Crash Into Me (The Wicked Wingmen Series Book 1)

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Crash Into Me (The Wicked Wingmen Series Book 1) Page 2

by DD Sparxx

  I looked at Jax, “Where to now?”

  “Let’s go to a club.” Jax gestured to where we had entered the hotel. “According to that spicy little concierge from earlier, The Purple Tiger just opened and is supposed to be pretty hoppin’.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I nodded back.



  I hailed us a taxi. “To the Purple Tiger, please.”

  I knew that look on Ford’s face. He had been thinking about Ella again. Going to the club would do him some good. Let him focus on some fresh meat and not dwell in the past. Plus, I knew if I got his mind off of her, I wouldn’t feel bad when I got lucky too.

  Ford was a good-looking dude. He was tall, a few inches taller than me, so probably around 6’5”. He had green eyes and blonde hair. He kept it cut in what he said was, and I quote, ‘buzzed in the back but long enough on top so that she can hold on for the ride’.

  When we pulled up to the club, the line was out the door and halfway around the block. We had extra cash on hand though, so I walked to the bouncer at the front of the line and slipped him a little extra cash incentive to move us to the front of the line. Clearly, I spoke his language well because he swept the rope aside and let us right in.

  This place was nice. The bar was large and accented with purple lighting and chandeliers; there was tiger print on the bar stools and in the booths. The tables also looked purple, but that might have just been a trick of the lighting. There were platforms where scantily clad girls were paid to dance in cages as entertainment. They all wore tall heels, had lean, sculpted bodies and small tiger print outfits complete with tails and ears that instantly brought a smirk to my lips.

  I looked over at Ford and could instantly see his mood had improved. He had a huge smile on his face as he took it all in. We were definitely in the right place to have a good time. Although there were a handful of women that appeared to be trying too hard to get some attention, the majority were classy, not trashy.

  We weaved our way through the sea of bodies toward the main bar. As my gaze swept the club I felt myself catching the eye of a pretty blonde.

  She was standing at the far end of the bar, trying to get the attention of the bartender. Her figure was amazing. She was tall and curvy like an hourglass, her hair up in a ponytail, showing off her delicate neck. The short red dress she was wearing clung to her in all the right places. Her legs were lean, they were the kind I instantly imagined wrapped around my waist. Her tall stilettos probably added a good four inches to her natural height and I thought about how she might look in nothing but those heels. She had a tiny waist accentuated by an amazing set of large, natural tits and an ample bottom that would fit perfectly in my hands.

  I liked having something to hold on to while I danced, both with and without my clothes on. I was by no means a man whore, but I definitely liked to have a good time. Shit, maybe that did make me a man whore… I wasn’t going to dwell on it right now.

  I excused myself from Ford, I knew he’d be just fine on his own, and I made my way toward the blonde. She must’ve felt my presence behind her because I saw her stand a little straighter and heard her breath hitch. I leaned forward and gently brushed her shoulder. She tilted her head ever so slightly in my direction, and I could see full, pouty lips.

  “Good luck getting a drink,” she mumbled. “I’ve been standing here for at least ten minutes. It’s been like this all night.”

  “That’s a shame,” I replied.

  Suddenly the bartender appeared in front of us. “What’ll it be?” she asked looking at me.

  Irritation rolled off of the pretty blonde. I looked at her and repeated what the bartender had so clearly asked me, “What’ll it be?”

  “A vodka cranberry, please,” she stated looking up at me with what I could see now were a gorgeous set of light blue eyes, framed by thick dark lashes.

  I looked back to the bartender, “Make that two.”

  When the drinks came, I handed my card to the bartender to pay, then changed my mind and instead told her to open a tab.

  “You didn’t have to pay for me,” the blonde stated, “but thank you for my drink.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I’m Jax.”

  “Hi, I’m Kaya. And the pleasure is all mine.” She gave me a once over and I could swear she just eye fucked me. “Would you like to dance, Jax?” She asked looking up at me from under fluttering lashes.

  The way my name rolled off her tongue sounded like sin and the effect was like a shot to my system. She had that whole innocent thing down pat, yet I was certain she was anything but. Two could play this game though. “I’d love to, Kaya.” I liked the name and the way it felt coming off my tongue.

  The club music was the top 40 hits remixed with some techno, the perfect kind to bump and grind to, and man, was I looking forward to bumping and grinding with her.

  We walked to the center of the floor, where there was a little bit of open space. She wrapped one hand around my neck, the other holding her drink, and practically straddled my leg. My free hand instantly went to her lower back and pulled her in nice and close. She smelled amazing; something fruity I couldn’t quite put my finger on. We fit together perfectly with her heels on, her breasts pressed against my chest and her face only inches below mine.

  Throughout the next few songs my hand slid higher and lower along her back, enough space covered to know she was naked beneath her dress.

  I leaned in and whispered, “Did you come here tonight hoping to find someone to take you home, Kaya?”

  “Possibly, if I found the right person.”

  I finished my drink and set it on a nearby table for the waitress to grab on her next go ‘round and Kaya did the same. The next few songs were just as upbeat and with both hands free to explore her curves I took full advantage. She slid one hand up the front of my chest and started to play with the buttons on my shirt, and then she gave me that innocent look again, only this time it was filled with pure lust.

  I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her down a dark hallway. Once we were concealed by the darkness, I pushed her up against the wall and caged her in with my body. I barely brushed her lips with mine and then withdrew. My lips just millimeters from hers, I slid my hand up the front of her body and gently, but firmly, grasped her full tit, pinching her nipple until I heard her gasp. When those pouty lips parted, I dove in. Our kiss was rough and filled with desire. My tongue thrust into her open mouth and she responded just as if I’d lit a match and set her on fire. Her hands flew to my hair and her body arched into mine.

  I pulled her body flush with mine, my hands gripped her perfect ass and I ground my cock into her. I slid one hand down to the bottom of her dress, then inched my way underneath. The heat coming from between her thighs was enough to let me know she was ready to go, but I still wanted to feel her slippery wetness on my fingers. She moaned just as I reached the apex of her thighs and brushed against her pussy lips, lips that were completely bare. I could feel my cock rapidly getting hard.

  “Want to get out of here?” I asked withdrawing my hand and licking my fingers. She was sweet and tangy all at once.

  “Yes,” she blinked at me breathlessly.

  I quickly closed out my tab and took her by the hand, steering her back to where I had last seen Ford. He was chatting it up with a cute girl who had dark brown almond shaped eyes and hot pink hair; not my type by any means, but hey, who was I to judge? It looked like they had both just gotten fresh drinks.

  “I’m going to head back to the hotel,” I told him.

  “Ok, I’m going to stick around a little while longer, we just got our drinks,” he gestured to his glass.

  “Ok, see ya in the morning,” I smiled over Kaya’s shoulder.

  “Yep, see ya,” he smirked.



  We weaved our way through the sea of bodies toward the main bar. Just as we approached it, Jax pointed and made a comment about a blonde at the far end of the bar.
He excused himself and headed in her direction. I shook my head and watched as he zigzagged his way through the bar to the pretty blonde with killer curves. Not trying to sound cocky here, but between the two of us, we could probably have just about any girl in here that we wanted. I’m not into dudes, but I knew we were both blessed with extremely good looks, had amazing builds and were both successful. I mean, what more could a girl want?

  I ordered myself another rum and water, which I quickly downed and then ordered a second. I turned to look around the club, to see if anyone caught my eye. I could definitely use the distraction. I couldn’t stop thinking about Ella. This was getting ridiculous. Why couldn’t I get her off my mind?

  She had always been beautiful. She had huge amber eyes, framed with thick, dark lashes that just drew you in. Her lips were full, but not overly so. Her bottom lip was slightly fuller than the top though, perfect for sucking on. I could close my eyes and conjure her up from memory alone. She had olive skin but it was accompanied by a smattering of freckles across her nose. Her long dark curly hair always had that just fucked appearance. It was wild and unruly, and I absolutely loved it. And her small athletic body was something that had always made my mouth water. She was small, probably 5’2”, and other than when she was working out, she always wore heels, the kind that made her calves look even more defined and lifted her firm ass even higher. Her tits were biggish, a D cup if memory serves from all the times I bought her lingerie, and they fit perfectly in my large hands. And she had a tribal tattoo on her lower back that accented the dimples that resided there.

  My daydream was suddenly interrupted when I felt a tap on my arm. I’m not sure how much time had elapsed while I was daydreaming; enough that I needed another drink though. I looked up to find a pretty girl with dark brown almond shaped eyes and straight hot pink hair standing next to me. I gave her a quick, unnoticeable once over. She was medium height, I’d guess about 5’4” without her two-inch heels, and had a slight figure. Slim, with small breasts encased in a white bustier to make them appear larger, she wore dark skinny jeans to show off her thin legs and round butt.

  “Hi, are you here alone?” she asked.

  “I’m here with my very distracted friend, Jax,” I smiled, glancing in his direction. “I’m Ford.”

  “I’m Poppy. I’m here with my friends, but they all wanted to dance and even now, a few drinks in, I’m still not quite feeling it. You look like you could use a little company, Ford.”

  “I guess I could, Poppy. That’s a very unique name. Is it your real name or a nickname?”

  “It’s my real name. They’re my mother’s favorite flowers. Guess she thought by naming me Poppy she’d be able to feel like she always had a flower to brighten her day whenever I was around, at least that’s what she says. Cheesy, I know.” She smiled rolling her eyes at the thought. “Are you from around here?”

  “No. I’m a pilot, so I’m just here on an overnight. Came out to kill some ground time. Are you from here, Poppy?” I couldn’t seem to get her name out without smiling. I’m not sure why it seemed so strange to me, but it did make me smile and get my mind off of… and I’m back to thinking about Ella again. Refocus. What was she saying?

  “…so, I’ve lived here for about two years now. It’s cool though and I’m glad I made the move.” I smiled and nodded, pretending I had heard the beginning of what she had said to me.

  I felt bad for zoning out so I offered to buy her a drink. God knew I needed another one too. She gladly accepted.

  “Amaretto sour,” she smiled sweetly. I turned to the bartender to place our order and saw Jax dragging his girl off the dance floor and down a darkened hallway. I knew that look of determination. I smiled thinking to myself good for him. I needed to lock something down for myself soon too. Maybe it would do me some good to stop and smell the Poppy in front of me.

  The bartender served our drinks and as I was handing Poppy hers, Jax arrived by our side.

  “I’m going to head back to the hotel,” he stated.

  “Ok, I’m going to stick around a little while longer, we just got our drinks.”

  “Ok, see ya in the morning,” he smiled over the blonde’s shoulder.

  “Yep, see ya,” I couldn’t help but smirk. I made sure to school my features as I turned back to Poppy. I didn’t want her getting the wrong idea. I wasn’t a user, per se, but I was potentially interested in using her to get my mind off of Ella.

  We finished our drinks and I could tell she was starting to loosen up.

  “Let’s do a shot!” she exclaimed.

  “Alright, what would you like?”

  “How about we start with a lemon drop?” She tilted her head.

  “Ok,” I leaned over to the bartender to place our new order. We downed them quickly once they were served.

  “Let’s do another! Have you ever had a chocolate cake shot?”

  I shook my head no and she continued, “Do you like chocolate?”

  “Sure, who doesn’t like chocolate?” I asked rhetorically.

  “Good, you’ll love it. I promise,” she made a cross you heart motion with her hand.

  “Ok.” I ordered the second round of shots. Like I said I’d never had a chocolate cake shot before so I was slightly surprised when the bartender set the shots down with the lemon wedged on the side of the glass.

  “You do the shot then, suck on the lemon, it’s coated with sugar. Trust me it tastes just like chocolate cake!”

  We raised our glasses and shot them back, sucking on the lemon post shot. It was surprisingly good and did taste just like chocolate cake. I licked the sugar off my lips.

  Then Poppy looked at me, leaned closer, dragged her finger down the front of my shirt and asked with a sly smile, “Have you ever heard of hot anal sex?”

  “Uh, sure,” I choked out; shocked that she blurted something like that out.

  She must’ve seen the confusion on my face because then she started laughing and supplied, “It’s another shot! It has chocolate liqueur, hazelnut liqueur and cranberry juice. It’s really good and one of my favorites. And the name alone always turns heads when it’s ordered.”

  “I’m sure it does,” I shook my head. “I’ll let you do the honors of ordering this one,” I chuckled.

  Man, talk about innuendo! It seemed as though she was trying to not so subtly tell me something. Maybe I’d be getting more than I thought tonight.

  The shots came and I paid. She was definitely right, when the bartender announced our two hot anal sexes were ready a bunch of heads turned in our direction.

  “Cheers!” she stated with a smile, clinking her shot glass to mine.

  “Cheers!” The shots were surprisingly good. Definitely a girly kind of shot, but hey, whatever, I was comfortable enough in my manhood to drink a girly drink.

  “So, um, d-do you wanna get out of here?” she asked licking her lips and stumbling over her words.

  “Sure,” I replied. “Where would you like to go?”

  “Is your hotel close by?” she asked brazenly, I guess the last shot was like liquid courage for her.

  “It’s about a ten-minute cab ride. You sure you wanna come back to my room?” My gaze turned quizzical.

  I was trying to figure out how tipsy she might be. I definitely wasn’t going to take advantage of a drunk girl. I wasn’t that hard up.

  She boldly reached up and laced her fingers through my hair. I looked down into those dark brown eyes and saw clarity mixed with desire. She was good to go. She had a small mouth and suddenly I had visions of my cock sliding through those pretty little lips. I firmly grasped her hand and led her towards the club doors.

  “Do you need to tell your friends you’re leaving?” I asked glancing towards the dance floor.

  “I’ll text them from the cab,” she replied.



  Kaya and I couldn’t keep our hands off of each other during the ride to my hotel. As soon as I told the driver which hotel we were
headed, Kaya straddled my lap in the back seat, making her skirt ride high on her thighs, and started kissing me like crazy.

  She reached down and stroked my hard cock through my jeans and guided my hand to her now spread open soaking wet pussy with her other hand. She didn’t even care if the cabbie watched as we practically got it on in the cab. This chick was a freak, and I was loving it!

  She was so wet. I slid my fingers up and down the outside of her slit, rubbing her with just enough pressure to give her pleasure, but not a release. She groaned loudly into my mouth as I pushed a finger inside her tight, hot, slippery cunt. I started to finger fuck her adding another finger inside and then added pressure to her clit with my palm. Just as she got close, the car began to slow to a stop.

  “That’ll be $20,” the driver said with a straight face, hardly glancing over his shoulder. He probably sees this type of stuff all the time. I mean we are in Vegas after all. I gave him $25 and told him thanks.

  Kaya slid off my lap as we came to a stop and adjusted her clothing as we climbed out. I grabbed her hand and led her into the hotel. The concierge smiled knowingly at me as we walked past her. I had to remember to tip her for her club suggestion tomorrow. We took the elevator to the 15th floor and I led the way to my room. The airline always put us up in pretty decent places, so the beds were almost always nice, and I didn’t have to pay a dime for it. One of the many perks of being a pilot.

  Once the door was opened, and I pulled her inside, our hands groped franticly. I pushed her up against the wall again and touched her everywhere I could reach, my hands sliding to the bottom of her dress and pushing it up. Our mouths fused together. Tongues clashing. Teeth nipping. She pulled back; sucking in some much-needed air and slowly backed into the room.

  “Let’s finish what we started in that cab, shall we, Jax?” she reached for the hem of her dress and slowly pulled it up over her curves.


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