Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun!

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Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun! Page 1

by C J Edwards


  Copyright © 2016 by C J Edwards


  Erotic Dreams on Kindle

  Adult Reading Material

  All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.

  A note from the author:

  Hey, if you like this story please leave me feedback at the end or on Amazon.

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  Marianne turned over and looked at the clock on her bedside table. It was two o’clock in the morning and she was nowhere near feeling sleepy. Her husband was snoring beside her after ‘playing Santa’ and the kids had exhausted themselves with excitement many hours ago.

  A noise downstairs caught her attention and she urgently poked Edward in the back. Christmas Eve was a prime time for burglars and she was not going to let them get away with Kellie and Ed Jnr’s new toys. With a disgusted harrumph at her lazy husband, she pulled on her fluffy slippers and silk kimono and cautiously made her way down stairs.

  “Ho! Ho! Ho! Hi Marianne and Happy Christmas!” The fat, jolly man certainly looked the part and the thirty-year-old wife and mother found herself smiling, despite herself.

  “Very funny! Now who is it? Is that you Steve?” She asked, referring to her joker of a brother.

  “Search your heart young lady,” Santa told her. “I think you know who I am.” He seemed to get closer and Marianne realised that was because she had closed the gap by walking towards him. “Now,” he continued. “Do you want to know why I’m here?”

  “Hmmm, let me see,” the young mother answered sarcastically. “To bring presents to my perfectly behaved children?”

  “Ho! Ho! Ho! You wouldn’t be talking to me if that was the only reason. I’m in and out in the blink of an eye for that duty. No, I’m here for Santa’s Christmas present.”

  “And what might that be?” Marianne’s hands were now defiantly on her hips.

  “Why you of course my dear,” Santa roared. “Have a look!”

  Marianne looked down at herself and saw to her complete shock that her night clothes had disappeared, to be replaced by a big silk ribbon, wrapped around her body and barely covering her modesty. She was not all ashamed of her sexy body and for good reason but she was well-brought up and quite shy. Her firm breasts pushed against the ribbon and she could see the outline of an erect nipple was very clear. The cool material against her sex indicated that her very obvious labia were also likely to be on display for this jolly fat man. “How, what, who? This is really inappropriate,” she stuttered. “…the children…!”

  Santa was now stood right inside her personal space and Marianne felt a hard nipple brush against the fur of the front of his coat. “Don’t worry about your family, they won’t wake,” he told her. “Every Christmas Eve my elves select a woman for me,” he explained. His gloved hand came up to cup her chin and raised her face towards his. “I have to say, they’ve chosen rather well.” His mouth closed on Marianne’s and she subconsciously parted her lips in response.

  The naïve housewife’s mind was now in turmoil. Fiercely faithful to her one and only love, she had never so much as hugged another man other than her dad and brother and here she was, willingly having her mouth probed by the tongue of a bearded myth. He broke off to let her breathe for a moment and she said the only thing she could think of. “But what about Mrs Christmas…?”

  “You don’t believe that story do you?” Santa smiled. “This year, you’re Mrs. Christmas!” His mouth closed back over Marianne’s and his gloved hand found her tits.

  Marianne forgot everything except the warm feeling spreading throughout her body. A firm hand on her shoulder pushed her downwards and it seemed the most natural thing in the world to drop to her knees in the family room and unzip Father Christmas. He unfurled in her hand and from that angle looked nothing like the old man he surely must be. His cock hardened under her glare and as it filled with blood; got bigger and bigger.

  Glug! Glug! Glug! In no time at all, the naughty housewife was deep throating Santa. Her dainty hand just reached around the base of his sturdy root but the bell end was still reaching well beyond her gullet and into her throat. As she enjoyed his powerful cock on her knees in the shade of her Christmas tree, the song I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus sprang into her mind and she began to giggle around St Nick’s meat.

  “That was a bit of a slip up on my part,” Santa chuckled, as though he could read her mind. “I don’t make many mistakes but that was a doozy!” He pulled his housewife to her feet and led her across to the dining table. “Up you go, my dear,” he lifted her by the waist and sat her down on the edge.

  The table top was cold against Marianne’s bare arse and made her all the more aware of her nakedness. She instinctively lay back on the hard wood and felt her thighs part of their own accord.

  Santa’s cock was certainly big and it felt enormous as he laid it against her slit. An almost indiscernible movement of his hefty hips lodged the helmet in her porch and then his trouser anaconda began to part her pussy as it wormed its way inside her.

  “Ohhh my Goddd!” Marianne began to howl. “You’re too big for me, take it out.”

  Santa chuckled his familiar jolly laugh. “Don’t make a fuss little girl,” he admonished. “You’ve popped two babies out of this pretty pussy. I’m sure you can manage my wee man!”

  “Your wee man!” Marianne bellowed, the veins popping out on her neck with the exertion. “You’re turning me inside out!”

  “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Santa Claus was now fully inside his Christmas present and he began to fuck her with a vigor that belied his apparent age.

  “Uh! Uh! Uh!” Marianne grunted out loud each time the jolly man dipped inside her. She shook her head and shut her eyes tightly as the pressure built inside her to dangerous levels.

  “She really is a prize. Look how her titties jiggle!” A high-pitched voice dragged her back from the depths of her pleasure and for a moment she thought her kids were awake. Her eyes shot open and she found herself staring into deep emerald irises.

  The rutting couple was surrounded by about ten odd looking people. About half the size of a human, they had innocent, naive faces but their bodies were anything but. The one who spoke was a female with almost cartoon-like dimensions. She reminded Marianne of Jessica Rabbit, with her exaggerated curves and huge, firm tits.

  Santa was now slamming into his mommy-slut but was barely raising a sweat. “Now you’ve met my elves,” he told her. “What do you think of them? They were specially designed by one of my horny forebears!”

  Marianne was barely in control of herself by now. Her breath was ragged and her mind was wandering. “You mean you have sex with them?”

  “Oh yes!” Santa reached across and tweaked the pretty elfish girl’s nipple. “I may only fuck a human woman once a year but my horny elves are always around!”

  The idea of the big fat man humping these petite little sexy creatures was enough to push Marianne over the edge. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Yeeees!” Her pussy convulsed around Santa and squeezed his cock.

  “That’s right my girl,” the old man crooned as his hips continued to slam into her. “Get that fertile
womb nice and ready for me, ‘cos Santa’s going to make a baby in you!”

  “Oh noooo!” Marianne was barely conscious but that got her attention.

  “Oh yeeeees!” Santa’s hips gave one last hammer blow and then he stopped dead. His cock pulsed and he emptied a seemingly endless supply of gloop inside the helpless housewife.

  It took a while for Marianne to get her breath and her wits back but then she leapt on to the attack. “What did you do?” Her tone was accusatory.

  Santa lifted his bulk from his latest conquest and zipped himself up. “I told you Marianne,” he said matter of factly. “I made a baby in you. Would you like me to explain?”

  Marianne said nothing so he continued anyway. “Every few years, my elves pick an extra-special woman for me to inseminate and continue the Santa line. You’ve been chosen to have one of my sons and in ten months’ time, there’ll be another little stocking over your fireplace for me to fill.”

  Marianne was now shocked. “You can’t…!”

  “Ho! Ho! Ho! Of course I can and I have! When I decide to retire, I will have my pick of heirs to choose from around the world!” Santa held out his hand and helped the well-fucked mommy to her feet. “It’s time for a ride in my sleigh now. Are you ready?” Still holding her hand, he walked Marianne towards the fireplace.

  In a blink of an eye, the confused young woman found herself high above the rooftops. She was undeniably in Santa’s sleigh. Looking over the mountain of presents, she could see the illuminated church steeple of her small town. And despite the snow on the ground and her state of undress, she didn’t feel at all cold.

  Santa stroked her cheek tenderly. “I’ve got to go to work now my dear but I have a wild night of entertainment planned for you!” Marianne went to move her arm and realised she couldn’t. Looking down, she saw the ribbons had been moved from her body to leave her completely naked and were now wrapped around her wrists and ankles; spreading her wide open and fully displaying her delicious slim body as she lay back against the gift mountain. She saw movement amongst the boxes and realised they were not alone again.

  First to speak was the elfish girl. “Can I go first Santa? Pleeeeease?” She begged like a spoilt child.

  “Ho! Ho Ho! Of course you can, Kiely. It’s your turn” Santa smiled and patted her on the head. “But before you have your fun, why don’t you introduce your brothers and sisters.”

  The little woman giggled, stood upright and let her simple green dress shimmer to the floor. Marianne had never had any sort of attraction for another woman but this creature was just, so… divine! Standing no more than three six, her firm, shapely breasts must have been at least a 34D. Her slim waist led to womanly hips and a cute, shaven pussy. She really was built for sex! She had no doubt she was going to taste her, but first… “Well,” tinkled Kiely, “let’s see who’s first!”

  “Me! Me!” The excitable lady-elf was a little less shapely than Kiely but just as luscious.

  Kiely’s laugh was tick the jingle of bells. “Well, this is my sister Mistletoe” she said. “She’s named after her favorite activity; she’s the most amazing kisser.” With a squeak, Mistletoe crawled over and lowered her juicy lips on Marianne’s.

  Marianne thought of resisting for just a moment and then she succumbed to the amazing feelings Mistletoe sparked within her. She felt little hands on her naked breasts as the long, pointed tongue thoroughly probed the inside of her mouth and set off tiny electrical sparks against her own tongue.

  The Boston housewife was in a daze when the elf finally broke away. “…And this is Tinsel,” Kiely continued. “She has rather a way with, erm, tinsel!” This female elf had jet black hair and pointy tits. She wrapped a length of silver tinsel from her waist, held it up for a moment then threw it towards their guest.

  Marianne watched in a stupor as the length of shiny wire hovered for a moment and then dropped over her chest, magically wrapping itself around her perfect 34B tits. The girl stepped forward and examined her work with no little satisfaction, patting the housewife’s swollen bosoms to emphasise how tender they had suddenly become.

  “My next sister is called Holly,” Kiely chimed. “See if you can see why!” The new elf had shocking pink hair. She crawled purposely up the woman’s body and found a nipple with her mouth.

  “Ah!” Marianne cried out in pain and indignation. “You bit me!”

  “That’ll be it,” Kiely laughed. “Now meet some of the boys. This is Nobby!” Marianne’s jaw hit her chest as she watched the man-dwarf slowly rubbing his cock as he looked meaningfully at her. His knob was so big it seemed to be half the length of his body.

  “And you have to meet Blitz,” Kiely continued. “Wanna see why he’s called that?” The nimble little man leapt up on to prow of the sleigh and then further still, so he was perched on the rump of a reindeer. He whipped his pecker out and rubbed it furiously for a few seconds. “Here we go!” Kiely laughed and Marianne watched in awe as a glob of cum launched from his cock, arched through the air and hit her straight between the eyes.

  “My God!” She cried out. “That must be twenty feet!”

  “Mmmm!” Kiely murmured. “Let me help you out with that!” Dropping to her knees, she licked the spunk from the housewife’s face and then tasted her lips briefly. Then she patted her cheek and crawled up between her parted thighs.

  When the girl’s tongue met her pussy lips, Marianne thought she had gone straight to heaven! All her prejudices went straight out of the non-existent window. That single touch, in an instant, reinvented her!

  Little Kiely licked Santa’s gloopy sperm out of Marianne’s box as the sleigh resumed its round the world trip. Looking over the edge as she writhed and moaned under the elfish girl’s ministrations, the horny housewife saw familiar landmarks come and go: New York, London, Moscow, Stockholm. They all seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Kiely wasn’t alone, however. A movement in the corner of Marianne’s eye revealed Nobby standing at her side with his cock in his hand once more. “Open up sweetheart,” he told her and pushed it against her lips.

  The obedient housewife opened without so much as a moment’s pause, but as the man elf pushed himself inside the warm cavern of her mouth, she almost regretted doing so. He was just so big, it hurt her jaw to stretch so wide open.

  The thick rubbery helmet hit the back of Marianne’s mouth and stopped dead just as it made her gag. The elf pushed a couple of times but to no avail; it just bumped up against her glottis; seemingly too big to get any further. The young woman reached up to grab the root of his cock and realised to her absolute astonishment that there was more outside her mouth than in.

  At that very moment, Kiely slid her tongue inside her human lover in a long, swiping motion that sent Marianne into orbit. Her back arched and her arse came off the sleigh just as far as her bonds would allow. Her mouth opened even wider around the muscular invader and she emitted a muffled scream.

  That was just the reaction the man elf needed. As Marianne opened her throat, he shoved as hard as his little body would allow and completely filled her throat.

  She liked to suck cock like the next girl but Marianne found swallowing that sword just a little too much. Her eyes were watering, the drool ran from the corner of her mouth and the snot from her nose. When he eventually withdrew his rock hard tool from her throat she was massively relieved and sucked down big lungsful of air. Her relief soon ran out though when she saw he was headed down her body.

  “Christ no!” Marianne cried out as the elf laid the tip of his cock against her pussy mouth. “You’re too big; you’ll split me in half!”

  “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Santa had reappeared on the sleigh. “That’s what they all say but Nobby’s very talented with that big root of his.” The big man selected his next sack of presents before continuing. “My Christmas present last year was a petite eighteen-year-old virgin who was so tight she could barely get her own finger in her slit. By the end of the night, Nobby and Buddy could get in that cunt togethe
r, side by side. She was as slack as an old leather purse by time we’d finished with her.”

  As Marianne listened to that story with disbelief, Nobby was working his way inside her with tiny movements of his hips. The huge, mushroom-like helmet spread her lips apart like the petals of a flower as he continued his mission. The pressure began to build to an almost unbearable intensity when Marianne’s attention was distracted again by two pairs of soft lips, clamping down on her erect nipples. Her pussy burned a little as the big cock burrowed inside her and she was fascinated by the sight of the little man crouched over her groin as he plumbed her depths. And then her field of view was blocked as Kiely swung her leg over the helpless woman’s head and Marianne tasted pussy for the first time.

  Time seemed to pass in slow motion as Marianne was used by the elves. Male or female, they all had a go at her. She sucked cock and ate pussy. A female elf called Glitter sprinkled some sort of fairy dust on her own body and had Marianne taste her – she thought she tasted like marzipan and mulled wine. Jingle had the biggest balls imaginable, hanging low and heavy. As he humped her they banged against her pussy and inner thighs, while his brothers and sisters sang Jingle balls. Jingle all the way…. An annoying little elf-man called Nick then squished mince pies thoroughly into her body and the little people feasted on it; immersing the frustrated woman in a tongue bath. Then Marianne was rolled on to her hands and knees to be spit roasted by two huge cocks. It seemed to the tired housewife that days had passed when the elves had finally had their fill, leaving her to collapse on the soft floor of the sleigh with cum running from her every hole.

  “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Santa roared. “That’s another Christmas delivery finished. Now where’s my present gone?” He spied the exhausted woman on the floor and patted his knee. “Come up on to my lap little girl and tell me what you’d like for Christmas.”

  Despite herself, Marianne got straight up and walked obediently over to the big man, stepping around him to sit on his thigh. “Not like that,” Santa roared with mirth and grabbed her arm to spin her around. Confused for just a minute as she was manhandled, her destination was soon apparent. Santa bent her over his knee.


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