Toxic Filth - 4 Dirty Stories

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Toxic Filth - 4 Dirty Stories Page 2

by AE Publications

  “Holy shit,” Billy said, flopping back onto the couch.

  “That was good, huh?” Sandra asked.

  “Hell yes.”

  “Better than the first time.”

  Smiling, Billy nodded.

  “Just wait until the next one,” Sandra said.

  “I don’t know if I can get it up again, let alone cum again.”

  “I thought we already talked about that,” she said. “It won’t be a problem, trust me.”

  “I don’t know . . .” Billy started.

  “Have I let you down yet?” Sandra asked.

  “No, I guess you haven’t.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to start now?”

  “Good point,” Billy said.

  Sandra stood up and held out her hand. “Come on, get up.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Billy took Sandra’s hand and allowed her to help him up. She led him into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “A little wake-up call,” she said, climbing in after it had warmed up. “Have you ever showered with a woman before?”

  Billy shook his head.

  “It’s all about the feel of things,” Sandra said as the water poured over her. “Just touching the other person while they’re all wet. Their hair, their bodies, and especially their skin. Go ahead. Feel free.”

  Billy rubbed his hands on her skin, starting with her shoulders and moving down her arms. The water made her skin exponentially smoother, almost like oil. He rubbed her tits, her belly, her thighs. She returned the favor, running her hands through his wet hair, over his chest, down to his asscheeks.

  “It doesn’t have to be overtly sexual,” Sandra said, turning around, giving him her back. “Just think of it as foreplay. Getting yourself warmed up for round three.”

  Billy ran his hands down her back, over her hips. He grabbed her round ass and gave it a squeeze. Sandra moaned softly. His breath growing more rapid and his cock—to his everlasting amazement—already showing signs of life, he squeezed them a little more firmly.

  It wasn’t long before Billy was pressing his body up against Sandra, his chest against her back, his cock pushing up against her ass while his hands explored her incredible tits, rubbing and groping them and tweaking her nipples.

  “See?” Sandra whispered, turning her head to the side. “I told you it wouldn’t be a problem.”

  “And you were right,” Billy said, his cock rock-hard for the third time in less than an hour. “Again.”

  “And now, when you fuck me proper, you’ll last even longer because you’ve already expended two bullets.”

  “I don’t know how long I’ll last,” Billy said. “You’ve got me all riled up.”

  “Well, it’ll be longer than you would have otherwise,” Sandra said, offering him a wicked smile.

  Billy had no doubt she was right. He wouldn’t have lasted more than five seconds inside her to start the evening. Now he might actually be able to last a minute or two. If he was lucky. But it was still better than the alternative.

  “Speaking of which,” Sandra said, shutting off the water. “Let’s get started.”

  She grabbed his hand and led him out of the shower. After they quickly dried themselves off, Sandra took Billy by the cock and led him over to the bed.

  “I’m not going to waste any more of your erection sucking your cock,” she said as she dropped onto the bed. She was lying on her back, her legs spread open, her pussy staring Billy right in the face as he stood there, dumbfounded, just looking at her.

  Sandra slipped two fingers inside her pussy and started playing around in there, getting herself nice and wet. “I want you to come over here and stick that hard cock of yours in my soaking wet pussy and fuck me until you can’t take it anymore,” she said. “And then I want you to cum inside me. Can you handle that?”

  Unable to speak, Billy just nodded.

  “Then come on over here,” Sandra said, beckoning him over.

  Billy didn’t need to be told twice. He climbed onto the bed and slid his body up until he was between Sandra’s legs. Unable to resist her any longer, he grabbed ahold of his cock and slid it into her pussy.

  Entering Sandra was like slipping into a pool of exotic oil. Moist and slippery and warm, her pussy swallowed his cock utterly and completely, caressing it like a long-lost soul mate.

  Billy’s breath rate quickened as he moved against her, his cock sliding deeper and deeper into her pussy of it’s own accord, his thrusts moving faster and faster as his body started operating solely on instinct.

  “Just like that,” Sandra said, her voice soft and serious, her eyes locked on his. “You feel so fucking good inside of me.”

  She wrapped her arms around the back of Billy’s neck and pulled his head down towards hers. While he continued moving against her, Sandra pressed her lips against his and started exploring his mouth with her tongue.

  Kissing Sandra while fucking her took Billy’s excitement to a whole different level. He wasn’t sure exactly why but there was no denying it. It was extremely sensual, almost unbearably so.

  As if able to read Billy’s mind, Sandra released her hold on him. He lifted his head up, breaking their kiss and allowing himself to gain a little bit of control once again, hopefully putting off his impending orgasm for at least a little while longer.

  Sandra was moving her body against Billy’s now, pushing her hips forward as his drove down, forcing his cock deeper inside her pussy. They had reached a good rhythm, their bodies moving in time with each other like they’d done this a hundred times before.

  Billy closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on something else, but it was impossible. Sandra simply felt too good. She demanded all his attention. He was torn between wanting to cum and wanting to make things last longer. But in the end, nature won. It was in his DNA to expel his seed, and despite his desire to hold out as long as possible, he was right on the verge of finishing.

  Sandra must have seen it in his face, as she nodded her head, her eyes locked on his. “Cum inside me,” she said, her voice an alluring combination of sweetness and desire. “I want to feel your warmth spreading inside me.”

  Hearing her talk like that was the final straw. Billy slammed his cock into her a couple more times, giving it to her harder than he had all night, and then his body tensed for a couple nearly unbearable seconds before releasing in a rush, sending his sperm shooting out of his cock and into Sandra’s wet warmth.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Billy said as he spasmed against her, his body shaking as he expelled his essence for the third time in less than an hour. The orgasm was less intense than the other two, yet somehow better, more meaningful, perhaps because it had come while actually having intercourse.

  Once Billy’s cock was completely drained, he laughed softly and shook his head before letting his cock slip out of Sandra’s pussy for the final time. He rolled off her and dropped down to the bed, lying on his back next to her, his breath quick and ragged.

  “So?” Sandra asked, turning to look at him. “Did you have a good time?”

  “That’s putting it lightly,” Billy said. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum three times in a week, let alone an hour.”

  “That’s no easy feat,” she said. “Let me tell you.”

  “Sorry they were all so quick.”

  “Don’t be,” Sandra said. “It doesn’t really matter how long you last if you can go multiple times. Of course, if you want to really please a girl, you’ll have to learn a few new tricks.”

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that,” Billy replied. “The biggest problem is just getting the opportunity.”

  “That’s the easy part,” she said. “Opportunity is never more than a phone call away. Assuming you can afford the charges, of course. Which aren’t really all that much, actually, considering the lack of auxiliary expenses.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Think about how muc
h it costs for dinner and a movie these days,” Sandra said. “Plus a couple drinks at the bar. For what? A chance at maybe getting in the sack with someone? For pretty much the same price you can get a guaranteed result. And with someone who knows what they’re doing on top of that.”

  Billy laughed. “That’s true,” he said. “I’ve never really thought of it that way before. So you wouldn’t mind if I gave you another call sometime?”

  “Not at all,” she said. “In fact, I’m already looking forward to it.”

  “So am I,” Billy said, feeling good about himself for the first time in as long as he could remember. “So am I.”





  Eric Carlson is halfway through his third bottle of wine when there’s a knock on the door of his suite.

  He takes one last swig directly from the bottle then sets it on the table and heads over to answer the door, the room wavering just a bit from the effects of the wine.

  Normally he goes into these sessions relatively sober but tonight he has a different plan; to consume as much alcohol as possible before the session starts. Because even though he’s come a long way in the last couple of months, Eric still has some inhibitions. He’s just wired that way. He’s hoping that if he drinks enough he’ll be able to push past them. He’s not sure it will work out like he’s planning, but he figures it won’t hurt to try.

  He comes to the door and peeks out the spyhole. Standing there is a short, fully-stacked, raven-haired beauty wearing blue jeans and an unzipped black leather jacket with only a lacy bra underneath, showing off her huge, glorious breasts without absolutely no shame. With her hair cut in a sharp, edgy style and her face caked with makeup, Tory plays up her sluttiness to the max, which is exactly what Eric is looking for tonight. A straight-up slut to run roughshod over.

  Eric has been through a really tough couple of weeks and he wants to take out his anger on someone. Not too long ago, that would have meant a phone call to Jasmine. But he’s spent so much time with her lately that he’s starting to develop feelings for her, which makes it harder and harder to debase her like he used to. That’s not to say that they haven’t got freakier with each other as time has gone on, but it their nights together are no longer rooted in anger. Which, ultimately, is a good thing.

  But not tonight. Tonight Eric is pissed off. And he wants to take his rage out on someone. Which is why he called Tory a couple of hours ago instead of Jasmine.

  He’s been with Tory once before, when she tagged along with Jasmine for one of their sessions, so he knows what he’s getting. But because he doesn’t have any feelings towards her, it’s easier to see her as just a fucktoy, which means he won’t have to worry about conflicting emotions when he’s treating her like shit.

  Tory knows exactly what she’s getting into tonight. Eric made that quite clear to her on the phone. And she’s fine with it. Looking forward to it, actually. Or so she says, which is good enough for Eric.

  He opens the door and lets Tory in and closes the door behind her.

  “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you again,” Tory says as she crosses the room towards the table with the bottle of wine sitting on it. “I figured you’d give Jasmine a call whenever you wanted a night like this.”

  “Normally I would,” Eric says. “But I was in the mood for something different tonight.”

  “Don’t get me wrong,” Tory says, “It’s fine with me. I was just surprised, that’s all.” She picks up the bottle of wine. “Do you mind if I have some?”

  “Be my guest. I’ll get you a glass.”

  “Don’t bother,” Tory says. “I don’t need one.”

  She proceeds to take a long swig straight from the bottle before pulling it from her lips and holding it out towards Eric.

  Smiling, he grabs the bottle from her. “That wasn’t a very polite thing to do,” he says before proceeding to do the exact same thing.

  “Nobody’s ever accused me of being polite before,” Jasmine replies, matching his grin.

  “Which is exactly why you’re here tonight instead of Jasmine,” Eric says.

  “Fair enough,” Tory says. “She says hi, by the way.”

  “Who? Jasmine?”

  Tory nods.

  “You told her you were coming to see me?” Eric asks.

  “Of course,” Tory says. “We talk all the time.”

  “Is she upset?” Eric asks.

  Tory laughs and shakes her head. “No. Not at all. She understands.”


  “Yep. She’s flattered, even.”

  “Is that right?”

  “It sure is,” Tory says. “Personally, I think it’s kind of pathetic, but that’s just me.”

  “Pathetic, huh?” Eric says, smiling ruefully. He’s not sure if Tory means what she’s saying or just playing a role, and he doesn’t really care. Either way she’s helping him get in the right mood for the evening.

  “Yeah. I mean, we are escorts, in case you didn’t remember,” Tory continues. “It’s not like she’s your girlfriend or something.”

  “Maybe not,” Eric says, undoing his belt and slipping it off his waist. He grips the buckle in his fist and rolls the belt over his hand until only six inches are still sticking out. “But I do have feelings for her. Which means I’d probably subconsciously take it easy on her. But you I hardly even know. So I won’t have those same issues.”

  He slaps the belt on the palm of his hand. The sound fills the room like a gunshot but Tory doesn’t even flinch. Apparently she’s used to this sort of thing. Eric smiles, his excitement overflowing already.

  “Are you ready to get started?” Eric asks, slapping the belt against his hand again, hard enough to leave a red mark this time.

  “Whenever you are,” Tory replies.

  In lieu of a reply Eric smacks her across the ass with his belt.

  Tory yelps in surprise and takes a small step forward to maintain her balance. She flashes him a dirty look.

  “Surprised you a bit there, didn’t I?” Eric says, his mouth turned up in a wicked smile.

  “A little,” she says.

  He smacks her across the ass again, a little more forcefully. But Tory was expecting it and bites down on her bottom lip instead of making any sound. She glares at him with defiance in her eyes.

  “You’ve got a little bit of an edge to you, don’t you?” Eric says, laughing softly. He’s thoroughly enjoying this.

  Tory doesn’t bother with a response. She just continues glaring at him.

  “That’s good,” he says. “It’ll make it more gratifying when I break you.”

  Tory scoffs. “Break me? You?” She shakes her head. “It’s never going to happen.”

  “We’ll see,” Eric says. He smacks her ass again, even harder.

  A flash of pain crosses Tory’s features for a moment and she makes a little gasping sound. Fortunately her breath is quickening and her face is starting to flush too, which means that the pain brings her some pleasure along with it. Which is exactly what Eric is shooting for.

  “That one stung a bit, didn’t it?” he says.

  “Nothing I haven’t felt before,” she replies, her mouth turned up in a sneer.

  “So it’s not too much for you?”

  “Not even close.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Eric says. “Because we’ve got a lot further to go.”

  “Bring it on,” Tory says.

  “Oh, I intend to,” he says.

  He unrolls the belt from his fist and runs the tail through the buckle, creating a loop. Standing face-to-face with her, he slips the loop over Tory’s neck and tightens it. Not so much that it’s choking her but not loosely either.

  “Take your jacket off,” Eric says.

  Tory does as she’s told. If she’s at all alarmed by the belt around her neck she isn’t showing it.

  “Now your bra,” he s

  She slips it off, revealing her huge tits. Firm but not overly so, floppy but not droopy, they are glorious and just begging to be played with. He can’t resist.

  Using the belt as a leash, Eric leads her over to the nearest wall. Once there, he pushes her up against it, back first.

  “Open your mouth,” Eric says.

  She does.

  Eric puts the tail of the belt between her teeth, lengthwise, the flat side parallel to the ground.

  “Bite down,” he says.

  Tory bites down on the leather.

  “Don’t drop that belt, no matter what,” Eric says. “Understand?”

  Tory nods.

  “Good,” Eric says. Then he starts working her tits with his hands, groping and cupping and squeezing them before starting in on her nipples, rubbing and playing with her them until they’re hard.

  Once they are both sticking out he grabs them between his forefinger and thumb, one nipple for each hand. He starts off by rubbing them between his fingers, gently at first but gradually increasing the pressure and intensity.

  Tory is moaning lightly behind the belt and her breath is growing ever more rapid. So far, so good.

  He rubs her nipples between his fingers for another couple of seconds, then gives them both a hard pinch, eliciting a gasp from Tory but not a big enough one to force her to drop the belt.

  “Not bad,” he says. “Not bad at all.”

  Despite the compliment, Eric doesn’t let up. In fact, he squeezes even harder, twisting both hands at the same time, tweaking her nipples, pulling on them, stretching them out.

  Tory is moaning loudly and her body is starting to quiver but still she doesn’t let go of the belt.

  Likewise, Eric doesn’t let go of her nipples, pinching them between his fingers and turning them nearly 360 degrees before finally releasing them.

  Tory gasps at the sudden absence of pain, this time nearly dropping the belt from her mouth.

  He barely gives her a chance to recover before slapping down on one of her tits with and open hand. She grunts behind the belt. He slaps the other tit, eliciting another grunt.

  For the next minute or so he smacks the hell out of her tits, trading off, one and then the other, giving her just enough time to recover in between slaps that she feels the full force of every single blow.


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