source of the animal warmth that lay so close to him. His hand touched The Female’s shoulder. She neither moved nor made a sound other than the faint, regular susurrus of her breathing. She was sound asleep.

  He ran his hand down her flank. The darkness was almost absolute, but it seemed as if he could see her all the same, naked except for the chain collar padlocked around her neck. After her first lesson in sucking cock, he’d personally cleaned her up. To keep from ruining her leather collar and straps, he’d removed them and handcuffed her hands over her head to a steel bar. It had kept her more or less in place while he’d slowly soaped her down and rinsed her off. He’d even washed her hair. It had taken some time to get it dry afterwards, and by then she was getting both sleepy and uncomfortable. Rather than secure her for the night, he’d left her hands free but put the chain collar around her throat. It was a reminder of her status, and one she couldn’t get out of without a key, whether her hands were free or not.

  He wondered what time it was. Usually, when a woman was in for a set length of time, the procedure was to break up her sleeping pattern so that she couldn’t be sure what day it was or how much longer she had to go. For that to work, you needed more than one man. This was another special circumstance. He could call in help, but he was sure that The Female would immediately balk. As he ran his hand over her hip, he admitted to himself that he didn’t want any help. He’d gone to a lot of trouble to figure this woman out and get to her. Now he didn’t want to share her with anybody, not while she was here.

  He groped around in the dark for his clothes, then remembered folding them neatly and stacking them nearby – although he didn’t remember exactly where that was. He found them, and started to dress, then heard The Female stir. Was she awake? He waited for a moment, but she didn’t move again, or say a thing. He got dressed carefully since he didn’t want to wake her. For now, she should be allowed to sleep for as long as she wanted. He should too, but that wasn’t likely to happen. He had too much to do, too much to think about, and plans to make. He told himself that the only reason he’d slept alongside his captive and pupil was because he’d needed a nap so he could do those things with a clear head.

  He slipped out of her cell and locked the door. She wasn’t in the slave pens any more. Instead, he’d relocated her to a room in another part of the building. Two six-by-eight foot compartments took up most of it. They sat side by side and looked almost exactly like regular prison cells, except that there were no bunks, only more of the all-purpose pads. The Female had a next-door neighbor, a small and slender Eurasian woman. They wouldn’t be able to see each other, even if the lights were on, but they would be able to talk. He’d been told that the other woman did not speak English.

  He groped his way along the wall to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the hallway. The fluorescent lights felt harsh on his eyes. He took the time to let them adjust before he tottered off to his room on the fourth floor. He was tired, drained, in fact, and he still had many days to go. It occurred to him that he’d been going much easier on The Female than he should have been. The proof of that was that she hadn’t balked or complained about anything yet. He was going to have to start pushing her. If he never found her limits, she’d never break.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Move.” Ron tugged on The Female’s leash. She resisted, so he tugged harder, and she obeyed, crawling on all fours after him. There was a thin carpet covering the concrete floor, but it didn’t provide much padding for tender flesh. She moved slowly, careful of her knees. All she wore was her black leather collar and matching cuffs on her wrists and ankles. It was a large room, over twenty feet on a side. Two other men were in the room, leading two other naked women around on leashes. A burly, hairy, bearded, tattooed character that looked like he belonged in a biker gang was training a plump brunette in her mid-twenties. The other man was short, stocky and bald. He was working the slender Eurasian woman who was The Female’s neighbor. She really didn’t seem to know any English. Her trainer spoke loudly, repeating each command, and sometimes had to show her what he meant by hauling on her leash or moving her into position with his hands. He wasn’t gentle about it, and the woman was more than a little afraid of him. The plump brunette, meanwhile, just seemed eager to please.

  The Female – HIS female – was another matter. She seemed more confused than eager or scared, as if she couldn’t see the point to it all. It didn’t matter if she understood or not; the whole point of the exercise, as far as he was concerned, was to push her until she balked.

  “Sit,” he ordered, tugging at her leash again. She immediately settled back on her haunches, looking up at him, waiting for the next command. Her hands were on her knees, compressing her breasts between her arms so that they stood out even more than usual. “Move,” he said, with another tug on her leash. She obeyed. It was almost irritating. How hard and how far was he going to have to push? He walked her around the perimeter of the room again, where he had a view of the Eurasian’s cute little rear as her handler tried to get her to respond properly to his commands. His eye kept being drawn to the bisected, plump, dark pink oval peeping out from between her thighs. He had a sudden urge to see what The Female’s pussy looked like from the same perspective.

  “Stop,” Ron ordered. “Stay.”

  The Female remained on her hands and knees as he laid her chain leash across her bare back and walked a few feet away to have a look. After a moment, her curiosity got the better of her and she turned her head to look back over her shoulder. He didn’t realize it at first, being too mesmerized by the view. When he saw what she was doing, he walked up to her angrily and picked up her leash. It ended in a leather loop meant for a hand to hold. Instead, he used it to swat her ass hard, twice, making her yelp and flinch.

  “I said stay!” he barked. She whimpered.

  “Now, stay,” he ordered. “Head up!” She obeyed promptly. He laid the leash on her back again. This time, he looked at her from different angles: Rear, front, and both sides, while she remained perfectly still during his inspection.

  “Head down,” he said. She dropped her head, a picture of female submission. He had a sudden urge to take her from behind, right in front of the others in the room. So far as he knew, though, this room was only used for training.

  “That is one magnificent piece of ass, bro’.”

  Ron turned. The biker gang member was standing next to him, shaking his head in admiration. His captive lay quietly at his feet, glaring daggers at The Female.

  “She is indeed,” Ron replied quietly.

  “Name’s Bronc.” He held out a big, meaty paw. His voice sounded like gravel being mixed in a cement truck. It suited him.

  “Pleased to meet you, Bronc. I’m Ron.” He shook the man’s hand.

  “You been here before?” Bronc asked. “I ain’t seen you.”
  “No,” Ron shook his head. “First time.”

  “Hers too?” Bronc nodded towards The Female.


  “Never guess it,” Bronc shook his head. “She acts like she done this before.” He looked down at his plump blonde. “Up, girl,” he growled. “We gotta go.”

  The blonde followed him out of the room, casting one last glare over her shoulder at The Female. It earned her a hard yank on her leash.

  Ron walked back to The Female. Bronc was right; she did act as if she’d done this before. Had she been less than forthcoming in those videotaped interviews? Or was she just fitting into her role as if it was something she’d been thinking about, hoping for all of her life? He walked back to her, drinking in all the curves and hollows of her naked body. Her breasts were so full and so firm that even in this position her nipples pointed slightly outwards instead of straight down.. There were two small dimples on her back, to either side of the base of her spine. After leading her out of the room and into the hallway, he let her stand up, then clipped her wrist cuffs behind her.

  It was a busy day at the Office today. A lot of the rooms on the second floor were being used. It didn’t matter. He was taking his prize up to the third floor. It was time to find out what her limits were, and push her across that line.

  The third floor had more extreme facilities than the second floor did and now was the time to use them. He led The Female into one of the specialty rooms, but as she came through the door, she hesitated. He didn’t yank on her leash. Instead, he just pulled steadily and strongly until she had to step inside. She looked confused and worried now. This was good!

  The room was large, twenty feet or more on a side. It had been made to look like the interior of a barn, with weathered planking on the walls and ceiling. The floor was covered by some kind of material that had the look and feel of dirt. It was a solid covering, though. Fresh straw was scattered over it, giving the place some of the smell of a barn. In the middle of the room was a row of four narrow stalls built of more old planking. They were three feet wide, six feet long. Though the stalls had doors, they were all open, three of them empty. Just one was occupied. In it a naked woman crouched on all fours. Her head was thrust through a hole in the back wall, and her ass bore the marks of a vigorous spanking. The other three stalls had similar holes through their back walls.


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