Crash Into Me (The Wicked Wingmen Series Book 1)

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Crash Into Me (The Wicked Wingmen Series Book 1) Page 8

by DD Sparxx

  “Shorts and a nice top should work.”

  The next day seemed like it was the longest of my life at that point. I was really anxious about our date. When he knocked on the door that night, I was ready to go in a cute tank top, cutoff shorts and my wedges. This guy was tall, no way was I going to ever wear flats with him. I was only 5’2”, so I was used to wearing tall shoes most of the time anyways. My hair was unruly. I decided to just let it be and bring a hairband with me just in case. I kept my makeup light, just some mascara and lip gloss.

  At 6 o’clock sharp, there was a knock at the door. As I opened it his smile broadened across his face. “Wow, you look amazing!”

  I smiled in return as my nerves began to calm just from seeing his smile. “Thanks, you clean up pretty well yourself.”

  I grabbed my purse and locked the door behind me. He opened the truck door for me and helped me climb into his truck. I saw a picnic basket in the back seat.

  He gestured towards it. “I hope you’re ok with a picnic. I wasn’t sure what type of food you’d like so I brought some crackers and cheese, fresh fruit, barbecue chicken, and cupcakes for dessert.”

  When we got to the park he came around to my side of the truck, opened the door and helped me out. Then he grabbed the basket and headed towards the picnic area.

  The food was amazing and we talked about everything from our families, our upbringings, what we did with our free time, what we were majoring in and even silly stuff like our favorite TV shows, favorite colors, our favorite movies and musical artists. We had a lot in common and we had some differences as well.

  He was raised here, an only child. I was raised in Pennsylvania, with a younger sister, Luciana. He was in the military and wanted to fly airplanes for a living. I had no clue what I wanted to do. We were there for hours. He had brought candles and lit them when the sunlight started to fade. When it was finally time to leave, I helped him pack everything up, sad to see the night coming to a close. This time he took my hand as we walked to his truck. He opened the door for me and helped me back up again.

  When we got to my apartment, he once again came around the truck for me and then walked me to my front door. He was such a gentleman.

  “I had a really great time tonight,” he gently pushed some of my hair behind my ear, his hand lingering by my neck.

  “Me too,” I had to tilt my head way back to look him in the eye, even with my five-inch wedges on.

  “Can I see you again?” He seemed almost uncertain that I would say yes. In that moment, any cockiness he had vanished.

  “I’d really like that. Can I see your phone?”

  He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it over. I used it to call my own cell and handed it back. “Now you have my number so you can call whenever you like.”

  “I’ll be sure to use it.” He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. Just as he started to pull back, I reached up and pulled him back down for a real kiss, one that I felt all the way to my toes. Nothing scandalous, but for sure, there were fireworks flying.

  The look of surprise on his face was priceless. “Night, Ford. See you in class tomorrow,” I smiled as I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

  The memories started to fade as the water turned cold. I climbed out of the shower and dried off. I reached for my lotion and slathered it over my tan skin. I hit the lights, walked over to my bed and climbed inside the sheets.

  I already knew I was going to reach out to Jax. He wasn’t a vindictive man; at least he never used to be. I had to believe he gave me his number for a reason. I was going to use it.



  I rolled over in the morning and thought to myself, I love my bed. It was king size and literally the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in. Being on the road definitely had some nice perks, but there was something to be said about sleeping in your own bed at night.

  I grabbed my cell and looked at the time, 9:00am. I had the whole day off, what should I do with myself? I decided to see if Ford wanted to hit the gym, maybe play a little basketball or racquetball.

  I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I went through my morning routine, then wandered out to the kitchen for something to eat. Upon inspection of my fridge, I added grocery shopping to my list of things to do for the day and grabbed a protein bar from the pantry instead.

  Even though I was sure Ford was up, I decided to grocery shop first. I took off for Whole Foods and dialed as I walked in.

  “Hey, dude,” he grumbled.

  “You still sleeping?” Ford never slept this late.

  “Nah, but I haven’t officially climbed my ass out of bed yet.”

  I snagged a cart. “Got plans for the day?”

  “Nothing so far, what’s up?”

  “Just doing some grocery shopping right now. Wanna meet at the gym in a little while?” I checked out the berries as I walked through the produce section.

  “Sure, say 11:30 a.m.?”

  “Works for me, see ya there.” I hung up and threw some bananas in my cart. So far, I had fruit taken care of. Now I needed to get veggies and meat.

  I got to the gym right around 11:30. The place was packed; probably because it was close to lunch hour, guess I didn’t think that one through. Oh well, I thought, at least there will be lots of hot chicks here. I mean, we do live in a town where you practically live in shorts and tank tops year-round and most of the women take good care of their bodies for that reason alone.

  I realized how right I was as I walked through the doors. Don’t get me wrong, not every woman is hot or in shape, but there were certainly a large number of females to ogle. That gave me lots and lots of eye candy to keep me motivated during my workout.

  I handed my membership tag to the gal at the desk and she scanned me in. Where to start today? Most of the treadmills were in use and so were the step machines. So, that only left the bikes. Just as I climbed on one I saw Ford come through the front doors. He walked over just as the guy next to me finished up.

  “What’s up?” he nodded towards me, as he got on his bike.

  “Hey. Wanna race?” I challenged.

  “Man, even in the warm-up you wanna compete?” He looked over at me and raised his eyebrows. “You’re on. First one to 20 miles at a seven tension wins.”

  “Alright, what do you wanna race for?”

  “Lunch, loser pays.”

  “Deal. My fridge was so bare this morning all I ate was a protein bar. Better hope you win so I don’t rack up a big tab at lunch.” I grinned.

  “I’ll be the one eating for free today, cockbite. Tell me when you’re ready.”

  “Go!” I peddled like mad, but the time still crept by so slowly. I checked my distance, then I looked over at Ford’s bike. He had me by a mile at this point, so I pushed myself harder.

  I almost caught up as we closed in on the finish line, but he beat me by two-tenths of a mile. Damn, looks like I was buying lunch.

  Ford smiled at his victory. “Let’s hit the weights,” he points to the free weight area as we exited our bikes.

  “Hi, boys,” a sultry redhead named Katie purrs at us as she walked past, smiling with a knowing gleam in her eye.

  “Hi, Katie,” we both reply, turning our heads to watch her ass sway back and forth as she passed by. She was wearing black spandex shorts and an emerald green tank top.

  She’s pretty with red hair and blue eyes. She had full lips with straight white teeth, a tight ass, and huge fake tits. She’s a dirty girl too. Just the way I like ‘em. We’ve both hooked up with Katie in the past, in fact literally at the same time. I’m not usually into sharing, especially not with another guy, but we were all trashed that night. Not so trashed that I don’t remember every detail, though.

  It was about a year ago. We were out at a club in Scottsdale called The Ultra Lounge when Katie approached us. Her girlfriend had left her to go hook up with some dude and never came back.

  “Hi boys,” she sauntered ov
er to us. She had on a short, fitted black dress and stilettos. She looked hot. We were so used to seeing her in workout clothes that I almost didn’t recognize her all dressed up with makeup on.

  “Hey, Katie. You look amazing.” Ford offered.

  She placed a hand on her chest and tossed out, “I know, right?! I guess all that hard work at the gym is definitely paying off. Thanks for noticing,” she tilted her head to the side. “You guys look pretty amazing yourselves. You boys find anyone here worthy of your attention tonight?”

  “Maybe… You here alone?” I gave her the appreciative once over.

  “I was here with my girlfriend Giselle, but she took off with the guy she’s dating and I haven’t seen her since, I have a feeling I’ve been ditched,” she frowned.

  “Well how ‘bout another drink?” I gestured to the near empty one in her hand. “What’ll it be?”

  “Seven and seven, please. Thanks.”

  “It’s the least we could do for a pretty girl who’s been ditched by her friend and left to fend for herself.” I smiled at her, turning for the bar.

  “You are too sweet.”

  “Ford, you want another rum and coke?”

  “Sure, why not.”

  I ordered our drinks and we stood around making small talk about work, she works at a bank. My guess is she’s in her mid-20’s but I’m not 100% sure. People have so much cosmetic work done these days that she could be in her late-30’s for all I know, but her mannerisms lead me to believe she’s younger.

  A few rounds of drinks in she suddenly shrieked, “Oh, I love this song. Let’s dance!” She grabbed both Ford and me by the hands and dragged us to the dance floor. We each got on either side of her and, for lack of a better way to put it, made a Katie sandwich.

  We danced for a long time, drinking and having fun. She was grinding on both of us, wrapping her arms around my neck and pushing those huge tits against my chest, then turning around and doing the same thing to Ford while she pressed her firm ass against my cock.

  We were all fairly drunk and of course my mind had totally gone into the gutter as my hands roamed all over her body. I grasped her hips and pulled her ass tighter into my groin, and I heard her groan loudly over the clubs pulsing music. She spun quickly and dropped her ass to the floor so her face was at the same level as my cock and I wanted nothing more than to pull it out and shove it into her mouth. As she began her ascent back up she pushed her ass into Ford’s dick as well. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her tits. Once I had them she let go of my hands and hauled Ford closer to her backside. One hand in his hair she pulled his head closer to her mouth, saying something in his ear. I saw his eyes glaze over, an eyebrow raise and he nodded yes to whatever she’d just suggested.

  Then she leaned towards me and said, “I wanna get out of here. With both of you. Right now. Are you in?”

  My dick twitched at her words. Do I want to fuck the shit out of Katie right now? Uh, yes. What else could I do but nod? She took each of us by a hand and led us off the dance floor. This was definitely a first for us; we’d done a lot of shit in our days but we’d never tag-teamed a girl before.

  We took a cab to her place since we were all too drunk to drive.

  “Want something to drink?” she gestured towards the kitchen as we entered her condo. “Help yourselves. I’m going to change, feel free to make yourselves comfortable.”

  As soon as she was out of the room I looked at Ford. “Dude, you okay with this?”

  “Yeah, just don’t touch my cock or anything else on me for that matter.”

  “Same goes. If she asks for anything like that, I’m out.” I opened her fridge and pulled out a bottled water. “Want one?” he nodded in response, so I tossed one over.

  Just as we were walking out of the kitchen she re-entered the living room. I nearly spit out my water at the sight of her. She was still wearing her stilettos, but she also had on a green bra that was missing its cups, so her tits were out and on full display, and a matching pair of crotchless panties. She was a natural redhead and had a very small patch of hair that didn’t cover much. She had every reason to be proud of her hard work at the gym. Her body was flawless.

  She walked over to where we were standing and as she got closer I saw her wetness dripping down her leg. I reached out a finger and swiped it off her thigh.

  “I guess I got a little worked up thinking about you two while we were on the dance floor earlier. I’ve never had two men at the same time, but it’s always been my fantasy. Think you can live up to what I’ve been dreaming about?”

  Fuck yeah, we can. “I think we can handle that for you.”

  I slid my finger back up the inside of that same thigh but continued the trip until I found her pussy. I saw Ford pull out a condom from his wallet and set it on her coffee table. I started stroking her pussy from her hole to her clit, but I didn’t push inside yet. “Do you want to do this here or in your bedroom?”

  “Here,” she gasped as she leaned in to kiss me. Her lips were soft and she tasted like the alcohol we’d been drinking all night, mixed with something minty. My guess was that she brushed her teeth or at least used mouthwash while she got changed.

  I could tell when Ford approached her from behind by the way she leaned into him; his hands slid in-between our bodies to grab her tits. Her hips were swaying back and forth over my hand but I felt the rhythm change as she ground her ass into Ford at the same time.

  She turned her face to kiss Ford as she rode my fingers. I kissed a trail from her collarbone to her navel and paused teasingly at the waistband of her panties. I continued my descent still stroking her pussy with my fingers on the outside. She adjusted her stance so her legs were spread to make room for whatever I had in store for her. I watched as my finger disappeared inside of her; with my free hand, I stroked her clit with my thumb. I looked up and saw her breasts heaving with every breath she struggled to take in; her nipples were hard and erect from my angle, sticking out from Ford’s grip.

  Her hips were moving of their own accord and kneeling in front of her wet pussy I decided I wanted a taste. I leaned forward and kissed her right above her clit, then on her lips on either side. Her hips were thrashing to get me to connect with her clit. I knew that was where she wanted me most. I parted her open with both hands and licked her from the bottom of her slit to her clit and gave her a good hard suck. “Oh, God,” I heard from above and I knew that one was for me. I kept going. I alternated flicking her clit with my tongue and sucking on it; all the while I continued to finger her, adding a second, then a third finger to the mix.

  Her moans became breathy, her pussy clenched around me, and her hips undulated frantically as she searched for her release.

  I suddenly pulled away and stood. Her eyes widened at me in shock as she realized I just left her hanging.

  “I want to fuck you. Now.” I pulled a condom out of my pocket, stripped down, and gestured towards the couch. “On the couch, on all fours.”

  She moved out of Ford’s arms, kicked off her shoes and climbed onto the couch just as I instructed and placed her hands on the arm of the couch. Ford stripped off his clothes and walked around to where her face was. She reached for his cock and pulled it to her mouth.

  I took up position behind her, ripped open the condom and slid it over my hard length. I grabbed her ass with my hands and parted those pretty cheeks, lining my cock up with her pussy hole. I slammed forward into her and felt myself bottom out as she gasped. I could see her head still bobbing, though, so I knew I was good to go and I slammed into her again, then again, and again. She was so tight that I knew I could blow my load right then, but then the fun would end for me and I wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.

  I reached around her and started drawing circles over her clit with my fingers as I plowed into her over and over. Her pussy throbbed around me. I saw her pull away from Ford’s cock as she moaned over and over again, then she was shuddering around me. I didn’t stop until her orgasm was fin

  I pulled out and slipped off the condom. I flipped her over onto her back and moved her higher up on the couch so Ford could get on with us. Once she was where I wanted her I pushed her tits together and slid my cock in between them. She leaned forward and caught the tip of my cock in her mouth with each thrust forward. Ford seemed to read my mind because at the same time he grabbed his condom and slid it on. I watched over my shoulder as he pulled her hips up into his lap and shoved inside.

  I turned around, no longer fucking her tits and faced Ford. I knelt over her face and shoved my cock back into her mouth.

  “Ugh,” I felt vibrations around my cock from her deep throating me. She reached up and started to lightly touch my balls. I can honestly say that even though I never wanted a three-way with another dude it was pretty fucking hot watching Ford fuck her tight pussy from this angle. Reaching down I alternated between squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. Her mouth felt like heaven on my cock and because of all of her little noises, it was almost as if I had some sort of a vibrator on me at the same time. I looked up to see Ford stroking her clit.

  She must’ve been close to cumming again because her hips were bucking wildly and the speed of her tongue swiping the underside of my shaft had gotten fast. I felt my balls start to tighten and suddenly I was cumming and she swallowed every drop I had to give.

  I pulled out of her mouth and leaned back on the couch, watching like a voyeur for a few seconds, then I slid closer and started playing with her tits again. She was panting fast and moaning loudly. It was the hottest thing I’d witnessed so far in my life at the time. It was like porn only better because it was live and not faked.

  Just when I was certain she was about to fall apart she asked Ford to stop. I swear I almost laughed at the look of disbelief on his face.

  “Do either of you have another condom?”

  I knew I was out.

  Ford pulled out of her and snatched his wallet from his discarded pants, producing another condom, which he held up for her.


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