Vance's Rules: Blackwater, Book 2

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Vance's Rules: Blackwater, Book 2 Page 4

by Anne Rainey

  Watching the emotions flit across Shayla’s expressive face brought Vance back to the first moment he’d seen her. It was in Biology II, and Shayla had been wearing a demure white blouse and a pair of loose jeans. Her hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, little strands hanging around her face. At first, he’d thought her mousy and sort of forgettable. It hadn’t taken him long to start imagining what her slight curves would feel like pressed up against his body.

  He’d flirted with her, and she’d blushed. It’d turned him on. He’d spent too many classroom hours staring at her ass. She’d caused a riot within his hormones, then and now. More than once, he’d imagined taking hold of the little elastic band holding her hair back and yanking it free so he could watch as all her rich, red hair cascaded down her back.

  When they’d started dating, Shayla had spoiled him with her sweet, giving nature, Vance admitted to himself. He hadn’t been forced to do much chasing because she’d been so enamored of him. The first time they’d made love, in the front seat of his pickup truck, no less, Vance had been thrown for a loop by the fact she’d been a virgin. Guilt had assailed him. Hell, she’d been innocent until he’d gotten hold of her. The next morning in class, she’d looked at him and smiled. The combination of sweet innocence and naughty vixen had done him in. He’d been toast after that. Vance hadn’t been able to keep his hands off Shayla. If he remembered correctly, she’d been every bit as greedy for him.

  Vance knew now what they’d had was puppy love. Shayla was more confident now. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to be quite so malleable this time around. She’d all but tossed a wrench into his well-ordered world with her sudden appearance as it was. He grinned in spite of himself. If she had any clue how intent he could be when he wanted something, she never would’ve stepped foot into his house.

  When she sat on the couch in front of the fire and smiled up at him, Vance wasn’t sure whether he wanted to lick her from head to toe or push her out the door.

  With resignation, Vance went to the kitchen cupboard and took out a bottle of wine. “Merlot, okay?” he called out.

  “Perfect, thank you. So,” she said, “have you always lived here alone?”

  It didn’t surprise him she would fish around to see if he’d ever had a woman living with him. Shayla was curious by nature. As he headed back into the living room, Vance hid a grin and decided to tease her a little.

  “Actually, Elizabeth lives here with me.”

  Shayla squinted. “Elizabeth? But you said you weren’t seeing anyone.”

  “Elizabeth isn’t just anyone. She’s upstairs,” he said as he poured them each a glass of wine, “sprawled out on my bed.”

  The look she shot him was downright lethal. “I see. Well, I hope I didn’t interrupt…anything.”

  Yep, the woman was definitely jealous. Vance sat down next to her and took a sip of his wine. “Eh, Elizabeth doesn’t mind, but don’t expect her to come down and visit. She’s shy.”

  Shayla tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, then started drumming her fingers on her thigh. Vance knew Shayla well. The twelve years she’d been gone hadn’t changed the fact that she only performed that little ritual whenever she was agitated—and without a doubt, right now she was agitated. “How long have you two been together?”

  He swirled the wine around in his glass. “Ten years, give or take.” When her eyes grew wide, Vance added, “Shayla, Elizabeth is a cat.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “A cat?”

  Vance winked. “Yep. A pretty, slightly obese, gray-and-black-striped cat that I found at the animal shelter.”

  She placed her glass on the coffee table and crossed her arms over her chest. “You were putting me on.”

  Vance’s gaze zeroed in on Shayla’s breasts. She wore a high-necked, peach-colored blouse, and he could just barely make out the outline of her bra. God, how he wanted to see her strip. He imagined licking her nipples, and his cock stiffened. When an image of her naked and beneath him sprang to mind, he quickly pushed it away. “Yeah,” he said as he cleared his throat, “I was. Sorry.”

  She chuckled. “You really don’t sound sorry.”

  Vance had to tamp down the need to reach over and simply take what he so badly wanted. He needed to do something and quick, or Shayla was going to find herself sprawled out on the couch. To hell with crazy things like logic and good sense. “I’m really not.”

  Vance put his wine next to hers on the coffee table in front of them, then scooted closer. When he took her in his arms, he noticed the shock registering in her eyes. “W-What are you doing?”

  “When you came here, did you want more than a clear conscience, Shay?”

  She closed her eyes tight and nodded. “Yes.”

  Vance’s blood heated. “Do you still have feelings for me?” he asked, all but holding his breath.

  Her green eyes opened and held his captive. “I don’t know, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about you over the years.”

  It wasn’t a lot to go on, but it was enough that he wanted to shout in triumph. “Maybe we should get reacquainted, then. See where things go.”

  “Yes, I’d like that.”

  Vance cupped her face in his hand and drew her close until she was nestled against him. “Let’s start this off right, shall we?” he murmured as he dipped his head and tasted her for the first time in what seemed like forever. Oh, hell, yeah. The woman was made for him. God, he’d missed her taste. Her scent. Her sweet, bow-shaped mouth. No woman had ever gotten to him the way she did. It was as if with a single kiss the years melted away. His sweet Shay. It pissed him off that she got to him so fast, so easily.

  Vance locked his thoughts away and devoured Shayla’s plump lips. He licked, torturing them both with ideas of more. Then he teased his tongue back and forth over the seam, thrilled when she parted them for him. Only him. It was a small sign of surrender, but Vance would take whatever he could get. She twined her arms around his neck, and her curves melted against him. He ached to sink into her hot pussy. To bury his dick deep and feel her shudder all around him as they loved each other.

  He moved until she was lying back over the cushion, his body covering hers. He accidentally kicked the leg of the coffee table, and the wineglasses shook. Shayla stiffened. She began to push him away, and Vance let her, but only so he could taste the delicate skin on her throat. His hand wrapped around the slim column. He licked a spot behind her ear, and she moaned his name. His cock grew hard as stone, and he let loose a low groan of need.

  “Wait,” she murmured. “Please.”

  Vance pulled back and looked into her eyes. Her need tore him up, but there was a good amount of apprehension there as well. “What’s wrong, honey?”

  “It’s too fast. Just this morning, you were ordering me to leave.”

  Vance smoothed his palm down the side of her body until he was clutching her hip. He squeezed and felt her tremble. “Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough?” He held himself in check, giving her the ultimate decision.

  Her answer was pure Shayla. “I want you like crazy right now, but it can’t be merely sex. There has to be more between us.”

  He frowned down at her. “It’s not just a quick fuck I’m looking for here.”

  “Are you so sure?” she asked, her voice unsteady.

  “Yes,” he growled as he leaned in to kiss her neck. He felt her hands against his chest and wondered if she would push him away or tug him closer. “God, you have the sexiest curves,” he murmured.

  “And you’re so hot I could catch fire just looking at you, Vance, but that’s lust. Nothing more.”

  The uncertainty in her words cooled him down enough to release her and move to the other end of the couch. He took in her disheveled blouse and kiss-swollen lips. Fucking delicious, but she was right. This was way too damn fast. “How about I take you out tomorrow night? Do you still like action movies?”

  She smiled, and his heart sped up. God, she was so pretty w
hen she did that. “Yes, I love them,” she replied as she sat up and adjusted her clothes. Her face was flushed and her chest rose and fell in rapid succession. She might be trying to feign nonchalance, but Vance knew the signs of arousal when he saw them. He’d gotten to her.

  “I’ll take you to see that new one that’s playing.”

  She scooted off the couch and smoothed a hand down her blouse. “I’d never turn down a chance to watch Vin Diesel.”

  Vance stood and shifted from foot to foot, willing his cock to chill. “Where do you live? I can pick you up.”

  She looked down at herself, then quickly crossed her arms over her chest. “I can come here. It’s no trouble.”

  Vance knew she was trying to hide the evidence of her arousal, but it was useless. He’d already noticed her pert nipples poking the flimsy blouse and bra. “If we’re going to do this, then we do it right. I’ll pick you up and I’ll pay.”

  Her lips quirked up. “The times have changed, Vance. Men no longer have to pay.”

  “The times might have changed, but I haven’t.”

  Her chin went up in the air. “You were always too bossy.”

  “No, I just like things to be a certain way.” He took hold of her arms and tugged her closer. “If you want to be with me, then I’ll pick you up and I’ll pay.”

  “Vance’s rules or no date, is that it?”

  He brushed her lips with his own and murmured, “You want more of that, don’t you?”

  She sighed. “You know I do.”

  “Then let me have this one thing, honey.”

  “Fine, but I’m getting the biggest tub of popcorn they have.”

  He chuckled. “And malted milk balls, if I recall.”

  “Yes, those too.”

  “Deal,” he promised, kissing her once more. He kept it brief, and when they separated, they were both more than ready for second base.

  He tapped her on the nose and said, “Go, before I change my mind and carry your cute ass up the stairs.”

  Shayla didn’t say another word but simply nodded and walked over to the chair where she’d left her coat. He helped her into it, and by the time she left, he was kicking himself for letting her leave. Would she still be around tomorrow? Old fears resurfaced, and he wondered if he’d made a mistake by asking her out. She was back for good, she’d said. Her explanation of why she’d dumped him was plenty plausible. Still, doubts lingered.

  He lay awake way into the night thinking over everything that had transpired. He was taking a big chance by letting Shayla back into his life. Regardless of the reason she’s given him for breaking it off, losing her had turned Vance off from trusting any other woman. Jesus, it’d been difficult enough for him to rely on someone outside his immediately family. As a foster kid, he’d learned early on that people could and would be despicable creatures. Shayla’s betrayal had only added to his already suspicious nature. Since she’d left, Vance had managed to keep a tight leash on his personal life. The women he dated now liked to keep things light and easy. No strings attached, which was just freaking dandy with him.

  One thing for certain, Vance had given up on meaningful relationships with women when Shayla left Blackwater twelve years ago. If that was the case, though, why was he entertaining the idea of getting Shayla into his bed? He knew good and well sex with her would open up a whole slew of old feelings. He had a full plate right now with the renovations on the diner. He didn’t need the kind of trouble one sexy redhead could bring him.

  Chapter Six

  “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. This is horribly embarrassing,” Shayla grumbled as she hugged her toilet after another bout of throwing up the dinner they’d had earlier.

  “Shh, it’s okay, honey. You’ll feel better as soon as your stomach gets rid of the food,” Vance promised. “It’s partly my fault for suggesting seafood anyway.”

  Her stomach burned, and every muscle in her body ached. “It’s no one’s fault. Just some bad fish, I guess.”

  He cursed. “I hate to see you in pain. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?”

  She shook her head. “Like you said, I’ll feel better once it’s all out of my stomach.” God, Vance was being so sweet, so attentive. She couldn’t remember a time when a man had stayed by her side while she vomited up her dinner. It made her fall in love with him a little bit more. Oh, God, the thought of falling for Vance all over again caused her stomach to twist with nerves.

  “I should’ve gone with your idea and gotten pizza, but I wanted to impress you, take you to a nice restaurant.” He groaned. “Real freaking impressive.”

  Shayla tried to smile, but it seemed to take all her energy, so she gave up and rested her head against the wall next to the toilet. Vance had taken her to the movie, which had been better than she’d anticipated. Then they’d gone to Hook, Line and Sinker. The food had been wonderful, right up until they were halfway back to her apartment and she’d started to feel the first rumblings in her stomach. She’d raced to the bathroom the instant she had her front door unlocked.

  She felt Vance’s hand against the top of her head, and her gaze shot to his. “You really don’t have to stay, Vance. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sorry, honey, but you’re stuck with me.”

  Somewhere in Shayla’s haze of pain, she saw the honest worry in Vance’s hazel eyes. “I—” Another pain caused her stomach to seize up, and Shayla bent her head over the ivory rim and heaved some more. Finally, there just wasn’t anything left to throw up, but the heck if her stomach was through torturing her.

  Suddenly, she was thrown back in time to another stomach-clenching episode. Shayla had gotten a flu bug that had been going around at school, and it’d been her mom who had held her hair back. She’d been in the seventh grade, but she could still hear her mother’s calm voice, feel her mother’s soft touch as she stroked a cool washcloth over her forehead.

  Vance’s hand smoothing her hair away from her face brought her back to the present. When she was sure her body was finished heaving, she lifted her head. Vance was there with a damp paper towel. She took it and swiped it over her mouth. Her stomach suddenly settled, and she knew she was on the downhill slide.

  As she started to stand, Vance’s strong hands closed around her arms, lifting her to her feet. “Want to take a shower?” he asked. “Might help you feel better.”

  “Oh man, a hot shower sounds great.” She looked up at him and cringed. “I bet this isn’t quite how you pictured the night going, huh?”

  He winked. “We’ll have plenty of time for a do-over once you feel better.”

  Her heart promptly turned to mush. She placed her hand on his chest and said, “Thank you,” then realized she probably had awful breath and quickly covered her mouth.

  He pried her hand away from her mouth and held it tight. “Relax, Shay. I’m not going to bolt out the door just because you tossed your cookies.” He let go of her and stepped toward the door. “You have any green tea?”

  She shifted from one foot to the other, embarrassed that he’d seen her like this. God, she could just imagine what she must look like. “There’s some tea in the cupboard next to the refrigerator.”

  “I’ll make you a cup while you shower.”

  “Oh, no, that’s really not necessary. In fact, if you’d rather head home—”

  “Hush, woman. I’m not going anywhere until I see you settled.”

  To hell with it. Shayla didn’t really want him to leave anyway. Maybe it was selfish of her, but it’d been so long since she’d had Vance all to herself, she wanted to soak in every minute. She smiled her consent, and he left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Shayla went to the sink and looked into the mirror hanging above it. “Have mercy,” she grumbled when she saw her reflection. Her hair was sweaty and sticking to her head, and she was so pale she could’ve been mistaken for a corpse. Her stomach twisted a little, but not so much that she needed to hug the commode, thank God. A shower would help her look l
ess like something the cat dragged in, at least.

  Shayla stripped out of her clothes and turned toward the tub. After she had the water temperature right, she stepped in and let the massaging jets work their magic. As the water cascaded down her body, she heard what sounded like pans clinking together. Vance was in the other room, she realized. Making her a pot of tea and caring for her.

  In all her wildest dreams, never once did she imagine a moment like this. She’d hoped and prayed she’d have a second chance with him, but never had she let herself believe it might actually happen. Her heart soared, and a burst of adrenaline flooded her system. She felt instantly better. “Figures Vance Jennings would be the cure,” she mused aloud, suddenly in a hurry to finish.

  As Vance rifled around in Shayla’s cabinet to find the tea, he thought back over the evening they’d shared. He’d enjoyed himself. Shayla was different than she used to be in a lot of ways, and tonight had felt like a real first date to him. Not like they were picking up where they’d left off, but more like they were two people getting to know each for the first time. When he found a box of green tea, he searched through another cupboard for honey. He found it sitting next to the toaster, took a teakettle off the stove and ran water in it. By the time the water was boiling, Shayla was walking into the room, a towel wrapped around her head. Vance looked her over, checking for signs that she should still be hugging the porcelain god. He noticed her pale face and the slow, careful way she moved, but since her skin no longer had a nasty greenish tint, he figured things were looking up for her.

  She wore a pair of loose-fitting, hunter-green sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt that sported a picture of a bull and boldly stated University of South Florida. “You went to USF?” he asked, curious about her life. He’d heard the bad stuff, but he wanted to hear that she’d had some happy times too.

  “Yeah. I loved it there. Even though Dad wouldn’t let me live on campus, the classes still got me away from the house, away from him. It was the only time I could let my guard down.” She went to the cupboard and took out a couple of mugs, then placed them on the counter next to the stove. “What about you? Did you go to college?”


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