Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun!

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Santa's Naughty Girls: A Trilogy of Xmas Sex Fun! Page 5

by C J Edwards

  Harriet had no idea how long she was crying for. Periodically she stopped and fruitlessly struggled again at her bonds, which just set off another deluge of waterworks. Eventually, she couldn’t cry any longer and just gave periodic little tugs against the leather. It was then that she realised—she was horny as hell! Each time she pulled against the bonds, she was tugging at her clit too! She closed her eyes and her head filled with strange and highly erotic images. She saw herself tied in that way at some sort of party where everyone was dressed in their finery except her; she was naked! She was fondled, spanked and eventually fucked. Each time she was touched her body reacted accordingly in real life, until, finally, there in the room, tied up on her own bed, Harriet came with an orgasm more powerful than anything she had ever experienced before. She arched her back; pressing her mons hard into the mattress and screamed an erotically charged scream: “Arrrrrgh!”

  Then she fell into a deep and dreamless sleep and when she woke the cuffs were undone. That morning, the twentieth of December, the pervy postie gave her a small box. It was a bottle of massage oil, plain and simple. There was a message with it though. Use sparingly to massage out those aches and strains! She shrugged and tossed it into her handbag before getting ready for work.

  The workday was relatively normal and she got on top of several outstanding projects before her first coffee. Marie was in the kitchen with a new girl that Harriet didn’t know at all. She was introduced as Rachel. Rachel was slim, dark and in her early twenties; also married if the rings on her finger could be relied upon. Since her lesbian experience in the toilets, she found she was looking at other women in a different way and she couldn’t help but notice that Rachel had a lovely pair of pert little tits. She realised quickly that the women were talking about a tennis injury.

  “I’ve just got some new massage oil that looks really good,” Harriet blurted out. “I used to be pretty good at sports massage, although it’s been a while.”

  “Really?” Rachel’s eyes lit up. “Would you mind sorting me out?”

  Harriet’s mind raced. She would love to sort this pretty young woman out! “Well, not here,” she said quickly. “You could come across to mine after work if you like?”

  “The bosses are all out from lunchtime,” Marie quickly interjected. “If you want to slip away in the afternoon, I could cover for you both!”

  Harriet exchanged a quick glance with the new girl. “Sure! Why not!”

  Harriet drove the two of them as they intended coming straight back and they decided the best place for the massage would be her bedroom as the rest of the house was cold at that time of the day. She tidied the room while Rachel relieved herself and set an upright chair in the middle of the room with a towel on the back.

  “All ready?” She asked when the younger woman walked in.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be!” Rachel had a tinge of nerves in her voice. The setting was overtly seductive and that probably made her a little anxious but she smiled confidently all the same.

  “Take your blouse off and sit down,” Harriet said as she got the oil out and poured a little into her palm.

  Harriet’s eyes widened as Rachel slowly unbuttoned. She was quite small breasted but she filled her bra remarkably well. Her bosoms were sort of pear shaped with no sag at all and her nipples were clearly puffy and erect, sticking straight through the cotton as she knew her own were. Her pussy immediately went soggy and she felt a solitary dribble of juice run down her inner thigh. Then, when her hands touched Rachel’s shoulders, her knees nearly buckled. She wanted this girl so much it actually hurt. Come what may, she had to have her!

  “Mmm! That’s so good,” Rachel moaned, biting her lip. “Touch me more!” Whether she meant it or not, Harriet took that as a green light. Her hands slipped lower and straight into the other woman’s bra, to cup those perfect tits. “Oh fuck, yes,” Rachel gasped and it was clear she was also completely under whatever Christmas spell was now driving Harriet.

  The bra came off and Rachel stood up, turning and catching Harriet’s face gently in her hands. “I’ve never been with a woman before,” she whispered. “Please show me how!”

  Harriet unclipped her bra to let those lovely tits out and then helped her to lie back on the bed, pulling off her slacks and knickers. The gorgeous young wife then lay naked and available with her hands up beside her head in a very submissive pose. Harriet just looked at her for a while, almost making love to the girl with just her eyes. She was a very beautiful young woman; slim with curves and the prettiest of pussies. The older woman took her by the feet and pushed her up the bed to bend her knees and then spread them open. As she did, her pussy opened too. The soft pink petals protruded through her neat black hair. “I’m all yours,” Rachel breathed. “Just fuck me!”

  Harriet took her time and made love to the girl in the gentle way only another woman could. She caressed her vibrant skin and tasted her nectar; slowly increasing the intensity of her attention until it acquired a momentum of its own. When she came, however, Rachel reciprocated in a far more physical way. She ate her hostess out until she came and then humped her with first two and then three fingers, making her writhe on the bed before she discovered Harriet’s new vibrator and brought her off again with that.

  After that orgasm, the young women lay naked in each other’s arms for a while and just talked about the amazing experience they had shared. Then Rachel’s roving hand found a big, firm tit and her mouth followed, sucking hard on Harriet’s long nipples. Then she moved down the soft, trembling body and swung her leg over the older woman’s head to allow them to feast on each other in a passionate sixty-nine.

  Rachel dressed and left after they had both spent that last time. She bent over Harriet’s exhausted body and squeezed her tits again as she snogged her slowly and deeply so the woman could taste her own juices. Then she left with an agreement to meet again.

  Harriet fell into an exhausted sleep and didn’t wake until post time the following morning.

  It was Friday and the last day of work before the Christmas break. The postman tried to get inside this time but Harriet was too quick for him and he got the door slammed in his face. The parcel was quite small and square and turned out to be a party game called Cards Against Virginity. She shrugged and threw it on to the sideboard. She had a drinks party at Marie’s that night. Despite the risqué title, the game was probably relatively tame and could be ideal for breaking the ice.

  Work was surprisingly mundane and nothing at all out of the ordinary happened, which was becoming a novelty for Harriet. She left early, along with everyone else and hurried home to a soak in the bath with a glass of fizz.

  Dressing was a bit of a difficult decision. This wasn’t an unusual state of affairs for Harriet but this one was especially tricky. She was going to an old friend’s house; that was how she regarded Marie now, but her husband was a complete stranger. And the occasion was awkward too. It was kind of informal but Christmas made it formal, at least in Harriet’s mind! In the end, she settled for her trusty little black dress with a lacy bra and knicker set and strappy sandals.

  Marie answered the door and hugged her friend before showing her in and then introduced her to her husband, Isaac. And Harriet nearly fell off her heels. He was the biggest, blackest man she had met in her life, fully six foot five and built like the proverbial brick shit house! He took her hand in his giant paw and greeted her and she couldn’t help but shake in his embrace.

  Dinner was delicious and the company was great, although the conversation was helped along by quite a lot of wine and Harriet felt a little wobbly when she got up to go to the loo. When she got back, Marie had already cleared the table and the couple were waiting for her in the lounge. “What shall we do now?” Marie’s question was innocent enough but she had a twinkle in her eye.

  “Oh! I’ve got a party game here!” Harriet dug into her back and produced the cards, not seeing the odd glance that flashed between the married couple when they saw the t

  They sat together on the three seater, with Harriet in the middle and she dealt out the cards. It all started innocently enough with fairly innocuous confession questions about their previous relationships. Then Harriet was dealt an action card and it suddenly got real!

  Pull your dress down to below your bra and continue as if everything was normal! She gulped. That was a bit much under the circumstances but she was nothing if not a trooper. Gulping a mouthful of wine, Harriet unzipped a little at the back, dropped the spaghetti straps off her arms and let the front of her dress drop, so her very full bra was on display to the couple. She blushed a little and dealt the next card.

  Isaac chuckled. “Oh, excuse me,” he said and dropped his card on to the table where Harriet could read it: Turn to the lady on your left. Caress her breasts and kiss her passionately! He got right on it. Turning Harriet’s face towards him with a gentle hand, his thick tongue slid into her mouth and preoccupied her for a moment, until she felt his strong fingers massaging her firm tits.

  “My turn,” Marie cried and threw her card down: Turn to the lady on your right. Caress her pussy and kiss her passionately! Her hand slid up Harriet’s skirt and she kissed her even more hungrily than her husband had.

  “Oh God!” Harriet gasped out loud. “I had no idea you were in to girls, Marie!”

  “You neither,” her older colleague chuckled. “When I saw you at it in the ladies at work, I was adamant I was going to get in your pants and Isaac always likes to watch and take part!”

  Harriet’s next card was about as explicit as it could be and within a minute she was completely naked and on her knees as Isaac tried to get his monster sized cock in her mouth.

  Marie knelt beside her and squeezed her tits as Harriet fellated her husband. “When you’ve brought me off, I have a surprise for you, darling. As you were so serious about anal, I’ve offered your cherry to Isaac as his Christmas present. I can’t wait to see your sweet face as he pops you!”

  Harriet gulped and felt that big dong in her throat as Marie’s long fingers found her clitty once more. It was going to be a long night!

  The next morning, Harriet woke in her own bed but had no recollection of getting there! It was the damned door again! She opened it to the leering postman, grabbed the parcel and went straight back to bed, falling asleep for another hour.

  When she woke, she showered and then opened the box to find it was some sort of fishnet body stocking. Curious, she put it on and looked in the mirror. She had to say it was the horniest effect ever. Her big tits and blonde pussy were showcased beautifully and she noticed the crotch was wide open. It was evidently designed for fucking. She picked up her hairbrush and as she did her hair in the mirror, she couldn’t take her eyes off herself. She just looked so horny!

  Then the doorbell rang again. Huffing and puffing at being disturbed, Harriet quickly pulled on her silky robe and went back down stairs again. To her surprise it was that postman again.

  “Hey, Mrs Turner,” he began. “I forgot to get you to sign…!” Then he stopped dead and Harriet followed his eyes to where her robe had slipped to reveal half a big tit in its fishnet covering. “Fuck, you are one horny milf,” he exclaimed and then, after looking over his shoulder in a theatrical fashion, stepped forward with his hand in the middle of her chest to push her back inside and slammed the door behind him.

  “What the hell…!” Harriet’s protest was cut short as he ripped her robe off her shoulders and pulled her against his hard body, closing his lips over hers. She felt his hand on her arse, lifting her and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, allowing him to carry her into her dining room and drop her on the edge of the table. She heard a loud unzipping and then one hand on her neck and another on the small of her back press her on to him. Her legs spread wide open and he was suddenly inside her. He was big but she was very wet and he slid in with no difficulty at all.

  The coupling was fast and animalistic. Harriet grunted little piggy noises as he humped her and they came together. The postman left a good-sized load in her pussy, kissed her and left her spread across her table and overcome with lust.

  Harriet spent most of the rest of the day wanking!

  The next day was the twenty-third and Harriet woke early for a change. She wore her usual robe but got a good breakfast before the postman arrived. She knew he would expect to get some more – men were predictable in that way. She wanted to be ready to reject him firmly.

  To her surprise he didn’t come alone. There was a younger man with him of about Harriet’s own age and they had an enormous box with them. “We have to bring this in and set it up for you,” he said with a cheeky glint in his eye.

  That took the wind out of her sails. “What the hell is it?” She was more than a little curious but tried not to show it.

  “It’s a Sybian,” the postie said with a big grin.

  “A what-ian?”

  “You’ll see,” he chuckled and they lifted the box and pushed her aside to get in. “I take it your bedroom is upstairs?”

  “Why the hell does it need to be in my bedroom?” She tried to sound annoyed but really was more inquisitive than anything.

  “You’ll see,” he said again.

  It was not like anything Harriet had ever seen before; sort of a saddle shaped cushion with an attachment in the centre and a remote attached to it by wire. “What the hell is it?” She asked the same question again but had a sneaking suspicion she knew.

  “It’s a sex machine,” the postman confirmed. “We need to show you how it works before we leave.” He produced a knobbly piece of soft rubber and pressed it over the attachment point. “This is a blank,” he said. “I figured you wouldn’t want to be sitting on a dildo in front of us!”

  “You figured right,” she snapped coldly and let herself be led to stand over the device and then kneel.

  The second she made contact with it, Harriet realised she had made a mistake. Firstly, she had no knickers on under her nightie and secondly, that piece of rubber pressed firmly against her clit. She tried to get up only to be held in place by a strong arm on her shoulder. Then, a moment later, a knob was turned and she was in heaven.

  “Ohhhhhh!” Harriet voiced her ecstatic pleasure. She came almost instantly; the pleasure was so intense. She was vaguely aware of her robe and nightie being removed and then a fat cock was presented to her lips, which she willingly sucked upon.

  “I see what you mean about her tits,” she heard the younger man say. “Just look at the way they wobble. Can I fuck her?” Her tits certainly were wobbling in time with the vibrations from the machine and the thrusts of the postman, but Harriet did not feel inclined to do anything about it. It felt too good! She noticed that the men discussed her body and its availability between themselves, which she found a little odd but was in no position to intervene.

  “Why do you think we’re here,” the postman replied to his mate. “Wait ‘til she’s sucked me off and then you can fuck her for as long as you want.” Harriet lost count of the number of orgasms she enjoyed; first on the Sybian and then riding those virile cocks.

  Christmas Eve arrived and the postman was out manoeuvred. Harriet grabbed the parcel and slammed the door in his face before scurrying back to her bedroom. This one was big, square and heavy. She removed the parcel wrap and found that this time there was a note on the outside of the Christmas paper:

  Open at midnight on Christmas Day!

  She showered and started to dress before getting distracted by the Sybian. Then the day just degenerated into something of a masturbation fest before she fell into bed exhausted.

  Harriet woke in the middle of the night and saw from the flashing clock face that it was ten to twelve. She went for a pee and when she got back was surprised to see all of her presents laid out on a freshly made bed with the latest one in the middle. She ripped off the paper and opened the heavy box to find it contained a thick strap of shiny leather with a buckle. It was quite heavy but very
supple and had red velvet on the inside. She lifted it in both hands and read the gold engraved letters that ran its entire length: Santa’s Little Plaything! It was quite clear where it was to go, so, with trembling hands, Harriet firmly buckled it around her neck.

  Then she was no longer alone. “Come here, little one,” Santa boomed. “We have all night to play and Christmas night is as long as I want it to be!”

  Harriet walked over with shaky legs. All was now clear; she was Santa’s slut… and things would never be the same again!


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  They include:


  Steve was a complete failure with women. The twenty-year-old plasterer was not well endowed, either physically or in the way he related with women. And then a meeting in an alley saw him make a deal that would change his life. A short stay in an alien spacecraft left him improved in all respects, he was able to bed any woman he met within moments of meeting her! He was enhanced in other ways too!


  Lauren, the horsey-looking English girl, was now the newest recruit in a Texan pony ranch. Restrained and transformed in a tight-fitting pony suit, she was tethered to a rail in her stall and used relentlessly throughout the night. Now her first proper day of training begins and she is determined not to disappoint her Master.


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