Insatiable (The Curse of Avalon Book 3)

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Insatiable (The Curse of Avalon Book 3) Page 24

by Sariah Skye

  I patted his knee. “You’ll figure it out.”

  “Hey.” Bash leaned forward suddenly, looking quizzical, and swatted the back of Rhys’ head as he stared out the window.

  “What? Geez I wasn’t even doing anything!” Rhys protested, reaching back to adjust his ponytail.

  Bash rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, it wasn’t that hard. But, I have to know, since you were lying about Excalibur, do you actually know something about the Avalon spell and you can’t—or won’t—tell me?”

  Rhys swiveled around, his normally frisky expression serious. “Well, if I was bound to not divulge like I was with Excalibur, I wouldn’t be able to tell you anyway. But, in this instance I promise you, I have no idea. It was created with a lot of complicated magic after I was imprisoned.”

  “By Morgaine?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I assume that’s who it was, but…”

  “But what?” I prompted.

  Even in the dimly lit interior of the car, I could see him blush. “Well, you know that the magic of Avalon is… seductive,” he said, right towards me.

  I chortled. “Just a bit.”

  “I’m afraid that to any male on the isle it’s downright…”

  “Insatiable?” Bash supplied.

  “Heh. Yeah I guess you could say that. It’s basically like being completely drunk on sex. After a while I don’t even know who I was with; it was a blur of gorgeous women in white dresses. I suspect it was done because I wasn’t exactly on board with the idea of spiriting Avalon away. Without Avalon, Camelot poses a bigger risk… eh well, you know the rest,” Rhys grimaced. “I was the only real opposition. Besides Morgaine, surprisingly.”

  “Morgaine?” I repeated, surprised.

  He nodded. “Yeah. She and Arthur had always rivaled. Arthur blamed her for tarnishing his good name, she blamed him for not only steering Lancelot’s affections away from her—which he didn’t, mind you; Lancelot never harbored feelings for her—but because she wasn’t given a place in the Pendragons’ inner circle. She was the result of an affair as you may know, history is pretty accurate on that fact, at least.”

  “But I thought you said Morgaine—” Bash began.

  “I said she continued to imprison me. I escaped a handful of times, mostly when she tried to use the magic from the vessel—or the dumb grail thing—for her magic. But I never actually knew who put me in the first time. All I remember was her dark hair brushing over me as I fell asleep.” He sighed. “That could have easily been Morgaine. But I don’t know for sure.”

  “So, basically you know nothing?” Bash’s tone was grim. “Some helpful sorcerer.”

  Rhys scowled and turned back around, pouting complete with puffed out lower lip. It was a long drive and Rhys didn’t speak again the rest of the way.

  Xander and Trystan were in front, speaking about going to see cars tomorrow and how they could possibly scare the guy into giving me a good deal. Bash kept an arm draped over my lap, his head on my shoulder, and he continued tauntingly tracing lines up and down my thigh and randomly brushed tiny kisses on my bare shoulder. By the time we arrived at the campus I was clenching my legs together so hard my feet were turning blue from lack of circulation, and I was desperately wishing for a change of underwear. Damn devious incubus.

  The campus was fairly busy when we pulled in; it was big, quite large enough to be its own small city. Being that it was Saturday night people were walking around, talking and laughing wildly, either dressed up or casually depending upon where we they were going.

  Trystan and Xander argued about where to go, and Bash suddenly sat up, snapping his fingers. “I almost forgot…” He rummaged through the brown bag full of his various concoctions and pulled out a little red velvet box.

  I felt my heart swoop into my stomach. “Oh my—what the—”

  He chuckled. “It’s not what you think,” he said, opening the box with a squeak, and pulling out a silver ring with a very chunky white stone. Not a diamond, but it looked more like a moonstone. “I have a little more game than that, I think. Probably not as much as Xander, but…”

  “What about me?” The storm-wielder piped up, hearing his name.

  “I said you probably have more game than me, asshole!” Bash scowled at him.

  “That’s what I thought you said. Don’t forget it, either.” He turned over the side of the seat and flashed me a cocky, seductive half-smile before turning back around.

  Bash pulled my hand into his. “This is a poison detector. It’s spelled to pick up any kind of poison—chemical or supernatural—that I could think of, like typical date rape drugs. If it changes color to black, your drink is laced with something. If it changes to green, it’s laced with something from a spell.” His cheeks flushed lightly as he slipped the ring over my left ring finger. “All you have to do is hold the drink in your hand and it’ll detect whatever is in the liquid.”

  “Not exactly the kind of ring I expected, but I’ll take it,” I said, with a laugh.

  He smiled wryly. “Yeah, about what I said at the club that night. I was—”

  I waved my hand dismissively, the opaque white stone catching a glimmer of light in the streetlamp outside. “I know, it was just territorial male posturing. I get it. I didn’t actually think you would like, buy me a ring.” Snorting uncomfortably and laughing awkwardly, I started babbling. “I mean, come on. I can’t marry four guys, that’s ridiculous.”

  “No it’s not,” Rhys piped up. “Ask Igraine; she married both Gorlois and Vortigern. It was separate times but on Avalon they have a really beautiful handfasting ceremony you can do; the amount of people committing varies. Anything goes.”

  “Yeah, but…” I stammered. “It’s just too soon.”

  “She married Gorlois the same day she met him. I guarantee she’d never, ever tell you it was a mistake.” Rhys grinned and winked at me over his shoulder.

  My hand still clamped in his, Bash coughed with discomfort. “Yeah, besides you probably want the typical white dress and whole… thing. Right?”

  “Eh,” I said with a shrug. “What’s the point? I have no family, besides Summer. My dad is in another realm. You guys are all I really have—”

  “—and me too!” Rhys protested.

  I reached over to affectionately grip his shoulder. “You too, even though you’re crazy as hell.”

  “Of course I am.” He didn’t disagree. “Love defies logic,” he continued softly.

  “Maybe something on a beach somewhere. But… whatever, I never gave it much thought. I always knew it wasn’t going to happen. Anyway, don’t worry. I know you weren’t serious,” I said, scoffing. “That’s just…” I snorted, not sure what else to say. My brain and heart were a mix of emotions; my heart was stupidly disappointed at the idea, and my brain was like duh, it’s too soon.

  “But, that’s just the thing.” Bash reached around and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “I was serious.”

  “Oh.” What did I say to that?

  Thankfully I didn’t have to; we’d apparently arrived, and Trystan was grumbling lowly, swearing in Gaelic, trying to traverse the tight roads with large, brightly painted frat houses on either side. Co-eds were walking carelessly, not bothering to care that a huge SUV was barreling towards them.

  Bash, still holding my hand, dropped his grip quickly. “I need to—ah…” He tossed the box back in and started rummaging, pulling out various tiny vials and sachets, shoving them in his front and back jeans pockets, even tucking a couple in his socks.

  “What are all those for?” I asked, happy for a change in subject.

  “Oh, just different things. Poisons to re-coat our blades, depending upon what supes we encounter. I have a confusion powder, and an immobility potion…” He shrugged indifferently. “Just the normal stuff.”

  I laughed. “Yes, because confusion powder is so normal. Usually humans rely on booze for that.”

  “You guys ready for this shit?” Xander said, as Trystan foun
d a spot about two blocks away from the party. They had to cut off someone in the process, but Trystan clearly didn’t care.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said.

  “Och, would ye listen to these arseholes?” Trystan laughed wildly. “They’re angry I stole their spot!”

  Xander chortled. “Just wait until we get out, this should be fun.”

  “Aye, I’ve been itchin’ for a good brawl for a while now.” The ignition was shut off, and Trystan and Xander exited the vehicle, Rhys wasn’t far behind.

  Bash took my hand again and helped me out of the car on his side, tightening up his grip the second my heels clacked loudly on the concrete pavement.

  The group of young men that’d been ranting quickly backed off when tall, burly, and angry Trystan and Xander glowered at them; they couldn’t have been more than one-hundred-and-fifty pounds soaking wet each, and I smirked to myself watching them act like a couple of hardasses.

  “Now, I’m serious.” Trystan pulled Rhys by the arm forcefully. “Stay with Ava the whole time. I mean it. Or else—”

  “I know, I know. You’ll kill me. I might be insane but I’m not stupid.” Rhys rolled his eyes, and we started off towards the big party.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Trystan and Xander wasted no time flanking my sides—and backside. Bash had a death grip on one of my hands still; Xander took the other, and Trystan offered to “take one for the team” and take the rear. Pfffft. Friggin’ pervert. What a noble sacrifice.

  We followed the crowds of noisy co-eds milling about through the streets, clearly heading to one very large house with three Greek symbols near the rickety looking roof, delegating which fraternity housed here.

  There was a long line trailing out of the open doorway, and people were entering slowly. Not for security reasons, but they literally seemed to be turning people away that weren’t as attractive as others. A cluster of homelier looking guys came walking the opposite way passed us; they were short, and one overweight, the other was just very gangly and all looked super young. Probably barely even eighteen. I frowned, feeling bad at their dejected faces; I knew rejection.

  The gangly one’s gaze snapped upward, and his eyes landed on me. He quickly elbowed his short friend, and they both gawked openly, not caring about the three incubi and one cambion with me. Not wanting to encourage them because I feared my guys’ reaction, I just offered them a little smile. They might not have been rockstars, but they were still kind of cute in a helpless-little-boy kind of way. Hey, it was nice to be noticed. And even funnier that it made three grown, studly incubi jealous as hell.

  Xander glared at them pointedly, and they quickly scrambled away. I dared to glance over my shoulder; they were still watching us, open-mouthed as we continued on.

  Trystan grumbled. “This was a bad idea.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” Rhys flipped his ponytail over his shoulder. “It’s not my fault I attract attention,” he said, a certain swagger in his walk.

  I brought my fist to my mouth, dragging Bash’s along with me to cover my loud, obnoxious laugh. The guys just groaned.

  “This is going to take forever.” Bash sighed, trying to peek around the crowd to see if there was any other entrance. He tugged on my arm after a moment. “I think there’s a back way in.”

  “Good,” Trystan said, and he led us through the crowd. Sure enough there was a back way, monitored by two young women in jean shorts that could hardly be called shorts; more like panties, and a blue and pink t-shirt respectively, both with matching Greek symbols on them.

  “Must be part of their sister sorority,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “I don’t like this, maybe I can just invisible us in the front entrance. Rhys can teleport someone in too.”

  “Nope, we’re sticking together,” Xander said resolutely. “And, questioning these girls might give us a good insight into who is here.”

  “Aye,” Trystan agreed.

  “Oh shit… you’re going to do the incubus thing on them, aren’t you?” I felt the color drain from my face.

  The guys, minus Rhys, all smiled sheepishly.

  “It doesn’t mean anything, Ava,” Bash said, brushing his lips across my bare shoulder, looking up at me pleadingly with sad, blue puppy-dog eyes. “It’s just a way to get information.”

  I grumbled, shaking my head so hard I nearly whipped myself in the eye with the ends of my hair. “I’m sorry, but no.”

  Xander sighed, raking his hands through his hair. “Okay, we’ll try it your way, but if it doesn’t work…”

  Petulantly, I yanked my hands back from them, and folded my arms over my chest. “How would you feel if I went up to—” I quickly scanned the full yard and pointed the most attractive human man I could find. “Him.” He was tall, broad shouldered, built like a linebacker, with wavy sandy blond hair that curled around his ears. College-aged me would have fallen in love. “How would you feel if I went up to him and started flirting? Huh?”

  Trystan snorted with contempt. “He’s not even that good looking.”

  I made a big deal about eyeing the guy from head to toe, coyly catching my lower lip in between my teeth. Seeming to feel my eyes on him he turned and returned a smile. “Oh, I don’t know. He’s got potential. A haircut and the right pants—”

  “—all right, lass. Ye’ve proven yer point. Now quit staring at him before I kick his ass just for breathing,” Trystan groused.

  “Why don’t we send Rhys in to test the waters?” Xander suggested. “See what they’re even looking for.”

  Rhys grinned widely. “Oh can I? This will be fun!”

  There was only a short line back here of about ten people; we hung back and stayed within reach of Rhys and let him take his turn in line. I was surprised when he turned on the charm, grinning flirtatiously, talking to both girls. One of them seemed genuinely interested in him, and when he turned away with a shrug she reached out to him and said “Sorry!”

  “Well?” Bash prodded.

  “They’re checking college IDs. No ID, no entrance, regardless. Also, guys are ten bucks to get in,” Rhys said, with a shrug. “But ladies get in free, of course.”

  “Of course,” Xander said, with a snarl.

  “Och, I’m not spending ten bucks to get in. Fuck that!” Trystan protested. “Let’s go.”

  “They’re not going to let you in; no exceptions. It’s actually a campus rule, if they’re caught willingly letting non-college students in, they can be expelled,” Rhys explained.

  I made a sour face. “You’re gonna incubus them, aren’t you?”

  Xander sighed. He reached for my hand, pulling me into him. “It’s just a spell, Ava. Just magic. It means nothing, we swear.”

  Raising a brow, I stood stiffly in his embrace. “Is that so? So, the Avalon magic we have—that’s nothing? Just a spell, right?”

  Rhys snickered loudly. “Oh, she’s got you there!” All three guys glowered at him.

  “Of course not, beautiful girl,” Bash crooned, gingerly brushing my hair back over my shoulder, and letting his hand trail down my back. I shivered under the warmth of his touch.

  “Quit sucking up to me.”

  Trystan growled. “Look, Ava. We need to get in there and find out about the incubi. They could hurt others, and they might know something. Rogue incubi like these can cause a lot of damage, luv. We need to do what we gotta do to take them out.”

  I groaned outwardly. “All right. Just… do it fast, please.”

  We stood in the small line silently; I shuffled my feet and chewed anxiously on my lip. There were a group of two guys and one girl who were ahead of us, and before they were even barely passed the front door, the two college door-bouncers were already openly ogling the guys; specifically, Bash and Xander.

  “Yer on, boys,” Trystan said smugly, shoving the two of them forward. I watched some of the tension leave his face. “Guess they aren’t into gingers.”

  Closing my fingers through his, I gently hip-
checked him. “Their loss.”

  “Damn straight,” he chuckled, snaking an arm around my back and drawing me into him. We stepped off to the side slightly and I gritted my teeth when Bash and Xander casually sauntered up to them; the two girls immediately were captivated. I’d never actually seen the guys actively use their curse. Normally, they were trying to hide from it.

  The brunette in the pink had her eyes pretty intently on Bash. He took a fleeting, apologetic glance at me before he turned on the charm. Everything in his posture changed; he seemed to stand even taller and just the overall vibe around him was positively… captivating. The brunette smiled widely, her lips slightly pursed to make them fuller, and her hip cocked to the side as her well-manicured hand gingerly grazed her neck. Bash smiled widely as he spoke. To his credit, though, she kept trying to reach out to touch him and he kept shifting away.

  The other girl, with perfectly styled blonde hair giggled bashfully. She had more reserve apparently, but when Xander flashed her a glimpse of that overly confident, seductive smirk it was clear as day he had her charmed.

  Rhys actually gripped my hand for moral support. I briefly flinched, surprised, but his expression was one of sympathy and I appreciated it. “You okay?”

  “Sure,” I spoke a little too quickly, as I breathed in and out purposefully. The red-hot rage of jealousy burned my cheeks.

  “If it helps,” Rhys began, speaking in such quiet tones I don’t even think Trystan could hear him, “I’ve seen a lot of people in my years and seen a lot of love. You have nothing to worry about; they adore you.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I gave him a surprised look. “Wow. Thanks, Rhys.”

  He shrugged gently. “I’m really not so bad, you know.”

  I squeezed his hand. “I know. Just quit peeping on us in the bedrooms, ‘kay?”

  Rhys chuckled sharply. “Only if I’m allowed out once in a while to get a date.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” I started tapping my foot on the ground impatiently. “Good grief how long does it take to flirt with a couple of girls?”


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